April 23 Sunday Rainy but it cleared up at 5 o'clock and we went out for a walk over Eugene's protest. He had been watching television for two hours. We came home at 6:25 and he rushed upstairs to see the last five minutes of Hop-Along [sic] Cassidy. Tonight we saw Ed Sullivan's show. Featured were Gene Sarazen, Willy Moscone and Auto racers Milton and Shaw in a sports program. We also saw Henry Aldrich and a moving picture "Under the Red Robe". The kids favorites are Mr I. Magination, Howdy Doody, Lucky Pup, Six Gun Play House, Small Fry, Kukla, Fran & Olly [sic] Captain Video & of course Hop Along.
I don't remember Lucky Pup or Small Fry.
April 24 Eugene played "Clap Hands" in school. Chiang surrendered besieged Hainan to the Communists. Budenz charged without Congressional immunity that all of the "Hollywood Ten" were C.P. members. Acheson denounced McCarthy as a wrecker. Seven teachers including Union leaders are up on loyalty charges.
April 25 Mrs Nadler praised Eugene's music sense and seems quite enthusiastic over him. She also is pleased with Sylvia. A coast to coast telephone equipment workers strike started over working conditions in a South Bend television plant of Western Electric. Former decartelization chief James S Martin charged to Congress that Big Steel sought a new world cartel. Lil went over to see Tante Blume who just lost her brother.
April 26 The kids are writing letters for a contest. Sylvia said the winners will be 'pronounced' next week. Disabled relief demonstrators were sentenced to jail and in some cases fined. In a miracle discovery incubator tot Chaneta Holden kidnapped from Lincoln Hospital on Mar 30 was found alive in the apartment of the abductress Mrs E.J. Jordan. The latter had suffered the death of twin babies and took the infant for solace. The $200,000 libel suit brought by Paul Draper and Larry Adler against society lady Mrs Hester McCullough who called the entertainers Communists opened. The plaintiff charged they had lost more than $20,000 in bookings because of the accusation. Pupils demonstrated in the schools in favor of raises for teachers who are cutting out all extra curricular activities as a protest.
April 27 Eugene has his heart set on a 4 piece pen and pencil set advertised in a magazine at $169. School authorities and the mayor are all upset over the student demonstrations blaming them on the teachers and subversive organizations. Larry Adler at the libel trial refuted charges that he supported Communist fronts. E.C. Carter on the witness stand indignantly denied Russian War Relief had been a front organization.
April 28 Eugene was the only boy to get 100% on his arithmetic test. He is also leader of his group in gym. Building service employees in Manhattan apartment houses went out on strike for higher wages and shorter hours. Wealthy pent house dwellers had to walk the stairs bringing them much hardship. Hundreds of police confronted thousands of high school pupils who struck and massed in City Hall and other neighborhoods to support their teachers demands for higher wages. There were many scuffles and arrests. Hoover called for a revamping of the UN without the Soviet Union and its satellites. Browder testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Comm. that Lattimore was Anti-Communist. He also said there were no Communists in the State Dep't. Ex F.B.I. informer John J Huber, missing for two days with wild rumors circulating, phoned his wife he was going away for a month. H.W. L Dana is dead at 69, Generoso Pope at 59 and Charles Houston at 54.
April 29 I got my birthday gifts today receiving a pair of bedroom slippers from the kids and a beautiful Elgin wrist watch from Lil. With the library renovated Eugene drew "Freddy Plays Football" W R Brooks, "The Peterkin Papers" L.P. Hale, "Chi-Wee" - Grace Moon, "Winnie The Pooh" - AA Milne. Sylvia drew "Homes for All" - Sallen, Loftus, Goldin & Heyl, which she loves. "A Puppy For Keeps" - Q. Hawkins, "Peggy & the Pup" - Helen Sewell & "Wags & Woofie" - Aldridge & McKie.
Dad's birthday was actually May 1, which was Monday, so giving him birthday presents on Saturday seemed reasonable.
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