Monday, December 23, 2013


4/11 Sunday Sylvia out of bed today and romping with Eugene. After Sunday School they played "hide the pencil". After lunch Eugene heard "The Odyssey" on "Tell It Again" which he knew very well. Then they went down to the Wasserbergers to see "moving pictures". Upstairs again they played "hide the gun". Played some chess with Eugene. Reading to Sylvia in bed I discovered her lip and tongue covered with crayon colors. She puts things in her mouth unconsciously. Lillian has been bothered with pain in the glands of her neck for several days. She read Kurt Reiss [sic] "High Stakes" and Taylor Caldwell's "Final Hour".

4/12 The Eastern Regional NAACP criticized Eisenhower's Jim Crow attitude. The Int'l Conference to Aid Democratic Greece opened in Paris with delegates from 23 countries. Wallace addresses 21000 at the Chicago "Nat'l Wallace for Pres. Comm. Conference. Fascists got leading posts in the Greek Confederation of Labor. The C.I.A.L [?] Congress in Mexico City attacked the Marshall Plan. Lillian went to Dr. Holzman about her pains in the neck and cheek. He said it was a neuritis or neuralgia due to a draft or caused by her teeth. He prescribed at ointment and an xray by a dentist. Jock Sutherland is dead of a brain tumor at 59. 

4/13 Lillian went to Dr. Robbins for her xray. I colored pictures with Sylvia and read from Robinson Crusoe to Eugene. Columbia broke relations with Russia claiming Communist origin of the revolt! Two Russian agents were among fifteen arrested "in the act" it was claimed. Liberal leaders have been taken into the gov't. Several hundred have been killed as the fighting and looting continues. Forrestal asserted Russia has the know how but not the industrial capacity to build the atom bomb. Coal miners won a $100 monthly pension for those who reach 62 with 20 years service who retired after May 28 1946. Lewis sent the miners back to work but will still face contempt of court charges. 17 Senators asked a revision of the UN Charter to bar the veto on aggression or armaments. Veteran stormtroopers broke up a Rochester C.P. meeting slugging speakers and burning literature. Arabs and Jews have taken turns in capturing strategic hill of Kastel for two weeks in their full fledged war. Mom Pop Lil & Susan over. 

4/14 Sylvia must have someone to play with. Eugene can amuse himself very well. The propaganda battle for Italy has been going full blast for weeks. Millions of letters have been sent from here telling the Italians to vote for "democracy" and denouncing Russian interference! Quill again attacked Saul Mills' "doubletalk"! He demanded an immediate fare raise! threatening a transit tie up otherwise. A Jewish state was proclaimed in Palestine to go into effect May 16. A Federal Court tribunal upheld the Constitutionality of the non-Communist provision of the Taft-Hartley law 2-1. 

4/15 Lillian's xray showed a complete negative. All she needed was a cleaning. So her pain is due to a cold. It is gradually clearing up. After school we went to the Windsor to see "On a Wing and a Prayer" with Don Ameche and Dana Andrews. Fighting the Japs from an aircraft carrier. Also "The Big Sleep" with Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart. An involved plot with about five killings. Eugene enjoyed both features. Sylvia improved, showing an interest for half an hour. From then on she wanted to go home, becoming more and more anguished towards the end. 30000 heard Carey, Leon Henderson, Rabbi Silver, Celler denounce the Zion sell out at the Y. Stadium. A quarter million workers stopped work. Councilman Connolly and two others were barred from entering Italy. Read "American Vaudeville" by Douglas Gilbert. 

4/16 Took Sylvia down finally with her baby to the playground where she romped all over. Sylvia was assigned to a class and room when she starts school in September. Eugene showed interest in her room number. O'Dwyer met with 47 right wing AFL & CIO leaders including Quill & Curran on the fare question. Thousands of delegates from progressive organizations invaded Wash D.C. on the Palestine betrayal. Robert Magidoff, U.S. correspondent in Moscow was ordered out for spying. The French C.P. demanded inclusion in a new Coalition gov't. Constance Drexel another American who had broadcast for Hitler was freed. Transport workers voted to strike bus lines for wages raises and better pensions. Philippine President Manuel Roxas died of a heart attack at 56. 

4/17 Eugene drew "Millet Tilled the Soil" by Deucher and Wheeler "Tartan Tales" from Lang, "Printer's Devil" by Adam Allen. Sylvia chose "A Summer Day With Ted & Nina" by M. DeAngeli. Sylvia can toy with her milk interminably but when I count seven or ten she finishes it at once.

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