Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Dec 3 Sunday We went over to Mom's where we had a surprise party for our anniversary and Max Guzman's birthday. The Beckers, A. Edelstein, Bardes', Guzmans, Thaws, Goodes and Sandra were there. All the kids got presents from everyone. These included puzzles, dredels [sic], dolls, dollar bills etc. We got two candy dishes and a water pitcher. Eugene and Sylvia sang Chanakah songs. Pop took us back and forth. At home we lit the kids' menorahs while Eugene recited the "Brocha".

Dec 4 Eugene called me at 4 AM. When I came to his bed he said Sylvia had told him to call. I came over to her and she told me she "threw up". She had been quiet as a church mouse. Lillian cleaned up the mess. She threw up twice more before morning. Eugene went into my bed but couldn't sleep there. Sylvia complained of a belly-ache and had 100.8 at noon. Eugene stayed home from school also as it was a rainy day. Americans began to evacuate Pyongyang, former North Korean capital as the Communist army approached. "Liberal" Senators Morse and O'Mahoney called for use of the atom bomb on Russia. Truman held continuous parleys with his top-level advisers. The Daily Worker obtained a court order barring action in a vote to ban the paper from the news stands. 

Dec 5 Sylvia stayed home today again but was much better. Truman and Attlee met and announced their determination to come to a full accord on the world crisis. American troops headed for Seoul. Canada warned the US against using the atom bomb. 

Dec 6 Eugene's report card showed continued excellence in all subjects except for an 87% in Arithmetic. Sylvia got all S's in hers. American troops retreated across the 38th parallel as "Reds" entered burning Pyongyang. Our jets killed 2000 Chinese crossing the Taedong River. There are many reports that we will not use the A Bomb against the Chinese. Asian and Arab States called on the Chinese to stop at the parallel. Judith Coplon's conviction was upset and a new trial ordered on the grounds that she was arrested without a warrant and evidence was gotten by wiretapping. 

Dec 7 Lillian went to the P.T.A. bazaar last night with the kids. She bought a doll's dress for Sylvia $1.39, a game called Deavols [?] for Eugene 69¢, a scarf for me and half a cake. She also bought new linoleum for the kitchen at Imperial. The cost was $15 including $2.50 for laying it. Marines and G.I's linked up in an attempt to break out of the Red traps. Many groups are asking the US to get out of Korea. Truman and Attlee agreed to build up the Atlantic defences as the No 1 concern of the coalition and replace MacArthur ultimately. Sen McCarthy asked for war on China using Chiang's troops and ouster of Marshall. 

Dec 8 Trapped Marines and G.I's opened a new escape drive to the coast. UN forces losses have been tremendous. U.S. casualties are now reported as 32000. The U.S. is pressing for a blockade of China but England is hesitant. We are also asking the UN to brand China as an aggressor but many countries are objecting. 

Dec 9 The kids and Lil lit the candles in both menorahs every night while Eugene said the blessings. Sylvia got a pair of suede shoes at Miles today $4.45. American troops in Korea are being prepared for evacuation by sea. Millions of refugees are on the move in Korea. The Truman-Attlee negotiations are expected to result in an agreement to withdraw from Korea entirely. 

Friday, June 24, 2016


Nov 26 Sunday We all went downtown where I bought an overcoat at Crawford's $40. Also a pair of pants $3.25. Eugene got galoshes $3.00, Sylvia got an over the shoulder bag 25¢.

Nov 27 North Korea and Chinese counter attacks hurled back UN troops. Over 100 persons were killed in the great Saturday storm. Hundreds of thousands of homes were without electricity.

Nov 28 Sylvia's class went to the Museum of Natural History yesterday. She led the line and was chosen to go on the platform. She bought milk instead of soda and two postcards for a nickel for a souvenir. Chinese Communists crashed through UN troops for 20 miles to stall the latter's "end the war" offensive. Vishinsky and Dulles debated the Chinese question at Lake Success. Mt. Etna had its worst eruption in 40 years. Browder Fields [sic] and Jaffe were indicted for contempt. Truman commuted Lt. Gilbert's death sentence for insubordination to 20 years imprisonment.

Nov 29 270,000 Red troops smashed at UN forces in what MacArthur called a new war as the world waited tensely for the result of negotiations at the UN. Chinese and American delegates accused each other of aggression and imperialism. 5 out of 9 Catholic clergymen pleaded guilty to espionage in Czechoslovakia. One implicated Archbishop Beran. Premier Pleven submitted his Cabinets' resignation to President Auriol on the leakage of a special report on the Indo China war. Defense Minister Moch is held responsible. Abe Brothman & Miriam Moskowitz received maximum sentences of seven and two years for obstructing justice in the atom case plot.

Nov 30 Bevin urged a 'Big 4' meeting to avoid total war. Pressure of 'Red' troops eased as the UN forces continued to retreat. Acheson and Austin warned the country and the world of the danger of a major war. Joe Louis made a second comeback fight winning a decision over Cesar Brion. It was a sad affair.

Dec 1 A new 80,000 man attack by the Chinese Reds surrounded marines of three regiments. Pres. Truman announced that use of the Atom bomb against China is under consideration. This statement was later clarified to say that there was no change in the A-bomb situation. Europe was disturbed by the implications of Truman's statement. Russia vetoed the UN's resolution calling for China's withdrawal from Korea. Hundreds of youths and thousands of women invaded the Lake Success led by Paul Robeson Jr & Dr. Clementine Paoloni to demonstrate for peace. Rent Administrator McGoldrick issued his regulations permitting increases for "severe hardships". The State Board [sic] of Appeals upheld the Feinberg Law's constitutionality.

Dec 2 For the first time since we got the television set last March we went to the movies. We saw "No Way Out" a gripping drama about a Negro doctor at a "white" hospital and "Baron of Arizona" about the man who laid fraudulent claim to the state of Arizona. Sidney Poitier, Richard Widmark & Linda Darnell starred in the first and Vincent Price in the second. India's and China's UN delegates held a secret conference. Pleven's Cabinet survived on a vote of confidence 347-184. Attlee asked for a 5 power conference including Red China. In the war, eight Chinese Communist divisions struck for the UN Army's flank. Truman asked $18000,000,000 for the war.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Nov 19 Sunday Mom & Pop, Lil Harry and the kids over. Peggy was adorable as usual as she talked on and on in her low voice and cute manner. A U.S. tank column smashed its way toward the Manchurian border. Peking derided Truman's assurances of the inviolability of the Chinese border. 16 Aliens who had been arrested for deportation won bail today from Federal Judge Ryan in an important decision.

Nov 20 Eugene left for school early today after lunch for the first time. He had to meet his friend Howard Oberstein. He got 100% in arithmetic spelling and geography. Sylvia also gets 100% in tests. Rogge continued to play the opposition to left wing conventions as he defended Tito at the World Peace Congress. Social Democrats were victorious in two West German state elections campaigning against a re-armament program. US tank columns are nearing the Manchurian border. The phone strike ended with the Union claiming a victory.

Nov 21 Eugene is working on the chess problems in the "Fireside Book of Chess" we borrowed. Twelve leftists including seven U.E. leaders were indicted for contempt of Congress. Welfare Commissioner Hilliard is planning to fire all employees who refused to sign the loyalty oath.

Nov 22 Sylvia won a sewing kit valise in school for getting the most merits among the girls in her class. Mrs. Nadler continues to praise her piano playing highly. U.S. soldiers reached the Yalu and proceeded to entrench themselves. North Korean guerillas gained in the North. At the UN, Nationalist China charged Russia helped Red China to victory and dominates and controls the country through 45000 Russian agents. At the C.I.O. convention delegates urged repeal of the McCarron Act and Taft Hartley Law.

Nov 23 Thanksgiving Day We had Mike & Evelyn over for a turkey dinner. Everyone had a hand at playing the piano. Isabel doesn't want to practise [sic] and has forgotten much of what she knew. Sam & Molly dropped in on their way to Milton's. The World Peace Congress concluded with a call for a "Big Five" peace conference. The worst L.I.R.R. wreck ever saw 74 killed, a hundred severely injured and hundreds cut and bruised as one train plunged into another from behind when the brakes of the first locked and it could not start. Abe Brothman & Miriam Moskowitz were found guilty of conspiring with atom spy Harry Gold to obstruct justice. More than 1500 landlords and tenants crowded Central Commercial High School at a rent hearing where they heckled each other in a hectic meeting. 

Nov 24 Eugene and Bobby are playing their favorite "Big Business" with their usual gusto and scraps. Our scale came from Raleighs for the cigarette coupons. Lillian weighs 140, I - 142, Eugene 95 Sylvia 72. MacArthur began a general assault to "end the war". Britain appealed to Peking to end their intervention and bring peace to Korea. Rogge broke with the Peace Partisans over their "identification with Soviet foreign policy". 

Mom smoked Raleigh cigarettes at the time, and collected lots of coupons. 

Nov 25 A near hurricane in the city disrupted transportation, curtailed telephone and electric services, flooded municipalities, broke countless windows including our own bedroom window and caused untold damage. Red China's invited delegate to the UN arrived in NY to press charges of oppression against the U.S. Indignation is greater than over [sic] against the L.I.R.R. for its repeated accidents. City and state officials will take court action to oust the trustees of the R.R. The C.I.O. re-elected Murray by acclamation. Quill replaced Johnny Green as a V.P. 

Friday, June 3, 2016


Nov 12 Sunday Eugene's class went to the Jewish Museum today. He saw many kinds of Torahs. In the Music room there were many Jewish songs. Also rituals for holidays, paintings and a map of a large Jewish city. In the afternoon we went next door to the Beth Israel Synagogue where the first Pack Meeting of the Cub Scouts was held. The room was too small for the crowd that came. For over two hours amid pandemonium the program went on ending with skits by the thirteen dens. Eugene's den gave a take off on Arthur Godfrey's Show with Eugene as the Announcer. Lillian takes over as Den Mother for the next month. We had chow mein for supper. Sam and Molly came over later in the evening.

Nov 13 Australia's UN delegate Jim Plimsoll flew to the Far East to talk with Red Chinese leaders on their intervention in Korea. Chinese drove two miles into South Korean lines. The World Peace Congress has been transferred from Sheffield England to Warsaw because so many delegates were denied entrance to England. Julia Marlowe is dead at 85.

Nov 14 Venezuela's "Strong Man" Acting President Delgado Chalbaud was assassinated. Tibet asked the U.N. to act on the Chinese invasion .Wallace opposed the seating of Red China in the U.N. Hilliard resumed his Welfare Dept. purge of U.P.W. supporters The C.W.A. charged the A.T. &T. with a lockout of 10,000 employees. Dr. Guzman, pledged to carry on the liberal program of outgoing President Arevalo, was elected President of Guatemala.

Nov 15 Eugene goes to the schoolyard now after school and plays ball with boys he meets there. He had to be pushed into going there the first time. India placed the case of South African racism before the UN. Elizabeth Bentley testified at the spy trial of Brothman and Moskowitz. Cops battled pickets in Philadelphia phone strike. All 58 persons aboard a DC-4 airliner were found dead in a crash on Mt. Obiou.

Nov 16 The kids were punished for being noisy in the morning by being barred from radio or television last night. Eugene did much pleading to no avail. The U.S. gained a delay in the hearing on the Formosa question. Red Chinese delgates are present. Acheson offered Red China all assurances that their interests in Korea would be protected. Harry Gold testified he had spied for Russia for 11 years. A court order has stopped the first color telecast schedule for Monday. 40,000 fire bombs rased [sic] the North Korean supply base in Hoeryong.

Nov 17 Sec'y of Commerce Sawyer cleared Michael Lee of disloyalty but fired him for security reasons. A Grand Jury cited bookie Harry Gross and 33 others but no cops. Harry Gold testified that Brothman gave Russia rubber secrets. Lillian read "Lace Curtain" by Ellen Berlin, "The Happy Generation" Ferenc Kormendi and "The Romance of Casanova" R. Aldington. The Cub Scouts had their first meeting here with Lillian as a den mother. The boys worked on glass engraving.

Nov 18 Eugene drew "Make Way for the Mail" JC Floherty, "The Great Baseball Managers" CB Cleveland, "The Chicago Cubs" - W. Brown and "A Nose for Trouble " Jim Kjelgaard. Sylvia drew "Back Seat Driver" ML Robinson "Here, Suzy!" Verna Hills, "Then There Were Five" E. Enright and "The Harvest Feast" W. Harper. This is a book of Thanksgiving stories which Sylvia needs for school.