Thursday, January 6, 2011


For several weeks now Sylvia has started to cry when she has to go to the toilet instead of asking to go. The reasons are inexplicable to us. Eugene's temperature is fluctuating. He is getting argyrol packs. Lillian as the old witch comes on a broomstick and changes Eugene into an elephant, the packs being tusks. When the time is up she comes as the good fairy with her magic wand and transforms him into the fairy prince. Steel workers have rescheduled a national strike. Jan. 14 with Pres. Truman naming fact finding commissions for auto and steel. American policy for Germany is for three stages 1. Germany to help the liberated countries 2. revival of industry sufficient to pay for imports and reparations 3. standard of living to equal the rest of Europes (this step in 1948). The Sophoulis gov't is retreating before reaction in Greece. The A.C.W. has won 20 to 31% wage increases. The "May Bill" to ban labor political action and outlaw striking unions as collective bargaining agents has been barely beaten in the "House". The "Hurley" hearing has ended with his charges repudiated by implication. Stayed home from work today with a cold. Jews are fleeing Polands Anti-semitism. Gen. Dutra is the new Brazilian President with over 2,900,000 votes. Gen. Gomes over 1,800,000 Communist candidate Fiuza over 480,000. 

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