8/14 Sunday Played hand-ball for first time with regulation ball and my hand swelled up even though I used a glove. At night ping-pong and darts. Officials of the A.V.C. and Amvets agreed in principle to a merger. In an investigation of 5 percenters who sold their influence, Major Gen. Harry Vaughan admitted many Washington officials including the President and himself received deep-freeze units. Saturday's temp 79°. Polio - 70 cases.
8/15 Temp 79° Polio 35 Cases. Western German elections resulted in a surge of nationalism. Christian Democrats - rightist party - 7 million plus. Social Democrats - Not quite 7 million, Free Democrats - 2 million plus. C.P. 1 million plus. 12000 Catholic worshippers [sic] defied Czech police to attend the consecration of two new Bishops. A plane carrying 55 crashed in Ireland. All but nine were saved. The President and Premier of Syria were slain in an officers coup.
8/16 Circuit Judge Sherbow invalidated the Maryland "Thought Control" Ober Law in a far reaching decision. He held that Federal and state laws may not enter into the realm of political or religious opinions. Union leader Charles Doye received a one year sencence for returning to the U.S. from a union meeting in Canada, although he had a re-entry permit. The immigration officials had forbade him to return. Medina barred much of defense witness Howard Johnsons testimony concering the control of the U.S. gov't by trusts. Maurice Travis became the third union leader to leave the C.P. in order to qualify for the T-H law affadavits. Preceding him were Donald Henderson and Max Perlow. Australia defeated Italy in the Davis Cup match here 5-0. Sidwell and Sedgman won over Cucelli and Del Bello. Russia recalled Yugoslav Ambassador Lavrentiev. Polio - 41 cases.
8/17 Newly appointed Ambassador Admiral Kirk conferred with Stalin for 45 minutes in a step which is expected to be the beginning of normalization of relations between US & Russia. Margaret Mitchell is dead at 49. The Author of "Gone With the Wind" was hit by an auto. Polio - 56 cases.
8/18 Yugoslavia will buy a steel mill here. Rent Control will end in one third of the country's areas. Chinese Communists took Foochow.
8/19 Left for Soss bringing Lillian flowers and a blouse for her birthday. Participated in archery and ping pong. The young boys here formed a Burlingham Boy's Club composed of Cliffy, Howie, Eugene, Allan, Robert, Marty & Arnie. Their games are cards, swords, guns, bows and arrows. There is a penny fine for being bad. 10 fines calls for expulsion. The Senate confirmed Clark as Supreme Court Justice with no Democrats voting against him - not even the few liberals. Strikes started in Finland with police using their guns to combat them. Alan Max testified, refusing to give names which might be used as a black-list. The "House" cut the European Arms Aid Bill in half to $869,505 000. The Army was called to put down a revolt attributed to the "reds" in Chile. Klan leader Dr Sam Green died at 59. Polio 60.
I remember lots of activities at Soss', especially bows and arrows. But I don't remember the Boy's Club.
8/20 Played handball, archery, soft ball. The Rosenbergs drove over from Harleyville. The F.C.C. banned radio give away shows. Starobin denied any links to Moscow at the trial. Polio 42.
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