Monday, June 13, 2011


8/11 Sunday To Woodlawn where I beat Lebost. Mother over for a while. Played with Lillian. We spent an hour in the woods picking berries from which Lillian made jam. In the evening to see "Dear Ruth" a good comedy at the Windsor. Bilbo in a radio talk admitted he was a Klansman. Marshall and Ambassador Stuart see no hope for peace in China.

Picking berries and Mom making jam was always memorable. We called them "blackberries", but found out later that they were really "black raspberries". 
7/15/11 This is what they were - 

8/12 Beat Mencher. In Alabama a scrap between Negroes and whites nearly ended in bloody rioting but was nipped by prompt action. A white mob marched on the jail to release two men held there, then kept Negroes off the streets that night. None of the mob were arrested.

8/13 Eugene drew "On Charlie Clarke's Farm" by Clarke and Keelor "Pinnochio" by Collodi and "Mrs. Goose of Animaltown" by M. C. Potter. Played some tennis with Lillian in St. James; Sylvia fell off Eugene's bike getting quite a bump but was soon doing tricks with Eugene on a bench. At supper Sylvia has been eating better although she doesn't like a lot of foods. She has to be reminded to eat continually as she is distracted by anything or nothing. Played some chess with Eugene and he was rusty from lack of practice. The British are herding illegal Jewish immigrants in internment camps. They have cut off Haifa. Radio and Cable workers A.C.A. CIO are out on strike. At the Paris parley Byrnes after just barring Vishinsky from speaking on the Italian peace treaty admitted he was wrong and allowed him to take the floor; this follows DeGasperi's speech protesting harsh terms. Negroes are subjected to frequent attacks in Greenwich Village.

8/14 At meals, we play restaurant with Lillian the waitress. We order what we want which is always what Lillian has prepared. H.G. Wells is dead at 89. The British have killed three Jews in a crowd objecting to the shipping of illegal Jewish immigrants to Cyprus. The campaign against Greek democrats is growing into a war against the people.

8/15 Lost to Durst. Sylvia in trouble today for poor eating and chewing her dress. The trial of Columbia Tenn. Negroes opened with defense lawyers charging a jury fraud. Great Lake seamen are out on strike.

8/16 Sylvia pointed to her forehead and asked me if that was her "forest". A Negro in Louisiana, just released from jail was found beaten to death. Children have died on Jewish refugee ships sailing to Cyprus. There were clashes in Cyprus between the Jews and British troops. At the Tenn. Negro trial the judge is approving prejudicial jurymen. Eugene makes things with his erector set every morning.

8/17 Two more Negroes killed in the Carolinas. Soviet delegates in Paris proposed that only countries that were at war with former satellites should have a vote in the treaty commissions. Dorothy Bellanca is dead.

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