Tuesday, January 19, 2016


June 4 Sunday We went downtown and ate in the 34 st Automat. The kids had heard about it on the Horn and Hardart hour and were anxious to eat in one. The last time we had eaten in one was several years ago. We also went to Delancey Street to get some ties. Lil got a wallet and Eugene a strap.

June 5 Lil called Dr Holzman about Eugene's hives which have broken out ... The doctor told Lil to cut out cherries and similar fruits. In Belgian elections, the Social Christian Party was leading with King Leopold's return possible. Eight Japanese received terms of 5-10 years in jail for beating and stoning American soldiers.

June 6 McArthur [sic] ordered the Jap. Gov't to purge all 24 members of the C.P. Central Comm. They would be barred from holding any office. The Supreme Court agreed to rule on the Gov't loyalty program. The court also hit segregation in their decisions. In unanimous decisions, Texas and Oklahoma were ordered to admit Negroes to"white" colleges and railroad dining car segregation was ruled unconstitutional. Stayed home from work today and beat Eugene at checkers and chess. Molly and Sam came as usual on Tuesday night. Eugene played a piece and Sylvia played "The Restless Brook" and "The Danish Waves". Both played very nicely. We then saw Milton Berle's show with Martha Raye. Also "Made For Each Other", with James Stewart and Carole Lombard. About ten years old.

Watching the Milton Berle show was why Aunt Molly and Uncle Sam came over Tuesday nights.

June 7 Trygvie Lie disclosed the 10 point peace plan he had offered Stalin and Truman. It included the end of the atomic deadlock, agreement of what armed forces to make available to the Security Council for peace enforcement, admission to the UN of all countries which wish to join, and for economic development of backward countries, wider respect for human rights and freedoms, eventual world law for a universal world society. 37 were saved and 28 drowned in a plane plunge into the Atlantic. 7 Democratic and 4 Republican Congressmen called for a disarmament conference to avert a hydrogen bomb war. The 11 Board Members of the J.A.F.R.C. go to jail today. O'Dwyer raised bus fares to 10¢ and combined rides15¢ effective July 1. Murray and Quill agreed. Transit workers receive an 11¢ per hour raise. Andy Wright, last of the  "Scottsboro Boys" was paroled.

June 8 The sudden heat wave saw the temp. rise to the years high of 89.6. Eugene's promotion exam average was 97.5, high for the class with one other. McArthur purged 17 C.P. editors of the party newspaper Akahata. Romania opened a new purge with thousands imprisoned including many prominent non-communists.

June 9 F.B.I. head Hoover said the C.P. and a half million sympathizers have gone underground. Remington was indicted as a perjurer for denying he was ever a C.P. member. Right wingers won in the Furniture Workers union, long a left wing fortress.

June 10 Remington resigned his $10,000 a year job as an economist with the Commerce Dept. to devote his time to his defense against the perjury charge. The Dem. Rep. & Liberal parties finally got together on a choice to run against Marcantonio. It will be former state Sen. J.G. Donovan, Democrat. Steaks reached an all time high of $1.20 a pound. Rizzuto makes first error of season after 288 chances and 58 ganes breaking A.L. record, Kerr holds N.L. record.
Dad here included a story and box score (scanned in below) with the note "Playing without V. Dimaggio [sic]". 


  1. Select neighbors in our apt house were invited to the Brodsky's (my friend Sandy) on Tuesday night for Milton Berle. The screen was small and they had one of those heavy thick convex lenses on a stand in front of the screen to enlarge the image. You couldn't see properly unless you were directly in front of the set/lens...which many of us weren't. I loved Milton Berle and Martha Raye. Don't remember what year we got our TV but I remember writing about it (with great reverence) in my diary.

  2. My clearest memory of those visits (besides "the men of Texaco...") is of Uncle Sam always giving me a nice hug, and, this being the end of the day, his scratchy beard against my tender cheek!

  3. Nice memories you both have! I remember the beard too. Mostly I remember the ice cream Uncle Sam and Aunt Mollie brought every week, which Mom always served during the Texaco break.

  4. I'd completely forgotten about that, but, yes, the ice cream was a great treat!
