Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Sept 10 Sunday Eugene and Jerome E. went to the Museum of Natural History yesterday. There was no phone handy so they didn't call home when they got there. They ate their sandwiches immediately then entered their space ship (elevator) and visited the went back in time (prehistoric mammals - dinosaurs). They also saw insect and fish life.

Sept 11 The kids started the fall school term today. Eugene is in Class 6-1 room 4-16. Teacher's name - Miss Rodemann. Sylvia is in class 3-5 room 409 Teacher's Name Mrs Motelson. She came home at noon and sprung a surprise. She was elected president. The boys' president is Robert Wexler. Don Newcombe essayed an iron man role a week ago but was taken out in the senenth inning of the second game after pitching a 3 hit shutout in the first. NoKoreans began probing the Taegu lines. 100,000 Allied troops began maneuvers in Germany against 'Eastern invaders'. Clashes between police and Commusists marked ceremonies honoring victoims of Nazi concentration camps held in three Western German cities. Ed Dmytryk, one of the jailed 'Hollywood Ten' issued a statement from jail affirming his opposition to Communism. The war with Korea caused him to affirm his allegiance to his country, he said. The Nat'l Lawyers Guild supported the U.S. intervention in Korea while criticizing our foregn policy which is "driving us to war".

Sept 12 Over to Sam & Molly's for Rosh Hashonah. Shirley, Milton and Seth also came. Seth is forever on the move. Red China failed by one vote to get a delegate seated for the Security Council hearing of charges against U.S. bombing of Manchuria. Jan Christian Smuts is dead at 80. 

Sept 13 Americans drove NoKoreans back one mile at Taegu. The Senate passed both the McCarran and Kilgore Anti-Red bills 70-7. Truman dropped Defense Secretary Louis A. Johnson and replaced him with Gen George C. Marshall. Gypsy Rose Lee, & Irene Wicker denounced the Red Channels campaign to keep "subversives" off the air. They vigorously attacked Communism. We went over to Mom's bringing an anniversary cake. Lil & Harry brought flowers. Peggy speaks pretty well now.

Sept 14 G.I.'s trapped 3000 NoKoreans. The "Big Three" foreign ministers in secret talks here heard Commissioner for Germany McCloy in a discussion of Germany's role in the defense of Western Europe. Acheson, Bevin & Schuman participated. Los Angeles enacted a law requiring members of all 'Communistic" organizations to register.

Sept 15 U.N. ships and planes blasted NoKorean ports. SoKorean commandos landed behind NoKorean lines on the East Coast. At the 'Big Three' meeting France & England continued to oppose the use of Germany in the defense of West Europe. Three gunmen coldbloodedly shot down two messengers and made off with $23,000. One messenger is near death. 

Sept 16 Marshall was confirmed as Sec'y of Defense over bitter G.O.P. protests. Allied amphibious forces landed at Inchon and lunged to within ten miles of Seoul. 130 noted Americans appealed for a veto of the McCarran Bill.


  1. Just watched Trumbo, and here's Dad's note on the Hollywood Ten in realtime!

  2. He did write about them a lot.

    1. Do you remember his mentioning Dalton Trumbo?

    2. There's a search box in the upper left; he mentioned Trumbo on 12/4/47, 5/9/48, 6/9/49 and 6/14/49.
