Tuesday, July 5, 2011


9/8 Sunday Jack Kramer won the men's singles in straight sets from Tom Brown and Pauline Betz, the women's singles similarly over Doris Hart. We visited Al and Edith today. Daniel is very lively and bright with big blue eyes and a ready smile. He looks up at every lamp-post he passes. I read "Sons and Lovers" the psychological novel of the son who in substituting himself for the negligible [sic] father is incapable of normal love for other women. The 9 month strike of Phelps Dodge workers ended with the usual 18 1/2 raise. This is Sylvia's poem on our visit to the Pope's. "We are going to Allan and Edith. There is a baby over there. The baby's name is Daniel. There is just three people over there. That is the end of it".

9/9 I JUST STARTED SCHOOL TODAY AND I READ THE CHILDREN A STORY [my printing again, see scanned in page]. Eugene drew "Bobby & Betty with the Workers"  by K. E. Dopp. "The Magic Monkey" by P&C. Chan and "Old World Wonder Stories" - four fairy tales. Eugene started the fall term today with Miss Curry again class 1-2-2 (1-B) room 201. Lillian went to Mt Sinai to see Lena Cherniak. We spent the afternoon at St James. At night Eugene complained of a stomach ache again and we didn't go out as a consequence. Truck drivers rejected the mayor's proposals over their leaders head. Ryan has ordered his longshoremen to hold up UNRAA shipments to Yugoslavia. Poles are demonstrating against Byrnes speech with respect to Polish German borders. Several were injured in a clash between British police and left wing demonstrators in Trieste.

I don't know who Lena Cherniak was. 
7/9/11 - Silvia tells me that she was one of our Aunt Molly's relatives.

9/10 Split with Levy. In the afternoon took the kids to the park as Lillian stayed in. They met a little girl and played. Eugene was a doctor, also a bad boy who put sticks in the doll's head. At school Mrs. Lyston said of Eugene: "This is the lad who could read third grade readers in kindergarden". At Lake Success our delegate Johnson supported Greece and Britain against Manuilsky's charges. Bulgaria voted 95% for a republic against the monarchy. Talbert and Osborne took the mixed doubles.

 9/11 Beat Sheib and Evers. The kids like to lick their plate clean at meals and then say "my mother doesn't give me anything to eat". Jews sabotaged oil, rail lines and ports in Palestine. In England squatters, led by the C.P. took over vacant houses. In the truck strike O'Dwyer charged Communists were behind the "revolt" against the union leadership in voting to stay out. At the "U.E." convention red baiting and factionalism led by Carey and Bloch were repudiated by about 5-1. Minton & McKenney have been expelled from the C.P.

9/12 Beat Evers. Saw Ernie K. who is improved and looking well. He is crazy about Sylvia as is J. [?] Durst. The WSB denied striking seamen boosts over the $17.50 per mo. previously granted. Tobin refused to intervene in the N.Y. truck drivers strike. At Lake Success Gromyko called the Greek situation a harbinger of a new Munich. B. of T. head Gross called for a 10¢ subway fare in answer to recommendations for 20¢ per hr. raise for the workers. The Dodgers and Reds played a 19 inning scoreless tie. At night to see "Inside Job" and "To Each His Own" with O. DeHaviland and John Lund. A sentimental but enjoyable drama of a mother's love for a son she could not claim.  

9/13 Beat Mencher. Sylvia gives delicious kisses, then names them as lettuce kisses, jelly kisses etc. Eugene is reading and rereading his library books when home to the exclusion of anything else. Lillian sat tonight. Reconversion director Steelman ordered raises for striking AFL seamen. At an I.C.C.A.S.P. and NCPAC meeting at the Garden, Wallace called for peace through compromises by both U.S.A. and Russia, balancing America's imperialist actions with Russia's influence for democracy as in the same class. Pepper however attacked our foreign policy. Kroll, Robeson and Kingdon were other speakers as Mead and Lehman were boosted for office.

9/14 We walked along the reservoir to Mama's today, seeing Lil, Harry and Susan Tauby & Toby and Mom. Pop is in Northhampton. Had supper there, Susan breaking something and knocking over a lamp. The NMU has struck to win the raises promised to the seamen. The mayor has named an advisory comm. to reach a trucking settlement. Wallace's speech, mild as it was has caused much anxiety to the State Dept and Byrnes. Lillian had a cold today following a shower she took. Read "Pere Goriot" telling of a father's love and sacrifices for his daughters and the decadent society of Paris.

I remember the names "Tauby" and "Toby" but don't know who they were. There's a picture pasted in here, seemingly unrelated - see scanned in page. 


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