May 28 Sunday We visited Al & Edith today. Danny is adorable. He loves to touch the ceiling with his stick climbing upon a table or chair to reach it. Sylvia read books all afternoon. Eugene won two chess games from Al and lost one checker game.
I remember playing chess often when we visited Al and Edith Pope; Al was a childhood friend of Dad's. There was one time when we didn't play, and Dad said, to both of us "Was it mutual awe?", and Al said, "Yeah, we both said 'awww'..." (probably funnier if you were there).
May 29 Israel agreed to UN rule over Jerusalem's Holy places. A half million youth marched in the much vaunted and discussed East German demonstrations but there were no incidents. West German police guarded the border with "shoot to kill" orders.
May 30 Memorial Day We went to see Milt Shirley & Seth with Molly and Sam. We had some shoes for Seth which we had forgotten to bring once and this time again we left them in front of the house. But Lil called up the Lamphiers [our superintendent] who picked up the shoes in time. Seth showed a strong will and an aversion to strangers. He crawled all over and walked a few steps. We left for Mom's to see Aunt Molly and Uncle Abe who were in from Florida. Lil Harry and the kids and the Beckers and Edelsteins and Rachel & Mayer were also there. The Supreme Court again refused to review the case of the "Hollywood Ten" and J.A.F.R.C. making them liable to immediate prison terms. Michael Lee and William Remington previously cleared by the Loyalty Board refused to resign upon request of Sec'y of Commerce Sawyer who had weakened before McCarthy's charges. Thomas Mann called for a world peace conference at the opening session of the Mid-Century Conference for Peace. Keynoter was Dean JB Thompson. Kermit Eby was one of the speakers.
May 31 Eugene got 100% in reading and next to the highest in meaning of what he read. West German youth who had gone to the Youth rally in East Germany were mobbed by crowds upon their return. The Mid Century Conference for Peace called on the U.S. to end the cold war through the UN.
June 1 Sylvia has been coming home for lunch in a "bad" mood. Reduced services in mail started today. One home delivery and lobbies closing at 5:30 PM are among the cuts. The Board of Ed. was upheld by State Ed. Comm. Wilson on appointing an outsider to try the eight suspended teachers. Elections in South Korea saw President Rhee's party lose much ground to independents.
June 2 Seven G.O.P. Senators asked an end to the Congressional "smears" with immunity. Japanese Communists called for an Anti-American general strike in protest against the trial of eight Japanese accused of beating five U.S. soldiers. The city eased its water restrictions as levels reached 91.5% of capacity. The Board of Ed. barred the Teachers Union as spokesmen for its members. The action was based on the expulsion of the parent union from the C.I.O. as Communist dominated. Robeson attacked Rogge's support of Tito. George Marshall, official of the Civil Rights Congress entered jail today for refusing to turn over records to the UnAmerican Comm.
June 3 Sylvia spent the day downstairs, just coming up for meals. Only a short time ago she wouldn't take a step away from mother. Eugene was down for a while but watched the Yankees win a double header on television in between. He has become a baseball fan and understands the game. G.E. refused to reinstate contracts with the U.E. at plants which it won in the recent elections. New atomic weapons were announced. They included atomic artillery shells and warheads. Acheson asked another billion and a quarter for more arms. Teachers voted to continue their 'strike' against extra-curricular activities but will accept the board to be set up to study salary adjustments and how to get the money. 11 relief demonstrators received 30 day sentences and vilification from Magistrate Bushel. Played my first tennis game of season with Herb Levitt.
I remember the 1950 season as the first year I really followed baseball, as Dad says.
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