Friday, December 13, 2013


4/4 Sunday We all attended the N.F.P.O.C. annual installation at Manhattan Center. Guest speakers were Rep. Klein and Sen. Langer. Entertainment were the Dennis Sisters, Paul Benson, the auctioneer who was a riot with his takeoffs on radio shows giving participants free gifts. Little Larry Roberts sang several songs. Refreshments consisted of hot dogs and beer. The kids had 1 1/2 each and like them. Afterwards we walked to Times Square spending a half hour in a penny arcade. Then in a book store Sylvia insisted on our buying "Training Pants" for her. Her persistence won out.

4/5 Sylvia has a slight cold and is in bed today with slightly over 100°. ...  Eugene is anxious for the fight between Patoruzu and Gorilla to start.Thousands of Jewish War Vets marched in protest against our Palestine policy. Tens of thousands assembled in Madison Square Park for speeches. Italian troops marched to intimidate "peoples front" supporters. 

4/6 Sylvia's temp went up to 100.8 last night and this morning but was 100° at noon. She got aspirin and argyrol drops. She played with cut outs and balloons in bed. Even the police are handing out letters to be sent to Italy against "Communism". Gromyko boycotted the Security Council meeting which heard the US plan for a trusteeship over Palestine plus loopholes for US British and French troops to get into Palestine to "keep order". Krupp and his associates were cleared by an American military tribunal. Read Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter". 

4/7 Sylvia's temp went up to 103 last night. Lillian called Dr. Holzman who came this morning. He said Sylvia had an infected ear and called her a little actress for not admitting her pain. She got sulfa drops for her ear. Also some medicine and privine. Her temp was 100 1/2 going up to 101 1/2 later in the day. She was playful most of the day. Eugene's report card was perfect again except an "improving" in penmanship. Mrs. Ingram's sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Eisenhower's condonement of military Jim Crow has caused resentment in Negro ranks. The Council on African Affairs is politically split with Max Yergan leading the anti-left fight. Seven thousand furriers were locked out. Bus lines cut their runs laying off veterans and causing a stoppage. Auto manufacturer Paul Hoffman will direct the E.R.P. 

4/8 Sylvia better this morning. Her temp 99.5. Hoodlums attacked a Wallace meeting in Evansville Ind. slugging C.B. Baldwin and two other aides. Hotel reservations were cancelled. MacArthur's bubble was burst in his first test in Wisconsin where Stassen routed him. Isaacson was again denied a passport to Paris.  

4/9 Sylvia normal. Her medicine is to be omitted. Still in bed. Eugene says he's improving in "Throw the rubber ring". Truman disapproved the recent violence against the "left" but refused to denounce it publicly. Russia and Finland signed a treaty of mutual assistance against aggression.

4/10 Sylvia getting very restless in bed. Herb Pachmann took Arnold and Eugene to see the "Army Day" parade. A leftist revolt in Columbia set off by the assassination of the Liberal leader Dr. J. E. Gaitan threatens to end the Inter-American Conference being held in Bogota. An Indiana professor was dismissed for being a "Wallace" leader. The UnAmerican Comm. proposed legislation to make the C.P. an illegal conspiracy with its leaders subject to jail.

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