Wednesday, May 16, 2012


4/27 Sunday Last night Lillian exploded an aerosol bomb taking everything out of the kitchen. In the morning Eugene and Sylvia helped Lillian bring back, wash and dry the dishes. Eugene especially was delighted to help. Later we went out for lunch to the Chinese Restaurant on Jerome Ave. near Fordham Rd. We had chow mein dinners and the kids had one portion of pot roast but one each of soup, milk and ice cream. Total cost $2.45 + 40¢ tip. Leaving, we took the bus to the Zoo where we saw the elephants eat popcorn, bag and all. At home played Eugene a tough chess game - unfinished each having a strong attack against the other, threatening mate against the other in one or two moves. Lillian and Sylvia played house. Newburyport Mass. merchants have started a small scale price reduction spree after Truman's request. Saskatchewan has outlawed discrimination of any kind.

This is the first mention of that Chinese Restaurant, called, as I remember, the "ABC Restaurant", which we went to often over the years. Always fascinated by the menu with so many things on it, but I don't remember our parents ever ordering anything but chow mein. 

4/28 Eugene came home dry today after having had an accident every day last week. We don't know why he had been doing [it] or why he stopped. Perhaps it was the things we offered him if he raised his hand. He told us however he hadn't needed to go today. Sylvia went to "school" but started to cry when school ended without her getting a chance at skipping and jumping. Several more large Corps. fell in with the new wage raise "pattern".

4/29 Last night at work my vaccination "got" me having a headache and chills. Today after lunch felt very tired and got chills again. I went to bed with 100° fever staying home from work. Slept and perspired from some tea and aspirin then got up for supper feeling better. Finished a postponed chess game with Eugene which I barely won then played another in which after I mated him but gave him another chance he mated me. At Sylvia's bedtime she and Lillian gave each other bottles and drops in make believe. Marshall on returning home reported Russia was to blame for the parley's stalemate but held out hope for success. The main disagreement is on what to do with Germany. Russia wants 4 power control of the vital Ruhr with reparations from its industries. Wallace on his return said we are on the road to ruthless imperialism although not yet there. He sees no Soviet aggression in Greece and is against the witch hunt at home. Western telephone strikers rejected a company offer of a $2.50 per week raise. Lillian went shopping around with Pauline P. tonight. We both read "Only Yesterday", F. L. Allan's psychological explanation of the 20's, Lillian also read Mann's "Buddenbrooks" which was merely good. A special session of the UN General Assembly opened with a Comm. chosen [?] headed by D. Aranha of Brazil. The main business will be the Palestine issue. Japanese elections saw the C.P. make a weak showing and Social Democrats gain.

The word "chosen" doesn't make complete sense there, but that's what it looks like. 

4/30 Played my first tennis for 1/2 hour with Louise & Mary Keller while Sylvia attended "school" where she played "squirrel in the tree". Eugene asked to see "Cinderella". Gromyko asked for full discussion on the Palestine issue. U.S. & Britain were opposed.

5/1 My birthday and I got pyjamas from Lillian and sets of shorts shirt and socks from the kids. Mama gave me $5 and Lilly brought some candy meanwhile, she said. We all went down to the parade Susan also "powning" and applauding with the others. Eugene drew a picture in class which Mrs. Dwyer hung outside the room. Sam came over to return our bonds. President Aleman of Mexico first of that country to visit here received a tremendous welcome in Washington. The Jewish Agency has been barred from the Palestine hearings at the General Assembly. Telephone workers rejected a settlement by their leaders based on a $4. raise. They are still striking for $6. with renewed spirit. Henry Monsky is dead at 57.

Don't know what "powning" was supposed to be. 

5/2 80000 marched yesterday with 5000 C.P. vets in uniform. Sylvia and Eugene tired after an hour or so. We left for home at 5:45 Mama staying till the end then going to the Manhattan Center meeting of the opposition. Lillian has a slight sore throat. Discussion on independence of Palestine was barred at Flushing 24-15 10 abstaining. The "House" voted to continue a weak rent control 204-182. Konrad Bercovici dropped his suit against Charlie Chaplin in which he had claimed to be the inspirer of the "Great Dictator". Chaplin paid him $95,000 for two new scripts one on the Haymarket massacre and one on a gypsy theme. Meany, Green, Lewis, Tobin and Hutchinson [sic] of the A.F.L. met Reuther, Rieve, Potofsky, Fitzgerald and Murray of the C.I.O. in a unity session of 4 1/2 hours. 

5/3 We had to punish Eugene about his selfishness. He rarely agrees graciously to do any of the little things Lillian asks of him. Sylvia told me she was a lady killer for a hundred years when we were swapping "Kreuziger" [?] words with each other. Her favorites now are gam, gim, etc. Eugene uses frequently "what in the world" and "in an instant". Lillian has a nose cold. Delegate Austin of the U.S. led the vote for Jews to be barred from an "Assembly" voice but to be heard in the "Political Comm." A.F.L. leaders Wedl, Schindler, O'Donnell were suspended for "May Day" participation. The French gov't is endangered as the C.P. is supporting Renault strikers as against the wage freezing policy. We both read B. Cerf's "Try and Stop Me" reputed to [be] plagiarized from columnists.

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