Monday, December 27, 2021


Sept 26 Sunday Eugene was better but stayed home while the rest of us went driving with mom and Molly & Sam. We visited the Cross County shopping center then home for supper. We then looked at pictures and television. 

Sept 27 Eugene stayed home as the holidays are coming. He drew "Jack Davis, Forward" by Leon E Burgoyne, "How to Hit" Johnny Mize, "The Black Tanker" H. Pease, "Switch Hitter" D. Decker, "Arizona Anne" Zane Grey. We went to Molly & Sam's for Yontiff Milton, Shirley & Seth being there also. We had a delicious supper then watched television. 
1000 died in a Japanese typhoon which capsized a ferry. Colonel Raymond Robins is dead at 81. Ralph [sic] Spooner made it 27 S.O.s in his first two major league starts - a record. 

Dad did start a new paragraph in the middle. Don't know why dad got the first name (Karl) wrong. 
Sept 28 We went to mother's for dinner. Lil Harry and the kids also there. Edith and Stevie dropped in. Also Taubie and Peggy Ann. All the kids except Eugene went downstairs. Eugene won a chess game from pop. A Senate Committee recommended that the Senate censure McCarthy for abuse of a Senate Elections Committee, five Senators and Gen. Zwicker. 

Sept 29 Sylvia went to the library with Norma and drew "Hollywood Star" and "Prima Ballerina" both by G. Malvern, "Run Away Home" E. Lyon, "Catchpenny Street" E. Headley, "Friday's Child" J. Lambert and "Emily of Deep Valley" M.H. Lovelace. Bert Lytell is dead at 69, James Street at 50 and Sen. McCarran at 98. 
Sept 30 Eugene returned to school. 

Oct 1 Hunter College dismissed three professors who refused to give information on their former comrades. They were McGill, Hughes and Wisner [sic]. 

Oct 2 Sylvia went to the Fordham with a new classmate, Sherry P. They saw "King Richard and the Crusaders" with Rex Harrison & Virginia Mayo. Also "The Bounty Hunter" with Randolph Scott. Former Rep Robert Doughton is dead at 90. Integration [?] of the Supreme Court's decision against segregation met with parent riots in Delaware and West Virginia. 
The box scores of the World Series, which ended on 10/2, were glued in here with some commentary on it, and other baseball season happenings. 


Sunday, December 5, 2021


Sept 19 Sunday It rained all day and we were in. Eugene's temp ranged from 99.5° to 101°. His throat bothered him. We read, did puzzles, played some games, listened to radio and television. 

Sept 20 Eugene's highest temp today was 101°.

Sept 21 Eugene's highest temp today was 100°. Lillian went to 'Science' and got some of his books and assignments. 

Sept 22 Eugene's temp. was normal today and he was up and about. I went driving with pop and had my directional repaired by Mike. 

Sept 23 Eugene returned to school today. However the cold started to come out of his nose and at night he had 101.5° He got ...

A box score was taped in here, just at the top, so that what is under it could be read. Dad wrote the significance of the box score on it. 

Sept 24 Eugene remained home again today. His temp went down to normal and he was out of bed. 

Sept 25 Eugene's temp was 100°. He was up and around all day and feeling well. I drove with pop. The Steel Union banned communists as members.

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Sept 12 Sunday We went over to see mom and pop, walking along the reservoir. We had supper, looked at pictures. 

Sept 13 Sylvia started her first term at E.B.B. (Everything But Boys) Jr. H.S. She is in 7SP1 having made the S.P. class. Room #402 Official & Math teacher Mrs. Donovan, Core, Science, Shop,Gym, Hygiene, H-M Library. Eugene went to the main building at "Science" for the first time. He is in Class 3-9 Room 113. Official teacher Mrs Kaplan Subjects - Physics, Social Studies, Math, English, Spanish, S.T.L. Hygiene, Swimming, Music. 

Bronxites know that E.B.B. was officially Elizabeth Barrett Browning Jr. H.S. "S.T.L." was Science Techniques Lab. 

Sept 14 Pop and I picked up our car today. Then we called for Lil and I practised [sic] driving for an hour. In parking I backed into a hydrant and broke the back-up light. Eugene came home and complained his throat hurt. He had 103° fever. It was 101° after Lil treated it. 

Sept 15  We called Dr Holzman this morning as Eugene's temp. went down to 97°. The doctor diagnosed an ulcerated pharynx. Eugene got acromycin [sic] tablets, gargle, swab with gentian violet. 
Pop and I went out in the car for two hours. I drove in traffic, then practised broken U turns, parking making progress. 
Dad did start a new paragraph in the middle. 
Sept 16 Eugene's temp. shot up to 104° yesterday and he was quite ill and uncomfortable. Lil gave him his tablets throughout the night. In the morning he was much better and his temp under 100°.  
Sept 17 We all went driving this afternoon for the first time with pop at my side of course. We drove to the "Adventurers" where the kids played a few machines while we had hot dogs. 

Sept 18 Eugene didn't feel well this morning and went back to bed. When his temp rose to 103° Lil called Dr Holzman. He said it was a relapse with Eugene's throat looking a little worse but nothing else affected. He gave Eugene a penicillin shot this time and ordered the acromycin again. I went driving with mom and pop. Rocky Marciano remained the Undefeated heavyweight champ by K.O.'ing Ezzard Charles in the 8th round. Frank Erne is dead at 79.

Sunday, October 10, 2021


Sept 5 Sunday We went to Woodlawn by cab Molly and Sam meeting us there. The kids played tennis then I played a little with each. Eugene's backhand is beginning to develop. The kids entertained with songs they learned in camp. Al Shakhet took us home. Chinese Communist attacks on Quemoy Island Formosa resulted in the death of two U.S. officers. Prof. Irwin Edman is dead at 57. 

Sept 6 Labor Day I played both kids at St James this morning and both showed improvement. Lil brought over fruit and milk & cookies and stayed till 2 o'clock when we went home to see the National Singles. Soviet jets downed a U.S. plane off Siberia. One man was lost. We visited the Rosenberg's tonight seeing their six room house for the first time. Bobby and Eugene played in the basement. Sylvia & Danny sat with the older people. 

Sept 7 Eugene played tennis with Larry in the morning and went over to them to play in the afternoon. We financed our auto at Nat'l City Bank making $1600 [?] loan, getting $1550 and payable $70 per month for two years. Lawrence Perry is dead at 78. Forest Hills V. Seixas d R. Hartwig 3-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-4. D. Hart d L. Brough 6-8, 6-1, 8-6. Hart & Seixas d M.O. duPont & Rosewall 4-6, 6-1, 6-1. Seniors - D Freed d W. Maxwell. 

Because the page is torn, the amount of the car loan is not clear. 

Sept 8 Eugene played tennis with Larry again and some doubles with two boys they knew. Lil and the kids had lunch with Madeline and her mother and sister who came up from Bklyn. Eugene and Paul played chess. I arranged for the Automobile insurance with E.M. Apata [?]. Pop Warner is dead at 83 and "Bud" Fisher at 69. We both read "Doctor Dan" (Daniel Hale Williams) Helen Buckler. 

Sept 9 Lil & I went to Fordham and among other things bought Sylvia a loose leaf binder $4. Eugene played tennis with Larry. A S.E. Asia eight nation collective defense treaty was signed allying the East and the West. Dr Curtis Wilbur is dead at 87. 

Glued in here is a picture of us, with the caption "Eugene & Sylvia at Woodlawn Rock Sept 54". I did a little bit of picture editing, to make us more visible. The diary entry was written around the picture. 

Sept 10 We got the Auto check from Nat'l City Bank. Sylvia drew "Binnie Latches On" Marie McSwigan, "A Place for Ann" P. Whitney, "Glory Be!, "Up Goes the Curtain" and "Cinda" all by Janet Lambert. Eugene drew "Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction" Boucher & McComas, "Heritage of the Desert" Zane Grey, "The End of the World" K. Heuer, "Famous American Athletes of Today" H Molter, "Stars in the Making" Cecilia Payne-Goposhkin. Sylvia and Norma went to the Kingsbridge to see the revival of "Gone With The Wind" . They were very lukewarm about it. Deputy Chief Inspector Louis Goldberg quit the police force after being demoted for enforcing the law against bingo games. About 1000 were killed in an Algerian earthquake. 

Sept 11 Norma slept over here tonight while Jerry and Madeline went to see Joyce off to Alfred U. Andre Derain is dead at 74. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021


Aug 29 Sunday We went to Woodlawn where I played some tennis with Sylvia who showed improvement since her stay in camp. We met Manny R. & Irving Moser who told of many former players at Crotona. Mom and pop called for us and took us home. Harry Goode & Molly were in the car. 

Dad had told us he grew up playing tennis at Crotona Park. 

Aug 30 Mom and pop took Lil and me to Ford Inwood where we were on the verge of signing for a car but a mis-understanding killed the deal. Lil & Sylvia went for Eugene Luis Taruc surrendered "Red" rebel leader got 14 years imprisonment. Lil & Sylvia called for Eugene. The kids thought each other had grown and conversed on the way home. Struthers Burt is dead at 71. 

Aug 31 Eugene played piano this morning. Sylvia plays jacks almost continuously. They played Monopoly together. France killed the European Defense Community when the Assembly voted down E.D.C. 319-264. Cardinal Schuster is dead at 74.

Sept 1 The verdict on the Army-McCarthy dispute put the blame on both sides. A hurricane raked many Eastern states. About 60 were killed and $500,000,000 damages were suffered. Sen Maybank is dead at 55. Sylvia drew "Star Spangled Summer" Janet Lambert, "Joan takes a Bow" Nora Benson, "A Sundae with Judy" Frieda Friedman, "Boarding School" R. Woody, "Sensible Kate" Doris Gates, "Gloria, Ballet Dancer" G. Malvern. Eugene drew "Worlds in Collision" I. Velikovsky, "West of Pecos" Zane Grey, "My Partner, Ben Hogan" Jim Demaret, "Mr Fullback" W.C. Gault, "Hornblower and the Atropos" C.S. Forester. 

Sept 2 We all went to see the Chevrolet DeLuxe at Kotters tonight. Then we got Eugene shoes at Tom McCann's $8. Eugene and I went to see "Dial M for Murder" at the Lido with Grace Kelly and Ray Milland. Also "The Miami Story". Lil and Sylvia who had seen the picture went home. Bert Acosta is dead at 59. 

Sept 3 Sylvia and Norma went to the Fordham where they saw "Susan Slept Here" with Dick Powell and Debbie Reynolds and "Gun Story" with Rock Hudson and Donna Reed. Meanwhile Lil Eugene and I put down a $25  deposit on a DeLuxe Chevrolet, fully Equipped, power glide, four door - $1840. No warranty, at Kotter Bros. 181st & Jerome Ave. Eugene and I played some tennis afterwards. 

"power glide" was the transmission; it did not have power steering, a nuisance when I learned to park with that car

Sept 4 We went to the Polo Grounds on Ladies Day to see the Giants Dodgers game. Eugene and Sylvia both kept score. Lil was very enthusiastic over the Giants rallies. We had ice cream, soda, hot dogs, peanuts. Death for peacetime espionage was enacted. Eugene Pallette is dead at 65. 

I remember that our seats were in the upper deck in deep right field, a long way from home plate. The box score was taped in here, and he wrote over the top of the tape; unlike other things taped in, it was attached only at the top, so you have to flip it up to read the next entry. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 Aug 22 Sunday We went out to the Boy Scout camp today with mom and pop. Eugene was fine and in good spirits. He had earned two merit badges and was working towards three more. Judge Peter Schmuck is dead at 80. 

Aug 23 Beat Herb Levitt. Judge Peter Schmuck is dead at 80. 

Aug 24 Split with Zalazny. Eisenhower vetoed the 5% pay rise bill. Lil visited Molly and saw Sam also. 

It seems that Eisenhower used the "pocket veto", which may be why dad reported it earlier on 8/21.

Aug 25 We went out with pop to Ford on Fordham Road and got an estimate on a Fordor sedan. Eisenhower signed the bill outlawing the C.P. President Vargas of Brazil committed suicide at 71 when deposed by the Army after a political opponent had been assassinated. Violent demonstrations followed his death. Lillian read "The Adventures of Augie March", Saul Bellows. We both read Dr Cronin's "Adventure in Two Worlds" and Sidney Franklin's Autobiography. 

"Fordor" was apparently part of the name of some Fords. 

Aug 26 I gave Lillian a box of candy. Sylvia had bought her a pin before she left for camp which she had hidden in the closet. Lil went down to the "Y" and picked up Sylvia who arrived home from camp about 2 PM. They then went to mothers seeing Lil and the kids and Ida. Rachel had also been there. I paid Dr Robbins $23 for two double cavities, xrays & cleaning. 

This was mom's birthday.

Aug 27 Mom and pop took me to Ford's in Yonkers where the price quoted was no better than in Fordham. Sylvia played with Norma. 

Aug 28 The old I.L.A. was certified as the bargaining agent for the dock workers over the A.F.L. Nat Holman was re-instated to the City College staff. The Board of Ed. had deposed him in March. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021


 Aug 15 Sunday to Aug 20, Friday We left 10 AM on our driving trip to Niagara Falls, Cape Cod, Syracuse and visits to the kids in camp. Today we saw Sylvia in Quannacut Camp, Pine Bush. She was in fine spirits. We stopped at the American Switzerland Motel in Roscoe where mom found small ants had gotten in our food in the morning. Monday we got to Niagara Falls, crossed to Canada, and stopped at Mrs Daley's Tourist Home. We saw the beautiful spectacle of the falls under colored lights. Tuesday back to the U.S. side and viewed the falls close up - a breathless sight. We got to Syracuse and Sadie's about 7 P.M. where we were received with hospitality. We saw Mrs Kreuger, Sadie as ever, Bernie paunchy and composed, Fredi - husky, Arline - thin, Robert - a rascal. We had supper slept over and left after breakfast. This evening we stopped right in the village of Sturbridge, Mass, "Ye Olde Homestead" where the trucks rolling by kept us up some of the night. Thursday we reached Cape Cod, stopping at the Casa Brazil in Provincetown. We saw the Provincetown Playhouse, beaches, art in the store windows, shopped in the gift shops, saw the Pilgrim monument, etc. Friday we travelled [sic] all day and made New York by 8 o'clock 350 miles. On the trip we had breakfast and suppers out but ate lunch in picnic areas. 

This trip was one day after his final driving lesson? Dad doesn't say when he got his driver's license or, for that matter, when we actually got the car (a 1954 Chevrolet). He says they were visiting "the kids in camp", but nothing about a visit to me. Also, this was the first diary entry where he referred to his wife as "mom", probably because they were visiting their daughter. 

Aug 17 The "House" voted to outlaw the C.P. 305-2

Aug 20 Dr De Gasperi is dead at 73. 

Aug 21 We saw a delightful comedy "Genevieve" at the Valentine with John Gregson and Dinah Sheridan. Also, "Glory at Sea". Eisenhower vetoed the pay rise bill

The bill which was vetoed was for a pay rise for federal employees, which included Dad, a postal worker. Hence the red ink, for significance.

Monday, September 20, 2021


Aug 8 Sunday Pop took us, Molly & Sam and Madeline & Jerry to Woodlawn where I split with Levitan. I won a chess game from pop. Molly had a back-ache but sat and chatted with Lil & Madeline. Jerry worked on my baseball puzzles after the ball games. In the "Mile of the Centruy" Roger Bannister defeated John Landy with a 3:58.8. 

Aug 9 I took my first driving lesson. ...

Aug 10 ... Eugene has won 50¢ on an astronomy bet and is taking merit badges in astronomy, camping and cooking, Vito Marcantonio is dead at 51. Terry, Dickey, Bobby Wallace, Tom Connolly, Ed Barrow, Chief Bender, Rabbit Maranville, Billy Klem and Harry Wright were inducted into the Hall of Fame. 

This list seems to include 1953 inductees (but not all of them) into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

The following box score was glued in on this date; Dad wrote "New record of 13 runs in an eighth inning".


Aug 11 ... Dr Bryn J Hovde is dead at 58. 

Aug 12 ... But Eugene would like to go home earlier. Only one of the boys in his bunk is nice. Agnes Rothery is dead at 67. 

Aug 13 The mail was good today from both kids. Lil and Molly went to visit Shirley today. The Senate voted 85-0 to outlaw the C.P. 

Aug 14 I took my last lesson today at the Lexington Auto School.

Saturday, September 18, 2021


August 1 Sunday Temp yesterday 96.3 Eugene was all right. Mom and pop came over, had dinner and we went for a ride to Westchester County. We got a card from Sylvia saying she loved camp.

August 2 Lil took Eugene down to the bus at 167 st and came back to join me in an empty house. ...

A box score was glued in here. Dad wrote "Saturday game in which Adcock hit 4 home runs and double, setting new record of 18 total bases. 

August 3 ... A new Guatemalan uprising forced President Armas to disband his "Liberation Army". Communists however are not in the revolt. 

August 4 Lil and I went over to the park at Gunhill Road. Molly had a back-ache so we had to go up to see her, but Sam came down and sat with pop and us. When mom was through we went up and had supper with her and pop. Bess Streeter Aldrich is dead at 73 and Colette at 81.   

August 5 ... I got my learner's permit today. Lillian went downtown to Macy's Ohrbachs etc. with Paula P. They looked mainly at dinette sets. 

August 6 ...

August 7 ... Molly & Sam came over for lunch and we spent the day with canasta, puzzles, readings, radio, television, etc. I beat Mac Cohen in the morning. Emilie Dionne is dead at 20 of an epileptic stroke.

Friday, September 17, 2021


July 25 Sunday Mom and pop took us over to Woodlawn. Later pop came back and lost a chess game to Eugene. Mom and Sadie also came back with pop and just caught Al & Edith and the kids who were driving away. Danny is extremely quiet but adorable. Debby is an independent little devil who wanders all over and comments on everything. She wore out everyone going to the water fountain. I lost a chess game to Al and beat Warren B. at tennis and played with both kids. Eugene also played with Carol Buhr. 

July 26 Eugene went to Dr Holzman's for his pre-camp check-up. Lillian had to stay home to wait the truckmen for Sylvia's trunk. Sylvia went swimming. William MacLeod Raine is dead at 83. Lillian read "A Cry of Children" J.H. Burns. We both read "A [sic] Doctor Looks at Life" P.J. Steincrohn. 

July 27 Sylvia went swimming, then we went to the library where Sylvia drew "By-Line for Josie" R Saffron, "Where the Heart Is" J. Lambert, "New Worlds for Josie" K. Worth, "The Treasure in the Little Trunk" H.F. Orton. Eugene drew "New Tales of Space and Time" R.J. Healy, "Introduction to Astronomy" R.H. Baker, "I, Robot" I. Asimov and "Wildfire" Zane Grey. U.S. in retaliation for China's downing of an Amer. plane, brought down two Chinese planes which attacked U.S. searchers for survivors of the first attack. 

July 28 Sylvia went to the library again to return an overdue book and drew "The News is Good" Marie McSwigan, "Ballet Shoes" N Streatfeild
I played tennis with Eugene. 
It looks like Dad left space for more books drawn from the library. 

July 29 Lil and Eugene went down to the 'Y' at 53rd st to see Sylvia off for Camp ... Eugene gave Sylvia his ball point pen in a generous gesture. ... I tied with Gene Zalazny at St James. Last night Lil and the kids went over to Sam & Molly to say good-bye. They also saw mom and pop. Mary Church Terrell is dead at 92 and Jim Bagby at 64. Eugene played ball with Larry. 

July 30 Eugene went to Jones Beach with the Rubinsteins. He had a wonderful time, but came back with an earache. 

July 31 We called Dr Holzman as Eugene said his ear hurt when he blew his nose. He had no temp. Dr Holzman told us to put glycerine in his ear and watch his temp.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


July 18 Sunday The kids and I went down to the reservoir. Sylvia rode her bike. Eugene and I had a catch with our hard ball. We then did the double-crostic for a while. 

July 19 We took the kids to the annual Gershwin concert at the stadium. We came at 7 PM to make sure we got in but the very threatening weather kept people away and we were among the first in (30¢ seats). Sylvia managed to tolerate the concert and Eugene said he enjoyed it. We had ice cream sodas after the performance. 

Interesting that he says "the stadium". It was Lewisohn Stadium, and I remember the concert, but not whether I really enjoyed it. And the program was taped in over this entry. 


July 20 We went to Lil's with mom and pop for Peggy's sixth birthday. We brought a piece of wearing apparel and a golf game. Most of us played golf on the lawn.

July 21 Eugene played tennis with Larry then went to the Yankee game with him. Sylvia went to the Walton pool with Susan. Roy Cohn resigned as chief counsel to the McCarthy subcommittee. France and the Vietminh signed an armistice in Indochina ending the eight year war. Vietnam will be divided into two equal parts. Maureen Connolly smashed her leg while horseback riding and will be unable to defend her title at Forest Hills. Ex-Senator Blair Moody is dead at 52.

July 22 Sylvia went swimming then went downtown with Lil to be examined by the "Y" doctor. Eugene played ball with Larry in the afternoon. I beat W. Burd at St James.  

July 23 Mildred W. took Lil and the kids to Wilson's [sic] Woods where they had a nice time swimming and bathing. 

July 24 We went to Tibbetts Brook today and had a nice time. First we ate on a hillside, then swam and bathed in the pool. Eugene swam a few strokes for the first time. Sylvia showed off her prowess including the 'dead man's float'. Homeward we walked the two miles to the #4 bus and picked strawberries on the way which Lil made into jam. 

The Yankee game we went to on the 21st was glued (not taped) in here, and the last two entries were written around it. Dad wrote "(the game Eugene saw)" under it. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021


July 11 Sunday Pop took us to Woodlawn. Sam, Molly, Jane and Mike also came over. I played tennis with the kids and also beat Phil Diamond. The kids played with each other. Eugene also played with another boy. 

July 12 Lillian called Dr Holzman and found she had a spastic gall bladder. Sylvia went swimming at Walton with Susan Kaufman. We both read "Trial Judge" Bernard Botein and "Strange Lands and Friendly People" W. O. Douglas. Lillian got Sylvia a blouse, material for blouses, shoes. The painter plastered our living room, bath room and our bedroom ceilings. 

July 13 Sylvia went swimming again with Susan. I went to Dr Robbins. Sylvia got a bathing suit. 

July 14 Sylvia went swimming again. I played tennis with Eugene. Grantland Rice is dead at 73, Irving Pichel at 63 and Bennett Champ Clark at 64. 

The box score of the MLB All Star Game was taped in here, without any comment; the game was played on July 13. 

July 15 Lillian felt badly this morning but improved later. Sylvia went swimming again while I had a catch with Eugene. Jacinto Benaventi [sic] is dead at 87. 

July 16 Played tennis with Eugene then lost a set to Paul Abrams. Lil and the kids went to the Paradise to see "Executive Suite" with Billy Holden, June Allyson, Barbara Stanwyck, Fredric March, Walter Pidgeon, Shelley Winters, Louis Calhern and Paul Douglas, also "Saadia". 

July 17 Lil and the kids, Madeline and Jerry, taxied back and forth to Orchard Beach. Lil went bathing for a short while. Madeline did not go in at all.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


July 4 Sunday Molly and Sam came over with ice cream as usual. Sam & Eugene watched the ball game. Reginald March is dead at 56. 

July 5 Mom and pop took us riding to the "Adventurer's" first where we had hot dogs, french fried and hamburgers. The kids played the machines but were limited to about 50¢. Sylvia won a little sewing purse. Eugene got life savers and a pencil. Then we rode to the Kensico Reservoir. We went back to mother's where we had supper including blintzes. Mom and pop took us home and came up for a while. 

July 6 Played some tennis with Eugene this morning. In the afternoon Sylvia went to Walton for swimming after failing to get in twice in the morning with Susan Kaufman. She met us at St James where I beat H. Levitt. Lillian came over from Alexanders and we all played the Post word game.

July 7 Lillian saw Dr Holzman because of her stomach upset. He found only a great deal of acidity, but recommended a gall bladder Xray. Gabriel Pascal is dead at 60. 

July 8 Lillian had the first in a series of gall bladder Xrays at Dr Schechter's in the Royal Hospital Building - $15. This was through the Federation Plan. Eugene went to the library with Sylvia and drew "Sports Golden Age" - Danzig and Brandwein, "Rider of the Midnight Range" W. Ermine, "The History of Astronomy" - G. Abetti, "The Story of Pro Football" H Roberts. Sylvia drew "Victory for Jill" A.E. Walden, "Meet the Malones" L.M. Weber, "Mystery of the Hidden Book" H.F. Orton, "Take a Call, Topsy" E. Headley, "Bright College Year" E.B. Sherman, "Kathie, the New Teacher" LG Rosenheim. 

July 9 Lillian had more Xrays of her gall bladder. Sylvia went to Jerome Pool with the Kaufmans. I played some tennis with Eugene and Irving. The Porto [sic] Ricans who shot up Congress got sentences of 16-75 years in prison. 

July 10 Sylvia & Susan Kaufman bicycled up to Woodlawn and met us there. I played with Eugene and split with Warren B. Pop came up and lost a chess game to Eugene. 

Friday, July 23, 2021


June 27 Sunday Over to Woodlawn where I beat Warren Burd. The kids played with each other and I played with Eugene. Molly & Sam came over as did pop and Peggy who was staying at mom's since yesterday. Pop took us home. 

June 28 Lil and I walked to Tremont where we got a camp trunk $7.49. President Arbenz of Guatemala resigned under pressure and turned over power to Col. Diaz chief of the Armed forces who promised to fight on against the rebels. 

June 29 Returned to work today. Lillian has had an attack of belching and distress for several days. She ... and gone on a diet. Played some tennis with Milt Levy today. Eugene went to Emerson Radio with Larry and another boy. The ruling junta in Guatemala banned the C.P. 

June 30 Went out with Eugene and had a catch with him. He got an 84% average in his studies. In regents he got 90 in math and 80 in science. A new junta in Guatemala announced a cease fire had been arranged with the rebels. Communist officials arrested and political prisoners freed. Oppenheimer lost his last appeal to the A.E.C. 4-1. Churchill's five days of conferences with Eisenhower resulted in statements calling for reduction of armaments, use of atomic power for enrichment of mankind and world peace. 

July 1 At St. James, while waiting for Fred Johnson, Sylvia came around on her bike. I sent her home for her tennis clothes. She came back with everything but her sneakers. She went home again but this time, Fred had arrived and Sylvia was fit to be tied. I beat Fred. Lynn Riggs is dead at 54. 

July 2 Lost to Al Berman. Sylvia went to Jerome Pool with Susan Kaufman and her mother. The French in a drastic move evacuated the entire Southern zone of the Red River delta. This is a bigger victory for the Vietminh than Dienbienphu. 

July 3 Wimbledon: Ken Rosewall d. T Trabert 2-6, 6-3, 4-6, 6-1, 6-1 J. Drobny d. B. Patty 6-2, 6-4. 4-6, 9-7 Drobny d. Rosewall 13-11, 4-6, 6-2, 9-7 M. Connelly d. L. Brough 6-2, 7-5. Hartwig & Rose d. Seixas & Trabert 6-4, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4. Seixas & D. Hart d. Rosewall & Mrs. duPont 5-7, 6-4, 6-3. L Brough & Mrs. duPont d. S. Fry & D. Hart 4-6, 9-7, 6-3. Eugene visited Bobby at the Rosenberg's new home and had a good time. Lil & Sylvia saw "Dial M for Murder" at the R.K.O. Fordham with Grace Kelly, Ray Milland and Robert Cummings and "The Boy from Oklahoma" with Will Rogers Jr. A 'red' purge is on in Guatemala. Sen. Hugh Butler is dead at 76. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


June 20 Sunday Fathers Day I got a pink shirt and liquor from the family for Fathers' Day. We gave pop the same, stopping off there on the way to Woodlawn. I lost a set to Warren Burd and played with both kids. They also played with each other. Mom and pop, Lil Harry and the kids and little Peggy Ann came up to join us later in the afternoon. The kids romped and played ball. Senator Lester Hunt took his life at 62. 

June 21 We all went down stairs to sit across the street for an hour and a half this evening as the temp reached 88°. We read and talked. The UN voted a cease-fire in Guatemala. J J McNaboe is dead at 60. Ed Furgol won the Nat'l Open with 284. 

June 22 Played some tennis with Harriet. The Guatemalan gov't announced its first contact with the invasion army. The rebels meanwhile announced an anti-communist gov't had been set up. John Landy, Australian ran the mile in 3:58 beating Bannister's record. We went to the Martin Beck Theater to see "The Teahouse of the August Moon". Although we had mislaid our tickets, we got in. 

The Playbill for The Teahouse of the August Moon was taped in on this page, and scanned in below. 

June 23 Karl Compton is dead at 67. Don Hollenbeck took his life at 49. Eugene drew "The Puppet Masters" R. Heinlein, "Best Science Fiction Stories of 1950" Bleiler & Dikty, "Men, Mirrors & Stars" G.E. Pendray, "Riders of the Purple Sage" Zane Grey, "Bob Matthias" [sic] Jim Scott. 

June 24 Played some tennis with Eugene this morning. After the Giant game we went to Pop's and played him some chess in the park. Mama was also in the park. I dropped in to see Molly who was in good spirits. Sylvia went to the Library with Norma and drew "Front Page For Jennifer" JS McIlvaine, "She's My Girl" E. Headley, "Jane Hope" E. Gray, "Goal to Go" J Scholz, "Tomboy Roy [sic]" R.I. Holberg. 

June 25 Played tennis with Eugene. Rita Weiman is dead. We went to the R.K.O. Fordham to see "Three Coins in the Fountain" with Dorothy Maguire [sic], Clifton Webb, Louis Jordan [sic], Jean Peters, Rossano Brazzi, Maggie McNamara. Then we ate in the A.B.C. Chinese restaurant. 

June 26 We went to Thelma & Harold's today. Lilly and Sam were there, also Evelyn & Isabel, Sidney & Maryusha. We brought a present for Andrea's third birthday and one from Molly who could not come. Andrea played with a mechanical toy and a large ball.

Saturday, June 26, 2021


June 13 Sunday We were home all day as the tennis courts were wet. Eugene came home at 4 PM hot and dirty. The early morning rain had swept them out of their tents and tarpaulins. Premier Laniel lost a vote of confidence on the Indo Chinese issue and resigned. Senator Flanders demanded McCarthy be deprived of all his committee posts because he will not testify on his financial manipulations. 

That overnight trip was very memorable; I and another kid had our tarpaulin set up over our sleeping bags, and wanted to tough it out. But we were forced by the Scout leaders to go to a cabin; I ended up sleeping on a wood floor (with my damp sleeping bag, I think) under a bench. I don't think I slept much. 

June 14 Sylvia who has a stuffed nose woke with a stomach ache and skipped school this morning. She went back in the afternoon and then to her Scout meeting as she was better. She is writing stories on the typewriter these days. Eugene went out to play baseball with Larry. We saw "Tea & Sympathy"

The Playbill for Tea & Sympathy was taped in on this page, and scanned in below. Also taped in on this page was a box score, with the note "Played on June 12"; the reason for the box score's appearance is left as an exercise for the reader.


June 15
We visited mom and pop and had supper there. Pop was all right except for a cold. Dr Perry Lichtenstein is dead at 57. 

June 16 ...

June 17 I beat Herb Levitt today. Eugene played with Larry. 

June 18 Lil went over to visit Molly who is in pain again. Eugene played some ball with Larry and Jerry B. I played tennis with Sylvia. The McCarthy hearings ended on the 36th day. In a bruising fight Heavyweight champ Rocky Marciano won a unanimous decision over Ezzard Charles in 15 rounds at Yankee Stadium before 47,585 fans. It was the champ's 40th victory without a defeat. Pierre Mendes-France was chosen Premier of France on his peace in Indo China pledge. 

June 19 Sylvia and Susan Kaufman went on a bicycle trip again, taking sandwiches. They went as far as 161 St. Eugene and Larry went to the Giant-Card game. Lil and I went out to the Botanical Gardens. We saw the rose gardens and had drinks in the new restaurant at the old mill. We all met at home and after supper went to the Lido to see Appointment in Honduras with Glenn Ford and Ann Sheridan and "The Glenn Miller Story" with Jimmy Stewart and June Allyson. The Left-Wing Guatemalan gov't was invaded by land and bombed by air by forces of Central Americans led by Guatemalan expatriates. 

The box score of the game Larry Rubenstein and I went to was taped in here, and scanned in below. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021


 June 6 Sunday Met the family at Al & Edith's. Danny is much better. He is very quiet and reserved. He read most of the day. Debby is adorable, she speaks continually and understands everything. Eugene and I won a game from Al. We also played basketball and the kids played some piano. 

June 7 Lil and the kids went to Evelyn's to attend Isabel's confirmation party. I played my first tennis of the season, beating Herb Levitt. 

June 8 The kids played tennis together this morning for the first time. Later I went to the library with them. Eugene drew "Fahrenheit 451" Ray Bradbury, " Best of Science Fiction" Conklin, "Galileo" E.E. Levinger, "The U.P. Trail" Zane Grey, "Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction" Boucher&McComas. Sylvia drew "Dot for Short" F. Friedman, "A Date for Diane" E. Headley, "Run Away Home" E. Lyon, and American Girl magazine. Maury Maverick is dead at 58. We saw "Carousel". 

 The Playbill for Carousel was taped in on this page, and scanned in below.

June 9 Lillian went downtown to get some girl scout pins for her closing affair. She also got shorts and briefs for Eugene and me, slacks and cooking utensils for Eugene, girdle for herself. Lillian read "Saratoga Trunk" Edna Ferber, "Neely" [?] by W. Kary [?]. We both read "The Sword, The Scalpel" [sic] Allan & Gordon - the story of Dr N. Bethune. I won a close chess game from Eugene.  

June 10 Sylvia painted on the "Y" roof today at her class. Lillian had her closing party at the "Brownies". There was a "safety" play "Mr. Fix-It". Eugene and I played some tennis. Arthur Greenwood is dead at 74 and Alain Locke at 67. 

June 11 Lillian went over to Molly's. 

June 12 Eugene left early this morning on another overnight camping trip to Alpine. He is now Senior Patrol Leader. Lil, I and Sylvia went down to A&A Watch Co and got a Roto Broil 400 - $26.56, portable Emerson $22.50 and Vornado fan $32.50. Later I went out to St. James with Sylvia and gave her a tennis lesson. I lost a set to Phil Goldberg. In the evening pop came over and watched television with us. Charles Francis Adams is dead at 87 and Johanna Lindlof at 81.

Sunday, June 13, 2021


May 30 Sunday Sylvia spent most of the day in the park. Mrs. Anne O'Hare McCormack [sic] is dead at 72. 

May 31 Sylvia and Norma went to watch the parade. Lil went to Mt. Sinai to see Molly with Sam. Later Sylvia went to Bronx Park with the Gallins' where they did some rowing. Eugene came home about 4:30 safe and sound. Several of his utensils were stolen in the rain, including his frying pan. 

June 1 McCarthy's defiance of Eisenhower and the country in asking gov't employees to supply him with secret info has brought him denunciation from Democrats & Republicans. 

June 2 Dr Oppenheimer was called 'loyal' and discreet by the A.E.C. but rejected by a vote of 2-1 as a gov't consultant because of his associations and less than candid testimony and early opposition to the A-bomb.   

June 3 I started three weeks vacation today. Lil and I visited Molly at Mr Sinai. She was out of bed. We met Sam and Pauline there. Sylvia took her painting lesson at the Y. She gets paint over her arms, clothes and whatnot. Eugene is doing some boxing at his Scout meetings. He had his school field day at Van Courtlandt today. He and some friends played some basketball with a spaldeen, some soft ball, watched the faculty-Senior games and ate their lunch. 

I don't know if this was the event, but we did have boxing "tournaments" at the Scout meetings. I was not much of a fighter, but one time, I ducked out of the way of a right hand, and blindly stuck out my own right hand. It hit something, and there was an audible "Oooh" from the rest of the Scouts. I was declared the winner of that fight.

June 4 Lillian took Molly home from the hospital. Eugene stayed after school for the auction of lost and found articles and came home with 21 assorted fountain pens, ball point pens and mechanical pencils for 70¢. Lil and I went out to Fordham and looked at dinette sets, bought some books for Danny Pope, compact, tennis balls, candy, cake etc. The City Council passed the five per cent Amusement tax over the vigorous protests of the industry. 

June 5 Sylvia & Susan Kaufman went to the Grand to see "The Native [Naked] Jungle" with Charlton Heston and "Red Garters" with Rosemary Clooney. Eugene & Larry played their first tennis of the season. Lillian went to Rye with her Brownies. In the evening we all walked along the reservoir on a beautiful evening to Sam & Molly's. We played games along the way. Sylvia found a soda bottle for which I gave her two cents and Eugene found a good baseball. Heavyweight boxer Clarence Henry was arrested on a charge of trying to bribe Bobby Jones to lay down on his fight with Joey Giardello for $15,000. Former Gov. Harry Hoffman is dead at 58.

Friday, June 4, 2021


 May 23 Sunday Lillian went to Zev's unveiling and met us at Lil & Harry's where we had driven with mom and pop. Eugene played plenty of ball. The kids romped and rode the bike. Peggy sang and strummed her guitar. Chief Bender is dead at 71. 

May 24 Lillian went over to Molly's.

May 25 Lil went over to see Molly again. We finally got Eugene out of the house by a severe talking-to by both of us. 

May 26 Robert Capa was killed at 41. Lillian took the kids to Fordham and got them shoes, dresses, slacks, socks, etc. 

May 27 One of the worst peacetime naval disasters in our history saw the aircraft carrier Bennington explode killing approx. 100 and injuring 2000. For the second time the racket ridden I.L.A. won an election from the new A.F.L. longshoreman's union by a close vote. A 5000 year old ship built by the Pharaoh Cheops was discovered near Cairo. Lionel Conacher is dead at 82. 

May 28 Lillian took Mollie to Mr. Sinai Hospital today. 

May 29 Eugene left early this morning on an "[????]" camping trip at Alpine. Only six boys are going with Charlie Jr. in charge. Sylvia went to the Kingsbridge with Susan Kaufman to see "Money From Home" with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis and "Alaskan [sic] Seas". McCarthy. in defiance of the gov't invited Federal employees to pass him classified information regardless of security regulations. Poultney Bigelow is dead at 98.

Sunday, May 30, 2021


May 16 Sunday Sylvia came home at 10:45 last night. She was thrilled at the good time she had. They saw the White House, House of Reps. (not in session) Tidal Basin memorials, Congressional Library. They stayed at the Harrington - collapsed a bed by their romping and were locked in a bathroom. They went by train. Sylvia bought us a little plant as a souvenir. Today we went to the Zoo on the first warm Sunday. Eugene and I walked and stayed even with the bus. We took three cameras. We had ice cream, sodas, peanuts, popcorn. We saw seals, elephants, pelicans. William March is dead at 60. 

May 17 Luis Taroc, Huk Communist leader gave himself up to Magsaysay as the rebel guerillas lost ground in their fight against the Philippine government. Gen. Guderian is dead at 65 and Pat McDonald at 75. 

May 18 The McCarthy hearings were recessed for a week as Eisenhower continued his refusal to allow his aides to disclose details of a top-level meeting held to cope with Mac. The U.S. claimed that arms from a Communist port had been unloaded at Guatemala. Frankie Costello was fined $30,000 and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for tax evasion. Louis Stark is dead at 66. The Supreme Court in a 9-0 ruling outlawed segregation in public education setting aside the separate but equal doctrine laid down in 1869. 

May 19 Lillian's neck has been bothering her again for a few days. 

May 20 Charles Ives is dead at 79. Sylvia drew "Who was Sylvia" Nancy Hartwell, "Boarding School" Regina Woody, "Pam Wilson R.N.". D. Deming, "The Trolley Car Family", E. Clymer. Eugene drew "Big Book of Science Fiction" and "Possible Worlds of Science Fiction" both edited by Groff Conklin, "My Best Science Fiction Story" edited by Margulies & Friend and "Famous Football Players", RH Shoemaker.

 May 21 Lillian and Sylvia went down to the YWCA nat'l office for interviews for the summer camp. 

May 22 We went to Mrs. Nadler's house for the annual recital of her pupils. Mom and pop also came. Eugene and Sylvia won the most praise for their playing although several were very good. Afterwards we drove to the "Adventurer's" where we had hot dogs, french fried, coffee and cake. Sylvia had a hamburger instead of hot dog. The kids played the machines. Then we toured the new shopping center called the largest in the world.  

That was the Cross County Shopping Center. The program scanned in below was taped on the next page 


Monday, May 24, 2021


 May 9 Sunday We had Mothers Day here yesterday. I gave Lillian roses while the children got her candy. Today we went to mother's. Lil, Harry and the kids there also. We brought mom nylons, panties, perfume and lilacs. Pop won a chess game from Eugene. The bigger girls wrote stories. Peggy showed off her arithmetic. She cried when she had to leave because I couldn't ask her a few more "zamples". 

May 10 There is a move on foot to curtail or end the McCarthy hearings which have earned great criticism here and abroad. 

May 11 Several plans are in existence to end or curtail the interminable McCarthy Army hearings.  

May 12 A Republican move to end the public hearings on the Mac Army quarrel was beaten 4-3 in a Sub-committee vote. 

May 13 Eugene stayed home with a sore throat. He later visited the Armed Forces Exhibition at the Kingsbridge Armory with Larry and another boy but was not crazy about the show. Senator Clyde Hoey is dead at 76. 

May 14 Eugene stayed home again. Sylvia left for Wash D.C. this morning with about 13 Intermediate Scouts and three adults. 

May 15 Mikhail Botvinnik retained his World's Chess title by drawing with Vasily Smyslov 12-12, in a series of matches. Red China was admitted to the 1956 Olympics causing Nationalist China to withdraw immediately.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 May 2 Sunday Eugene got home at 5:45. He had a good time. Went up and back by car although some went by truck. Sylvia made fudge today with Lillian supervising. Determined won the Kentucky Derby. 

May 3 Lillian got a suit at Alexander's $14. and a skirt. Musial made a new record by hitting five homers in a double-header. ...

May 4 The McCarthy-Army hearings are being severely criticized generally for their poor taste and probable inconclusiveness. "The Teahouse of the August Moon" won the Pulitzer Prize for drama completing a grand slam. Lindbergh's "Spirit of St. Louis" won the biography prize. No prize for fiction was awarded. Earnest Hooton is dead at 68. 

May 5 Cpl Ed Dickinson former P.O.W. in Korea who had decided to stay with the "Reds" then changed his mind, received a 10 year sentence for collaboration with the enemy after a trial here. Lillian went downtown with Irene R. She got some material for sundresses. They also visited Dr. Rubinstein's office. 

May 6 The latest McCarthy scandal is a "secret" document which he brought out at the investigation as coming from F.B.I. files but which Hoover has disavowed.  

May 7 Sylvia's class went to the Museum of Natural History. They saw exhibits on our Pan-Amer neighbors. Sylvia was a student buyer for milk. Sylvia was chosen to play an old instrument by scratching it. McCarthy at the hearings challenged the authority of the Executive branch of the gov't. Roger Bannister 25 year old English student became the first man to crack 4 minutes in the mile run. He ran a mile in 3 min. 59.4 seconds. Vernon Rice is dead at 46. 

May 8 Wednesday, Sylvia drew "Mary Allen - Publicity Girl", Marcia Paul; "Peggy's Wish" Alletta Jones; "Mystery up the Chimney", H.F. Orton; "Champion Caddy", Marion Renick. Dienbienphu was captured by the Vietminh after a 55 day siege which held the world's attention. Thousands of French and Vietmanese were killed. The fate of Gen'l de Castries is unknown.

Saturday, April 10, 2021


 Apr 25 Sunday Sylvia and Eugene played "Monopoly" for several hours today. It was the first time in a long time. 

Apr 26 Joseph Hergesheimer is dead at 74.

Apr 27 Enemy nations of the East and West began the Geneva Conference on the Far East to discuss Korea and Indo China. ...

Apr 28 15000 New York schoolchildren received injections in a test of the newly developed 'Polio' vaccine perfected by Dr. Jonas Salk. Half of the injections were false in order to make comparative studies. At Geneva, North and South Korea asked for All-Korean supervised elections and North Korean elections, respectively. Lillian spent most of the day in bed. 

Apr 29 Eugene drew "The Encyclopedia of Sports" F.G. Menke, "Robots Have No Tails" L. Padgett, "The Umpire's Story" JM Kahn, "Knights of the Range" Zane Grey. Lillian was much better today. Leon Jouhaux is dead at 74. We went up to the temple to watch the 18th Anniversary of Troop 189. Eugene opened and closed the ceremonies. The program included an Indian dance, investiture of tenderfeet, various awards. Coffee and cake came at the end. There was a small crowd compared to last years crowd of 90.

Apr 20 Joe Laurie Jr is dead at 62. 

 May 1 Eugene left early this morning with his troop for the Ehrlich property near Ellenville for an overnight camping trip. Lillian took her "Brownies" to the Planetarium. Sylvia, Gail and Susan K. went on a bicycling trip with sandwiches again. They rode around the reservoir and ate in Mosholu [sic]. Mom and pop came over and we had a supper of spinach borscht, potato blintzes, coffee and strawberry shortcake. I got sweat socks from Eugene, a book of poems from Sylvia, socks and pyjamas from Lillian and slacks from mom and pop. In the evening we took Sylvia out to the Lido to see "The Eddie Cantor Story" with Keefe Brazelle [sic] as Eddie. 16 teachers lost their posts in the city anti-subversive drive for insubordination. They had refused to cooperate, refusing to discuss their political beliefs. 

Friday, March 12, 2021


Apr 18 Sunday Moscow announced that the Vietminh is ready to discuss peace with the French. 

Apr 19 Mom and pop picked up Lil and the kids - they already had Ida & Max and drove to Tante Blume's house. Pop also brought Anne & Lil and the kids over. In the evening Pop brought sister Lil and the kids home. Mac called for Anne and Sylvia who went along to stay for a few days. Ida & Max took Lil [and] Eugene home in a cab. 

Apr 20 Lil Eugene and I want to the Lido to see Kirk Douglas and Lana Turner Walter Pidgeon and Dick Powell in "The Bad and the Beautiful" and Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward and                              in "The Snows of Kilimanjaro". A crisis in the City water supply has caused a ban on lawn sprinkling and street flushing. Russell Davenport is dead at 54. 

Dad left a space to write in a third star of "The Snows of Kilimanjaro", presumably Ava Gardner.      

Apr 21 Lillian took Eugene to Dr Fleischer in the Wagner Building. He prescribed new lenses. Dr. Attenson made the lenses and new frames. $11. 

Apr 22 The much publicized McCarthy--Army hearings started with television. Sec'y of the Army Stevens called Mac a liar for charging he had asked Mac to investigate the Air Force or Navy and drop the Army. A Senate Sub-Committee hearing on "Comic Books" started also. Several Soviet Secret Police have gone over to the Allies recently. Eugene and Lil went downtown where Eugene got a sleeping bag at the Boy Scout Trading Post - $13. also a flashlight 

Apr 23 Lillian went to Tante Blume's and picked up Sylvia as Anne had come over there with the kids. Eugene worked on his equatorial. Judge Samuel Dickstein is dead at 69. 

Apr 24 Sylvia went bicycling again with Susan Kaufman. They took lunch again (Sylvia came home with accessories for her bike from Anne's). Eugene and Bobby went out. Russia broke relations with Australia because the latter would not return a Russian diplomat, Petroff who had asked asylum. Lillian read "Morning Star" JL Hodson, "Rivers of Glory" F VanWyck Mason, "The Journey of Simon McKeever" Albert Maltz and we both read "City Lawyer" A.G. Hays.

Monday, February 1, 2021


 Apr 11 [Sunday, although dad didn't note it] Lil and Sylvia went to the "Grand" to see Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in "The Long Long Trailer". These are the current television comedy favorites. Also 'Tennessee Champ' with Shelley Winters. Eugene and I saw the Dodger Yankee game on television. 

Apr 12 "Country" Slaughter, outstanding star of the St Louis Cards for years broke into tears when he learned he had been traded to the Yankees for four rookies at the age of 38. He excoriated his former club for lack of sentiment. 

Apr 13 Lillian opened a checking account today. F.H.A. chief Guy Hollyday was ousted in an investigation of housing frauds totalling millions of dollars. J.R. Oppenheimer, director of the making of the first atom bomb has been suspended as a security risk. He has been investigated several times and has been under surveillance for months. Senator Dwight Griswold is dead at 60. 

Apr 14 The N.Y. Drama Critics Circle chose "The Teahouse of the August Moon" as the best American play. "Ondine" is best foreign play and "The Golden Apple" is the best musical. 

Apr 15 Top scientists rallied to the defence [sic] of Dr Oppenheimer, atomic scientist suspended as a security risk. 

Apr 16 The kids went to the Valentine to see "Heidi" and several shorts. They enjoyed the show. 

Apr 17 We had the family here for Passover supper. Mom, pop, Lil, Harry and the kids. Milton (Seth had an ear infection) Molly and Sam, Mike Evelyn and Isabel, Tante Blume & Abe. We had gefilte fish, soup with knaydloch, chicken, meat and kugel. We played some cards later Molly, Sam, sister Lil, Mom, Uncle Abe and I. The kids played scrabble, Hi-Q, drew, played piano, etc. It rained all day.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


Apr 4 Sunday Eugene returned dirty but in pretty good shape. The extreme cold was the only drawback, he said. He raved about the steaks they had. They did a lot of wood chopping. It was coldest Apr 3 ever - 24°. Shaemas O'Sheel is dead at 67. 

Apr 5 French Leftists and Rightists mauled President [Premier] Laniel and Defense Minister Pleven in protest against the dismissal of Marshall [sic] Juin from the Supreme Council of War. Toscanini announced his retirement from the NBC Symphony.   

Apr 6 Lillian and Sylvia helped on the Chest Xray Mobile truck which came to Kingsbridge. Lillian also collected for the Anti-Cancer drive. Frederick Lonsdale is dead at 73. Lillian signed up Sylvia in the Y.W.C.A. She enrolled in the drawing class. 

Apr 7 Pierre DuPont is dead at 84, Lester Stone at 49, Tiger Jack Fox at 47 and William Pickens at 73. 

Apr 8 Lillian got Sylvia a plastic jacket - $10. They both trimmed their holiday hats with new ribbons. Sylvia went to a supper party at Susan Kahn's where the girls did the Lindy Hop. Sylvia got Susan a cinch belt for her birthday. 

Apr 9 Eugene, Larry, Mark Buckstein and Arthur Sherman will get tennis permits and play together. Joseph P Tumulty is dead at 74 and Fritzi Schiff at 74. 

Apr 10 Sylvia and Susan Kauffman Kaufmann went bicycling going around the reservoir in an hour. They took sandwiches. I took Eugene and Bobby to play ping pong at 181st & the Concourse. Lil, Sylvia and I went to the bazaar at Science High School for the benefit of the Scholarship Fund. We bought some candy, cake, salami, paint set, deodorant, raffle tickets, jam, tam-tams, relish. 

Susan's last name was corrected later in a different handwriting, certainly Silvia's, scanned in below.

Friday, January 1, 2021


Mar 28 Sunday Mar Lou Silvers is dead at 62 and Dr John F Erdmann at 90. Lil took the kids to the Lido where they saw John Wayne in "Hondo" and Rickey Andrusco in "Little Fugitive". ...

The extra "Mar" was, I think, an accident that he didn't bother to cross out.

Mar 29 Mom and pop came over this afternoon. They stayed for supper and some television after. Eugene got a bid for the new honors math experimental class. Lillian went to a meeting at "Science" to arrange a bazaar for scholarships and student activities. In one of the greatest sea rescues ever, 1500 were taken off the blazing British troopship Empire Windrush, safely. Four crewmen were killed in the explosion which set off the fire. A political crisis in Egypt between Military and Civilian rule advocates reached the fourth day. "The Teahouse of the August Moon" and "Kismet" won "Tonys" for outstanding play and musical respectively. Audrey Hepburn repeated her "movie" triumph with the prize for her part in "Ondine" David Wayne won the male "Tony" for his role in "Teahouse". "Musical prizes were won by Dolores Gray for "Carnival in Flanders" and Alfred Drake for "Kismet". Francis Brett Young is dead at 70. 

Mar 30 Pickets of the old I.L.A. union picketed the White House. Another H-bomb was detonated Friday in the Marshall Islands. An Israel raid on a Jordan village claiming nine victims was believed to be in retaliation for the Scorpion Pass ambush. 

Mar 31 Eugene stayed home due to a sore throat. Congress passed the excise cut bill.  

Apr 1  Eugene returned to school. New plans were started for dispersal of production plans and for civil defense in the light of revelations that the H-Bomb could destroy an entire city. Russia asked to join Nato and the West to join the European Security Treaty. Mario Korbel is dead at 72. 

Apr 2 Jack Lait is dead at 71 and Gen'l Hoyt Vandenburg at 55.  

Apr 3 Eugene left early this morning for another overnight camping trip. It turned very cold so we worried about him all day. The rest of us went to the Zenith to see "Ivanhoe" with Robert Taylor, Joan Fontaine and Elizabeth Taylor. Also "Rich, Young and Pretty" with Eleanor [sic] Powell. We ate supper at the "Old Jade" on 170th st. Sam Sears a pro-McCarthy lawyer has been retained as counsel to the investigation of the McCarthy-Army fight. The old I.L.A. faced with court injunctions, a threat to be displaced from the ballot in a new election and revolt within its ranks, sent 30000 dock workers back to work after 29 days, the longest and costliest pier strike in NY history. Bobo Olson, Middleweight champion retained his title in a decision over Kid Gavilan Welterweight champ. Gavilan rarely used his right. Pudge Heffelfinger is dead at 86.  

It was Jane Powell, not Eleanor.