Friday, April 22, 2011


6/16 Sunday Played three chess games with Eugene, he nearly mating me in one. Beat Geller. In the evening, we saw Rosenberg's color moving pictures including the children for the last three years. The Maritime Unions have won their strike nationally through their complete unity. Vincent Auriol, Socialist is President of the new Constituent Assembly.

I don't remember seeming those movies; I'll have to find out if they still exist. 

6/17 Beat Levy. Lillian read "The White Tower" by JR Ullman. Lillian bought Eugene a Morecraft (Erector) set $3.00 and Sylvia an iron, two balloons and some white shoes. Size 10 1/2E $4.74. Played chess with Eugene and he got an early lead. Lillian reads to both kids at bed-times. Fred Rose has been convicted of consipiracy to give war secrets to Soviet Agents. He is the Canadian L.P. M.P. The Tennessee grand jury found no violation of civil rights there but communist agitation! The American Veterans Comm. at its first convention elected Chas. Bolte chairman.

I remember the Erector set well; played with it for many years. I believe the motor from it is still in my garage. 

6/18 Sylvia's favorite food is potatoes. When give many other foods she whines "I don't like it", but eats a good deal of it. She "plays tennis" with green peas which she dislikes very much. When Lillian talks on the phone, Sylvia gets her phone and repeats every sentence. Of course she talks on the real phone a little. Jews and Arabs are fighting the British in Palestine. At the UN Council, British Sir Cadogan asked that no action be recommended against Franco.  Chetnik aide Moleyvitch admitted massacres of Croats and collaboration with the Italians.

My memory says they called the green peas "tennis balls" in an attempt to get Sylvia to eat them. 

6/19 Sylvia asked for some stars but wouldn't promise to be good. At the "Council" Gromyko vetoed the weak Franco resolution. Jews in Tel Aviv kidnapped five British officers for hostages. Hungarian Communist Deputy Rokasi jailed for 16 years is here.  The Anti-negro campaign continues with the beating of a musician. Sylvia says she's not going to get "Chicken Pops". When we were amused she said "You don't have to laugh at that".

6/20 Lillian went downtown to pick up some nylons. Several pocks have appeared on Sylvia foreboding the chicken pox. Gromyko proposed that all atom bombs be destroyed no more be made and violators be severely punished. Bedault of the M.R.P. is Premier President of France 384-0 the C.P. abstaining. DeGaullists attacked C.P. headquarters. Benes was reelected President of Czechoslovakia unanimously. C.P. leader Zapotocky is Speaker. Browder is exclusive representative of all Soviet publishing houses in the USA. Bevin's anti-semitic slurs are being denounced individually and at many rallies. Joe Louis, heavyweight champ 207 lbs. Ko'd Billy Conn, 182 lbs. yesterday at the Yankee Stadium in 2:19 of the eighth round before 70000 fans with a $100 top gate receipts $2,000,000. Referee Eddie Joseph. The fight was wild. Sylvia went to bed in the afternoon with 101° fever.

6/21 Sylvias temp cracked 102°. She has few pocks as yet and seems to have a light case. The Grand Mufti has found sanctuary in Egypt. Fred Rose has gotten six years. 20,000 fur workers with employers cooperating, rallied against Bevin. Rabbi Wise and Rep. Baldwin were among the speakers. The Foreign Ministers parley saw the Big 4 agree to postpone the disposition of Italy's colonies for a year and withdraw occupation armies from Italy and Bulgaria within ninety days after peace treaties go into effect. 200,000 marched in Paris against DeGaullist provocations.

6/22 Sylvia still had 101° today. This morning Eugene went out for the first time. We took a street-car ride and bought a tricycle seat which he needed badly. Played a little chess. Lillian has been sewing pyjamas for Eugene and me as they are so scarce and expensive. Lost to Schuler. The Senate, half empty passed the "Hobbs Bill" forbidding interference with interstate shipments. Indians are striking against Nehru's arrest.

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