April 30 Sunday We had Mom and Pop over for dinner for my birthday. Lil and Harry brought over Peggy while they went to the hospital to see Harry's mother and then to Queens Village where they put down a $25 binder on a house. Peggy was very good here, ... Mom got me a beautiful nylon shirt, gold colored with handkerchiefs and socks. Eugene won a chess game from Pop and I won one from Eugene. We watched "HopAlong" Super Circus and Mrs Roosevelt.
May 1 Both kids stayed home this morning as Sylvia has a slight cold and Eugene complained of his eyes and is blowing his nose frequently. Eugene went to school after lunch, though. Sylvia told me she wouldn't get any more issues of the "Playmate" mag. unless I "reviewed". The Elevator strike ended after four days with the issues going to a fact finding board. Prof De Boer was elected president of the Nat'l Council of Arts Sciences & Professions to succeed Dr Shapley as the council called for an end to the armaments race.
May 2 Sylvia still home with a running nose. Mosinee Wis. staged a mock seizure of the town by "Communists" to show the horrors of totalitarianism. Joseph Zack and Ben Gitlow ran the show. The May Day parade received estimates of 4,500 to 75000 marchers. In Berlin there were 1.000,000 participants in each zone with many clashes. As Federal rent control went out, the new state law went into effect. Freda Utley testified against Lattimore but admitted Anti-semitic and pro nazi propaganda. Demaree Bess however testified that he did not believe Lattimore was a fellow traveller [sic].
May 3 Stayed home from work today. Sylvia was still home with her cold. "South Pacific" won the Pulitzer prize for the best American play. Reporter E.O. Guthman won a surprise award in defending Prof. Rader who had been charged with Communism. A.B. Guthrie won the award for the best novel "The Way West". Gen Bradley stated the Draft Act must be extended due to the world situation. The Supreme Court refused to stay Dennis' sentence for contempt. Lattimore called Budenz a paid informer, McCarthy an apologist for the Nazi murderers at Malmedy and income tax evader. He called for an end to smears and the right for Americans to write think and talk as they please. The Intern'l Red Cross called for the outlawing of the Atom bomb. Character witness Chester Hale, dancer testified Larry Adler was loyal.
May 4 Sylvia returned to school. Lillian had decreed an hour's piano practice for Sylvia instead of the half hour because she doesn't know her lesson very well. Sen Pepper was defeated in the Dem. primary by Rep. G. Smathers by a surprising 60000 vote margin after 14 years in the Senate. Eight veteran school teachers were suspended without pay because they refused to answer questions about their affiliations with the C.P. Prague reported priests loyalty pledge. In Poland the gov't signed an accord with the clergy offering religious freedom in return for support from the bishops against enemies of the regime. Lil got Eugene a mattress at Mallory's $30.
May 5 Last night Evelyn and Isabel came over sleeping here so Isabel could stay here while Mike & Evelyn went over to the Meyeroff's place to see about a room for the summer. Eugene was the only boy to get 100% in spelling. Mac Kriendler owner of night club '21' testified for Draper & Adler. Truman weakened and agreed to open the loyalty files on the 81 cases cited by McCarthy. The 100 day old Chrysler strike ended with 89000 workers getting their $100 per month pension. The union claims it got benefits equalling [sic] the 10¢ an hour package they asked for. It gets better medical, hospital and insurance benefits but no union shop. William Rose Benet is dead at 64.
May 6 Molly over in the evening. In the afternoon we went to the zoo. We saw the pelicans and seals being fed, the kids throwing fish to the seals at 5¢ a throw. The kids went into the monkey house and children's zoo by themselves and had a camel ride. We took pictures, had soda, pop corn, ice cream and hot dogs. The Senate OK'd the foreign aid bill but sliced off a quarter of a billion. Russia's announcement that repatriation of German prisoners is at an end has caused consternation and bitterness in Germany. It is claimed over a million Germans are still in Russia. A City doctor was fired as the 'red' purge hit medicine. Welfare Commissioner Hilliard carried forward the fight against 'reds' on relief by ordering below average civil service efficiency ratings for a hundred employees who are all U.P.W. union leaders.
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