Wednesday, June 13, 2012


6/1 Sunday Eugene's lapses are apparently due to the emotional strain following chess playing. We went to Woodlawn today with the Rosenbergs in their car, having lunch and supper there. Pop came over late. Played a game of chess with Eugene then beat Sheib at tennis while Eugene played in the Sand box. Later he played some chess with a "Cy" who praised his playing.

6/2 Split with Al Levitt. When I finished playing Sylvia was sulking on a bench. A boy had hit her, she said. Martial law was declared in China in answer to a threatened general strike for peace. J. Dinnyes has replaced Nagy as Hungarian premier. Six months compulsory military service was asked of all 18 years old. Jimmy Wilson is dead at 46.

6/3 Norma G., 3 is here playing with Sylvia. They get along nicely. Eugene's jobs in school are door closer, attendance taker and News of the Class on Monday. We have suspended credits to Hungary after their "red coup". 1200 have been jailed in China for anti war strikes. Rent control has been extended to Dec with a 15% "voluntary" increase after that date in the Senate bill just passed. Building controls on new homes are also eliminated.

6/4 Drew for Eugene "Robin Hood: His Book" by Tappan, Paul Bunyan Swings the Axe by D.J. McCormick and two suitable for Sylvia "Daddies: What they do all day" by H.W. Paner [?] and The Man in the Manhole by Sage and Ballantine. Played ball with the kids in the park using the paddles. England has announced a plan for dominion status and probably partition for India. Mayor O'Dwyer who proclaimed today "Veto Day" will participate in the Garden meeting sponsored by the A.F.L.The Senate passed the tax bill which cuts taxes especially for the rich 48-28, We saw "Swell Guy" with Sonny Tufts and "Stairway to Heaven" with David Niven hovering between heaven and earth, love & earth winning.

Could not verify the name and author of Sylvia's first book.

6/5 Beat Al Levitt. Sylvia hung around the fence near the court on which I was playing. The House passed the Hartley-Taft bill 320-79 in the face of all labor opposition. The A.F.L. "Garden" rally heard O'Dwyer, Magnuson, Dubinsky, Green speak against the slave bill. Lilly read "The Monument" by Pamela H. Johnson. Eugene was participating in Arnold P.'s homework and the latter said Eugene was smarter than some boys in his 4B class which made Eugene feel good. Stayed home today due to my upset stomach.

6/6 Sylvia has gotten into the habit of drinking half of her milk at lunch and finishing it later as she is too full. Eugene finally got his -3 table. H. Wallace in N. Car. attacked the Hartley Taft bill, our intervention in France & Italy, the Truman Doctrine, Argentine friendship and our war-dance. Truman attacked the Hungarian "coup". The Senate ratified the peace treaties with Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania.

6/7 Several Hungarian ministers abroad have refused to recognize the new Hungarian gov't. N. Petkov, Bulgarian opposition leader to the coalition gov't has been arrested. These moves may be retaliation against U.S. pressure on several countries to oust communists. The Senate passed the slave bill 54-17. Wallace has announced he will not support Truman in '48. The "Unamerican Comm." recently announced after a ten minute study that there is no fascist menace in America. Subway workers put on a one hour stoppage at the IRT shop. This was the culmination of a dispute between the weak Civil Service Forum and the T.W.U. Eugene this morning found poems for Sylvia in all the Books of Knowledge and "put in" pieces of paper to keep the places for her. I am in 2B. I am now learning borrowing. [my handwriting, see scanned in page]


  1. Any idea what the "slave bill" was?

  2. That was the Taft-Hartley bill -
