Friday, December 9, 2011


1/19 Sunday We all went out this afternoon for a walk, a rarity these days. Met the Rosenbergs and walked with them then stopped in their apt. for half an hour. Eugene surprised us by biting Bobby. During the walk, Sylvia romped with the two boys taking plenty of punishment. In their play the kids continually talk about 'death'. Arnall resigned as M E Thompson was sworn in as Lt. Gov. of Georgia and claimed the governorship due to Gene Talmadge's death. The latter's son Herman says he will submit if the courts rule against him. We saw "Claudia and David" with Dot Maguire [sic] and Robert Young, a story of the typical life of a young married couple and "Home Sweet Homicide" with Lynn Bari & Randolph Scott. Three children provide much amusement in a murder mystery. We had much trouble with Sylvia's eating at supper. We had a chopped salad of which she doesn't like several ingredients like radish and celery. Finally when Lillian threatened not to make further meals for her, she tearfully flustered "You'd better make them, or you'll see"

1/20 Eugene was all set to return to school but rainy weather kept him out again. When the kids disagree about a game to play, as this morning when Eugene wanted to play make-believe lotto and Sylvia real lotto, they "call up" their respective friends who always confirm them in their own desires. Then they usually compromise. Lillian got Eugene a toy typewriter we had seen last night in Fordham. A Greek ship went down with about 300 lost including 40 chained antifascists sailing to exile M.P.'s enroute to Athens for the opening session and members of Prince Paul's retinue. 12,000,000 Poles voted for members of the Sejm, with 23 killed in a much discussed election observed by many foreign correspondents. Dr. Velloso, Brazilian UN delegate, is dead.

I remember that typewriter!

1/21 Chas Krumbein is dead at 58. Italian Premier DeGasperi resigned attacking the C.P.  Socialist Foreign Minister Nenni resigned recently. We have secured postponement of disarmament talks until Feb. 4. Bloc of gov't parties won a big victory over opposition groups especially the Polish Peasant Party. Eugene returned to school today. His "News of the day" was his seventh birthday today. In the afternoon he brought lollys and cookies to school, reciting a poem there and the children writing verses about his birthday. At home Mother, Lilly & Susan over. Molly couldn't come. Bobby R came up with pops and Richard M to wish Eugene a happy birthday. The kids stayed having ice cream and cookies & milk and the birthday cake was lit & extinguished. Sylvia and Eugene later recited duets. Frieda's check came. Mother gave Eugene a bathrobe and Sylvia a skirt. Lillian brought socks for Eugene and a blouse for Sylvia. Bobby R sent a telegraph set. Gloria & Vivian came over later and brought a pencil bag. Eugene said he had a great day. We gave Mother a beautiful picture frame which was cracked when it got home. At night Herb P. up with Arnold's present, polo shirt and plaid shirt. Stayed home from work. Susan is always noshing something. When asked where mommy & daddy are going, she says 'Califoona'. Hank Greenberg was sold to the Pirates. His salary is $52,000.

1/22 Josh Gibson is dead at 35. Georgia students hung H. Talmadge in effigy. So. African C.P. leaders are on trial for sedition arising from the strike of miners for union recognition and raises from 50¢ to $2. per day. Lillian took Sylvia to Dr. Holzman who said she had a mild case of thrush not trench mouth or anemia. She is to cut out the copperin B and keep things out of her mouth. She is to use gentian violet and rinse her mouth once a day with a solution.

1/23 Eugene had an intelligence test in school. Gloria came up after school. Eugene broke her house when she asked him to but when he wouldn't rebuild it upon request, she stalked out. Drew for Eugene "Humphrey" by Marjorie Flack. 100 years of a turtle's life. "Shirley Visits the Zoo" by Belle J Benchley with photographs of the San Diego Zoo and "The Story of Your Coat" by Clara Hollos. Illus. by Herb Kruckman. Truman is sending Hoover to Europe on a food mission. Socialist Premier Ramadier has formed a cabinet with 9 Socialists 5 Communists 5 MRP members and others. Talmadge's White primary bill was stalled in the State legislature. 20,000 heard Haldane, AE Kohn and Foster at the Garden Lenin Memorial. Andy Volstead is dead at 87.  

1/24 Trouble with Eugene about his disagreeableness after school. Finally he claimed it was because he was tired. Sylvia again wouldn't go down with callers Betty Ann & Joyce. Teachers have voted to postpone a strike vote. Molly over with Eugene's presents, shirt and pyjamas.

1/25 Sylvia persists in putting things in her mouth. Eugene enjoyed playing with his jeep car and lock-blocks down stairs. D. Maximos succeeded Tsaldaris as Greek Premier. 4 men robbed the Bklyn Eagle 20,000 [sic] payroll.

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