Sunday, April 29, 2012


4/24 Sylvia returned to playground school today. Eugene was the only one on his pond comm. to bring in any info - from his Book of Kn. Wallace in Paris urged a 15 billion dollar loan to Russia. Warden Lawes is dead at 63.

4/25 Lillian saw Mrs. Dwyer who thought very highly of Eugene and was surprised to hear of his lapses. She told Lillian to assure Eugene he could go to the bathroom any time. Lillian took Sylvia to school to register her for the fall term. The Big 4 conference ended in a stalemate in Moscow. Six Nazis were hanged in Prague for the Lidice crime. 600,000 workers put on a stoppage in Detroit and 100,000 listened to Auto union leaders denounce the anti-union drive. 23000 signed T.W.U. cards to be represented by that union in transportation bargaining. Albany banned Robeson. The House Banking Comm. rejected a 10% rent increase 14-10. Willa Cather is dead at 70.

4/26 The kids played in the yard this morning drowning ants and shooting each other. Bobby R. and Gloria and Vivian S. participated. G.M. & Bethlehem Steel signed for 15¢.

These are the first entries in Book III; only three days, since Book II ended mid-week.

Deaths (Book II)

3/19/46 H. Glintenkamp
              H. H. Richardson
              Largo Caballero
3/26 Vincent Youmans
3/27 Alekhine - killed
3/31 Leon Kobrin 
4/3 Noah Beery
4/23 Mae Busch & Lionel Atwill
Interesting to me that he spelled "Mae" correctly this time (wrote "May" on the original entry). But see my note at the end of this section.
5/4 Little Bill Johnston
5/6 Dr. Simon Flexner
5/8 J J Johnston
5/18 Eberhard Faber
5/20 Booth Tarkington
5/24 Henry George Weiss
He didn't write the deaths too clearly, so I've been going back to the date of the diary entry to check the names; found that this one was entered by me as "Henry Bruga Weiss"; now corrected. And, BTW, it seems that the name was really George Henry Weiss. 
5/26 Patterson of the "News"
   29 Carter Glass
He started writing only the new month, from here on.
6/4 Kalinin
   7 Gerhard Hauptmann
   10 Sen. Bankhead
   11 Jack Johnson
   15 Major Bowes; Chas. Butterworth
   26 Wm Hart
   30 Wanda Gag, Antoinette Perry
Just found out that he's NOT going through the diary for deaths; these two are not mentioned in that day's (or any other day's) diary entry (except that I did take out a book from the library by Wanda Gag).
7/5 Steiglitz [sic]
This one made me check the name; he misspelled it both times, understandable, considering our last name!
   11 Sidney Hillman
   20 Bogolometz
   28 Gertrude Stein
8/9 Tony Lazzeri
8/14 H G Wells
   17 D. Bellanca
   20 Fielding Yost
9/2 Moriz Rosenthal
   20 Stewart Edward White
   22 Raimu
   25 Jeff Tesreau
10/5 Barney Oldfield - Gifford Pinchot
     12 Gen. Stillwell
     23 Ernest Thompson Seton
11/9 Gabriel Wells
     15 May Sinclair, DE [sic] Falla 
     19 Jimmy Walker
     26 Henry Morgenthau
12/7 Sam Shore
     9 Laurette Taylor
     11 Damon Runyon, Walter Johnson
     16 Lewis Valentine
     21 Gene Talmadge
     30 Carrie Jacobs Bond
1/2/47 Charles W. Cadman
   5 Ogden Reid
   12 Eva Tanguay
   21 Charles Krumbein
   22 Josh Gibson
   23 Andrew Volstead
   26 Grace Moore
   27 Al Capone
   30 Jim Larkin
Another example of a death not in a diary entry.
2/1 Johnny Kling
   5 Adm. Mitscher
   6 Ellen Wilkinson, Hans Fallada
   14 Sidney Toler
   23 Harry K. Thaw
3/10 Carrie Chapman Catt
   18 Jean Richard Bloch
   28 John Evers
4/8 Henry Ford
   19 Benny Leonard
This was difficult to complete correctly, since the last page apparently fell out, and he pasted it in, covering part of the back cover, on which he had written the last 22 names. So some dates were not visible; I took them from the diary entry. 
In addition to the few names which I noted were not in the diary entry, another indication that he was using some other source was that some names were written out differently here than in the diary entry (e.g., Carrie Chapman Catt was Carrie C. Catt in the diary entry; John Evers was Johnny Evers in the diary entry).  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Index [Book II]

2/22/46 Uprisings grow in India and Egypt.
              Finnish trials result in 2-10 year sentences for Ryti, Tanner, et al.
2/27 Columbia Tenn incident resulting in anti-Negro riots.
2/28 Kuomintang and Red Army sign meger, Miss Quinn whitewashed.
         Ford signs $1.40 per hr agreement with Union. P.M.A. leaves A.F.L.
3/2 Vandenberg enunciates the "get tough" policy with Russia.
3/4 Eugene got his first chess lesson.
3/6 Churchill makes his speech calling for an Anti-Soviet crusade.
3/14 G.M. and G.E. strikes settled with 18 1/2¢ per hr. increase.
3/16 Fred Rose arrested on espionage charges.
3/18 LaFollette Progressive Party returns to the Republican Party.
3/20 Mother operated on for hemorrhoid. Shvernik replaces Kalinin.
3/25 First session of the Security Council at "Hunter".
3/26 Peron's election conceded in Argentina.
3/28 Gromyko takes a walk; Reuther defeats Thomas. Soviet Lieut Redin arrested on espionage charges; Black Book of Nazi terror dedicated.
4/1 Van Acker forms Belgian cabinet; Greek elections held despite boycott.
4/3 England gives TransJordan "independence".
4/11 Poland asks action against France at the "Council" meeting.
4/15 Japanese elections result in Conservative victory.
4/20 French Constitution adopted.
4/22 German Socialists and Communists have formed the United Socialist Party in the Soviet Zone.
4/24 Ed Head pitches no-hitter.
4/30 Roxas victory conceded in Philippines.
5/1 Feller hurls no-hitter; Comm. recommends entry of 100,000 Jews in Palestine.
5/6 French Constitution defeated.
5/8 14 yr old sitter Jack Turk acquitted in murder of 3 yr old Sybil Gurfein.
5/14 Eugene has first lovers' quarrel with Gloria Singer.
5/18 Truman seizes railroads.
5/21 Army transport crashes into skyscraper; Truman signs P.O. increase.
5/24 Browder in Moscow; Eugene asks if he could T-I-P (type).
5/26 Truman forces R.R. back to work and proposes strike breaking Bill.
5/28 C.P. leads in Czechoslovakia.
5/30 Coal strikers settle for 18 1/2¢ and improved conditions.
6/4 M.R.P. wins the French elections.
6/6 58 killed 200 injured in worst Chicago hotel fire.
       The monarchy was defeated in Italy 12 to 10 million. Chris. Dems led for Constit. Assem.
6/8 Eugene has chicken pox.
6/13 C.P. application to the British Labor Party beated 2 1/2 to 1/2 million.
         Bevin makes his anti-semitic remarks.
6/15 Seamen win their strike as Baruch presents his atomic plan.
6/19 Gromyko vetoes the weak Franco resolution.
6/20 Bedault is French Pres as Louis Ko's Conn in the 8th and Sylvia has chicken pox.
6/26 Staten Island fire causes several deaths and $2,000,000 damages.
6/30 Truman vetoes the weak OPA bill.
7/1 Bikini Atoll atom bomb test.
7/4 Philippines received independence; Truman signs Hobbs Bill.
7/5 Kielce pogrom in Poland.
7/10 Sylvia takes a dive.
7/15 Mikhailovitch sentenced to be shot; Aleman wins Mexican presidency.
7/19 Buyers strikes are sweeping the country.
7/22 Rep. May subpoenaed in loan scandal; Large scale civil war in China; Bolivian dictator Villarroel hung and govt overthrown.
7/23 British Army headquarters blown up with scores killed in Palestine.
7/24 Weak OPA bill passed. Heirens confesses dismemberment of 3 yr old Susan Degnan.
7/26 Partition of Palestine broached by England.
7/27 Horrible lynching of four Negroes in Georgia.
7/30 Bedault opens 21 power peace conference in Paris.
8/3 Tennessee vets use arms to beat a political machine.
8/5 Record paid crowd of 74,529 see Yankee Indian game.
8/10 British war against "Illegal Jewish Emigrants is being pressed.
8/11 Senator Bilbo admits he is a Klansman.
8/19 Internecine riots between Muslims and Hindus cause 15000 casualties.
[looked back at the diary at this one; there he says "1000 deaths and 4000 injured" so he probably meant to write "5000".]
8/20 Yugoslavia has shot down two US planes after repeated protests.
8/22 The "Pirates" have voted against the union.
8/30 Afghanistan Iceland and Sweden accepted into the UN.
9/1 Truckers strike settled.
9/2 Terroristic Greek plebiscite returns monarchy.
9/3 Nehru leads new interim gov't in India.
9/4 Bottvinik wins Chess Masters tournament.
9/7 G.G. Videla - Chilean leftist wins Presidency.
9/8 Jack Kramer wins Mens Singles beating Tom Brown.
9/9 Eugene starts 1-B.
9/10 Bulgaria votes Republic.
9/11 English squatters take over empty houses.
9/13 Wallace makes his famous "peace" speech.
9/15 Eugene plays on tennis court for first time.
9/20 Truman fires Wallace in double-cross.
9/25 Stalin calls long peace possible.
9/29 Surprise party for Mom and Pop's fortieth anniversary.
9/30 Cards and Dodgers end season in exact tie for first place.
10/2 11 big Nazis to die; Schacht, Von Papen and Fritsch to go free.
10/4 Cards win pennant in a play off with Dodgers.
10/5 23 of 25 Columbia Tenn. Negroes are freed in historic trial.
10/15 Truman ends meat controls.
10/16 Goering takes poison as ten other Nazis are hung; Cards win World Series in upset from Red-Sox.
10/20 Vets "sit down" in state legislature for housing, education, raises.
10/22 S.D. win election in all Berlin zones.
10/26 Ass't Att'y Gen'l Rogge has been discharged for divulging secret report of Americans connected with Nazis.
10/28 Eugene gets his first glasses.
10/29 Stalin calls Churchill leading warmonger, admits Russia lacks atom bomb.
11/6 Dewey re-elected as Republicans sweep country. Million dollar embezzler caught in Florida.
11/9 First bank strike.
11/11 French C.P. wins election.
11/14 Sylvia goes down alone for first time.
11/19 Jimmy Walker dies.
11/22 400,000 miners out on strike; Left wing wins in Romania.
11/23 Dimitrov is Bulgarian Premier.
11/24 Reshevsky wins American chess championship.
11/30 Lewis & miners in contempt of court as gov't fights to break strike.
12/3 We buy the Book of Knowledge.
12/4 Eugene in 2A
12/5 Mine Union fined $3,500,000. Molotov agrees control & inspection of arms not subject to veto.
12/8 Winecoff Hotel fire 122 killed - 100 injured.
12/10 UN votes to recall all ambassadors from Spain.
12/12 Azerbaijan falls to Iran troops.
12/13 Disaster as 2515 Amsterdam Ave. collapses; Leon Blum is first Premier of the 4th Republic; Eugene breaks his first lens. 
12/22 Eugene on skates for first time; Jap. earthquake 1300 killed.
12/24 The Dairen incident; Portal-to-portal pay suits instituted.
12/28 Kramer & Schroeder regain Davis Cup from Australia.
12/30 Progressive Citizens of America born.
1/2/47 Labor Gov't nationalizes mines; Illinois wins Rose Bowl game.
1/5 Americans for Democratic Action born.
1/8 Marshall leaves China and becomes Sec'y of State.
1/14 I go to Dr. Holzman with Eugene and find I have an anal fissure and Eugene virus infection of the chest.
1/16 H. Talmadge "elected" to succeed his father on basis of 675 write-in votes; Gov. Arnall refuses to recognize "coup"; Paraguay C.P. outlawed.
1/21 Gov't bloc wins big victory in Poland.
1/22 Dr. Holzman says Sylvia has thrush.
1/26 Grace Moore killed in plane crash.
1/27 Brazilian C.P. polls million votes.
2/5 Eugene in 2B. Eisler arrested as enemy alien.
2/8 Eugene gets a reader & speller.
2/10 Eugene elected V.P. of his class.
2/11 Sylvia wants to go to Lincoln's Birthday.
2/13 England in rail crisis; 5¢ fare in subway upheld.
2/16 "Columbian" leader gets jail sentence.
2/17 50 killed in worst airplane crash.
2/19 China in crisis, Romania starving.
2/23 Eugene dances with Elaine at Isabel's party.
2/25 Greatest teachers strike in Buffalo.
2/26 Eugene kept in 1/2 hour for lateness.
3/7 Supreme Court upholds information against miners on grounds that since gov't had taken over the mines LaGuardia act doesn't apply.
3/11 Big 4 ministers conference opens in Moscow, Sylvia goes to playground alone.
3/12 Truman inaugurates his reactionary "Truman Doctrine" via Greece & Turkey.
3/20 Yenan falls; Talmadge ousted. French C.P. refuses to support war in IndoChina.
3/23 Eugene beats me in chess; Truman orders purge of reds in Gov't. Lillian gets cold.
3/25 Hearings on outlawing the C.P. begin.
3/26 Called Dr. Marcus for Lillian, who said she had the grippe. 111 miners killed in Centralia blast.
3/31 Eugene gets first report card with A's and B+'s.
4/1 Wallace speaks to 30,000 at the "Garden"; Greek King George dies.
4/6 Eugene gets sick.
4/7 Dr. Holzman says Eugene has a strep throat; Sylvia goes to bed with fever also.
4/8 Eugene quite sick and delirious at night but plays games of chess with me anyhow. His temp down to normal in A.M. Telephone strike starts; Ford dies.
4/9 Dr. Holzman unable to diagnose Sylvia's illness definitely.
4/10 Eugene gets adenitis, a complication resulting from his "strep". Sinatra socks Hearst columnist; Durocher suspended for season. Lilienthal confirmed.
4/11 Jackie Robinson signed by Dodgers. Texas tornado kills 127.
4/15 Both children up and around; Ask for Wallace prosecution.
4/16 Small-pox vaccination for all New Yorkers asked.
4/17 I am in bed all day with bad cough and phlegm; Texas City explosions kill over 500; Dov Gruner and others executed by the British.
4/18 House passes Hartley "slave labor" bill 308-107.
4/19 We are all vaccinated; labor demonstrations begin against anti-labor drive. Benny Leonard dies.
4/23 Greek Turkish Aid Bill passes Senate 67-23.

Monday, April 23, 2012


4/20 Sunday Chess, word games. Trouble with Sylvia at every meal. A bad day so we had to stay in all day.

4/21 Eugene back to school just in time for his reading contract. He was out all last week. I return to work today. Wallace spoke in Norway. The "Big 4" Foreign Ministers in Moscow agreed on Austrian blame for the war. They failed to agree on other points of the Austrian treaty or on Yugoslav claims for Corinthia. A minor Portuguese revolt has been put down. U.S. Steel has agreed to a 15¢ per hour raise. Simon Patino, Bolivian tin plate king is dead in Argentina at 87. King Christian of Denmark is dead. Forty Jewish youths seized the British Consulate here and held a memorial service for the executed Palestinians.

4/22 Eugene has wet himself two days in a row in class apparently because he is afraid to ask Mrs. Dwyer to leave the room. It seems she refuses some children. Sylvia counting beautifully. Egypt has asked the UN to free Palestine. The British occupied zone in Germany gave the S.D. first place. The C.P. got about 10% of the vote. 100,000 Iowans put on an AFL-CIO stoppage against the Hartley Bill. Pres Truman speaking at an A.P. luncheon at the Waldorf again asked for price cuts to avert a slump. The AFL has asked the C.I.O. to meet with it on united action and a merger.

4/23 Playing with Gloria and Sylvia at Casino and tiddledy-winks, Eugene showed himself something of a poor sport when Lillian said he was wrong and Gloria right in a bet they had made. Sylvia made some drawings and asked for pennies as a reward. 75,000 unionists rallied her in Madison Square Park against the anti-labor drive. Among the speakers were Quill, Hollander, Kingdon and Lehman, Krause, telephone strike director. The Greek Turkish Bill passed the Senate 67-23. Reactionaries and liberals were split on both sides. The S.P.-C.P. bloc won in Sicily elections. A British troop team was blown up in Palestine. Dennis & Josephson were cited by the "House" Marcantonio dissenting.

This is the last entry in Book II. except for the Index and Deaths. Those will be the next posts.