Thursday, April 17, 2014


7/4 Sunday Sylvia temp still normal and no sign of measles yet. Eugene and I over to Clinton Walton for a little tennis. Later he heard "The Man Without A Country" on "Tell It Again". Sylvia's temp. rose to 101° tonight. Sensational young Bobby Falkenburg won the Wimbledon tournament over Jack Bromwich of Australia 7-5,0-6,6-2,3-6,7-5. Louise Brough won the Womens' title over Doris Hart 6-3,8-6. Bromwich & Jack Frank Sedgman won the Mens' Doubles over Mulloy and Tim Brown 5-7,7-5,7-5,9-7. Bromwich & Brough won the mixed doubles over Sedgman & Hart 6-2,3-6,6-3.

7-5 Sylvia's temp was 100° in the morning and 100 1/2° at night. She sneezed coughed and rubbed her eyes a little bit but was quite lively during the day. Poor Eugene is stuck in all afternoon. Our household things are in Ferndale and we are desolate. Count Bernadotte's peace proposals include cession of the Negev and Jerusalem to the Arabs. Hague switched to Eisenhower. Negro catcher Campanella is sensational in his debut with the Dodgers.

We are "desolate" because, as will eventually be seen, we are going to a place in Ferndale in the Catskills for the summer; details when Sylvia recovers.

7/6 With Sylvia's temp. rising we had Dr. Holzman come and he diagnosed measles. He ordered inhalations, Boric Acid solution in the eyes, cheracol, darken the room, fluids, ..., 10% argyrol in eyes. I spent the day with Eugene outside playing tennis with him and a game of chess. Union leader Alex Balint is dead at 36 and Carol Landis is a suicide at 29. I met the Alberts at Molly's and found them very nice. Finnish elections saw the left-wing Popular Dems. lose fifteen seats. They dropped from the first to the third party with 36 seats.

7/7 Sylvia's temp reached its peak with 105° in the afternoon, the rash breaking out on the face. She was very adorable. She kept repeating "popick". Played tennis with Eugene at Walton and beat Camille at St. James. I split chess games with Eugene and he split four games with a man at St. James. Russia refused to attend the Yugoslav C.P. convention because Yugo. had not attended the Cominform meeting. Many miners struck for a union shop. Eisenhower still refuses to succumb to the draft for the presidential nomination. 

7/8 Sylvia averaged 103° today. The rash broke out over the whole body. She's been eating practically nothing. Played with Eugene at Walton and beat Levy at St. James. Also won a chess game from Eugene at St. James. Eugene showed card tricks tonight. Three left wing local 65 leaders at a "House" labor Comm. hearing refused to answer questions about their political affiliations. They were Osman, Letz & Livingston. The Sokol Congress in Czecho. demonstrated for Benes and refused to cheer for Gottwald. Marchers were dispersed by the police. Satchell [sic] Paige, 40 year old Negro pitching star was signed by the Indians.

7/9 Sylvia's temp. ranged from 100° to 102°. Her rash is disappearing and she acts more naturally. Beat Camille and Bruhns in the morning and lost to Schinesi in the afternoon. Played some tennis with Eugene at Walton and he showed improvement. He also played some chess with Bruhns (Karl) and Camille. More left wing Union leaders including Paley, Bill Michelson and Sam Lewis refused to answer political questions at the inquisition, and were ejected from the hearings. British troops are murdering Malayan workers. Arabs refusing to extend the truce attacked Jews at Tel Aviv. MacLeish headed a large comm. to fight the "Nation" ban.

7/10 Sylvia's temp was under 100° today till 6 PM when it suddenly rose to 103°. Lillian called Dr. Seltzer who said she had congested lungs. He gave her a shot of penicillin. Later Sylvia became delirious. ... She also "saw" Eugene, leaves in Lillian's eyes, etc. Lillian called me to come home from work as she was burning up. Later the penicillin took effect and she cooled off. Played some with Eugene at Walton. Later he won commendation in a chess game with Paul Ellis.                               

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