Thursday, January 14, 2016


May 21 Sunday We went to Central Park to see the "I Am An American Day" exercises. There were many entertainers including Henny Youngman, Frank Sinatra, Jerry Mahoney with his ventriloquist Paul Winchell, Robert Merrill, Harry Hershfield etc. We then went to the zoo, stopping at the carousel. I went on the ride with the kids who were in "seventh heaven". They then got balloons and had the time of their lives with them for the rest of the day. We had ice cream, cracker jacks then rode home on the 5th Ave. bus.

May 22 We all had lunch at Mama's as it is Shevuoth. Lil and the kids and Rachel also there. Peggy preened herself as she showed me her pretty dress. Yugoslavia & Greece resumed diplomatic relations. 60 Organizations called on O'Dwyer & Board of Ed. President Moss to reinstate the eight teachers.

May 23 Lil took Eugene to Dr Holzman about his rash. ... Union leader Eleanor Goding was fired by Welfare Commissioner Hilliard. Supt of Schools Jansen was ordered to crack down on teachers by Maximilian Moss, Sec'y of Labor. Tobin intervened in the fight between the U.E. and I.U.E. in a speech before 17000 G.E. employees just before election. 

May 24 Eugene drew "Chi-Wee and Loki of the Desert  - Grace Moon, "The Ship Without a Crew" - Howard Pease, "The Adventures of Prickly Porky"- T.W. Burgess and "A Harvest of World Folk Tales" - Milton Rugoff. Sylvia drew "The Runaway Soldier - Folk Tales, retold by F. Gottschalk, "Tomson's Halloween" - M Baker, "Little Girl With Seven Names - M. L. Hunt and "At our House" JG McCullough. South Africa will enforce racial segregation on state owned railroads despite an opposite ruling by the highest court. The U.A.W. and G.M signed a five year contract including $100 monthly pension, 4¢ per hr. increase yearly, and a cost of living formula under which pay can go up indefinitely or be cut three cents per hour. Harry Gold was seized as an aide of Dr Fuchs, convicted espionage agent on the latter's info. The Western powers asked Russia to disband its secret German Army in the guise of a police force. 

May 25 Sylvia was very "mad" today as her class was the last one let out today. England came out for the admission of Red China to the UN after Bevin conferred with Lie. The 'House' voted 216-11 to extend the draft but barred inductions unless Congress approved. Ten thousand German youth 6-14 years of age opened the five day Communist Youth Rally in East Germany. They paraded and heard warnings against the 'Church'. They will camp in the open for a week. A "Hold Berlin" Rally in Town Hall under the auspices of "Common Cause" heard a number of the audience question Gen. Clay about Ilse Koch and the human hair. 800 pickets protested the rally but were scattered twice by the cops. 

May 26 UN head Trygve Lie returned from his European trip saying the people of both Eastern and Western Europe wanted peace. Ilse Koch acquitted by an American military court will be tried for murder in a German court. A Chicago street car crashed into a gasoline truck causing a flaming inferno in which 33 were burned to death. Seven nearby buildings caught fire and were destroyed with possibly more deaths. The Christian Front "The Tablet" won the award for being the best Catholic newspaper given by the Catholic Press Assoc'n. Sen. McCarthy charged a Communist lawyer wrote Sen Chavez speech denouncing Budenz. He also charged Lattimore protected two Chinese employees of the O.W.I. accused of being Communists. Preliminary results of the elections at G.E. gave the I.U.E. a narrow lead over the leftist U.E. 

May 27 Trygve Lie declared the cold war must end this year or we shall get set for a hot war. The Fur Workers Union voted to leave the C.I.O. before its hearing for expulsion. The Draper Adler jury, unable to come to a verdict was sent home by the judge. A 20 year old girl saw her escort 25 year old Ex Gi [sic] William Schwenk knifed to death by a man behind him in a bar. There was no apparent motive. Rep Lesinski is dead at 65. 

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