Thursday, July 30, 2015


Nov. 13 Sunday We stayed in on this rainy Sunday. Eugene finished his gantry crane. Sylvia played with the anagrams. She arranges each letter in a separate line. These letters are then pupils in a class. Irving R. came up to take Eugene and Bobby to the Marble Hill. They saw Glenn Ford & Nina Foch in "Undercover Man" & "The Doolins of Oklahoma" with Randolph Scott. Sylvia played school with Norma. They play this quietly for hours.

Nov. 14 Harlem is aroused over another police shooting of a resident.

Nov. 15 Eugene told Lil how many clippings a boy brought into class but he himself forgot to bring any. Judy Coplon's second trial started with the F.B.I. agent who arrested her telling his story. Czechoslovakia is ousting all foreigners. The Arab nations and Israel denounced each other in meetings with U.S. officials. Gomulka was expelled from the Central Comm. of the Polish Communist Party.

Nov. 16 After school we walked over to Mom's seeing Lil and the kids first. Peggy is adorable. She shakes her head to all questions. Susan had her hair cut and looked very cute. Later we had supper at Mom's and pop came home and joined us. Chinese Nationalists shelled U.S. ships. Yugoslavia attacked Russia for warmongering. Mayor O'Dwyer declared war on the A.L.P. and Marcantonio. The F.B.I. failed to find any evidence that Judy Coplon was ever a Communist. Herbert Burgman was found guilty of treason for aiding Germany during the war. A deck officers strike was put off for a month. Lillian read "East Side, West Side" by Margaret [sic] Davenport, "The Greyhound in the Leash" by Joyce Horner, "The Visitor" by Randau & Zugsmith. We both read Burl Ives "The Wayfaring Stranger".

Nov. 17 Several hundred N.M.U. leftists came out to protest the continuing purge of rank and filers by Curran and his gang. There were many scuffles with several sent to the hospital and others arrested. Port Agent Dave Drummond and thirteen patrolmen had been summarily fired by Curran although elected on his own slate. A membership meeting had voted 1297-3 to keep them on the job. The State C.I.O. Exec. Board voted to bar Communists from office.

Nov. 18 A jury of eight women and four men was selected for the second Hiss trial. 18 were killed as two B-29s collided. 4700 N.M.U. members howled and rioted at a meeting at the St Nich. with Curran back to lead his faction. Chairs and bats were thrown at Curran. A vote of 2700 to 2000 was announced in favor of Curran on charges against him. Drummond and the patrolmen were ousted on a voice vote. Anti-Curranites held their own meeting after the regular meeting and passed a resolution against Curran and Stone 1858-4. Truman denounced the imprisonment of American Consul General Angus Ward by the Chinese Communists. Acheson has barred recognition of Red China over the matter.

 Nov. 19 Sylvia drew "Making Friends" by Daw, McKee, Aldredge, "The New Friendly Village" by M O'Donnell, "Pets & Friends" by E A Myers & "The Cozy Little Farm" by L. Bonino. Eugene drew "Winabojo Master of Life" by J.C. Bowman, "Beyond the Clapping Mountains" by C.E. Gillham, "More To and Again" by W R Brooks & "The Boy Apprenticed to an Enchanter" Padraic Colum. Bobby R. also went with us & borrowed books. Hiss in his new trial blamed Julian Wadleigh for stealing secret documents. The UN voted an arms ban on Greeks neighbors except Yugo. which has ceased aid to the Greek guerrillas. Vice President Barkley 71 wed Jane Hadley 38. Bishop Manning is dead at 83.                   

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Nov. 6 Sunday Sylvia went to a fire-house yesterday with her school-mates on a tour. She saw the men sliding down a pole and sat in an engine with a fireman's hat on her. Lillian got a hat friday [sic]. There was one hat she liked but Sylvia didn't so that was out. Sylvia got some brown shoes with suede trim at Alexanders size 1 1/2 E $5.79. Today we went downtown to Roxy's. Admission cost us $4. We saw "Everybody Does It" - a comedy with Paul Douglas, Linda Darnell and Celeste Holm. On the stage we saw acrobats, dancers, ventriloquists and Ethel Waters. Sylvia liked the stage show.

Nov. 7 Lillian went to school to see Sylvia's class as it is open school week. She was proud of Sylvia who raised her hand several times to speak. She suggeted a lullaby as a song to sing and got a doll to rock while the class sung one. She has a 100% paper on the wall and is in group I in reading. In the library Sylvia drew "Winter Comes and Goes" a science book by Frasier MacCracken & Armstrong, "Too Big" by the d'Aulaires, "Ned & Nan in Holland" by Olmstead & Grant and A French ABC by FL Dauphin. It has beaautiful pictures. Sylvia says Eugene told her to take it but Eugene says Sylvia wanted it. Eugene drew "Treasure Island", "Adventures of the Little Wooden Horse" by U.M Williams, "Aesops Fables" & Freddy & the Popinjay by W R Brooks. Malenkov speaking on the eve of the Anniversay of the Revolution demanded arms reduction and outlawing and destriction of the atom bomb. He accused the U.S. of plotting war and enslavement of the world.

Nov. 8 Election Day We voted for Lehman for Senator on the Dem. Ticket and Marcantonio for Mayor and all other A.L.P. candidates. The AL.P. did not run a senatorial candidate. India & Egypt asked for an immediate ban on the atom bomb at the UN. Scarsdale rejected the Committee of Ten's demand for banning of books by leftists. The Supreme Court upheld the $1,420,000 fine on Lewis and the coal miners. Soviet Marshal Rokossovsky took over his job as Polish Minister of Defense & Marshall of the Polish Armies. Joseph Gaer and Mrs. Louise Bransten Berman were quizzed by the "UnAmerican Comm." on subversive activities.

Nov. 9 In a democratic swing Mayor O'Dwyer was re-elected. O'Dwyer D 1,264,600 votes - Morris R. 956,170 Marcantonio ALP 356,423. In the Senatorial battle Lehman won. Lehman D 2,460,407. Dulles R. 2,240,230. Ben Davis was defeated for City Council by Earl Brown who was supported by D. R. & Lib. parties Brown 63000 votes Davis 26000 votes. Approx. Bedacht testified before the "UnAmerican Comm." that he knew nothing of Russian spies. Quirino has been reelected president of the Philippines. Lillian went to see Eugene's class in the morning, Dr. Goodfriend about her tumor in the afternoon and to speak with Eugene & Sylvia's teacher in the evening. 

Nov. 10 Lillian saw Eugene's class in action this morning. Mrs. Deveraux had told Lillian Eugene knew his work very well but rarely volunteered, waiting to be called on. This morning he was very uncertain in class but his teacher attributed it to the presence of the mothers. Miss Costigan told Lillian Sylvia was a very determined child and not particularly shy in school. Dr Goodfriend found Lillian still OK and told her to come back in six months. The UN voted independence for Libya in 1952. East German ex Nazis except war criminals and activists won full citizenship. Lewis ended the miners strike for three weeks. Bethlehem, Republic, Jones & Laughlin, Youngstown Steel & Tube signed with the Steel Union. Two Chinese Airlines went over to the Communists.  

Nov. 11 Armistice Day We went to the Kingsbridge to see "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" with Henry Fonda, Fred McMurray, Sylvia Sydney, Nigel Bruce, Beulah Bondi, Fred Stone. Also "Geronimo" with Preston Foster, Ralph Morgan, Andy Devine. Sylvia wanted to go home toward the end but wanted to stay on when the time came. Tito offered asylum to pro-Tito Communists from other countries. Vishinsky claimed Russia is working peace time miracles with its atomic energy. The Nat'l Council of American Soviet Friendship gave a dinner to Vishinsky attended by 600. Speakers included Vishinsky, Robeson, Dr Harry F Ward, Colston Warne, Rev Melish, John Kingsbury, Corliss Lamont.  

Nov. 12 Sylvia is playing at Norma G's house and Eugene is playing at Bobby R's. house. Police halted Anti-Negro riots in Chicago after rumors that Negroes were moving into certain sections. Big steel settled completely with the steel union as US Steel signed a pension and insurance agreement. It was the warmest Armistice Day ever with 73°.

Monday, July 27, 2015


Oct. 29, 1949 (cont.) Jefferson Military College failed to get the $50,000,000 when it refused to change its policy to teach white supremacy. A motion to take Ben Davis off the ballot was denied by Supreme Court Justice (N.Y.) Dineen.

This entry was continued from Book 5; Dad switched to naming (Oct) instead of numbering (10) the dates in this book. 

Oct. 30 Sunday We were in all day on a rainy Sunday doing puzzles and listening to the radio.

Oct. 31 Sylvia hinted that if she had a cow girl suit she would wear it to the Halloween party in school today. A Junior Marshall Plan is being prepared for Asia to combat Communism. Murray has OK'd a 'red' purge in the C.I.O.

Nov. 1 Sylvia said she was hot (although it is a cold day) and would not wear her sweater. "Then you won't go to school" said Lillian. That was the end of the protest. Right-wing Socialists quit de Gasperi's cabinet in an effort to unify Italy's Socialists. Bethlehem split the Steel industry when it settled the strike with the Union giving a pension of $100 a month minimum at the age of 65 after 25 years service. The C.I.O. convention opened with a constitutional Amendment in the offing to expel left wing unions. Edward Stettinius Jr is dead at 49. 

Nov. 2 Sylvia brought home a plant bulb today in the absorbent cotton container she had gotten from the medicine chest. Both kids love the 'trimz' which Lillian is putting on the foyer. The Court of Appeals reserved decision on bail for the '11' and also stayed jail sentences for the attornies imposed for contempt. 55 dead as a P-38 hit an airliner. The only survivor was the pilot of the Bolivian P38. Rep Bates Helen Hokinson and Tammany leader Michael Kennedy were among the dead. The U.E. delegates walked out of the C.I.O. Convention. They and the F.E. Union are slated to be expelled. The President signed the bill raising minimum wages fro 40¢ to 75¢ per hour but eliminating hundreds of thousands of workers.

Nov. 3 The C.I.O. expelled the U.E. and set up a dual union - the Intern'l Electrical Workers Union led by right wingers. F.E. was also expelled. Bridges led the left wing defense at the convention. Quill Curran Ruether & Murray did the smearing for the administration.

Nov. 4 Eugene has a gold star in his book but cannot remember why he got it. The '11' C.P. leaders have been released in $260,000 bail. Thousands cheered Ben Davis in Harlem and cops clubbed six and arrested four in an attempt to halt the demonstration. The C.I.O. climaxed its red purge by giving a blank check to the Truman foreign policy. The delegates also endorsed the move to leave the W.F.T.U.

Nov. 5 The UN condemned Albania and Bulgaria for aid to the Greek guerillas. Murhena [sic] Zolyak, Bulgaria-born American UN Aide stabbed Wei Huan Kuo, Chinese girl employed as a. Two UN aides are dead in a murder suicide act. Three Greek seamen climbed down from the yardarm of their ship where they had been two days having won their battle to escape deportation to Greece. The C.I.O. elected several leftists to its Executive board but will not seat them in accordance with the new constitutional amendment against Communists and supporters.

Don't know why Dad crossed out the more detailed description of what happened.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Deaths (Book 5)

5/30/49 Ripley
6/11 Dr. de Los Rios [actually 6/1]
6/25 Premier Sophoulis
7/17 A.F. Whitney
7/19 Serg Kournakoff
7/20 Van Bittner
         Frank Murphy
7/28 Vince Dundee
8/1 Paul Crosbie
8/17 Margaret Mitchell
8/19 Dr Sam Green
8/31 Hans Kindler 
9/6 Bill Odom
9/8 Orozco
9/9 Richard Strauss
9/12 Justice Rutledge
9/13 Harry T Burleigh 
9/19 Frank Morgan
9/27 Richard Dix
10/7 Oswald G Villard
        Bob Hannigan
10/29 Marcel Cerdan

Index of Book 5

5/7 Eugene goes on a tour to LaGuardia airport and makes recordings with his friend Jerome Elkind.
5/10 Israel was accepted by the U.N.
5/11 Hague was ousted after 32 years.
5/12 Gerhard Eisler jumped his bail and sailed for Europe.
5/18 The American Legion issued a blacklist of noted fellow travellers.
5/23 Forrestall commites suicide
5/24 Western Germany was officially set up.
5/25 Victor Ruether shot following his brother's shooting.
5/26 Sylvia has her tonsils removed by Dr Witchell in Royal Hosp. Eisler freed by a British court.
6/17 Robeson makes his sensational statement that Negroes will not fight against Russia.
6/21 The Vatican excommunicated all Czechs that join new gov't movement.
6/23 Ku Klux Klan resurges in South as Charles beats Walcott for Heavy. Crown.
6/27 Berlin railroad strikers win 100% payment in Western marks & no more refusals from Soviet Employers.
6/28 The family left for Soss's bungalows in Burlinghame. We share with Gallins $525.
6/30 Slovak Catholics fight Czech police.
7/1 Judy Coplon gets 40 months to 60 years.
7/3 Dimitroff dead at 67.
7/4 Schroeder wins Wimbledon title.
7/12 Tito ceases aid to Greek guerillas.
7/13 13 Amer. Journalists among 70 killed in two major air crashes.
7/14 The Vatican announced excommunication of all Communists & Fellow travelers.
7/19 Jackie Robinson refutes Robeson at the "UnAmerican Comm." hearings.
7/22 Senate passes Atlantic Pact.
7/28 Polio epidemic, learnt to swim, Lillian learned Mah Jong.
8/7 Earthquake kills thousands in Ecuador.
8/26 We have surprise party for Lillian in Country.
8/29 First Robeson Concert riot
9/6 Second Robeson Concert riot; Gonzales wins "Nationals"
9/7 Vet runs amok in Camden killing thirteen
9/17 Hungarian treason trial hears confessions
9/19 200 dead or missing in S.S. Noronic fire; England devaluates pound to $2.50
9/22 Chinese Communists proclaim a People's Republic of China
9/23 Truman announced an atomic blast had occurred in Russia recently
9/30 Russia broke its mutual friendship pact with Yugo.
10/3 Yanks & Dodgers win pennant on last day of season; steel workers struck.
10/5 A blanket 15% rent rise in NY City was refused.
10/7 Hawaiian stevedores won their long strike with a 21¢ per hour increase
10/8 An East German state was formed.
10/9 We have big birthday party for Sylvia.
10/10 Yanks win World Series
10/15 Eleven top Communists convicted of conspiring to teach & advocate violent overthrow of the gov't.
10/18 Greek guerillas announced the end of the Civil War to "avoid bloodshed"
10/22 Amtorg officers indicted as foreign agents; C.P. leaders sentenced to 5 years in prison.
10/26 Russia asked Yugo. to recall its Ambassador.
10/29 Marcel Cerdan killed

On the next page is a picture of Silvia and myself from September 1949


10/23 Sunday We had Mortie & Ray Steindler over for dinner and had a very pleasant afternoon listening to stories about their cross country trip and the bringing up of Walter.

10/24 Two Queens A.L.P. clubs were stoned with a few arrested at only one of the clubs.

10/25 Truman in dedicating the permanent headquarters of the UN Assembly on East River Drive called for an effective prohibition of atomic weapons. 20,000 heard Wallace Robeson & Marcantonio in an A.L.P. rally at the 'Garden' for Marc. Newcombe & Sievers are named rookies of the year.

10/26 Sylvia is as difficult as ever We had quite a scene when she refused to wear a hat to go out after school. Russia has asked Yugoslavia to recall its ambassador for spying and subversive activities. The Czech church yielded in its battle with the gov't to the extent of allowing priests to swear loyalty to the gov't and accept salaries in order to stay out of jail. N.Y.U. Chancellor Dr H.W. Chase stated that C.P. members should not be allowed to teach but fellow travellers [sic] might. In his first pro. match Pancho Gonzales lost to Jackie Kramer before 13000 at the Garden 6-4,3-6,6-3,6-2. Lil read Feuchtwanger's "The Pretender" Merle Miller's "That Winter" "Tomorrow Will Sing!" of Elliot [sic] Arnold. We both read Noel Coward's Autobiography "Present Indicative".

10/27 Sylvia cannot have her watch until she dresses and eats faster, and "listens" better. Judge George Armstrong gave $50,000,000 to Jefferson Military College on condition that it teach white supremacy. Marcantonio offered to quit the mayoralty race if O'Dwyer banned "Jim Crow" in 'Stuyvesant Town'.

10/28 Eugene's class had an upside down day. The did everything backwards. George Bidault was confirmed as French Premier 367-183. Attlee took a crisis vote by his closest margin 353-222. In the Peekskill riot probe, victims are being badgered rather than the investigators. The C.I.O.-A.F.L. held a rally for Lehman & O'Dwyer at the Garden. Phillip Murray, Mrs F.D.R. and F.D.R.Jr were among the speakers.

10/29 We went to the Lido to see "The Overlanders" about a long trek with cattle in Australia and "The Years Between" with Valerie Hobson, Michael Redgrave and Flora Robson. Sylvia showed some interest in the picture. Her favorite pictures are "Little Women" and "Bambi". We had supper in a cafeteria. Eugene and I got shoes at Tom McCann. I got brown shoes at $6.65. Eugene's were brown size 4 1/2 $5. The U.E. in a pre convention statement demanded a no-raiding pact. C.I.O. leaders are getting ready to oust or subjugate left wing unions. A plane crash in a Paris to N.Y. flight killed all 48 persons aboard including Middle Weight champ Marcel Cerdan.

The entry for this date (10/29/49) is continued at the beginning of Book 6; otherwise, this is the end of Book 5 of Dad's diary, except for the Index (list of key events) and Deaths.

Saturday, July 25, 2015


10/16 Sunday We went to Milt & Shirley's with Sam & Molly. Molly was to leave for Hot Springs in the evening. We spent the day playing with Seth who is very adorable and playful.

10/17 The kids are writing stories again - a bookfull each. Eugene's are Fairy stories. He has already written "The Three Sisters and the Giant" Sylvia's are "Easy Stories" She has written "Sally's Cousin". Victorious prosecutor McGohey in the C.P. trial has been named a Federal Judge. Elizabeth strikers ended their 168 day Singer Machine strike. Meager gains were attributed to the right wing Bridgeport local's capitulation a few weeks ago. 16000 Alcoa workers struck.

10/18 The Greek guerrillas announced the end of the civil war to "avoid more bloodshed and the destruction of Greece". 2000 sanitation workers "took sick" and paraded for a 5 day, 40 hour week. GLK Smith endorsed Dulles, Lehman's opponent for NY Senator, as an Anti-Communist Christian. 

10/19 Sylvia didn't want to wear a dress today because she had worn it already (Saturday). Vishinsky charged the U.S. with violating the UN charter in supporting Yugo. instead of Czecho. to the Security Council. Russia's proposal for a world count of atom bombs was rejected by the "Council". Russia in turn rejected a world arms count exclusive of atom bombs. Protests held up a measure to ban "noisy meetings" in Cortlandt. An attempt to remove Ben Davis from the City Council because of his conviction was halted by Connolly's objection.

10/20 Eugene was nominated for President but has a couple of charges against him and cannot run. New Jersey's loyalty oath was declared unconstitutional by the courts. Congress adjourned after voting over a billion in arms aid. Nehru is here on a six day visit. He warned yesterday that the West must move out of Asia.

10/21 Sylvia raved over a beautiful dress worn by a classmate. She herself wore her new blouse today. The girls exchanged compliments. 4000 (revised to 500) Guatemalans were killed in floods there. Cortlandt slipped through an anti-disturbance ordinance when the opposition went home. Yugoslavia was elected to the Security Council against the wishes of Russia which had backed Czechoslovakia. The Chinese Red Army has taken Canton. Lil and the kids got their first "flu" injections at Dr. Holzman's.

10/22 Arline D. came up and kids played. Eugene tried to make them laugh creating quite a racket. Later I took Eugene and Bobby R. to the Oxford to see Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson in "Its A Great Feeling" and "Colorado Territory" with Joel McCrae [sic] and Virginia Mayo. Amtorg was indicted here with five of its officers arrested and held in $15,000 bail. The charge is failure to register as agents of the Soviet gov't. Medina sentenced ten of the C.P. to 5 years in prison. Bob Thompson got 3 years for his war record. All got $10,000 fines. Bail was refused pending appeal. U.E. officers were the last C.I.O. leaders to sign non-Communist affadavits.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


10/9 Sylvia's Birthday The Yanks won the 4th 6-4. The Dodgers made a 4 run rally in the 6th knocking out Lopat. The Yanks Ko'd Newcomb. We had a birthday party for Sylvia. Present were Mom & pop, Tante Blume & Uncle Abe, Ann & Mac, Lil & Harry, Sam & Molly & Evelyn. Children were Sylvia, Eugene, Barbara & Richard Seth who slept throughout, Susan & Peggy, who made a pig of herself just as Susan used to, Isabel. Lewis Wasserberger & Arlene Drucker came up for the children's party. We had a lovely dinner with potted chicken & meat balls and a nice birthday cake. Eugene worked on a jig saw puzzle he got today for about two hours After the kids played a "western" game with guns etc. Mom, Pop, Uncle Abe, Sam, Molly & I played poker - 5 &10¢. Sylvia got some beautiful gifts including blouses, dresses, bathrobe etc. She wore a beautiful blue rayon faille dress which Lillian had made for her.

10/10 Sylvia also got a pen and pencil set and a "Mickey Mouse" Watch which she is crazy about. She marvels that it is still running. We gave Sylvia an accordion and Eugene a Tru View [sic] stereoscope. French Unions are beginning to strike in the devaluation crisis. Yanks won the World Series 4 games to 1 by winning yesterday 10-6. 

10/11 Sylvia knows why you can't fall off the earth no matter where you stand. "Gravity". The U.N. was told by Manuilsky that Spellman had financed Mindszenty in 1947 to overthrow the Hungarian regime. Austrian elections gave the People's Party 77 seats. Socialists 67 seats. League of Independent Voters (Nazi) 16 seats. C.P. 5 seats. The Farm Equipment Workers Union continued to defy the C.I.O.'s order to merge with the U.A.W. by voting to merge with the U.E. Most of the Chinese Embassy staff in Paris came out for the Chinese Communists. A heat record of 88° for Oct 10 was set yesterday. Lillian read Hans Habe's "Walk in the Darkness", DeVoto's "Mountain Time". We both read Ojike's "I have two Countries".

10/12 A Sylvia 2A poem. "How Birds Sleep". "When jolly sun has gone to bed, and stars begin to peep, then all the little birdies know that it is time to sleep. They fly up to the tallest tree and there they hang on tight. And stick their heads beneath their wings and sleep throughout the night". An October heat record was broken with 85°. Russia asked a UN census of all Atom bombs. Wilhelm Pieck became president of the new East German Republic. Milk went down 1-2 cents.

10/13 Sylvia is anxious about a television set. Wide arrests are being made in Czechoslovakia aimed at the middle class it is reported. The Senate rejected Leland Olds 53-18.  

10/14 A move to censor or ban left wing books in Scarsdale public schools has been initiated but is being fought by equally wealthy natives.  

10/15 Sylvia drew "Wee Gillis" by Munro Leaf, "Barkis" by C.T. Newberry, "Lovina" by K. Milhous, and "Raven the Rascal" by H. Weissenborn. Eugene drew "Stories of the Gods & Heroes" by Sally Benson, "Freddys Cousin Weedly" by W.R. Brooks, "Tales of the Persian Genii" by Olcott & Pogany and "Secret Water" by Ransome. The Federal Court jury found the 11 Communist defendants guilty of conspiring to teach and advocate the violent overthrow of the gov't after seven hours of deliberation. To rub it in, Judge Medina then sentenced defence lawyers to jail terms for willful contempt. Sacher & Gladstein - 6 months. Isserman and Crockett - 4 months, McCabe 30 days. The defendants were Stachel, Gil Green, Gates, Davis, Winston, Winter, Hall, Potash, Thompson & Williamson & Dennis. Dennis who acted as his own counsel also received 6 months for contempt. Clergymen were made Civil Servants under a new law passed in Czech. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


10/2 We visited Al & Edith today. Danny is a little genius. He is learning to tell time and knows most makes of autos when he sees them. We brought candy, a tie and toy. The kids get pen and pencil sets. Eugene quizzed Sylvia on Columbus which she is learning about in school. First he asked serious questions, then he told her he was a friend of God and had discovered Spain. Then he pointed to his picture as a "three day old" and said that man had discovered America.

Dad stopped identifying Sundays for a while, forcing me to carefully count to seven. The picture referred to was on the wall; a picture of me when I was three days old. 

10/3 Sylvia drew "Two is a Team" - L&J Beim - About A Negro and White boy who are friends, "Sasha and the Samovar" by L&J Beim about a boy in the Soviet Union, "Five Puppies For Sale" - E. Brann and "E-Tooka-Shoo" by R. Wilt. The kids pick their own books now as we do not go to the Children's room with them any more. Eugene drew Sandburg's "Rootabaga Stories", "The Turf-Cutter's Donkey" by P. Lynch, "The Orange Fairy Book" and "Wiggins for President" - W. Brooks. In the greatest finish in Major League baseball the Yanks and Dodgers won pennants on the last day of the season. Russia recognized Communist China. A half million steel workers struck when companies and the Union failed to agree on a pension plan. The Nat'l Labor Conference of Peace was held in Chicago with 1245 trade unionists attending. Marcantonio Wallace & Robeson spoke.

10/4 Sylvia complained of a pain in her side at lunch time saying a girl had bumped her. She was better in the evening however. Truman and his Senate leaders shelved the Civil Rights program for the rest of this session. 

10/5 Leland Olds, former radical was unanimously rejected by the Senate Commerce Sub-Committee for the Federal Power Commission. Medina turned down all propals [sic] for a mistrial as the trial of the '12' ended. He also refused to allow Ben Davis to sum up himself. The NY Rent Advisory Board denied a blanket 15% rent increase in the City.

10/6 Yanks won the first from the Dodgers in a great pitching duel 1-0. Reynolds gave two hits while Newcomb [sic] pitched a home-run ball to Tommy Henrich among five hits he gave. French Premier Queuille reigned as a result of the wage and price problems growing out of devaluation. The church was further curbed in Czechoslovakia. Tito followed Russia in recognizing Communist China.

10/7 Dodgers win second on Roe's shut-out 1-0. Robinson doubled and scored. Raschi hurled for Yanks. Hawaii's 159 day dock strike ended with a 21¢ raise for the strikers. Richard Dix, Oswald Garrison Villard & Bob Hannegan are dead.

10/8 Yanks win 3rd 4-3. Mize pinch-hit a single in the ninth to knock in two. An East German state was formed to rival the Western state. Otto Grotewohl was elected Chancellor. Pieck will be President.

Monday, July 20, 2015


9/25 Sunday To Mother's for dinner with Lily, Harry and kids. Peggy is adorable and affectionate. Eugene & Sylvia and Susan did their usual masquerade act and thought it hilarious. Lillian read Hurry, Hurry, Home - John Klempner. I read Donald Friede's biography "The Mechanical Angel". Lillian also read this plus "Rich Man Poor Man" - J.A. Fairbank.

9/26 Lillian got herself a lovely suit at Robert Hall's Size 14 1/2. $20. Russia pressed for a ban on the atom bomb.

9/27 Yugoslavia accused Russia of exerting military pressure along her borders at the UN. Russia countered with charges that Tito supporters were partisans of reaction. Att'y Gen'l McGrath successor to Tom Clark has discovered his predecessor's plan to probe Communist lawyers.

9/28 We will support Yugoslavia for a seat on the UN Council. England will support Czechoslovakia. Britain froze wages and raised taxes on business profits. Yugoslavia expelled nine Hungarian diplomats in retaliation for Hungary's expulsion of 10 Yugo. diplomats as spies in disguise. Non-union mine pits opened as armed miners faced state police.

9/29 Sylvia asked Lil if she knew "My Country 'Tis". She then sang it tunelessly so that Lil could hardly keep from laughing. The Steel Union turned down an offer of the U.S. Steel to pay ten cents an hour to a pension fund if the Union contributed also.

9/30 Sylvia was elated that she got a blue star for being the only one in the class to bring a note for the Jewish holiday. Lillian has two small fillings, xrays and cleaning - $15. Eugene has a cleaning only and Sylvia a small filling & cleaning $9. Russia broke its mutual friendship pact with Yugoslavia on the grounds that Tito is linked with foreign imperialists in hostility toward Russia. A Federal Jury found Tokyo Rose guilty of treason. The House of Commons upheld the Labor gov't on devaluation 342-5. Conservatives abstained. Ford signed an agreement with the Union giving retirement and $100. per month at 65. Ford will pay the difference between gov't payments and $100.

10/1 We went to the Zoo today. The kids took camel rides and saw the Children's Zoo unaccompanied. We had ice cream, pop corn, hot dogs. Eugene complained for the first time that we have been buying things for Sylvia but not for him. China's charge of Russian aid to the Chinese Communist armies was placed near the bottom of the list at the UN - a victory for Russia. A Senate-"House" report cleared the Atomic Energy Comm. of "incredible mismanagement" as charged by Sen. Hickenlooper. The eastern democracies are following Russia in renouncing their pacts with Tito.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


9/18 Sunday Lost to Goldberg. We went to Anne's to see Richard Seth, being picked up by Lil and Harry in their car. Richard is very cute. Sylvia put on one of her silent tearful scenes. She was afraid to go down with the children as she was in strange surroundings. Eugene put his plum pit in his pocket when he didn't know how to dispose of it. Barbara wanted a sister and is crazy about Peggy.

9/19 The kids are working on their beads making bracelets, necklaces and bags. The S.S. Noronic in Toronto went down in flames in a great catastrophe with 200 dead or missing. England cut the pound to $2.80 from $4.03 in a major move to stave off disaster, as a result of the financial talks just completed here. 13 Peekskill clerics condemned the recent violence. Chicago printers ended their 22 month strike against five newspapers with a $10. per week increase. Progressive Party job conference asked for a 50 billion dollar public works program, increase in unemployment benefits, resumption of payments to unemployed vets, a two billion dollar food stamp plan, passage of Marcantonio's housing plan, $100 a month to all at the age of 60. Frank Morgan is dead at 59.

9/20 Lost to Levine. The kids skated today. Twenty countries have devaluated [sic] their currency following England's action. Miners have struck in 20 months states for a pension and welfare fund for which employers have stopped payments. The U.E. Convention opened with right wingers making their greatest bid for power but still far behind in the first tests. Foster disavowed statements of 20 years ago on Red Army support for a Soviet America. Five more defendants confessed in the trial of eight Hungarians for treason. They asserted they had conspired with Allen Dulles to overthrow the Hungarian gov't. Prague sentenced Archbishop's Matocha's secretary to ten years in prison for distribution of the Vatican's excommunication order.

9/21 Eugene takes Sylvia to school so Lillian has it easier now. After school we went to the Lido to see "Blithe Spirit" with Rex Harrison, Constance Cummings - a story of ghosts, spirits, mediums and "Mr. Emmanuel", showing the horrors of Nazi Germany and the bravery of an English Jew. Both pictures were very good. The fourth meeting of the UN Gen'l Assembly opened at Flushing. Gen'l Romulo of the Philippines was elected President 53-5. N.M.U. delegates voted 405-198 to bar future Communists, Nazis, Fascists. A vote to bar present members failed. U.E. leftist majority voted 2376-1464 to condemn the recommendations of the Steel Board which the Steel Union had accepted. Six were indicted in the Peekskill riot. Robeson was called as a defense witness in the C.P. trial but objections prevented him from giving any material testimony. Richard Dix dead at 54.

9/22 Eugene beat both Lil and me in checkers. Sylvia and Arline played with their dolls up here this afternoon. Acheson backed the Internationalization of Jerusalem at the UN. The Chinese Communists announced the People's Republic of China. Several hundred marched to Albany to protest to Dewey on the Peekstill whitewash. U.E. leftwingers were re-elected by 2300-1500. Military rule of Germany ended and the occupation status began.

9/23 Lost to Levine. Lillian went to the Windsor last night with Sam & Molly to see "Oh, Mistress Mine" with Sylvia Sidney, John Loder and Charles Neville [sic]. President Truman announced that Russia had an atomic explosion in recent weeks. Czech Minister of Justice Cepicka charged an underground supported by capitalism and the Catholic Church committed murder sabotage arson, etc. China asked the UN to do something about the Communism storm. The Senate OK'd the $1,314,010,000 Arms Bill. Western Germany asked for return of its lost territory now occupied by Russia and Poland.

9/24 To Molly's for dinner. Milton Shirley and Seth also came as did Shirley's cousin Caroline and Mrs. Pearl. At home, we did puzzles. Rajk and two other were sentenced to death in the Hungarian trials. Others received jail sentences. U.E. leaders urged expulsion of Carey and his henchmen while N.M.U. leaders banned "reds" from the Exec. Board.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


9/11 Sunday Sam came over this morning. He has gained some weight. In the afternoon Lil took the kids to see Seth Ian Modelson, and found him perfectly adorable.

9/12 The kids first day back to school passed without excitement. Sylvia found her teacher's red hair not as she expected. Eugene got a compliment for his posture while writing. The fact-finding board issued a recommendation on the"steel" dispute. No wage increase was included but a 10¢ an hour package consisting of pension and insurance payments. Supreme Court Justice Rutledge is dead at 55. Polio 12.

9/13 The Steel union accepted the "Board" plan giving up its fight for an increase and called off the contemplated strike. Carl Winter was jailed by Medina for refusing to answer a question about Wagonknecht [sic]. Wallace was given a dinner by the Progressive Party. Thackrey Robeson and Marcantonio were other speakers. The UN Commission insisted that Israel cede some territory to the Arabs which Israel has already refused in advance. Harry T Burleigh is dead at 82. Polio 19.

9/14 The Court held up enforcement of the Feinberg "Anti-subversive" law for ten days. Big Steel agreed to bargain with the Steel Union. The NMU Convention saw Curran win 10 of the 15 seats on the credentials comm. Catholic priests will be placed under surveillance in Prague. Rightist Dr. Theodor Heuss defeated Schumacher to become the first Presdient of the Western German Republic. Polio 29.

9/15 Dewey finally spoke up about the Peekskill riots. He called them disgraceful but provoked by "Communist guards" whom he threatened to outlaw. He called for an exhaustive grand jury inquiry. Rushmore testified before a Senate Judiciary Comm. that Mrs Roosevelt and Hull helped Mrs Browder re-enter the US despite deportation proceedings in 1944. Browder has lost his job as Soviet publishing representative. US Steel rejected the fact boards findings as revolutionary. It objects to employers having to pay the full cost of pensions and social insurance for steel workers. Medina held defense lawyer Crockett in contempt for making an "offensive" statement. At the N.M.U. convention Keith, Lawrenson and Drummond are leading the opposition to Curran who still has the upper hand. Polio 29. More than 1000 persons attended a public hearing held by the N.Y. Rent Advisory Board on a 15% rent rise petition by the landlords. Tenant spokesmen threatened a rent strike if the raise goes through.

9/16 To the library to return our vacation books. Sylvia drew "Three Friends" by Montgomery & Baruch, "Toots In School" by Baker & Baker, "Something Different" by Eva Knox Evans and Peter and the Wolf. Eugene drew "Freddy and the Bean Home News" by W R Brooks, "Rama The Hero of India" by Mukerji, "Billy and the Unhappy Bull" by M. DeJong and the "Red Fairy Book" - Lang. Truman picked Judge Sherman Minton to succeed the late Wiley Rutledge as Supreme Court Justice. 15,000 attended the 30th anniversary of the C.P. at Madison Square Garden. A.L.P. rallies in the Bronx and Brooklyn have been attacked following the Peekskill riot.

9/17 We went to the Kingsbridge to see "Neptune's Daughter" with Red Skelton and Esther Williams which Eugene had seen in the country and "The Wizard of Oz" with Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Ray Bolger, Frank Morgan. Theis picture is about ten years old. Sylvia nagged a little bit but is improved. She was scared by the animated trees and witch. Hungarian Laszko Rajk confessed to plotting with Americans and others to overthrow the Hungarian government in a conspiracy led by Tito. A deposition from the ailing Foster was read at the C.P. trial. The trial was called a monstrous distortion of the truth and also predicted a new Economic crisis. Eugene has to avoid oranges, nuts, chocolate, eggs, fish, delicatessen.

I remember not being allowed chocolate, not so much the others. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015


9/4 Sunday 1200 men will be assigned to police the Peekskill concert and counter demonstration. The Pope protested the plight of the Church in Poland in a letter to the Archbishop of Cracow. Played handball. At night our farewell party with spaghetti pizza and beer & soda. Polio 29.

9/5 Labor Day Eight of us came home in the Russeks truck together with our belongings. Sylvia was in for a day or so and had Dr. Beaker [?] on Saturday for a slight fever and red throat. She recovered quickly. 

9/6 Robeson's Sunday concert again resulted in violence in Peekskill. Cars leaving the concert were stoned with many seriously injured. Law enforcement was lax again although some were arrested. Pancho Gonzales retained his title in a terrific match with Ted Schroeder 16-18,2-6,6-1,6-2,6-4. Mrs. M. O. DuPont won the Women's title by defeating Doris Hart 6-4,6-1. Round-the-world flyer Bill Odom was killed at the intern'l air races. Italian Breda workers clashed with police in a bloody battle with several killed. Polio - 15

9/7 The kids played "house" then skated. A mad vet. in Camden ran amok, killing 13 and wounding three before he was captured with a flesh wound. Polio 28.

9/8 Western Germany opened its parliament with a demand to end dismantling[.] The Continental Congress of Peace in Mexico City heard Joseph Endicott, Linus Pauling, Toledano, Rogge. The left wing was outvoted 4-1 at the State C.I.O. Convention. Russia and Spain were attacked and O'Dwyer endorsed. Orozco is dead at 65.  

9/9 Eugene's face puffed up after going to bed. Lillian gave him some aspirins and used the heating pad. Yesterday Lil and the kids visited Lillian and had supper at Mom's. We have given Tito a $20,000,000 loan. Czech Catholic clergy refused to accept the new Church law which would raise their pay but limit their freedom. Truman and Mrs Roosevelt condemned the Peekskill riots. 15 were hurt in the Bell Aircraft strike in Buffalo. Strikers refused to meet with Dewey until jailed members were released. The British T.U.C. met with Communists outvoted 10-1. A policy of restraint on wage raises was re-affirmed. Richard Strauss is dead at 85. Polio 29. 

9/10 Lillian took Eugene to Dr. Holzman who said Gene's rash and swelling were due to a food allergy. He weighs 72 lbs and grew an inch since March. British American Canadian financiers met for the third day on Britain's crisis. Cripps stated that her living standards must be cut further to avert catastrophe. All 23 aboard were killed in a Canadian air crash. Westchester officials are issuing reports absolving themselves and Peekskill hoodlums of guilt in the vandalism Sunday. 

I didn't remember my father ever referring to me as "Gene" back then. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


8/28 Sunday Chess, swimming. Chinese Communists began a drive to liberate Chinese women and make them politically conscious. Greek guerillas stiffened their resistance. A Soviet Permanent Peace Committee was set up with Kuznetsov, Vavilov, Shastakovich, Wasilewska, Sholakov, Fadayev, Ehrenbourg [sic] & Simonov included. Prof. Bernal excoriated capitalism and praised Stalin at the last meeting of the Peace Conference. Sidwell & Bromwich held Australia in the running when they beat Talbert & Mulloy in the doubles after losing the first two sets. Polio 53.

8/29 Hitched back to NY. Communists set up a Manchurian People's Gov't. Soviet troops were reported to be massing on the Yugoslav border. Soviet zone German police are being sent to Yugoslav borders. Metal workers struck in Finland. A Paul Robeson concert in Peekskill was prevented and many beaten in riots created by legionnaires & kluxers and other Anti-Communists. Liberal groups have joined Artists in protesting to Gov Dewey against the lack of law enforcement in the matter. US clinched the Davis Cup by winning the last two singles with the same participants as the first day. Polio 23. Richard Seth Becker was born in Lebanon Hosp 1030 AM Weight 5.14. 

8/30 Several rallies including one in Harlem denounced the riots and racism in Peekskill. Max Weiss denied that Marxists advocate violence but merely predict it. For the first time in Gary Ind. Negroes swam in the municipal beach, after facing a mob of hundreds. A World Youth festival closed in Budapest with an oath for World peace. 10,000 delegates including 5000 Americans participated. The Economic Council of Mutual Aid, rival of the Marshall Plan, met in Sofia. Dewey asked for a report on the Peekskill riot. Polio 29. 

8/31 A Soviet flyer Lieut. Bersov who had fled his country to find refuge here has voluntarily returned to Russia. Prague announced a plot to overthrow the gov't had been put down last spring. Hundreds were arrested with 16 receiving death or life imprisonment sentences. C.I.O. left wingers here held a meeting attended by 1500 delegates. It was resolved to fight to stay in the C.I.O. against efforts to expel them. Right wingers were assailed as dictators. Hans Kindler is dead at 56. Polio 45.  

9/1 Carl Winter testified at the trial Polio 38 

9/2 Robeson will sing near the scene of the Peekskill riot. Left wingers asserted they will take the offensive against Anti-Communists. Veterans organizations made plans again to picket peacefully. Germans were warned on the revival of Nazism in the press by the Western powers. Polio 40 

9/3 Left for Soss. The Cominform predicted an Anti-Tito revolt in Yugo. Yugo. canceled her joint Danube shipping pacts with Russia. At 11 PM we saw "Sudan" in the casino.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


8/21 Sunday Madeline recovered from her two week cold. Norma is one of the poorest eaters ever. Chile decreed an emergency. Russia called for Tito's ouster by Cominform supporters in Yugoslavia. Polio 39.

8/22 Took Eugene to Bloomingburg for a haircut and found difficulty getting a hitch. We walked about 6 miles on the trip. Engaged in archery, swimming (15 yards) and chess. Lillian played Maj [sic] Jong. The Bones of St. Peter are believed to have been found 20 feet under his altar in Rome. Yugoslavia charged Russia with duplicity in abanding [sic] support for her claims to Carinthia. A game in Phila was forfeited to the Giants 9-0 because of a pop bottle barrage by fans following an unpopular decision by an umpire. It is believed to be the first such decision due to fans actions. Dr Adenauer, leader of the victorious Christian Democrats in Germany will bar Social Dems. in his gov't and refrain from relations with Eastern Germany. A trickling of Klansmen paraded with uncovered faces in Alabama as required by a new state law. The Natl Doubles saw an All Australian doubles finals as Bromwich & Sidwell won in straight sets from Sedgman & Worthington. Brough & DuPont won the Nat'l Women's doubles for the 8th consecutive time. Polio 17.

8/23 Played handball, archery, ping pong shuffleboard, darts. Eugene goes in the bungalow for bed at 9. Sylvia comes in at 8:30 but never fails to complain. Yugoslavia turned all Russia's charges against her in a note printed in advance in "Borba". In "Pravda", Tito and his followers were threatened with the same fate as traitors Gen. Xoxe and others who were executed in Albania. Prague threatened to close all monasteries and convents unless they applied for gov't permits. AW Berry explained Communist democracy and majority decisions at the trial. Polio 31. 

8/24 Anagrams, chess, archery. Yugoslavia stressed its sovereignty in a note to Russia. It stated it was prepared to repatriate all Soviet citizens in Yugo. and resolve all issues with Russia. Tito was excoriated as a capitalist tool who was seeking a loan from the Intern'l Bank. Left wing unions in Finland defied their Federation leaders refusing to end their strikes. AW Berry denied any shifts in policy since the 'party' reorganization. Polio 41.

8/25 Archery, berries. At night we went in Edgar's car to Pine Bush for the famed banana splits. The C.P. trial was halted 24 hours when the defense asked for a mistrial because of alleged Anti-communist bias on behalf of juror Russell.Janney, theatrical producer and author. 80 pro-Nazi newspapers will soon be published in Bavaria with the end of licensing there by the U.S. authorities. Four left wing unions in Finland were expelled by the Social Dem. top union leaders for refusing to call off the strikes. Poland has agreed to assist Jews who wish to Emigrate to Israel. Only Romania and Hungary continue to hamper emigration. Ray Robinson retained his welterweight championship by KO'ing Steve Belloise in 7. Polio 47.

8/26 Lillian's Birthday Swimming, Chess. We saw a movie show in the Casino. "Buckaroo" was the feature picture plus "The Hat-box Mystery". Eugene & Sylvia rushed in at 8:30 PM tearfully begging to go but they were not allowed to stay up. After the show about half a dozen couples had a surprise party for Lillian in the dining room. We had coffee and cake. Laugh provoking presents were opened including a miniature hot water bag & miniature bouquet of flowers. Medina denied a mistrial or disqualification of Russell Janney. An all Russian Conference of Peace Partisans opened in Moscow with the Dean of Canterbury a speaker. The UN was told that Tito is halting all aid to the Greek guerillas but that Albania & Bulgaria continued their aid. Polio 57. 

8/27 Swimming, chess. Eugene was punished today for persistently neglecting to go to the toilet. He didn't get ice cream, go swimming, etc. C.P. sympathizers continued to picket Foley Courthouse despite Medina's criticism of such action. A 150 mile an hour hurricane hit Florida. Greek Gov't troops attacked in the Grammos Mts. The A.F.L. teachers convention voted that C.P. membership is insufficient for discharge. Schroeder & Gonzales won their matches over Sedgman & Sidwell in the first day of the Davis Cup final. Polio 43. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015


8/14 Sunday Played hand-ball for first time with regulation ball and my hand swelled up even though I used a glove. At night ping-pong and darts. Officials of the A.V.C. and Amvets agreed in principle to a merger. In an investigation of 5 percenters who sold their influence, Major Gen. Harry Vaughan admitted many Washington officials including the President and himself received deep-freeze units. Saturday's temp 79°. Polio - 70 cases.

8/15 Temp 79° Polio 35 Cases. Western German elections resulted in a surge of nationalism. Christian Democrats - rightist party - 7 million plus. Social Democrats - Not quite 7 million, Free Democrats - 2 million plus. C.P. 1 million plus. 12000 Catholic worshippers [sic] defied Czech police to attend the consecration of two new Bishops. A plane carrying 55 crashed in Ireland. All but nine were saved. The President and Premier of Syria were slain in an officers coup.

8/16 Circuit Judge Sherbow invalidated the Maryland "Thought Control" Ober Law in a far reaching decision. He held that Federal and state laws may not enter into the realm of political or religious opinions. Union leader Charles Doye received a one year sencence for returning to the U.S. from a union meeting in Canada, although he had a re-entry permit. The immigration officials had forbade him to return. Medina barred much of defense witness Howard Johnsons testimony concering the control of the U.S. gov't by trusts. Maurice Travis became the third union leader to leave the C.P. in order to qualify for the T-H law affadavits. Preceding him were Donald Henderson and Max Perlow. Australia defeated Italy in the Davis Cup match here 5-0. Sidwell and Sedgman won over Cucelli and Del Bello. Russia recalled Yugoslav Ambassador Lavrentiev. Polio - 41 cases.

8/17 Newly appointed Ambassador Admiral Kirk conferred with Stalin for 45 minutes in a step which is expected to be the beginning of normalization of relations between US & Russia. Margaret Mitchell is dead at 49. The Author of "Gone With the Wind" was hit by an auto. Polio - 56 cases.

8/18 Yugoslavia will buy a steel mill here. Rent Control will end in one third of the country's areas. Chinese Communists took Foochow.

8/19 Left for Soss bringing Lillian flowers and a blouse for her birthday. Participated in archery and ping pong. The young boys here formed a Burlingham Boy's Club composed of Cliffy, Howie, Eugene, Allan, Robert, Marty & Arnie. Their games are cards, swords, guns, bows and arrows. There is a penny fine for being bad. 10 fines calls for expulsion. The Senate confirmed Clark as Supreme Court Justice with no Democrats voting against him - not even the few liberals. Strikes started in Finland with police using their guns to combat them. Alan Max testified, refusing to give names which might be used as a black-list. The "House" cut the European Arms Aid Bill in half to $869,505 000. The Army was called to put down a revolt attributed to the "reds" in Chile. Klan leader Dr Sam Green died at 59. Polio 60.

I remember lots of activities at Soss', especially bows and arrows. But I don't remember the Boy's Club. 

8/20 Played handball, archery, soft ball. The Rosenbergs drove over from Harleyville. The F.C.C. banned radio give away shows. Starobin denied any links to Moscow at the trial. Polio 42.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


8/7 Sunday Eugene finally ducked his head completely under the water at the river. He also used the tube for the first time and kept jumping on a a giant rubber ball which floated in the water. A terrible earthquake in Ecuador killed and injured many thousands. Several towns were wiped out. Communists in Shanghai raised the land taxes 100 times.

Don't remember the giant rubber ball, but I do remember going completely under water for the first time. 

8/8 Hitched back. Bishop Oxnam sharply attacked the Catholic hierarchy for its drive to achieve political power wherever it operates. He charged it had killed federal aid to education for this congressional session. An 8­¢ fare went into effect on the 3rd Ave. bus lines. The 12¢ combination fares remains.

8/9 Acheson stated we are open to attack because of weak European military defenses in the debate on arms aid to Europe. The Council of Europe added Turkey, Greece and Iceland to its original ten members.

8/10 Temp. 97.6. Winston suffered a heart attack but Medina denied a recess. Thompson took the stand. The worst 'polio' day brought 68 cases. The Courts ruled that figures in deportation cases must be freed on bail but Att'y Gen'l Clark set a mark of $25,000 for Mrs. BS Johnson & George Pirinsky.

8/11 Hottest day of year 98.7 (8/10). Hoover on his 75th birthday said we are on the last mile to "Collectivism" because of gov't spending. Rogge testified against Clark's Supreme Court appointment. Publication of an Anti-semitic letter in a Munich newspaper led to a clash between Jews and police with scores injured. Polio - 60 new cases. Ezzard Charles retained his newly won heavyweight title by knocking out Gus Lesnevich in the 7th round of an uninspiring fight. Gus refused to come out for the 8th.

8/12 Temp. 98.1. The first Negro family to live in Stuyvesant town is living in an apartment of a family away for the summer. Neighbors reaction is good. Medina refused to allow Thompson's full Army record of gallantry to be inserted as evidence. Ford workers in an unprecedented referendum voted 7-1 to strike. 74,740 participated. Sen McGrath told a delegation of progressives he is opposed to the Mundt Bill. William Patterson of the C.R.C. lashed Clark's record before the Senate Judiciary Comm. Polio - 53 cases.

8/13 Took the bus to Soss. Picked berries. Lillian is getting over a cold. Russia called Yugoslavia an enemy which has joined up with the Western imperialists. There was heavy fighting in Greece.

Friday, July 10, 2015


7/31 Sunday Sylvia is more daring with her tube all the time in the lake. Eugene will not even use the tube. Picked five pound can of blackberries then played soft ball and wall tennis ping pong. Went swimming and swam up to five strokes ten yards.

I remember Silvia using the tube, and me refusing. 

8/1 Hitched back to city. A Catholic pastoral letter to Western Germans asking voters to choose Christianity instead of Socialism angered Social Democratic leader Schumacher. Sen McCarran called war inevitable in supporting the Administration's arms for Europe plan. Actors of the "They Shall Not Die" cast are being attacked by hoodlums nightly. Paul Crosbie is dead at 68.

8/2 The State convention barred left wing delegates. Tokyo police raided the C.P. Newspaper offices. The U.S. bloc supported an armament census, the Soviet bloc opposing. Gene Connoly [sic] is on his way out of the A.L.P. suing Guinier for slander the man he is opposing in the primaries. Romania barred Catholic Welfare work.

8/3 Tito called on the people of Bulgaria and Albania to overthrow their Cominform rulers with his help. Sam Warhaftig was exonerated of disloyalty and returned to his position as political analyst with the Army in Germany.

8/4 Four masked bandits stole $450,000 in jewels from Aga Khan and his wife at Cannes. Czechs sentenced a priest to 8 years in jail when he refused her the last rites because she was a C.P. member. The U.S. marshall was called by Medina to silence defense lawyers at the trial.

8/5 The Senate barred aid to Franco because Spain is not in the sphere of the E.C.A. Tito said Yugoslavia would defend its soil from any invaders including Russians. Chinese Communists took Changsha.  Medina warned of jail for witnesses who refuse to divulge names of secret party members without valid reasons. UAW pickets and police clashed in a strike at the American Machine and Foundry Co.

8/6 Left for Soss. Eugene had an attack of nausea on Thursday, apparently his allergy started up again. Lil gave him a spoonful of pyrobenzamine every night. We had a hilarious mock marriage tonight in the casino. I was the groom dressed in a ludicrous fashion. Edgar was a risque scream as the minister. Later Lil and I a party went to Bloomingb Burlingham where we had hamburgers, strawberry shortcake, etc. A U.S. White Paper admitted $3 500,000,000 [sic] had been wasted in a futile attempt to bolster the corrupt inefficient Chiang gov't. Nothing can stop the Communists from taking over all of China. UAW regional director Kerrigan and three pickets were arrested in clashes at the Amer. Mach. & Foundry strike bound plant. The Hawaiian Senate voted to seize the three month strike bound stevedore companies.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


7/24 Sunday We went swimming. Sylvia has a tube and is used to it now. Eugene wades all over the water, playing with the kids. I received my first swimming lesson from Julie Meltzer and Jerrie and learned to float. Picked berries later and did cross word puzzles. Lil is leaning Mah Jong. An unidentified source charged the UN Secretariat is being terrorized by Communist agents to serve Soviet purposes. Lehman criticized Spellman for his attack on Mrs. Roosevelt.

7/25 Hitched home. Thomas Mann arrived in Germany after 16 years. The Society of Friends 14 man commission after a year's study presented a report saying that war is not inevitable between U.S. and Russia.

7/26 A $50,000,000 policy number ring has been under investigation for 18 months with many now being arrested as a result. Manipulation of the numbers to increase the odds against the bettor, is charged. Russia is said to be clearing her borders of unreliable persons by shipping them further East. Truman asked for funds to arm nations of the free world against aggression. Mrs. Mary Jane Keeney, a UN Aide has been charged with being a courier for the Communist Party.

7/27 The Vatican said that those who are misled into voting for the Communists but do not adopt its doctrines are not subject to excommunication.

7/28 The temp. reached 92° yesterday. Murray and the Steel Union finally agreed to sign non-comm. affidavits because of set-backs it has received in resisting the law. The French Nat'l Assembly voted the Atlantic Pact 397-189. An outbreak of 'polio' is reaching epidemic proportions. British Labor Party expelled a fith [sic] M.P. - Lester Hutchinson for opposition to its policies. The A.F.L. Insurance Agents' union defeated the U.O.P.W.A. C.I.O. in the Prudential election 7405-4789. Vince Dundee is dead at 41.

7/29 The temp. reached 95° yesterday. Krchmarek refused to divulge names of pupils at a 'party' school in 1945. Yolanda Hall tetified the 'party' discussed discrimination at length in the U.A.W. Truman named witch hunter Att'y Gen'l Clark for Murphy's post in the Supreme Court. Sen. McGrath was named for Clark's post. Singer strikers voted 4003 to 2503 for an independent union. Mobs in Chicago are menacing the home of Roscoe Johnson a Negro Catholic who settled in a white Catholic neighborhood. Sec'y of State Acheson testified we are determined to keep European shores open for a landing when needed. The Administration plan is to provide arms, munitions and technical assistance to Atlantic Pact Nations.

7/30 Left for Soss. Went swimming, played ping pong, shuffleboard and running. The temp hit 97.8 yesterday for the years' record. The "House" passed the Anti-Poll Tax bill. Gen'l Bradley stated the atom bomb holds priority for the defense of Europe. The Italian Senate approved the Atlantic Pact 135-81. Medina limited defense testimony to facts dealing directly with the issues of the trial. 

Monday, July 6, 2015


7/17 Sunday Split chess games with Julie and beat Madeline two anagram games. An all day rain. A F Whitney is dead.

7/18 Hitched home. The Bill of Rights Conference took place over the week-end. Some speakers were Marcantonio, Robeson, Paul Kern, Martin Popper, Rogge, Johsa [sic] Forer [,] Christoffel, Thom. Robbit [?], Buchanan, Don Matchan [?], Bill Patterson, George Marshall, Berson, Dr. Phil Morrison, Foreman. Czech clergy vowed loyalty to the Vatican.

7/19 Jack Robinson appeared before the UnAmercan Comm. to "refute" Paul Robeson's statement that Negroes would not fight an imperialist war against Russia. The N.A.A.C.P. rounded out its convention by criticizing the 81st Congress and Truman for the failure of the Civil Rights Program. The Marshall Plan was endorsed in a close vote. DiVittorio was elected president of the W.F.T.U. Saillant was re-elected secretary. Sergei Kournakoff is dead at 57.

7/20 O'Dwyer took charge of the six day bus strike. He called the union and management to a meeting. The Court of Appeals upheld the Stuyvesant Town ban on Negroes 4-3. Van Bittner is dead at 64 and Justice Frank Murphy at 59.

7/21 Vassil Kolarov was chosen Bulgarian Premier to succeed Dimitrov. Israel & Syria signed an armistice after 3 1/2 months of bargaining. Honolulu pickets attacked non union scabs employed by the newly formed Hawaii Stevedore's Fed. 23 were injured. Guardsmen had to be called on in Florida to protect Negroes in Groveland Fla. after an alleged rape of a white housewife.

7/22 Split with Bruhus [?]. The Manhattan and Queens bus strike was settled on the Mayor's plan of arbitration. The Senate passed the Atlantic Pact binding 12 Nations to resist attack 82-13. Bevin charged that most of present day difficulties on Germany stemmed from Roosevelt's "Unconditional Surrender" demand. Italy ratified the Atlantic Pact 321-100. 

7/23 Left for Soss. England produced documents purporting to be a blueprint for rigid rules for administering slave labor for 10,000,000 in Russia. The French sentenced war criminal Otto Abetz to 20 years prison. Cardianl Spellman made a disgraceful attack on Mrs Roosevelt calling her intolerant for supporting the Barden Bill which denies federal funds to Parochial Schools. Krchmarek testified at the trial that Communists tried to better conditions among the miners and recruit them. I played soft ball, shuffleboard, ping pong with Edgar Burton who plays a good game. Late at night we were invited to a wienie roast.