Sunday, April 29, 2018


June 15 Sunday Eugene came home from his camporee about 5 o'clock hot dirty and hoarse. The temp hit 90° today. He said he had had a bad day and would not go on the camporee again.  

I do not remember what happened to cause me to make such a rash statement. 

June 16 Red China called off its widespread purge of illegal practises [sic]. 

June 17 L.I.R.R. engineers walked out of a strike mediator talk stranding 300,000 commuters. Russian MIGs downed a Swedish plane drawing an offical protest as crowds stormed the Russian Embassy. Lillian took Eugene to Dr Holzman. Eugene has lost six poinds since his last visit to the doctor although he gained an inch. Dr Holzman wants to do a basal metabolism on Eugene as he may have a hyperthyroid gland. This will be done on July 1. 

I'll hold the story about the basal metabolism test, and hyperthyroid, until it happens.                   

June 18 Gen. Ridgway in Rome denied the U.S. had waged any germ warfare. Left wing demonstrations against him were kept at a minimum due to extensive police preparations. 

June 19 Played my first tennis and beat Mac Cohen. Eugene and Larry went to the Polo Grounds. A fire in the Bedford Stuyvesant slums saw seven persons burned to death. The city had known the house was a fire trap for some years. 

The two box scores scanned in below were taped in here; one, as it says, was the game I went to. The other was a no-hitter; it was the second time that I had been to a game on the day a no-hitter was pitched (someplace else). Both times we noted the result on the out-of-town scoreboard. The other one was on 7/1/51. 

June 20 Mrs Honig owner of the fire trap tenement was arrested and charged with first-degree manslaughter. Sylvia drew "A House for Elizabeth" - Dean Marshall, "Violets Are Blue", Mary Kennedy, "Back Seat Driver" M.L. Robinson, "Sally Tait" - F.C. Sayers. 

June 21 British foreign office radio operator William Marshall was charged with betraying gov't secrets to Russia. Mom and pop took us over to Lil and Harry's where the kids had a good time playing outside. The four kids were joined by a couple of neighbors' kids.

Monday, April 16, 2018


June 8 Sunday Mom and pop took us out to Mary and Hy in Bayside today. There we saw their kids Linda and Stewart. Also Pauline and her daughter Shirley with her husband Marty and son George. Also Pauline's son Melvin, six years old and quite wild and runs rampant with his three year old nephew George. Mac, Anne, Blume and Abe and Lil & Harry also came. Stewart and Eugene played ball. The big girls Linda, Sylvia and Barbara had a grand time, playing school, going out to buy souvenirs, etc. Susan found them later. There was a card game to end the evening.

June 9 $100,000 worth of jewels stolen from a Brooklyn shrine were returned by Spec. Del mail today.

June 10 Eugene went out on a boat ride with the school but came home early when a serious accident was narrowly averted. As it was, two people including a teacher were seriously hurt and a couple of schoolboys slightly hurt. Eugene and his friend Larry were not hurt. A G.I. and 24 PWs were killled and many wounded in the attempt to cut up the large compound into several small units.

The boat ride incident was a Circle Line boat trying to travel by land instead of water. We were seated on the side of the boat, looking out at the water with the trip around Manhattan about to start, when we noticed that the boat seemed to be heading toward shore, instead of away from it. All of a sudden, we were no longer seated, but were on the deck. As Dad says, we were not hurt, but I later saw this in an article listed as one of the two worst accidents in the history of the Circle Line. The two kids quoted in the story scanned in below were classmates at Creston JrHS, but I don't remember knowing they were in the NYT, and I wasn't a close friend of either. 

June 11 Katherine Brush is dead at 49 and Adolph Busch at 60.

June 12 A G.I. who criticized Gen Clark for his handling of the Koje Island situation was ordered court-martialed. Rev. Eliot White [?] was refused treatment by his surgeon when he discovered he was a Communist. Former cop Stanley LaBensky, who murdered two Negros in front of a Yonkers saloon was acquitted by a jury.

June 13 Voice of America broadcasts were banned by Rhee in Korea. Cardinal Faulhaber is dead at 83.

June 14 We celebrated Fathers Day today at mothers house. Lil Harry Rachel Mayer & David also were there. We gave pop a bottle of whiskey. Eugene had left early this morning for his annual over night camping trip at Alpine with 15 boys. The two girls spent most of the time downstairs.

Friday, April 6, 2018


June 1 Sunday Rain again as on every weekend even this three day holiday weekend. Sylvia and Norma played with their dolls. The [sic] Norma asked Lillian to teach her how to knit. Eugene listened to the Giants doubleheader in St louis.

June 2 The French Gen'l Confed. of Labor called a one day strike to protest Duclos' arrest.

June 3 Lil took Sylvia to Dr Tannenbaum. He said she could go back to school Monday. John Dewey is dead at 92. The Supreme Court by a 6-3 decision overthrew Truman's seizure of the steel industry. 650,000 steel workers went out on strike.

June 4 A million dollar baseball trade saw the Red Sox get George Kell, Hoot Evers, Johnny Lipon and Dizzy Trout from the Tigers for Walt Dropo, Johnny Pesky, Don Lenhardt, Fred Hatfield and Bill Wight.

June 5 Franco hailed the resurgence of fascism in Italy in the recent municipal elections. American troops opened a "get tough" policy in our P.O.W. camps. They removed Communist leaders and "rescued" anti-communists, tore down banners and confiscated much equipment. 

June 6 Eisenhower stated his views as a presidential candidate coming out against a F.E.P.C., federal aid to education, "socialized medicine". He hedged on the Taft Hartley Act. South Korean President Rhee is in a struggle with his assembly. He charged many had been bribed by the Communists. Four Cicero police officers including chief Konovsky were found guilty of depriving Negro Harvey Clark of his civil rights in the riots which followed Clark's attempt to move into an apartment there. Heavyweight Champ Joe Walcott defeated the man from whom he had won the title Ezzard Charles, in a 15 round fight.

June 7 Lil and the Brownies went on a picnic to Van Cortlandt Park. Eugene and his boy scouts took in the Yankee Brown baseball game. In the evening we went to Walton H.S. to see "You Can't Take it Withg You". It was very warm there and with Lil's headache, my stomach ache, Sylvia's inability to catch most of the dialogue, only Eugene enjoyed himself. Lil and Sylvia went home before the last act. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018


May 25 Sunday Lil went with the kids to the Beth Israel Center for a bagel and lox affair. Sylvia was the only one in her class to get a certificate for attendance and work. Eugene got a certificate for attendance and an honor certificate for work in religious school. The "House" passed a foreign aid bill with an Almost [sic] two billion dollar cut. Fulton Oursler is dead at 59.

May 26 The Allies signed the peace pact with West Germany as Russia continued to protest and demand a four power parley. 

May 27 Lillian went to the library with Syl where she drew "Hurry Back" - L Beim, "Melindy's Happy Summer" - G. Faulkner, "Appleseed Farm" - E.T. Douglas, "Herbert Again" - Hazel Wilson. East Germany tightened its border as a consequence of the peace pact with West Germany. The Supreme Court unanimously voided the N.Y. State ban on the picture "The Miracle" which had been barred on religious grounds.

Eugene lost his wrist watch, we discovered.

Not sure why he used an extra line. Not the last thing I lost. 

May 28 Stayed home from work due to a sore throat. Sylvia has been spending most of her time playing with her paper dolls and talking to them. East Germany sealed off a 6 1/2 mile zone separating it from West Germany. Telephone communications were cut and Allied military police patrols barred. Italian elections saw the emergence of the fascist M.S.I. party as the balance of power between the Christian Dems and Communists.

May 29 Lil saw Dr Tannenbaum again with Sylvia. He said no school yet. Eugene went on his Field Day today. Jacques Duclos was among 600 jailed, while 200 were injured in Paris riots and demonstrations against Ridgway. 

May 30 Memorial Day We went to the Lido to see Martin and Lewis in the hilarious "Sailor Beware". Also "Bright Victory" with Arthur Kennedy and Peggy Dow. This was a fine picture of a soldier blinded in the war who solves the problem of race discrimination and his own plight. Strikes broke out in France against the arrest of Duclos and smashing of the demonstration. Walter Ullbrecht called on 250,000 East German youth to form a common front against the West German regime.

May 31 A crisis occurred in South Korea over Rhee's dictatorship. Japanese memorial meetings eneded in riots with several two slain and several injured including American reporters. 162 Communists were indicted in France for "plotting against the state". A Romanian shakeup lowered Ann Pauker in the ranks of the "party". Molly came over and Sam followed her after work. The kids played piano and showed tricks. Louis Boudin, Albert Lasker and Ed Van Every are dead at 78, 72 and 73 respectively.