Thursday, November 24, 2011


1/5 Sunday Eugene woke with a stuffed nose. We went to Molly for dinner. Mike Ev & Isabel Lilly Altschuler Thelma and Harold there. Also Frieda K. We found Molly in bed suffering with a back-ache. The kids exchanged presents. Milton took their pictures. At home Eugene had 101° and got his second argyrol pack. The Congressional filibuster collapsed as Bilbo left Washington for another mouth operation. 35 other Senator elects were then sworn in. Two of the nine jailbreakers were captured. The Americans for Democratic Action sponsored by the U.D.A. and a rival to the P.C.A. was formed. Among the officers are Bolte, Dubinsky, White, John Green, Wolchok, Reuther, Niebhur [sic] & Wyatt. Also attending were Mrs. Roosevelt, Haywood Carey L. Henderson. Ogden Reid is dead at 64. Read Seldes "The Facts Are".

1/6 While the kids wait for their milk, they sing "Peddy por py pilk, ready for my milk", repeat the same and then "And here it is". Sylvia threatened to 'must' up my hair if I didn't accede to her wishes. Eugene had a difficult night but was normal this morning. It was Democratic Sen. Taylor who started the Anti-Bilbo proceedings in the Senate. The reaction dominated [?] Republicans are participating only on a partisan basis against the Democrat Bilbo. Wilson Wyatt and Leon Henderson are Co-Chairmen of the new Americans for Dem. Action. Went to the library with Sylvia and drew for Eugene "The Tortoise and the Geese" Fables of Bidpai retold by M. B. Dutton and Fire! The Mascot by Paul Brown. Sylvia was irrepressible today and full of mischief. She seems to be [at] a new stage where she refuses to obey as far as she dares. Going to bed she asked at what age one could be be [sic] a baby. Deciding in that she said 10 was a high school, and 100 a giant. Saw "Sister Kenny" great film with Rosalind Russell playing a fine role, Alexander Knox co-starring; also Gary Cooper in "The Westerner" portraying the battle between cattle raisers and homesteaders. Eugene out of school.

1/7 Eugene still in bed. Sylvia insisted she finished first once at meal-time and we were all fourth. Anglo-Iranian Oil Co has agreed to sell us oil. We have asked that Dairen be opened to international commerce. Truman's address to Congress asked for curbs on strikes over differences in interpretation of contracts; curbs on strikes in vital industries, universal military training, ban on income tax cuts, enactment of social legislation. Camera-gun mastermind Rocco was killed by cops upstate.

1/8 Eugene out of bed. The kids played together all day with a minimum of quarreling. Sylvia has recently formed this habit of speaking ""Can I do so and so, Can I?" "Does a giant do so and so, does it?" Eugene kicked Sylvia yesterday. Gen. Marshall has left his mission in China with a blast at irreconcilables in both factions. He will replace Byrnes as Sec'y of State, the latter having resigned on account of illness. Football pros Hapes and Filchock told of being wined and dined and offered bribes which they refused to throw the game with the "Bears".

1/9 Eugene has 100° every night so he is still in the house. Sylvia's delight is to join us in a "loving house" when we're embracing. The NMU Council rejected Curran's C.M.U. resignation 20-18. Truman in his economic message admitted the necessity of higher wages and lower prices, asked for extension of rent control, F.E.P.C., Social security expansion, housing programs. Bookmaker A. J. Paris was found guilty of attempted bribery of two football pros. The kids watched Lillian make cookies and were soon making their own out of clay. Hapes & Filchock have been suspended. Harold Dade defeated Manuel Ortiz to win the World's Bantamweight title the latter had held for five years.

Regarding the "loving house", not only Sylvia's delight!

1/10 Sylvia has a stuffed nose, apparently caught from Eugene and is also confined to the house the last couple of days. Ernie K. over in fairly good shape. We are anxious to have the "Big 3" protest to Poland on alleged acts of terrorism and intimidation against opposition parties. At Lake Success we insisted on acceptance of the Baruch Atomic Plan before discussion of the disarmament resolution.

1/11 Normal last night, both kids had 100° this P.M. due no doubt to their energetic playing. Poles on trial told of giving secrets to the British Embassy. Truman's 1948 budget is 37 billion with 12 billion military outlay. A Harlem fire has resulted in 8 deaths already.

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