Monday, February 27, 2012


4/6 Sunday Eugene woke up not feeling well and had 102 1/2 temp. After an enema and other ministrations it went down to 100°. He acted normally. His trouble seemed to be a sore throat or his stomach. Took Sylvia down and she paraded with her doll carriage and her pin wheel. Mom and Pop over later and Eugene started to cry over a stalemate argument in a chess game with Pop. Eugene's temp teetered and he had a bad night.

4/7 Called Dr. Holzman this morning and found Eugene had a strep throat. He had 104° while the doctor was there. Eugene got sulfa powders and Lillian was to sponge him, cold applications to the neck, daily enema, liquid diet, gargle which Eugene failed to do after much fuss privine drops and throat swab with argyrol. Telephone workers of many unions, none CIO or AFL but many affiliated with N.F.T.W. are due to strike at 6 AM today for raises and working conditions after a week of fruitless negotiations. Miners intend to stay out until mines are made safer. A phony expose of Communism has been authorized for printing in 500000 copies by Congress but a book on the Fascist danger has been stalled so far. MacArthur and reactionary Premier Yoshida have declared war on Japanese Communists who are called fascists. Joe Stack has been removed as N.M.U. V.P. by another membership meeting approx. 900-700. Mom came over to help but I stayed home from work. Eugene's temp stayed up all evening. We took Sylvia's temp. at night and she had 103°. Called Dr. Holzman and he advised the same regimen for her except the sulfa (aspirin instead). We had lots of trouble with her on the medication. She finally vomited all over herself and her bed after he throat was swabbed. Jimmy Demaret won the $70,000 Masters Tournament with 281.

4/8 Eugene was quite sick all night Lillian catching him in a slight delirium twice. His temp. however was normal in the morning. Sylvia was just under 100°. Lillian got the kids some toys and Mrs. K. sent in some books following the chocolate Easter bunnies she had sent. Yesterday with his high temp. he insisted on playing a game of chess with me. The kids enjoyed our marching in with their lunch and supper trays singing as we did so. 325,000 telephone workers are on strike. Gromyko at Lake Success asked for economic aid for Greece by the UN instead of our bypassing the UN. Mayor O'Dwyer promised to keep nurseries open during hearings on his record breaking billion dollar budget. Bessie Beatty dead at 61. Chinese Communists attacked American Marines, casualties on both sides included dead and wounded. Henry Ford is dead at 83. Stayed home from work again.

I believe I remember the "delirium" incident; at least I do remember awakening in the middle of the night to see my mother standing at the foot of the bed, and telling me that I had been a bit delirious, apparently talking about things that were not there. Of course, I don't really know if that was this same incident. 

4/9 Sylvia temp was 102° this morning so we called Dr. Holzman who came at 9 P.M. He suspected a pyelitis to be verified by her urinalysis. Sylvia had complained during her urinating that it "hotted" her. Played Eugene some chess. Lillian came over with some cut-outs for Sylvia and a book - "King Arthur" for Eugene. Langley Collyer has been found under the debris in his home. Comp. time today.

Aunt Lillian was always good with presents. 

4/10 Brought Sylvia's urine report to Dr. Holzman. It was negative. While I was there Lillian called that Eugene's temp - 99.8 at 9AM had risen to 102°. The doctor said he would be over. He came at 6 P.M. He found that Eugene had adenitis an inflammation of the neck glands arising from the throat infection. He had to have the sulfa again and ice bag on his neck - left side. Lillian had to resume most of the other treatments also. He examined Sylvia again and could find nothing yet. He thought something was brewing or perhaps a virus infection. Sylvia has been very active and talkative all day. Her temp. ranged from 100.4 to 100.8 without aspirin. We still march in with the meals, singing, which they enjoy. Eugene insisted on a chess game. Lillian read to the kids. I cut out and pasted pictures together with Sylvia. N.J. passed an anti-strike bill bringing back some phone strikers. Dennis was cited for contempt on two charges. Frankie Sinatra was arrested for "socking" a Hearst writer who has been heckling him in print and called him a "dago" according to Sinatra. Manager Leo Durocher of the Dodgers has been suspended for the entire season for "unbecoming conduct" by Comm. Chandler. The A.F.L. Hotel Union Conference saw gangsterism and murder before and redbaiting and purge of opponents of the administration during the sessions. The Senate confirmed Lilienthal as head of the Atomic Energy Comm. 50-31. Got certificate from Holzman and stayed home again.

4/11 Sylvia's temp. between 99.6 and 100.6 today. Very playful again. Mom and Molly over. She told Molly, Eugene was her man rather than her brother. Eugene's temp 101.6 all day. After midnight he felt normal. The Dodgers signed Jackie Robinson the first Negro to join a major league club. Poland's new western boundaries are again under fire. 5 million Germans have been transferred from the territory in question and Poles resettled there. A tornado in Texas and Oklahoma killed 127 and injured more than 1000 persons. Brought another specimen of Sylvia's urine to Dr. Holzman - negative again. Returned to work today.

4/12 Eugene's temp went down to normal today. Sylvia's ranged up to 101° with nothing visible yet. They were both fairly cheerful. Sylvia's nose was stuffed again. Jersey phone strikers prepared for a show-down with the state's anti-strike law. Union leaders surrendered to the police and were released on bail. The A.F.L. Hotel Union convention put through an anti-communist clause. Anti-communist gangsters in Cuban leaders [?] are shooting up left wing offices in a drive to oust left wing leaders. The British charge that Albania laid mines in the Corfu Straits doing damage to British ships has been sent to the Court of Intern'l Justice by a vote of the Security Council.

I think he meant "in Cuba", and the word "leaders" got put in as he thought of the end of the sentence.

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