Sunday, July 26, 2015


10/23 Sunday We had Mortie & Ray Steindler over for dinner and had a very pleasant afternoon listening to stories about their cross country trip and the bringing up of Walter.

10/24 Two Queens A.L.P. clubs were stoned with a few arrested at only one of the clubs.

10/25 Truman in dedicating the permanent headquarters of the UN Assembly on East River Drive called for an effective prohibition of atomic weapons. 20,000 heard Wallace Robeson & Marcantonio in an A.L.P. rally at the 'Garden' for Marc. Newcombe & Sievers are named rookies of the year.

10/26 Sylvia is as difficult as ever We had quite a scene when she refused to wear a hat to go out after school. Russia has asked Yugoslavia to recall its ambassador for spying and subversive activities. The Czech church yielded in its battle with the gov't to the extent of allowing priests to swear loyalty to the gov't and accept salaries in order to stay out of jail. N.Y.U. Chancellor Dr H.W. Chase stated that C.P. members should not be allowed to teach but fellow travellers [sic] might. In his first pro. match Pancho Gonzales lost to Jackie Kramer before 13000 at the Garden 6-4,3-6,6-3,6-2. Lil read Feuchtwanger's "The Pretender" Merle Miller's "That Winter" "Tomorrow Will Sing!" of Elliot [sic] Arnold. We both read Noel Coward's Autobiography "Present Indicative".

10/27 Sylvia cannot have her watch until she dresses and eats faster, and "listens" better. Judge George Armstrong gave $50,000,000 to Jefferson Military College on condition that it teach white supremacy. Marcantonio offered to quit the mayoralty race if O'Dwyer banned "Jim Crow" in 'Stuyvesant Town'.

10/28 Eugene's class had an upside down day. The did everything backwards. George Bidault was confirmed as French Premier 367-183. Attlee took a crisis vote by his closest margin 353-222. In the Peekskill riot probe, victims are being badgered rather than the investigators. The C.I.O.-A.F.L. held a rally for Lehman & O'Dwyer at the Garden. Phillip Murray, Mrs F.D.R. and F.D.R.Jr were among the speakers.

10/29 We went to the Lido to see "The Overlanders" about a long trek with cattle in Australia and "The Years Between" with Valerie Hobson, Michael Redgrave and Flora Robson. Sylvia showed some interest in the picture. Her favorite pictures are "Little Women" and "Bambi". We had supper in a cafeteria. Eugene and I got shoes at Tom McCann. I got brown shoes at $6.65. Eugene's were brown size 4 1/2 $5. The U.E. in a pre convention statement demanded a no-raiding pact. C.I.O. leaders are getting ready to oust or subjugate left wing unions. A plane crash in a Paris to N.Y. flight killed all 48 persons aboard including Middle Weight champ Marcel Cerdan.

The entry for this date (10/29/49) is continued at the beginning of Book 6; otherwise, this is the end of Book 5 of Dad's diary, except for the Index (list of key events) and Deaths.

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