Friday, April 18, 2014


7/18 Sunday Went to Walton with Eugene. Lillian and Sylvia, out for the first time, joined us there. I hit some with Lillian, she playing for the first time in years, but doing very well. Sylvia is rather thin having lost 4 or 5 pounds during her illness. Eugene heard "Joan of Arc" on "Tell It Again".

7/19 Lillian took Sylvia to Dr. Holzman for a final check-up. He said she was in good shape but prescribed some iron. Arabs and Jews agreed to another UN truce in Palestine. Left wingers have been swept out of office in N.M.U. elections. Max Bedacht was unseated as a delgate to the N.J.C.P. Convention. He has taken to "leftist" sectarian position on the Party leadership and the Wallace movement.

7/20 We left by bus for Feiner's Farm this morning in Ferndale, NY. We are paying $185 plus $3 per week for use of the refrigerator. The French Gov't fell over the arms budget. A Jap. C.P. leader was wounded by a crude bomb. Czecho. arrested 79 persons on charges of conspiring with the U.S. against their country. Stocks made the greatest drop in two years - 2 billion dollars. Peggy was born at 6 PM at Leff Sanitarium. She weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. 

7/21 We picked berries. Twelve C.P. leaders were indicted under the Smith Act for consipiring to overthrow the gov't. Tito defied the Cominform at the Yugo. C.P. Convention. 

7/22 Eugene skipped lunch and supper as he didn't feel well. Lillian brought him a sheriff's badge, spurs and bandana when she got back from shopping in Liberty. He paraded around in the outfit. Sylvia got a celluloid doll which she kept in her plastic cup and was delighted all day with it. 

7/23 Eugene played Kings on the checkerboard with Bernie and Eddie. Also his baseball game. The Progressive Party opened its convention at Shibe Park. A 'Vet' 'bombed' UN headquarters with a "peace" note. Shipyard and Ford workers got 13¢ an hour raises. DW Griffith died at 73. 

7/24 Played baseball with the kids. Eugene and Isabel played 'mystery' all morning.