Saturday, July 16, 2016


Just noticed that Dad changed his dating of entries back to numeric on 12/9, but I'm NOT going to go back and edit those posts. 
12/17 Sunday American forces withdrew into their dissolving beachhead abandoning Hungnam to the Chinese. China rejected the UN Ceasefire agreement. It demanded withdrawal of all foreign troops. Washington froze the price of new cars at the Dec.1 level. This will roll back prices on Ford and G.M. cars just increased 5%. Lil took the kids to the Jewish Labor Council bazaar where Eugene got a pen and pencil set and wallet with slots for silver, Sylvia a game book and ski pants. They agreed to pay for part of their purchases. Lil also got a "Doctor's" kit for one of Sadie's kids. 8 hrs. O.T.

12/18 Eugene stayed home with a stuffed nose. Lil got gloves for the kids and socks for Eugene at Alexanders and two toys for Syracuse at Shipman's. U.S. Naval guns protected our troops on the beachhead at Hungnam. The UN's Cease-fire Comm. sent a cable to Peking asking continuation of talks. Russia again warned the West not to arm Germany. 2 hrs O.T.

12/19 Eugene still home but better. He lassoed, set up a farmyard cut out of Sylvia's new game book, etc. American troops held their beach head as our fleet rained steel on the besieging 'Reds'. Chinese 'Red" delegates left for home as the UN postponed discussion of their charges of aggression. Ministers of the 12 Atlantic Pact Nations approved a West European Army of 50 divisions including Germans. Eisenhower will command. Pravda called the project suicide. 4 Hrs. O.T.

12/20 Eugene returned to school. Lil picked up the blouses she and Molly ordered from Bottari. They were $10. North and South Korean forces battled south of the 38th parallel. Washington called for a voluntary freeze on prices? 4 hrs. O.T.

12/21 Now Sylvia has the sniffles. She consented to wear her slacks so she could go to school. When Stephen after telling her to pick him when it was her turn in a school game, chose Carol S. when it was his turn, she chose Barry H. in retaliation. North Korean troops were forced back from the beachhead easing the situation. Devastating firepower from UN planes, warships and artillery held the fort. Hoover called on America to retreat to our own borders and arm to the teeth. He advocated pulling out of Korea, all Asia and Europe. Paul Robeson received his "Peace Award" from Rev Ed McGowan at an A.L.P. rally after interference by vets with the original hall rented and threats of violence. 4 hrs O.T.

12/22 Lil got Eugene a coat at Alexanders $9. G.M. yielded to the gov't request and agreed to sell its cars at 1950 prices. Communists built up their strength in Korea for a strong assault as American forces continued to hold their beachhead. Left-wing lawyers Sacher and Isserman pleaded excessive heat and tension because of the importance of the trial of the '11' had caused them to overstep the bonds [sic] of proprietry [sic] in their disbarment hearing. Sonny Boy West died after his knockout by Percy Bassett.

12/23 Lil has a cold now and had to call off her trip to Syracuse. Peking turned down proposals for a cease fire again. It insisted on evacuation of all foreign troops, U.S. withdrawal from Formosa a seat in the U.N. The U.S. froze auto workers wages paralleling the auto price freeze. Walter Damrosch is dead at 88.

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