9/11 Sunday Sam came over this morning. He has gained some weight. In the afternoon Lil took the kids to see Seth Ian Modelson, and found him perfectly adorable.
9/12 The kids first day back to school passed without excitement. Sylvia found her teacher's red hair not as she expected. Eugene got a compliment for his posture while writing. The fact-finding board issued a recommendation on the"steel" dispute. No wage increase was included but a 10¢ an hour package consisting of pension and insurance payments. Supreme Court Justice Rutledge is dead at 55. Polio 12.
9/13 The Steel union accepted the "Board" plan giving up its fight for an increase and called off the contemplated strike. Carl Winter was jailed by Medina for refusing to answer a question about Wagonknecht [sic]. Wallace was given a dinner by the Progressive Party. Thackrey Robeson and Marcantonio were other speakers. The UN Commission insisted that Israel cede some territory to the Arabs which Israel has already refused in advance. Harry T Burleigh is dead at 82. Polio 19.
9/14 The Court held up enforcement of the Feinberg "Anti-subversive" law for ten days. Big Steel agreed to bargain with the Steel Union. The NMU Convention saw Curran win 10 of the 15 seats on the credentials comm. Catholic priests will be placed under surveillance in Prague. Rightist Dr. Theodor Heuss defeated Schumacher to become the first Presdient of the Western German Republic. Polio 29.
9/15 Dewey finally spoke up about the Peekskill riots. He called them disgraceful but provoked by "Communist guards" whom he threatened to outlaw. He called for an exhaustive grand jury inquiry. Rushmore testified before a Senate Judiciary Comm. that Mrs Roosevelt and Hull helped Mrs Browder re-enter the US despite deportation proceedings in 1944. Browder has lost his job as Soviet publishing representative. US Steel rejected the fact boards findings as revolutionary. It objects to employers having to pay the full cost of pensions and social insurance for steel workers. Medina held defense lawyer Crockett in contempt for making an "offensive" statement. At the N.M.U. convention Keith, Lawrenson and Drummond are leading the opposition to Curran who still has the upper hand. Polio 29. More than 1000 persons attended a public hearing held by the N.Y. Rent Advisory Board on a 15% rent rise petition by the landlords. Tenant spokesmen threatened a rent strike if the raise goes through.
9/16 To the library to return our vacation books. Sylvia drew "Three Friends" by Montgomery & Baruch, "Toots In School" by Baker & Baker, "Something Different" by Eva Knox Evans and Peter and the Wolf. Eugene drew "Freddy and the Bean Home News" by W R Brooks, "Rama The Hero of India" by Mukerji, "Billy and the Unhappy Bull" by M. DeJong and the "Red Fairy Book" - Lang. Truman picked Judge Sherman Minton to succeed the late Wiley Rutledge as Supreme Court Justice. 15,000 attended the 30th anniversary of the C.P. at Madison Square Garden. A.L.P. rallies in the Bronx and Brooklyn have been attacked following the Peekskill riot.
9/17 We went to the Kingsbridge to see "Neptune's Daughter" with Red Skelton and Esther Williams which Eugene had seen in the country and "The Wizard of Oz" with Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Ray Bolger, Frank Morgan. Theis picture is about ten years old. Sylvia nagged a little bit but is improved. She was scared by the animated trees and witch. Hungarian Laszko Rajk confessed to plotting with Americans and others to overthrow the Hungarian government in a conspiracy led by Tito. A deposition from the ailing Foster was read at the C.P. trial. The trial was called a monstrous distortion of the truth and also predicted a new Economic crisis. Eugene has to avoid oranges, nuts, chocolate, eggs, fish, delicatessen.
I remember not being allowed chocolate, not so much the others.
I remember being freaked out by the witch, and was particularly nervous when the hourglass was running out of sand.