Saturday, September 16, 2017


Jan 6  Sunday We went over to Mom's for dinner. Lil and Harry came in and said they had bought a house. Susan and Sylvia drew pictures, Peggy entertained with stories and Eugene watched the hockey game. Both Lils went to the "Grand" afterward where they saw "An American in Paris" with Gene Kelly and "The Lady and the Bandit" with Louis Hayward "The Golden Horde" & "The Raging Tide".

Perhaps they planned on seeing the first two, and ended up with the second two. 

Jan 7 Lil got Sylvia a storm coat at Alexanders $11. Cap't Carlsen was taken off is being towed to England on his foundering ship a week after all passengers had been rescued.

Jan 8 Lil went to a class for Girl Scout leaders at St Nicholas of Tolentine last night. They learned songs and slogans. Quadruplets were born to Mrs Fanny Graber in Brooklyn. Eisenhower announced he would run if drafted. Lillian read "Nothing So Strange" - James Hilton. We both read "Of Me I Sing", Malcolm Bingay.

While Mom sent to that class each week, Silvia and I got to stay up and watch "I Love Lucy". 

Jan 9 Sylvia had her first school mate up here to play after school. She was a sweet little girl, Susan Kahn who assure Lil she had a very nice time, twice. Eugene went over to Larry Rubenstein's house after school and called up here to ask if it was all right. Niemoller finished a weeks stay in Moscow. He discussed church cooperation. Thousands of Israel Irgunists protested the govt's decision to negotiate the with Germany on reparations. Philip Loeb has been dropped from "The Goldbergs" due to his "Red Channels" listings. He has denied all "red" sympathies and will fight. Socialists and Communists called protest strikes after Austrian courts returned Starhemberg's scores of estates to him.

Jan 10 Lil attended a 7th year parents meeting at Creston Jr High with Mrs. Rubenstein. She did not volunteer for activity for lack of time. Sylvia visited Susan Kahn in Sedgwick Ave. She asked Lillian to call for her. Today Lillian went to Parkchester to pick up a "Leaders Guide to the Brownie Scout Program". She then dropped in to see Anne bringing a pair of pyjamas for Barbara's birthday. Mrs. Harry Moore has succumbed to the bomb explosion which caused the NAACP leaders death in Florida. Nationwide protests and demands have brought the F.B.I. into the case unprecendently without determination as to its jurisdiction. Truman outlined a program to Congress calling for more arms and unity in the shadow of war. Churchill conferring here with Truman has won a promise that no U.S. A bombers could leave English bases without its consent.

Jan 11 Capt Kurt Carlsen of the Flying Enterprise and Kenneth Dancy, mate of the tug, Turmoil which had been towing the stricken vessel were taken off picked up by the Turmoil when the tow line broke and they leaped overboard. The Enterprise sank soon afterwards, a loss of $5000,000.

Jan 12 Sylvia drew "A Book for Jennifer" Alice Dalgliesh, "Ginny Joins In" C. Wooley [sic], "The Star Wish" Lois Maloy, "The Eskimo Twins" L.F. Perkins. Eugene drew "The Drifting Cowboy" Will James, "Steady" J&M Renick, "A Boy at Gettysburg" E. Singmaster, "The Duke Decides" JR Tunis. We got shoes for Eugene at McCann's [sic] and he had to take a man's size $8. Sylvia got sneakers for gym at Miles $2. To Newman's for some Boy Scout equipment then to Sears for a toilet seat $4. Twelve teen age dope users were rounded up and an 8 year old is recuperating at Bellevue.

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