Monday, February 1, 2021


 Apr 11 [Sunday, although dad didn't note it] Lil and Sylvia went to the "Grand" to see Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in "The Long Long Trailer". These are the current television comedy favorites. Also 'Tennessee Champ' with Shelley Winters. Eugene and I saw the Dodger Yankee game on television. 

Apr 12 "Country" Slaughter, outstanding star of the St Louis Cards for years broke into tears when he learned he had been traded to the Yankees for four rookies at the age of 38. He excoriated his former club for lack of sentiment. 

Apr 13 Lillian opened a checking account today. F.H.A. chief Guy Hollyday was ousted in an investigation of housing frauds totalling millions of dollars. J.R. Oppenheimer, director of the making of the first atom bomb has been suspended as a security risk. He has been investigated several times and has been under surveillance for months. Senator Dwight Griswold is dead at 60. 

Apr 14 The N.Y. Drama Critics Circle chose "The Teahouse of the August Moon" as the best American play. "Ondine" is best foreign play and "The Golden Apple" is the best musical. 

Apr 15 Top scientists rallied to the defence [sic] of Dr Oppenheimer, atomic scientist suspended as a security risk. 

Apr 16 The kids went to the Valentine to see "Heidi" and several shorts. They enjoyed the show. 

Apr 17 We had the family here for Passover supper. Mom, pop, Lil, Harry and the kids. Milton (Seth had an ear infection) Molly and Sam, Mike Evelyn and Isabel, Tante Blume & Abe. We had gefilte fish, soup with knaydloch, chicken, meat and kugel. We played some cards later Molly, Sam, sister Lil, Mom, Uncle Abe and I. The kids played scrabble, Hi-Q, drew, played piano, etc. It rained all day.