Friday, November 20, 2015


Jan 29 Sunday Sylvia will not sit on a pillow at the piano as directed by Mrs Nadler nor sit away from the piano. We went to the "pack" meeting today where each den performed. The "Cubs" had helmets, shields and swords. Eugene's "den 8" had a little skit with Eugene as Dr. Bath who "keeps you clean".

Jan 30 Sylvia sprung the news today - she is not monitor any more - she's Vice President! She gave the only vote to another little girl because she didn't want a boy to be V.P. However she beat the boy. Another girl is president. Sylvia hopes she'll be absent. Sylvia seemed to be easier to handle today at home. Eugene played "Oh, Susanna" in the music room. The American Legion sponsored a conference participated in by organizations representing "50,000,000" members to fight 'Communism'. Speakers appeared from the NAM to the C.I.O. and included B'nai Brith, A.V.C. etc. Among speakers was Sen. Mundt and George Sokolsky. Merwin K. Hart was present.

Jan 31 East St. Louis public schools ended an 85 year segregation policy. A delegation from Sinkiang arrived in Soviet-Chinese Communist negotiations. Hundreds of Chinese Nationalists died in icy wastes of the Himalayas, fleeing from Sinkiang to escape the Chinese Communists. 

Feb 1 Sylvia didn't want to spend any of her money for some toy she asked for. She's saving for a television set. In a historic order, Truman approved the construction of the H-Bomb. He also asked for a 70-day truce in the coal strike. France protested Russian's recognition of Ho-Chi-Minh as head of the Viet Nam regime in Indo China as against the French sponsored Bao Dai gov't there. Many members of liberal and conservative organizations participating in the American Legion Anti-Communist rally protested against collaboration with anti-semitic and anti-labor forces. Several organizations are expected to withdraw.

Feb 2 The kids got lunch kits and used them in school today as it rained. Sylvia had been prodding Lil about it for some time although Eugene is not enthusiastic. Russia asked for the trial of Hirohito and a few other Japanese as war criminals because they plotted germ warfare. George Mikan was named greatest basketball player of the last fifty years. Jack Dempsey was chosen greatest boxer and Bobby Jones greatest golfer. The C.I.O. explained it was in the "Anti-Communist Front" in order to "neutralize" it  We sent Sylvia to bed early without practising [sic] after a big argument about who practises first etc.

I remember not wanting to eat lunch in school.

Feb 3 Lil gave Sylvia a permanent. Senator McMahon asked $50.000,000,000 for economic aid to all countries, including Russia to stop the atomic armaments race. The American Jewish Congress strongly criticized the CIO and AFL's participation in the "Legion's" Anti-Communist Crusade. It was revealed that six organizations had not been invited for sometimes following the C.P. line. C.I.O. officials criticized Carey's now notorious statement that "we will join the Fascists to fight the Communists". 55 members of the East Side Unemployed and welfare council staged a sit down at the Stanton St. Welfare Center against the relief cuts. An N.M.U. membership meeting of 4,500 voted under the supervision of the Honest Ballot Ass'n to reject Lawrenson's ouster by 902-829. Judge Harris cited Bridges' second lawyer for contempt after Catholic priest Rev. Meinecke testified as a charater witness for Bridges. Lillian read "The Peacock Sheds his Tail" - A.T. Hobart "The Man Within" - Graham Greene "The Golden Net" - Ruby Redinger. We both read "The Damon Runyon Story" - Ed Weiner. Lillian went to the Kingsbridge to see "The Heiress" with Olivia de Haviland [sic] and Montgomery Clift. Also "A Border Incident".

Feb 4 Today we went to the "Grand" to see "Adam's Rib" with Katharine Hepburn & Spencer Tracy. Also "The Story of Molly X". A British scientist, Dr Klaus Fuchs was arrested as an atomic spy. It is charged he gave A-bomb and H-bomb secrets to Russia. The F.B.I. gave the tip to Scotland Yard on Fuchs' alleged guilt. He had worked here for three years.

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