Friday, December 25, 2015


Mar 26 Sunday Sylvia's classmate Nancy Stewart called her up to have a chat. Took the kids downtown to buy ties. Sylvia got a balloon with sound effects and Eugene got a small jigsaw. He could hardly wait to get home to do it. After lunch we went to Molly and Sam. Present were Sonny & Janice with the year old Bruce, Milt & Shirley with Seth, & Evelyn with Isabel. The kids played hide & seek and Nick Carter adventures. Most of the 85 Czechs who landed in Germany returned to their homeland as their planes had been commandeered by Anti-Communists. Franck [sic] Buck & Arthur Hopkins are dead at 66 & 71.

Mar 27 McCarthy finally named his top spy as Owen Lattimore. There is much to-do about the effect of television on schoolchildren, many of whom watch for more than three hours daily. There are surveys, questionnaires to parents, etc. The kids here watch about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Mar 28 The Supreme Court upheld Dennis' contempt of court Congress conviction, holding that gov't employees could give unbiased decisions. The state Feinberg Law was ruled constitutional a second time after a first ruling against it . F.B.I. Chief Hoover refused to open his secret files to Congress. Russians walked out of two more UN sessions on the Chinese issue.

Mar 29 Molly & Sam, Mr. & Mrs. Peterson and Lil watched the televising of the City-Bradley game which City won 71-68 to sweep both the N.I.T. and the N.C.A.A - the first time it has ever been done. The Mundt Bill was attacked by the A.C.L.U. & A.D.A. Truman again refused to surrender loyalty but ordered his own "Red" probe. Our Ambassador to Canada, Laurence Steinhardt and four others were killed in a plane crash. 

I guess that answers my question about the NIT final game. The Petersons were neighbors. 

Mar 30 Senators subpoenaed loyalty files. Sylvia refuses to wear her slacks as soon as the temperature rises.

Mar 31 Eugene's Cub scout den meeting was held here this afternoon because Ronald Hanstein was ill. The kids rehearsed their parts in the skits for "amateur night" in P.S. 86. Lil took Sylvia to see the show 8 in the evening where all the dens performed. Eugene played "skip to my Lou" on the piano. He also was in the den pyramid. They got home about 10 o'clock to find Mike waiting. He saw the Graziano-Janiro fight which was a draw. Two babies were kidnapped - one in the bronx and one in brooklyn. McCarthy listed his proof that Lattimore was a top Russian agent here. Truman denounced McCarthy, Bridges & Wherry as the Kremlin's best assets here. An arsonist committed to the Belle Vista Sanatorium for mental treatment, admitted setting the fire to the institution causing nine deaths. Hilliard fired four Welfare dep't employees and 27 others after a strong protest by the workers against a previous transfer of one.

April 1 The House voted a $3000,000,000 foreign aid bill. U.S. called on Greece to end corruption or lose our aid. The Brooklyn baby was found but the Bronx incubator baby has not yet been found. Leon Blum is dead at 78.

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