Monday, January 30, 2012


3/2 Sunday Sam went home this morning. He needs an xray. Molly is due back today. Mom & pop over for dinner. Pop beat Eugene two chess games. Eugene was rather "fresh" today. Both kids ate with us and did very well. Dr. Soong has resigned the Chinese premiership, Chiang replacing him. Gus Lesnevitch, L.H. champ  Ko'd Billy Fox in the 10th round. Fox, 21 year old sensation had 43 Ko's in 43 fights. Martial law has been declared in Palestine after an explosion in the British Officers Club in Jerusalem and other blasts killed and wounded scores.

3/3 The explosion contagion continued with two in Chicago. Eugene is very sensitive about the way he is spoken to and is apt to become tearful when severely addressed. Sylvia appears to have lost the habit of putting things in her mouth. L. W. Douglas is our ambassador to England.

3/4 [...] Eugene had some arithmetic marked "very poor please sign and do over". Al P. dropped in on the way home from the hospital. Truman is in Mexico in hemispheric solidarity.

3/5 Eugene got a brief case to replace his broken school bag. Sylvia now wants five children. The Anglo-French 50 year treaty has been signed. While I went in the kitchen for a few minutes, Sylvia characteristically rushed over and wrote these letters [see scanned in page]. The first strike in the Cotton Exchange occurred. The bill to outlaw discrimination in education is opposed by a group of Catholic churchmen. They object to the bill's assertion that education is a function of the state. Current song hit: "Open the Door, Richard". Play - "Another Part of the Forest" L. Hellman. Novel - "Lydia Bailey" by K. Roberts. Movie - "The Best Years of their [sic] Lives". Molly just came in after her Florida trip with plenty of freckles.

3/6 Eugene drew"The Secret of the Ancient Oak" by Wolo "And To Think [sic] I Saw it on Mulberry St." by Dr. Seuss "Cowboy Tommy's Roundup" by S. Tousey and American Folk and Fairy Tales by Rachel Field. This Purim afternoon we visited Rochel & David having home made "homentaschen". Mayer came home later and Sandra dropped in. Eugene was rather wild and Sylvia influenced by him, they not having much to do. The UnAmerican Committee is being defied again this time by Leon Josephson. Gromyko again assailed the U.S. atomic plan. Eric Johnson [sic - Johnston] asked for employers rights to fire "Communists" without restraint. At night to see "Journey into Fear" with Orson Welles J. Cotton & D. Del Rio rather fantastic story of international intrigue. Also "The Woman in the Window" unusual mystery with Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett. 

Now I am surprised. I completely remember "And To Think [That] I Saw it on Mulberry St.", and I know it was Dr. Seuss, but I always thought that this was before Theodore Geisel took that name! (A little research showed that I was off by two decades). I remember Sylvia and I pretending that University Ave. was Mulberry St. 

3/7 Eugene recently has played chess with two little neighbors Richard M. and Joyce G. both beginners. The kids skated this morning. In a race, Eugene lost the first heat when he fell but won the next two. The Supreme Court struck a great blow against labor by upholding the federal injunction against the mine workers union. The decision exempts gov't workers from the safeguards of the Norris-LaGuardia act, the gov't having seized the pits at the time of the strike. The fine against the union was cut to $700,000. Justices Murphy and Rutledge were the only dissenters. Buffalo teachers returned to work having won 3 - $600 raises.

3/8 Played with the kids using the B of K work book. Sylvia objected to cutting it up.                            

Sunday, January 15, 2012


2/23 Sunday We went to Isabel's birthday party with Sam & Milton, Molly being in Florida. Sam & Julia Friedman there. We had a "swell" time with plenty to eat and drink. Eugene and a little neighbor of Evelyn's, Elaine were dancing partners. Sylvia was very well behaved, Isabel full of life. Harry K. Thaw is dead.

2/24 Eugene is very sensitive bawling at the slightest touch. Sylvia has taken to drawing ladders. She has a very strong will. Hundreds of Nazis have been rounded up in the British & American zones, plotting a biological war against Russia.

2/25 Eugene asked Lillian what wind was and sprung this one on her culled from the Book of K. "moving air". Sylvia wants to play dog but will have no part of live dogs. 2500 out of 3000 Buffalo teachers struck for higher wages - the greatest teachers strike. Nat Ganley was beaten in his Auto union local. Read "Great Expectations" by Dickens of Pip and his disappointments.

2/26 Eugene was kept in a half-hour for being late both morning and afternoon. Sylvia asked if 1&2, 1&2, 1&2, 1&2 make nine. She is doing a lot of adding these days. Russia will support our quest for a mandate over the Pacific Islands.  Bevin blamed Truman for the Palestine mess.

I wonder if Sylvia got it wrong, or Dad wrote too many "1&2"s. The last one is on a new line.  

2/27 Sylvia was being punished. She came in to ask Lillian to make a star for her. When told she couldn't have one - whom was it for, she whimpered "Mishka" (The Bear). Eugene again asked how one prays. He reads about it in his library books. Sadie and the kids just dropped in. Arlene is very shy. The Board of Ed. upheld the "Tom Paine" ban 6-1. Buffalo schools are closed and Delaware teachers are marching on Dover. 50,000 Belgian bonus marchers were repulsed by the police.

2/28 Eugene got 95 in a spelling test. Sylvia took her gun and discovered it could shoot snow. Hoover has asked $500,000,000 for food for Germany. The "Un-Amercan" Committee is holding hearings on Communist domination of trade unions. An EAM representative gave a UN investigation comm. his organization's program for Greece. U.E. leaders testifying before Congress on proposed labor legislation condemned Sen. Ball and Taft's red baiting. The "Tool Owners Union" was denied  a N.Y.S charter as a fascistic org.

3/1 Sam came over last night in agony. Lillian called Dr. Levine who said it was a kidney stone. Sam slept here and felt better in the morning. Eugene has a stuffed nose. Sylvia wants to write in the diary. Dewey's offer has been termed inadequate by teachers putting the burden on small towns in addition to re-introducing the spoils or Merit System.

Friday, January 13, 2012


2/16 Sunday We went to the Lane to see "The Courage of Lassie" a dog picture in technicolor. Eugene kept talking of the dog being wounded, saying the first syllable "wow". He loved the picture, Sylvia liked it mildly. The other picture was "Angel on My Shoulder" with Paul Muni. When told Muni had just been released from prison after four years he whistled "Four years without food?" Sylvia nagged all through this picture to go home. At home Eugene dried all the dishes and put them away as a surprise. When he goes in to get ready for bed, he generally day-dreams until we come in to remind him. All labors gains are under attack before the Senate Labor Committee. Homer Loomis, Columbians leader received a year in prison on a charge of riot. His father, a Wall St. lawyer, his attorney, spewed forth Hitlerian racism charging his son was being crucified as Christ by the Jews. French civil service workers held a stoppage against a wage cut.

2/17 Eugene drew "Bunny, Hound and Clown" by D. G. Mukerji "The Fast Sooner Hound" by Conroy and Boutemps "The Jumbo Sambo" by Bannerman and "Animal Stories" by Walter De La Mare. Sylvia insisted on returning one book herself to the librarian waiting in vain for a card like Eugene. Lillian went to Fordham twice getting a slip for sister Lillian's birthday, games for the Singer girls in with the whooping cough and polo shirts for two Dannies - Rosenberg & Pope. In the evening she went over to bring the gift to Lillian who has a bad cold. Molotov has protested Dean Acheson's references to Russian's policy as aggressive and "expanding". David Lilienthal has been under attack for weeks as a New Dealer to a Communist in his battle for Senate confirmation as Atomic Energy Commission Chairman. Sen. McKellar led the pack. The worst airplane accident ever saw 50 killed in a Columbia crash.

2/18 South Carolina saw the first Negro lynching of 1947. Schuschnigg who delivered Austria to Hitler is lecturing here and is under attack by liberals. 1000 metal lathers striking against the recent 8-hour day agreement have been joined by 45,000 other construction workers. Sylvia has a slight cold and is in the house this A.M. only. Eugene cross at lunch and chastised for it.

2/19 Last night Eugene asked Lillian about prayers and God. She told him some people believe there is a God while others are content doing what they believe is right. This morning Sylvia looked over the little picture album, the albums with the cards, played with the anagrams, cut out letters, colored a house I drew.
Sec'y of State Marshall has defended Acheson's statement that Russia is aggressive and expanding in a reply to Molotov. China's inflation has been greatly aggravated. Romania faces widespread starvation. The House voted 370-1 to cite Eisler for contempt, Marco dissenting. The state Capitol was barred to 1000 N.Y. demonstraters [sic] for rent and housing relief. Democrats and A.L.P. legislaters [sic] 'sat down' refusing to participate in the session. Metal lathers were back having regained the 7 hour day.

For some reason, he did start a new paragraph in the middle of this entry. 

2/20 Sylvia likes to show how she can count up to 100 which she does with a few mistakes. Eugene romped with Jacqueline on the way home, they banging each other around. Chiang is using UNRAA supplies for war and wishes to sell these on the black market.

2/21 Eugene went to school this morning in the storm but didn't have to return after lunch. He told us he read "Peter Pan and the Prates" (Pirates). Sylvia insists on reading the "Books of Knowledge". She will not be left out of anything. Oil pipelines in Palestine were blasted by the underground. A Los Angeles factory explosion killed 16 and injured 200. The "House" cut 6 billion from Truman's 37 1/2 Billion budget. Molly is in Florida and Sam over for supper last night.

2/22 Sylvia wouldn't go down to the yard with Eugene to play in the snow no matter how we cajoled or threatened. Finally Eugene guessed that she was afraid of Cookie K. After assuring her of her safety she went but timidly. Later she wouldn't go down with Eugene or Lillian to the Rosenberg's for Daniel's first birthday. Played some chess with Eugene and he showed some ability. England will free India in '48 and hand the Palestine situation over to the U.N. Yesterday Eugene slapped Sylvia swelling her lip and Sylvia punched him leaving quite a mark.