Friday, June 3, 2016


Nov 12 Sunday Eugene's class went to the Jewish Museum today. He saw many kinds of Torahs. In the Music room there were many Jewish songs. Also rituals for holidays, paintings and a map of a large Jewish city. In the afternoon we went next door to the Beth Israel Synagogue where the first Pack Meeting of the Cub Scouts was held. The room was too small for the crowd that came. For over two hours amid pandemonium the program went on ending with skits by the thirteen dens. Eugene's den gave a take off on Arthur Godfrey's Show with Eugene as the Announcer. Lillian takes over as Den Mother for the next month. We had chow mein for supper. Sam and Molly came over later in the evening.

Nov 13 Australia's UN delegate Jim Plimsoll flew to the Far East to talk with Red Chinese leaders on their intervention in Korea. Chinese drove two miles into South Korean lines. The World Peace Congress has been transferred from Sheffield England to Warsaw because so many delegates were denied entrance to England. Julia Marlowe is dead at 85.

Nov 14 Venezuela's "Strong Man" Acting President Delgado Chalbaud was assassinated. Tibet asked the U.N. to act on the Chinese invasion .Wallace opposed the seating of Red China in the U.N. Hilliard resumed his Welfare Dept. purge of U.P.W. supporters The C.W.A. charged the A.T. &T. with a lockout of 10,000 employees. Dr. Guzman, pledged to carry on the liberal program of outgoing President Arevalo, was elected President of Guatemala.

Nov 15 Eugene goes to the schoolyard now after school and plays ball with boys he meets there. He had to be pushed into going there the first time. India placed the case of South African racism before the UN. Elizabeth Bentley testified at the spy trial of Brothman and Moskowitz. Cops battled pickets in Philadelphia phone strike. All 58 persons aboard a DC-4 airliner were found dead in a crash on Mt. Obiou.

Nov 16 The kids were punished for being noisy in the morning by being barred from radio or television last night. Eugene did much pleading to no avail. The U.S. gained a delay in the hearing on the Formosa question. Red Chinese delgates are present. Acheson offered Red China all assurances that their interests in Korea would be protected. Harry Gold testified he had spied for Russia for 11 years. A court order has stopped the first color telecast schedule for Monday. 40,000 fire bombs rased [sic] the North Korean supply base in Hoeryong.

Nov 17 Sec'y of Commerce Sawyer cleared Michael Lee of disloyalty but fired him for security reasons. A Grand Jury cited bookie Harry Gross and 33 others but no cops. Harry Gold testified that Brothman gave Russia rubber secrets. Lillian read "Lace Curtain" by Ellen Berlin, "The Happy Generation" Ferenc Kormendi and "The Romance of Casanova" R. Aldington. The Cub Scouts had their first meeting here with Lillian as a den mother. The boys worked on glass engraving.

Nov 18 Eugene drew "Make Way for the Mail" JC Floherty, "The Great Baseball Managers" CB Cleveland, "The Chicago Cubs" - W. Brown and "A Nose for Trouble " Jim Kjelgaard. Sylvia drew "Back Seat Driver" ML Robinson "Here, Suzy!" Verna Hills, "Then There Were Five" E. Enright and "The Harvest Feast" W. Harper. This is a book of Thanksgiving stories which Sylvia needs for school. 

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