Friday, November 1, 2013


2/15 Sunday We visited the Navarich's today. Lillian gave Milly a doily she made. We also brought some glaced fruits. Milly gave Lil some lovely lace. We had a nice meal staying till 8:45. Sandy wanted to play with Sylvia Eugene only, almost ignoring Sylvia who felt very badly. We both lost a game to Hy, Eugene, however having him on the run before suffering a mate due to carelessness.  

2/16 Sylvia and Norma are always going off in bedrooms and corners and telling each other secrets. Played Eugene two chess games and the new foot-ball game. Eugene sent in his version of a solution to a P.M. chess problem. 25000 heard Wallace inside and outside two N.Y. rallies. 2000 youth delegates opened demonstrations against U.M.T. in Wash D.C. Mordecai Brown and Chief Cardinal Pignatelli are dead.

Oops, I missed that he put in Mordecai Brown's passing here; it was squeezed in at the bottom of the page. 

2/17 Eugene told me Superman has saved Batman and Robin. Sylvia made snow pies in the park. N.M.U. leader Ferd Smith has been picked up for deportation without bail. Russia claimed US and England negotiated on separate peace pacts during the war, in its answer to State Dept. charges. Truman asked more help for Greece and Turkey although admitting corruption in the Greek gov't. North Korea formed a Peoples Republic. The City Council refused to seat Gerson in a stormy session asking a court decision.

2/18 Eugene generally greets me with something about Superman or Pataruzu. Sylvia is making paper chains again. Leo Isaacson A.L.P. made history by winning a Congressional special election in the 24th district. He got 27,697 votes Propper Dem. 12,578. Alfange Lib. 3,840 DeNigris R 1,482. Wallace had spoken for Isaacson and Mrs. Roosevelt and O'Dwyer for Propper in the first 3rd party test. Green reaffirmed A.F.L. support for the Marshall Plan at a "House" hearing. Ham Fish praised him later for his anti-communist record. M. K. Harb [?] asked for aid to Franco. Longo won his 5 year fight against the Hague machine. Eisenhower's retirement speech as Chief of staff asked for a US militaristic policy and warned all "enemies" to stay away from the Mediterranean. Eisler & Williamson were denied bail by Judge Conger.

It looks like "Sylvia is making paper chains", but I'm wondering if it was "paper chairs"; in January, she was making "paper chairs and cradles" (clearly "chairs", that time).

2/19 Went to Dr. Robbins on University Ave through the "Fed." dental plan. He gave me a complete x-ray check-up. A half million signed petitions in California to put Wallace on the ballot. John A Costello replaced De Valera as Eire Premier after a 16 year reign. B. Siskind Johnson was picked up for deportation.

2/20 Advanced readers in all 3rd year classes go to Mrs. Bergers for reading, Eugene being one of them. When I go to dust the telephone, Sylvia says "Who are you calling up, say a funny name". Lillian went downtown. She got the Brewers Yeast, some material to widen the new sofa covers, ham steak at 80¢ lb. and chuck steak at 50¢. No beef heart. Saudi Arabia got an American ship. O'Dwyer entered Bellevue for a heart check-up. Bulgarian Peasant party leader exile Dr. G. M. Dimitrov told the UnAmerican Comm. Russia was training Americans to take over their country. Burnham urged outlawing the party.

2/21 The kids played in the playground which was open again, Eugene pushing Sylvia on the swings. Ben Davis testified at the UnAmerican Comm. hearings that the Comm. is plotting to overthrow our gov't. Three parties left the Czech coalition gov't in protest against Communist consolidation. Florence S. came up last night to tell Lillian about Bruce's minor delinquency. Eight Nazi generals failed to get capital punishment for murdering hostages on the grounds that their victims were partisans who did not fight according to the rules of war.

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