Thursday, February 22, 2018


Apr 13 Sunday Met the family at Mom's for dinner with Lil Harry and the kids, Rachel Mayer and David - in from the hospital and Yankel. All agreed the "knaidlach" were delicious. The three girls played downstairs mostly. Eugene told us later he was bored.

Apr 14 Sylvia, Norma, Betty Ann etc. went to the "Grand" to see a revival of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Eugene and Larry R also decided to go. Sylvia's eye was found to be inflamed again tonight. She was treated with argyrol and yellow oxide of mercury.

Apr 15 The UN Security Council led by the U.S. refused to place the Tunisian question on the agenda. Although half the world was in favor of it this was the first time the "Council" had refused to hear an issue. The "Brownies" went down to G.C. Station for a guided tour. The new railroad cars and signal controls were fascinating. 

Apr 16 Molly's sister Lena died today of cancer. Eugene went over to Bobby R's. Judge Dimock denied the Communist challenge to the jury selection system at the trial of the "16". Sam came over tonight and when he complained of some chest pains Lillian called Dr. Monson. The doctor advised a [sic] electrocardiograph. 

Apr 17 Dr. Morson took the cardiograph of Sam here this morning. It was negative but he advised Sam to be free from aggravation, not overeat, stop smoking. Neither Sam nor Lillian went to Lena's funeral. Several American officers have refused to fly in Korea. One has received a two year sentence. It is believed the superiority of Korean planes is responsible. A hundred thousand are homeless in great floods in Nebraska, Iowa. Water levels are at 28 feet .. four feet higher than ever before. Lillian read "The Rolling Years" A. S. Turnbull and "The Town" - Conrad Richter. We both read "Shalom Means Peace" - R. St. John. 

Apr 18 Sam did not go to work today as everyone advised. Mike came over in the evening.

Apr 19 Eugene, Larry R and Bobby R went to the Yankee Stadium where they saw the Senators shut out the Yanks 2-0. They came back here and played monopoly. Meanwhile we went to the library where Sylvia drew "Swimming Fever" Marion Renick "A Sunday with Judy" - Frieda Friedman "David's Hundred Dollars" - C. Woolley and "Down-Town" M. H. Lovelace. Prisoners in the Rahway Prison Farm and the New Jersey State Prison rebelled and captured hostages in protest over conditions. 

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