5/7 Eugene goes on a tour to LaGuardia airport and makes recordings with his friend Jerome Elkind.
5/10 Israel was accepted by the U.N.
5/11 Hague was ousted after 32 years.
5/12 Gerhard Eisler jumped his bail and sailed for Europe.
5/18 The American Legion issued a blacklist of noted fellow travellers.
5/23 Forrestall commites suicide
5/24 Western Germany was officially set up.
5/25 Victor Ruether shot following his brother's shooting.
5/26 Sylvia has her tonsils removed by Dr Witchell in Royal Hosp. Eisler freed by a British court.
6/17 Robeson makes his sensational statement that Negroes will not fight against Russia.
6/21 The Vatican excommunicated all Czechs that join new gov't movement.
6/23 Ku Klux Klan resurges in South as Charles beats Walcott for Heavy. Crown.
6/27 Berlin railroad strikers win 100% payment in Western marks & no more refusals from Soviet Employers.
6/28 The family left for Soss's bungalows in Burlinghame. We share with Gallins $525.
6/30 Slovak Catholics fight Czech police.
7/1 Judy Coplon gets 40 months to 60 years.
7/3 Dimitroff dead at 67.
7/4 Schroeder wins Wimbledon title.
7/12 Tito ceases aid to Greek guerillas.
7/13 13 Amer. Journalists among 70 killed in two major air crashes.
7/14 The Vatican announced excommunication of all Communists & Fellow travelers.
7/19 Jackie Robinson refutes Robeson at the "UnAmerican Comm." hearings.
7/22 Senate passes Atlantic Pact.
7/28 Polio epidemic, learnt to swim, Lillian learned Mah Jong.
8/7 Earthquake kills thousands in Ecuador.
8/26 We have surprise party for Lillian in Country.
8/29 First Robeson Concert riot
9/6 Second Robeson Concert riot; Gonzales wins "Nationals"
9/7 Vet runs amok in Camden killing thirteen
9/17 Hungarian treason trial hears confessions
9/19 200 dead or missing in S.S. Noronic fire; England devaluates pound to $2.50
9/22 Chinese Communists proclaim a People's Republic of China
9/23 Truman announced an atomic blast had occurred in Russia recently
9/30 Russia broke its mutual friendship pact with Yugo.
10/3 Yanks & Dodgers win pennant on last day of season; steel workers struck.
10/5 A blanket 15% rent rise in NY City was refused.
10/7 Hawaiian stevedores won their long strike with a 21¢ per hour increase
10/8 An East German state was formed.
10/9 We have big birthday party for Sylvia.
10/10 Yanks win World Series
10/15 Eleven top Communists convicted of conspiring to teach & advocate violent overthrow of the gov't.
10/18 Greek guerillas announced the end of the Civil War to "avoid bloodshed"
10/22 Amtorg officers indicted as foreign agents; C.P. leaders sentenced to 5 years in prison.
10/26 Russia asked Yugo. to recall its Ambassador.
10/29 Marcel Cerdan killed
On the next page is a picture of Silvia and myself from September 1949
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