Saturday, December 5, 2020


Mar 21 Sunday ...

Mar 22 Samuel Shellabarger is dead at 65. 

Mar 23 Lillian started to lay the new kitchen tile we got - $28x.

The last digit is smudged

Mar 24 Lillian finished laying the linoleum. It was much harder than she expected  and swore off similar undertakings. The big "McCarthy" question at present is whether he shall have a right to cross examine witnesses in the investigation of the dispute between himself and the Army, specifically whether his counsel Roy Cohn exerted pressure and made threats in order to get preferential treatment for another McCarthy employee Pvt. David Schine. 

Mar 25 Many Japanese fishermen, Marshall Islanders and U.S. weather observers are said to have been exposed to radiation rays with varying effects in the H Bomb test. The racket ridden old - I.L.A. made the 20 day pier strike an official one. Lil, I and Sylvia went to the district Scout rally at Theodore Roosevelt H.S. Eugene was in the traffic division organizing the scouts' coming and going. 

Mar 26 Russia announced that East Germany was now a sovereign state but that the Army would remain. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences gave out its annual "Oscars". Best Actor - William Holden ("Stalag Seventeen") Actress Audrey Hepburn ("Roman Holiday") Best Picture "From Here to Eternity". 

May 27 Eugene and Bobby went out and played punch-ball with the gang at St. James. At night Sylvia and Lillian went to the bazaar at the temple where Sylvia spent $1.50 she bought a pen. Lil bought a hat. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Mar 14 Sunday Lillian went up to the temple yesterday. The dance was a failure although previous ones had been successful. A great many boys came who just milled around and would not dance. Eugene danced a few of the group dances but was quiet otherwise. Eugene drew ":Mr Midshipman Hornblower" C J Forester, "David Starr Space Ranger" Paul French, "Gridiron Grenadiers" Tim Cohane (West Point Football) "The Twisted Trail" Paul Evan [Lehman] "Men Against the Stars" M. Greenberg (Anthology). The Tenth Inter American Conference adopted today a U.S. sponsored Anti-Communist resolution 17-1, Guatemala opposed. A pier strike involving the two rival unions reached its ninth day.     

Mar 15 Lil and the kids visited mom and pop yesterday. They all went to Ida Guzman's afterwards. 

Mar 16 The Vietminh in a big drive are gaining in French Indo China although losing thousands of men.  

Mar 17 Eugene's class won runner up in the volley ball tournament. He was on the team. 

Volley ball was my best sport. That year, when choosing up sides, I remember someone saying to one of the captains "Pick Edelstein, he's pretty good". Never said in any other sport. 

 Mar 18 Sylvia went to the library with Gail and drew "Everybody's Island " A. M. Lillie, "Linda Kent Student Nurse" D. Deming, "Future for Sale" J A de Leeuw "Joan Foster, Sophomore" A R Colver. Eugene went out to play ball with Larry and came home soon after as a quarrel had occurred. After hearing the Nats beat the Knicks in a play-off game I went out with Eugene for a snappy 15 minute catch. 11 Israelis were slain on a bus in an ambush on a Negev road. Violence broke out in the pier strike. George Grantham is dead at 53. 

Mar 19 Lillian went to A&S to exchange the dishes which had come damaged. She also got the bath room set for Anne and a gift for Joyce. I played some scrabble with Sylvia who gave a good account of herself. Charles Yale Harrison is dead at 55. 

Mar 20 Eugene went out to the park with Bobby and Danny and they picked up Jackie, William and others of last year's punchball crowd, resuming the season again. Sylvia went to Fordham with some friends and came back with a comic book and a drawing book. We went to Anne and Mac's. We found they had a beautiful house, furnished in lovely taste. Lil & Harry, Mary and Hy and Lester & Ruth Wald were also there. We had a nice bite and pleasant evening. Lester and Ruth took us home.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


 Mar 7 Sunday The family went over to Sam and Molly's for their anniversary gathering. I went downtown then stopped at mom's where I filled out mom's social security form then on to Molly's. All the sisters were there. Milton and I went home ot get the scrabble and Hi-Q games which we played while the card games went on. Eugene won the Scrabble games. We had a delightful meal of 'gefilte fish' 'kugel' and coffee and cake - all delicious. 

Mar 8 Sylvia baked cookies with Lillian's help for the Girl Scout bazaar to raise money for the Washington trip. Lillian was busy morning and afternoon helping at the church. Communists were rounded up in Puerto Rico to check any connections with the Nationalist Party - a factor in the Congress shootings. Will Hays is dead at 74. 

Mar 9 At the bazaar Sylvia bought a baseball picture for Eugene - 1¢, popcorn (which she loves) 5¢ and many other things. She also contributed a sweater she made. Mrs. Tannenbaum, her leader, praised her for he many talents. 

Mar 10 Sylvia made the SP class and was mighty proud of it. Eugene tried out for the soft ball team but did not make it. 

Mar 11 Eisenhower continued to criticize McCarthy but failed to break with him completely.  

Mar 12 McCarthy has been criticized by Edward R. Murrow, newscaster, the Army, Republican Senator Flanders and Adlai Stevenson, lately. Eugene failed to make the tennis team. 

Mar 13 Eugene played with Bobby. He also went to the monthly dance of the teen age club at the temple. Bob Quinn is dead at 84. 

Monday, November 16, 2020


Feb 28 Sunday I met the family at Evelyn's where Isabel's birthday was celebrated. The rest came by Milton's car. Present were Celia, the Schwartzberg family, Julia & Sam, Lilly and her two kids, Lil Thelma Harold & Andrea. The two Lils, Sylvia & Eugene & Isabel played piano. Seth and Andrea crawled all over the floor. Eugene and Charles Schwartzberg played games read comics and teased the girls. Marilyn, very adorable looked for ways to help. Naguib was restored as Egypt's leader in a sudden switch. 

Mar 1 A fire at Grossinger's caused the death of seven employees in a staff cottage. Greatest H-Bomb exploded near Bikini. 

Mar 2 Three fanatical Porto Rican nationalists Lolita Lebron, Rafael Mirand[a] and Andres Cordero, started shooting in the House of Representatives, while shouting for freedom for their country and wounded five Congressmen. Reps. Alvin Bentley - critical Ben Jensen - serious, Clifford Davis, George Fallon and Kenneth Roberts - leg wounds. 

Mar 3 McCarthy has been criticized by both Leonard Hall, Republican National Chairman and President Eisenhower. 

Mar 4 Sylvia got 100% on a geography test and was very proud of it. Eugene asked Lillian if she thought he should try out for the tennis team. In [a] shocking reversal, the Board of Higher Education voted to oust Nat Holman from City College for conduct unbecoming a teacher and neglect of duty, a few days after a trial group had voted 2-1 to clear him of charges growing out of the 1950 basketball scandals. We both read former Police Commissioner Valentine's "Night Stick". Lillian read "The Sundowners" Jon Cleary, "This is the Hour" Feuchtwanger "Stars on the Sea" F Van Wyck Mason. 

Mar 5 Lillian went to a meeting at "Science" where parents were advised not to drive the children to study as they would refrain as a protest against nagging.

Mar 6 Sylvia went to a Girl Scout rally at the Seventh Reg. Armory. She had been chosen to represent her troop there. Lil and Eugene went to the Lido to see Martin & Lewis in "The Caddy". Also "So Big" with Jane Wyman. I met them in the movies. They went home to be there when Sylvia got home. They saw the whole show. Eugene stopped off to pick up the Scrabble game I had bought. Police here seized an arsenal intended for shipment to Cuba and arrested two Cubans. In a sensational bout, Paddy DeMarco a 4-1 underdog defeated Lightweight champ Jimmy Carter to win the title. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020


Feb 21 Sunday It rained all day and we worried about Eugene at Alpine. Sylvia read all day except for watching "Juvenile Jury" "Life With Father" and "Private Secretary". 

Feb 22 Sylvia took out her bike and we went out to the reservoir. It was a beautiful day so we decided to visit mom and pop. We walked all the way up, Sylvia riding the bike. I rode a little. At mom's, pop came in from the doctor. There was nothing new. As mom and pop were going to Ida's, they took Lil home while Sylvia and I walked and rode. At home we saw Sven Davidson of Sweden win our National Indoors over Kurt Nielsen Denmark 3-6, 6-1, 6-1, 6-4. Our top players Seixas and Trabert were beaten in the quarters. In the doubles final Trabert & Talbert d. Patty & Larsen 6-4, 13-11, 8-6. Eugene walked in at 6. He was in good spirits and talkative. He was tapped for the Order of the Eagles and passed the ordeal of silence for 24 hours. 

Of course I was talkative, after 24 hours of silence. 

Feb 23 Eugene drew "A Treasury of Golf Humor" D. Stanley, "Great Dog Stories" J.T. Foote, "West of the Sun" E. Pangborn, "Commodore Hornblower" CS Forester, "The Other Side of the Moon" A. Derloth. McCarthy is now feuding with the Army. He denounced and insulted Gen'l Zwicker for refusing to answer questions on the honorable discharge of a suspected Communist. 

Feb 24 We got our new stove today. 

Feb 25 The Army capitulated to McCarthy as Sec'y of the Army Stevens agreed to furnish him with all the names he wanted. Jacques Mieses is dead at 89. 

Feb 26 ... Gen. Naguib has given way to Lt. Col. Nasser in Egypt's struggle for power. In Syria an army revolt has deposed dictator Gen. Shishakly. Eugene and Boy Scouts visited the Sportsman's Show at the Garden. They got in for 75¢.

Feb 27 Eisenhower asked that other Republican members be present at McCarthy Committee investigations to prevent one man rule! The Army clerk he named as a "Red" was suspended.

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Feb 14 Sunday We had Sam and Molly, mom and pop, Evelyn and Isabel here for dinner. The kids played piano, Sylvia and Isabel drew and wrote stories. Lillian had gefilte fish and blintzes which were both noted delicious by everyone. 

Feb 15 Frank Selvy Furman basketball phenom broke the major college one game scoring record by making 100 points as Furman defeated Newberry 149-95. Frederich Lewis Allen is dead. Sylvia is recovered and returned to school. Eugene lately has been fine all day then getting up soon after retiring with complaints of nausea, etc. 

Feb 16 Sylvia so aggravated Lillian when she argued about her piano practicing that Lil called Mrs Nadler to tell her Friday would be Sylvia's last lesson. Eugene's marks were 65%, 75, 85, 90 & 95. His lowest was in Science and highest in math. Coffee has risen to $1.00 and more a pound causing a congressional investigation. 

Feb 17 The jobless roll is slowly but steadily mounting having reached 3000,000 now. The temp broke a record for the date with 68.4°. Lillian got a new hose for the Electrolux - $10. with bushing. 

Feb 18 Sylvia had a scavenger hunt at her Girl Scout meeting. 

Feb 19 The new Italian Premier Mario Scelba was heckled by the extreme right and left. Sylvia got street shoes $3. 

Feb 20 Eugene left at 8:3 7:45 to camp at Alpine. He will return Monday. Mom and pop and the rest of us drove to Lil's. Susan and Sylvia played while Peggy languished as usual because of their neglect. She did recite a few safety songs. Sylvia in the morning had drawn "Melindy's Medal" Faulkner & Becker, "Hurry Back" L. Beim, "The Family From One End Street" Eve Garnett, "Elder Brother" E.S. Lampman, "Binnie Latches On" Marie McSwigan. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Feb 7 Sunday 350-500 Hindus were trampled to death as millions rushed to bathe in  holy waters in a religious rite in India. Paul Althouse is dead at 64.  

Feb 8 Maxwell Bodenheim 63 and his wife were found murdered. Battling Nelson is dead at 71.

Feb 9 Lillian kept Sylvia out of school today and took her to Dr Holzman's. He found she had an acute sinusitis. He gave her a shot of penicillin. ...

Feb 10 Sylvia was very tired this morning and slept till 9:30 AM which is very unusual.

Feb 11 ... Eugene had his patrol here as he has returned to the "Scouts".

Feb 12 There is a crisis in French Indo-China as the left wing Vietminh troops are marching on Laos. There is discussion on the use of U.S. troops.

Feb 13 Sylvia was still in and missed her piano lesson. Eugene played with Bobby.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Jan 31 Sunday Sylvia received a letter from her pen pal to whom she has written previously. She made contact with this little girl, Shirley Kennedy of Quitman Louisiana through "Playmate". 'Emanuel Bloch is dead at 52 and John Murray Anderson 68.

Feb 1 Eugene lost another hat. Sylvia is reading my diary. Florence Bates is dead at 65.

Feb 2 Mr Hoffman came up and got Eugene to return to the Boy Scouts. Those who do not cooperate will be removed from Eugene's patrol. '51 hero Bobby Thomson was traded to the Braves with Sam Calderone for Johnny Antonelli, Don Liddle Ebba St Claire Billy Klaus and cash. Maj. E.H. Armstrong, FM inventor, committed suicide at 63.

Feb 3 Eugene is home again with a sore throat but no temp.

Feb 4 Eugene was a little better. Vito Marcantonio announced the organization of a new "Good Neighbors Party". We both read "The Public is Never Wrong" Adolph Zukor and "With a Quiet Heart" Eva LaGallienne. Lillian read "The Greyhound in the Leash" Joyce Horner and "This is the Hour" Feuchtwanger.

Feb 5 Eugene returned to school. Both kids still have stuffed noses. Sylvia drew "Good Luck Mary Ann" A.L. Dean, "The Latch Key Club" E. Clymer, "Understood Betsy" Dorothy Canfield, "Magic for Mary M" C. Baker, "The News is Good", Marie MacSwigan. I was installed in the W.C. although we could not attend.

"W.C." was the Workmen's Circle, a Jewish community organization, recently renamed the Workers Circle. 

Feb 6 Bobby played up here with Sylvia and Eugene at Scrabble. Sarah came up later for a chat. Lil and I went to the library, then we did a little shopping.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Jan 24 Sunday Eugene has quit the Boy Scouts.

Jan 25 The Hemingways crashed their plane in Africa but escaped unhurt. The "Big Four" opened a conference in Berlin.

Jan 26 Eugene and a group of boys went to the Sutton on discount tickets to see Walt Disney's "The Living Desert".

Jan 27 Lillian got shoes for Eugene at McCann's [sic] $7. Eugene drew "The Red Peri" SG Weinbaum, "The Currents of Space" I Asimov, "The Green Hills of Earth" RA Heinlein, "Baseball's Greatest Lineup" Christy Walsh, "Baseball Personalities" Jimmy Powers.

Jan 28 Eugene stayed home with a cold. Russia's demand for a seat for Red China in the UN is stymying [sic] the foreign ministers conference.

Jan 29 Eugene was still home but felt better.

Jan  30 Mom and pop came over for dinner. We watched the Lakers-Milwaukee basket ball game, then the children and Lil played piano. After mom and pop left, Lil and I went to the Kingsbridge to see "From Here to Eternity" with Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Frank Sinatra, Donna Reed and Deborah Kerr. It is the prize winning picture of Army life in Hawaii before Pearl Harbor.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Jan 17 Sunday Sylvia's temp. ranges from 99.8° to 101.6°. I went over to see pop who had a little cold. Mr Sandler, Mrs Keller and Ida and Max came over.

Jan 18 Lillian had another mild attack of her gall bladder. Dr Holzman came for Sylvia as her temp remained up. She has a virus of the chest. She gets a mustard plaster, agromycin every 4 hours, light diet, ... Her temp was 101.2° at 4 o'clock and the same at 8. The Yugoslav C.P. ousted M. Djilas from top positions for his opposition to the 'party' line. Lil bought Eugene a jacket for his birthday $14. pyjamas [sic] $6. for mama's gift. Sylvia got the Jon Gnagy sketch book she wanted. Eugene repaired the telescope which had broken when knocked over. In Guggenheim, Eugene won while I was second and Sylvia last. The temp hit a low of 9°.

Jan 19 Sylvia's temp. ranged from 98.8° to 100.5°.

Jan 20 Sylvia's temp was normal. Molly came over in the afternoon. Sydney Greenstreet is dead at 74.

Jan 21 Eugene got a jacket from us, also a pen and pencil holder, a book from Sylvia, pyjamas from mom, shirt from Madeline, cash from Mollie, Evelyn & Lillian. Sylvia was out of bed.

Jan 22 Lillian has a cold. John D. Rust is dead at 61. Maranville, Terry and Dickey made the Hall of Fame.

Jan 23 Eugene went down to play with Bobby who came over to his father's office. The UN released the 21000 Chinese and Korean POWs who had refused to return to Communism. North Korea charged this violated the armistice.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Jan 10 Sunday Lillian had another attack of the neuralgia in her cheek. It comes in the evening and is relieved by bufferin.

Jan 11 Chester Wilmot is dead in a plane crash at 42 and Rocky Kansas is dead at 58. Jack Molinas Fort Wayne Pro basketball rookie star was suspended for placing bets on his team's games. He claimed he always bet to win but this is illegal now in New York. Lillian read "A Woman Named Chaye" R.K. Keil, "The Golden Watch" Albert Halper, "The Old Bank House" Angela Thirkell.

Jan 12 Lillian cut Sylvia's hair a little shorter than she wanted and Sylvia cried. She looks very cute however. At the dentist recently Euyge had three fillings - $17. Lillian had a crown where her filling came loose $30. Sylvia had. Viscount Simon is dead at 80 and Oskar Strauss at 83.

Jan 13 The City's biggest snowfall in five years, 9 inches which started Sunday has brought freezing weather and an end to the heretofore mild winter. Lillian shopped at May's A&S and Gimbels and bought pajamas for Eugene $2., two shirts for me at $2. each, a coat for Sylvia $13. and a set of dishes $60. (at A&S. service for 12). Admiral Blandy is dead at 63.

The May Company, which owned department stores, existed back then, and dad clearly wrote "May's", but I think it's much more likely that he meant to write "Macy's". 

Jan 14 Sylvia had a temp of 101.8° this afternoon. Lillian gave her aspirins, vaporizer, ... and rubbed in Vicks. Christian Dem. Fanfani became the Italian premier.

Jan 15 Sylvia's temp was 101.5° again but Dr Holzman wouldn't come. He ordered juices and no aspirin. Her temp rose to 102°. Eugene went to the monthly dance at the temple. He danced the tango, foxtrot, square dance, etc.

I don't remember knowing the tango. Maybe they taught it there. 

Jan 16 Sylvia's temp was up to 102° again.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

1/3/54- 1/9/54

Jan 3 Sunday Eugene is working on his model city again. He finished his equatorial mounting on his telescope but Sylvia pushed it today breaking something. Sylvia is doing a lot of drawing.

The telescope mounting was a HS project in STL - Science Techniques Lab; essentially a "shop" course. 

Jan 4 Gus Dorais is dead at 62.

Jan 5 Sylvia got 7.9 in her math which indicates she is capable of 7-8 year math. She is also following in Eugene's footsteps in the 'Scouts' as she is now Patrol Leader. Eugene is now spending several hours on his homework.

Jan 6 The Gallins children ate here as their aunt died yesterday. I went to Dr Holzman about the pain in my chest and found I had an intercostal myositis. The treatment is infra-red lamp for twenty minutes  a day, two feet from body, then imadyl unction and binding. My blood pressure was 134; heart good. An employee of the Bureau of Engraving, James Landis was arrested for the New Year's Eve theft of $160,000 from the gov'ts paper money factory. This was the gov't's greatest loss from theft ever. Algernon Lee is dead at 80.

Jan 7 Walter Reuther's 1948 shooting was solved with the arrest of several racketeers and union busters for the crime. Rabbit Maranville is dead at 61.

Jan 8 Lillian went to the Chapel with Madeline for her sister's services. When she got home she found the kids had eaten their supper but left the butter on the table, the table uncleared and the dishes unwashed. President Eisenhower startled the country by proposing to take away the citizenship of Communists convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government.

Jan 9 S Stanwood Menken is dead at 83. We both read Rabbi Wise's and LaGuardia's Autobiography. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Dec 27 Lil and I went to Walter Steindler's wedding. Afterwards Moe & Mary took us over to a friend's house, the Wolf's where we had coffee and had a pleasant chat. Sylvia and Eugene brought over pop's "Welcome Home" sign to mama then went to Molly & Sam's to spend the afternoon. 

Dec 28 Bernie & Sadie slept over last night. Sylvia & Susan went to the library where Sylvia drew "Betsy in Spite of Herself" M.H. Lovelace, "Shorty at Shortstop" Casey Jackson, "Champion Caddy" M. Renick, "Front Page for Jennifer" JS McIlvane, "Hobby Horse Hill" L.R. Davis. Lil, I and Eugene went over to mom's. We met Sylvia & Susan in the hall. We let ourselves in with my key, put the poster up, put flowers in a vase and awaited mom & pop who came in soon after. Pop felt fine and was in good spirits. Sadie brought over Fredi and Arline to spend the rest of the day here.

Dec 29 Sadie & Bernie Fredi & Arline slept over. Then Sadie brought over Felice & Andrea and there was a madhouse while the kids played.

Dec 30 Sadie & Bernie slept over then left for home. Eugene drew "Journey to Infinity" edited by M Greenberg, "Invaders of the Earth" edited by G. Conklin, "Seven Science Fiction Novels" H.G. Wells, "Baseball" Jack Coombs. Lillian read "Time out of Mind" Rachel Field.

   Australia 3                 Davis Cup                 U.S. 2
L. Hoad d V. Seixas 6-4, 6-2, 6-3
T. Trabert d K. Rosewall 6-3, 6-4, 6-4
Seixas & Trabert d Hoad & R. Hartwig 6-2, 6-4, 6-4
Hoad d Trabert 13-11, 6-3, 2-6, 3-6, 7-5
Rosewall d Seixas 6-2, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4

Dec 31 I came home from work at 8:30 and we had supper in the living room - pastrami, tongue, potato salad, herring, olives, lox, cole slaw, soda, etc. We watched television all night. The kids stayed up till midnight. Eugene watched the stars, opening the bed-room window in the cold. In the morning Sylvia and Susan went skating at Kelton's Tennis Courts B'dway & 238th st. Lil & Eugene went to the Fordham to see The Robe in Cinemascope.

I occasionally used my telescope inside by opening the window. I looked up the tennis/ice skating place, and it's still there, although it's either moved or Dad had the location a little bit off. 

Jan 1, 1954 We went to Mike & Evelyn's where we had a nice dinner. Sam Friedman was also there. Julia is in Florida. Sylvia & Isabel drew and made plans for houses. Eugene watched the Rose Bowl game with us as Mich. State defeated U.C.L.A. 28-20. Private bus fares went up from 10 to 13¢ today.

Jan 2 We went over to mom's and found pop was fine. Lil and the kids were there. Harry came later with Peggy Rose. Susan's boy friend Stephen took the girls out for sodas. His mother came up later. Mr Sandler and Mr and Mrs Louis Greenberg also came over. One of the 22 American POWs who had decided to refuse repatriation changed his mind and will join his Japanese wife.    Check $236.89

Friday, May 8, 2020


Dec 20 Sunday We went down to see pop today, Sylvia waiting downstairs as usual. Pop is recuperating from Thursday's operation. He was out of bed today for the first time with one of the two pipes taken out again. Afterwards we walked to Chinatown looking around, then eating at Joy Young's. The kids ordered Chow Mein, fried rice and egg roll. I got shrimp Chow Mein. Lil ordered spare ribs but ate some of our Chow Mein and felt pretty good.          6 Hrs. O.T.

Dec 21 Howard Fast was one of ten who won a Stalin Peace Prize. William B Ziff is dead at 55, Kinrey Matsuyama at 56 and One-Eyed Connelly at 84.          No O.T.

Dec 22 Lillian got gloves for the kids and me. Also shoes, velvet skirt and ear rings for herself. Mossadegh got only a 3 year term for rebellion in Iran.             3 hrs O.T.

Dec 23 I saw pop who was out of bed most of the time. The 22 recalcitrant Americans in Korea refused to hear any "explanations" on returning home        3 hrs O.T.

Dec 24 The kids went ice skating in Central Park. They went down by car in a party including Larry and his brother Peter. They took lessons at $1.50 per half hour but told us it was superfluous. Moscow announced that at an unannounced six day trial closed to the public, Lavrenti Beria, former Deputy Premier had confirmed and been found guilty with six of his aides of treason to the Soviet Union. They have all been shot. 

I remember the lessons; what I remember most is the instructor saying that his job was to make sure that we didn't fall, but that the only way you learn to skate is to fall. 

Dec 25 We went downtown intending to go to the Little Carnegie to see "Heidi" and another children's picture but the theater was so packed we did not go in. We ate in the Automat then visited Playland where the kids played machines. Lil and I played ping-pong then the kids played then I played Eugene. A New Zealand train wreck cost 164 lives out of 269 on board. Rene Coty an obscure conservative was elected President of France to replace after a six day vote. Ilya Ehrenburg urged more liberty for Soviet writers following Khatchaturian's plea for Soviet musicians. Dr Ralph Linton is dead at 60.

Dec 26 Sylvia and Susan Kahn went to the Paradise to see Martin & Lewis in "The Caddy" and "The Vanquished" with John Payne & Jan Sterling. Eugene and Larry went to the Garden to see Niagara beat St Johns and Brigham Young beat Manhattan. In the meantime, Sadie & Bernie and the kids came over for dinner. Molly was also here and Sam came after work. Little Robert had a 'crush' on Sylvia and asked to kiss her repeatedly, which he finally did to her discomfiture. There was a lot of piano playing & general chatter and fun making. Bernie took the girls back to Sadie's brother then came back here to sleep with Sadie and Robert. More than 100 died in a Czech train wreck. Lee Schubert is dead at 78.

Monday, April 20, 2020


Dec 13 Sunday When I got to the hospital I found pop had had chills and fever all night due to an infection of the operational wound. Pop felt as ill as [he] had been after the operation. Dr Orkin came this morning and cleaned out the infection. The kids had their Chanukah plays at the Temple this morning. Lil is eating almost everything and feels much better.

Dec 14 Lil went to a "Science" meeting then out to the hospital where pop was feeling better.

Dec 15 Pop felt a little better today.

Dec 16 Pop felt fine but could not urinate and must undergo a minor operation Friday. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is dead at 87 and Ed Barrow at 85.                            3 hours O.T.

Dec 17 Dr Orkin did the little operation on pop and he felt fine                   3 hours O.T.

Dec 18 The kidnap murderers of Bobby Greenlease died in the gas chambers 81 days after capture.    2 hours O.T.   Eugene drew "Dodger Daze and Knights" - Tommy Holmes, "The Glass Giant of Palomar" D.A. Woodbury, "The Man Who Sold the Moon" R.A. Heinlein, "Ring Around the Sun": C.D. Simak "Sands of Mars" A.C. Clarke.       2 hrs O.T.

Looks like Dad recorded his overtime, which postal workers always had plenty of near Christmas, then added more to the diary entry and forget he'd already put in the overtime amount. 

Dec 19 The kids went to Mrs Nadler for a party and recital for the pupils only. Lil & Sylvia first went over to 228th & Bailey to see a bike advertised in the Post. They bought it for $15 from Matzker.      8 hrs. O.T.

Friday, April 17, 2020


Dec 9 The eleven day old photoengravers strike ended with newspapers back on the stands. Jeff Cravath is dead at 50.

Dec 10 The doctor took out pop's packing, stitches and tube and pop felt much better.

Dec 11 Molly came over, and Sam followed her after work. They slept over. Molly was better. She was more cheerful than she had been. Pop complained of feeling chilly at the hospital. The kids got ice skates at Davegas $7. & $10.

Dec 12 Pop felt a little better. He got an injection after a blood count showed a little anemia. Dr Albert Coates is dead at 71. Eugene is trying out for the "Science" chess club. He won his first match. He and Larry went to the dance of the new 12-15 yr. social club formed at the Temple. Eugene is on the Board of Directors. Larry came with a girl but did not bring the other for Eugene. There was an instructor who taught the kids some steps. Eugene danced with several girls and had a very good time.

I don't remember any of that stuff about the social club or the dance. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Dec 4 to Dec 8 The newspaper strike has brought a blackout of news. We saw pop Sat Dec 4 and Tuesday Dec 8. He  felt pretty miserable until his stomach settled. He was out of bed Thursday and much better. Lillian is still on her diet and feels better. Eugene has done better in school since he started to put in more time on homework. The "Big Three" held the Bermuda Conference and decided to invite Russia for a four power meeting. A tornado in Vicksburg cause $25,000,000 damage. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed; hundreds were injured and 25 killed. Lillian read "Lie Down in Darkness" Styron, "Sing at My Wake" Jo Sinclair, "The Iron Mistress" Wellman. We both read "The Pedlocks" Longstreet and "I Never Grew Up" Cobina Wright. Daniel Gregory Mason and Allan Wardwell are dead at 80.

This is the first time Dad combined several days into one entry; since it overlapped a weekend, I'll publish just this, and the next post will end, as usual, on Saturday. Seems to have been primarily because of the newspaper strike, but also presumably because his father was in the hospital. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020


This post only covers 5 days, instead of the usual entire week. The reason will be obvious in the next post. 

Another strange thing; loose on this page was something I wrote, which clearly belonged back in Book III. It is scanned in here. 

Nov 29 Sunday Lil and Syl went down to the hospital where Syl waited downstairs. I joined them after Allen st. Pop was looking very fine as was mom.

Nov 30 Pop had his second operation today. Milt Gross is dead at 58, Joseph Burstyn at 52 and Sir Benegal Rau at 66.

Dec 1 Pop felt quite uncomfortable. Lil and I saw him today after the operatiion.

Dec 2 Pop was a little better.

Dec 3 I saw Pop. He felt better except for a lot of phlegm that developed. He got a chest xray.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Nov 22 Sunday Sylvia didn't want to go to Sunday School as "the teacher talks and talks and that's all".

Nov 23 A six day siege of smog and smaze here was ended by rain and wind.

Nov 24 Lil felt better today. Dr Holzman has asked her to continue her diet for another ten days. Lil and I saw pop today. He is getting better every day.

Nov 25 Eugene drew "Sentinels from Space' E.F. Russell, "Five Science Fiction Novels" - Greenberg "A Primer for Star Gazers" HM Neely, "Captain Horatio Hornblower" C.S. Forester. The UN Security Council with the U.S. concurring but Russia abstaining voted 9-0 for the "strongest censure" of Israel for its Kibya raid on Jordan which resulted in 53 deaths. Israel's appeal that the censure would interfere with proposed Israel Jordan negotiations was turned down.

Nov 26 Thanksgiving Day Lil and Sylvia went with Molly and Sam to Lil Altschuler's. Eugene and I visited pop who was feeling better then went on to Lil's also. Also present Mike Ev and Isabel, Thelma Harold and cute Andrea, cynosure of all eyes, Mr & Mrs Siegel, Ray and Vera.  

Nov 27 Sylvia and Norma went to the Kingsbridge to see "A Lion in the Street" [sic] with James Cagney and "So This is Love".

Nov 28 Sylvia went to the library and drew "Rowena Carey" Ruth Holberg "Carol Goes Backstage" H.D. Boylston "The Young Barbarians" HR Sattley "A Sundae with Judy" Frieda Friedman "Whirligig House" AR Wright and "The Discovery of Canada" by L.J. Burpee for her school book report.

A picture, scanned in below along with an enhanced version so we can be seen, was taped here in the middle of this entry, with the following caption, followed by the rest of the day's entry:

Eugene & Sylvia in Sept '53 Woodlawn Rock

Eugene O'Neill is dead at 65 and Henri Bernstein at 77.

We have many pictures of us on that rock, which was right near the bus stop at Woodlawn.

Monday, March 30, 2020


Nov 15 Sunday Lil, I and Sylvia walked over to the Amalgamated where we stopped in on Rochel's seeing David also. Mayer was out working. Rochel spoke to us about her rift with Ida and mom and pop.

Ida was Rochel's (fraternal) twin sister. 

Nov 16 Lillian has a cold and Eugene is home with a stomach ache.

Nov 17 Eugene returned to school. Pop had trouble passing his urine yesterday and went to Montefiore after work. The doctor advised an immediate operation. However today mom and pop went to the W.C. office and made an appointment to see Dr Opkiar [?]. The doctor had pop admitted to Beekman Hospital. Ex-President Truman made a nationwide telecast defending himself in the H.D. White case. He charged Att'y Gen'l Brownell with lying about the case. He claimed he had retained White in order to "get the goods" on him.

Nov 18 I stayed home from work (vacation) and took Lil to Dr Holzman as was [sic] distressed, bloated with gas and belching incessantly. The doctor put her on a diet, ... for several days. If she is not better he advised a gall bladder xray. I then went on to Beekman Hospital to see pop. He was feeling better today. He had had xrays and tests. Brownell and J.E. Hoover attacked Truman and denied his story fo the White "espionage" case.

Nov 19 Eugene's first H.S. report card had 1 E. - math, 1 G - English, 1 Fair and 3 passing. Lillian felt a little better today. The I.L.A. retired Ryan under indictment for embezzlement as president emeritus at $10,000 a year and elected Capt. Bradley as the new head.

Nov 20 Pop was operated on yesterday. He ran a temp of 105° afterwards and felt miserable today. He could not hold down anything he ate. 
Sylvia went to the library Thursday and drew "A Touchdown for Doc" Marion Renick, "Victory for Jill" A.E. Walden, "A Summer to Remember" E.A. [sic] Karolyi, Donny & Company E. Kinsey.

Dad did start a new paragraph within this entry.

Nov 21 We saw pop again and he felt a little better but still ate little. The kids went to the Lido while we went down. They saw "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and "Blueprint for Murder".

Friday, March 27, 2020


Nov 8 Sunday We went to the Poe Building opposite the Paradise for some ping pong but found the kids could not play as there was a bar in the place. Lil and I played a half hour.

Nov 9 Ivan Bunin is dead at 83.

Nov 10 The Supreme Court held 7-2 that baseball is a sport, not a business and not subject to anti-trust laws. Ibn Saud is dead at 73 and Dylan Thomas at 39. We went to Science High School for Parent-teacher group interviews during open school week, tonight. We saw four of his teachers Mrs Applebaum - English Mr. Rae - Social Studies, Mrs. Rand - Biology, Mrs. Robbins - Spanish. With the exception of Mrs. Applebaum they all said Eugene was not doing enough work and is not doing as well as he can. 

Nov 11 Armistice Day Went down with Eugene to the park. We met Bobby who took him along and had a catch on the lawn. Sylvia and Norma played nok-hockey. In the afternoon Sylvia Norma and Susan Kahn went to the "Grand" They saw "Return to Paradise" with Gary Cooper and "99 River St" with Evelyn Keyes John Payne. Eugene and Bobby went to Fordham where Eugene tried to get weights for his telescope but failed. President Truman, James Byrnes & Tom Clark were subpoenaed by the House Comm. on UnAmerican Activities to answer questions in connection with Att'y Gen'l Brownell's charges that Harry Dexter White had been promoted to director of the Intern'l Monetary Fund after the F.B.I. had reported he was a Russian spy.  

Nov 12 Ramon Magsaysay defeated President Quirino in Philippine elections.

Nov 13 Truman changed his mind and decided not to accept honor the subpoena he had accepted from the "House Committee" in the Harry Dexter White case.

Nov 14 Lillian took the kids down to Klein's to get shoes. Eugene takes size 8 1/2 now. They were on sale at $5. Sylvia got loafers at $3.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Nov 1 (Sunday, although Dad didn't write it) We went to the Kingsbridge where we saw John Wayne in "Island in the Sky" - of a plane lost in the ice and snow and Glenn Ford in "man from Alamo".[sic] The six day milk strike ended with workers getting $7. weekly raise and $1.50 in fringe benefits. Batista's Cuba outlawed Communism as a conspiracy.

Nov 2 Indian guards shot and killed one of 445 North Korean POW's scheduled to listen to Communist explainers trying to induce them to accept repatriation. This prisoner had ignored orders and attacked the Indian guards.

Nov 3 Election We voted for Halley and his ticket on the Independent Party line. Sylvia left early this morning with her "Intermediates" for a hike to the Palisades. Eugene went to play Miniature Golf with Larry. Lil went to the Jewish Theological Seminary with her Brownies. I had to work.

Nov 4 Robert F Wagner Jr was elected Mayor of N.Y. City with 997,000 votes. Riegleman R. 645,000 Halley Lib 455,000 McAvoy ALP 54,000

Nov 5 Marcantonio resigned as State Chairman of the A.L.P. The Athletics removed Jimmy Dykes and named Eddie Joost manager. Dykes was not notified.

Nov 6 Ten men have been killed in riots in the disputed Trieste territory. Walter Koppisch is dead at 53. Lillian read "Come Back [sic] Spinner" - Cusack & James. We both read "Fathers and Sons"  - Turgenev. I read "Incredible New York" - Lloyd Morris and "The Southpaw" - Mark Harris. 

The book appears to be "Come In Spinner". 

Nov 7 We went to mom's for lunch. Lil and the kids also there. The three girls would not eat "gefilte fish". After I went to work the girls went up to Taubie to see the new baby for whom Lil had a gift. Eugene went to the library last week and drew "The Time Masters" Wilson Tucker, "The Rolling Stones" R. Heinlein "A Gnome There Was" L. Padgett (all Science Fiction) and "The Captain from Connecticut" C.S. Forester. Sylvia went Thursday and drew "The Davenports and Cherry Pie" A. Dalgliesh "Up Goes the Curtain" J. Lambert "Seatmates" M. K. Reely, "Bright Days" M.L. Chastain.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


Oct 25 Sunday Lil and the kids went to the Fordham yesterday to see "Mr Scoutmaster" with Clifton Webb, Edmund Gwenn and Frances Dee and "'Vicki" with Jeanne Crain and Jean Peters - a mystery picture. They enjoyed both.

Oct 26 Lillian went downtown to Paula's place for some typing work. Milk drivers struck for a $15. per week increase, 35 hr. week and other benefits. Georgia Tech lost to Notre Dame 27-14 after 31 successive victories. Michigan State lost to Purdue 6-0 after 28 successive victories.

Oct 27 Americans charged at the UN that Russians had used mental and physical torture on American flyers to extort confessions of germ warfare.

Oct 28 Cattle men in a march on Washington failed to win Sec'y of Agriculture Benson for a program of gov't support of livestock in order to increase prices.

Oct 29 The Army charged over 28000 Allied soldiers and civilians were tortured or killed including 6000 Americans in Korea.

Oct 30 Eugene in horsing around with his Scout friends fell and hurt his lower back. Lillian took him to Dr Holzman who fluoroscoped him and said he had a contusion of the coccyx. He advised sitz baths and infra-red lamp treatments. 19 persons on board an airliner, including the American pianist William Kapell, at 31, were killed in a crash near San Francisco.

Certainly remember that fall and the diagnosis. 

Oct 31 Pop came over to bring my watch which I had left at Lil's and papers to be filled out for the Workmen's Circle. He then drove us over to the Zoo where we saw birds of paradise, elephants, seals etc. Nobel Peace Prizes went to Gen. Marshall for 1953 and Dr Albert Schweitzer for 1952. Emmerich Kalman is dead at 71.

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Oct 18 Sunday Eugene came home at 11 this morning. They didn't do much but camp, cook their meals, etc. He had a good time.

Oct 19 Lil went downtown with mama where the latter ordered a chair at Gimbel's and a coat at Lane Bryant. Sylvia had lunch here alone.

Oct 20 Sylvia has been languishing for a bicycle like her friends have. Eugene is supposed to go to the Chess Club meeting but still hasn't done so. Israel's raid on Jordan in which 42 were killed has cost her American aid. Bobo Olson won the World's Middleweight Championship vacated by Ray Roinson when he defeated Randy Turpin. 

Oct 21 An all time record high of 77.4° was set here yesterday. Bill Hutcheson is dead at 79.

Oct 22 Lillian got drapes for our room $25. and curtains for the living room $5. Eugene visited the chess club at school and played three games. He won one and adjourned two. Mayor Impelliteri was ruled off the ballot by the state Supreme Court on the ground he had too few valid petitions for his independent nomination.

Oct 23 Home from work Lillian and Sylvia went to the dentist. Lillian needed no work, but Sylvia has three cavities $17. The U.S. will build the first atom plant for industry. Two refugee scientists Dr Fritz Lippmann and Dr Hans Krebs received the 1953 Nobel Prize for Medicine & Physiology jointly.

Oct 24 Sylvia had an attack in the early morning ... A Yugoslav sailor about to be deported fractured Bob Thompson's skull with a blow from a lead pipe at the Federal House of Detention. 1456 have been ousted from U.S. jobs for security reasons in four months of the Eisenhower security program. Twenty have been suspended at the radar project on suspicion of subversion.

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Oct 11 Sunday We had a gathering for Sylvia. Mom and pop, Lil, Harry and the kids, Sam & Molly and Freda came. Sylvia got a camera dress and several blouses. We played cards for a couple of hours. Sylvia and Susan entertained by reading a story with pictures to illustrate the text. Peggy drew colorful pictures. Eugene romped with the kids before he went to a patrol leader meeting.

Oct 12 Frieda slept over and left after breakfast. Sylvia had lunch at Joan Luskin's house then they roller skated. Eugene went over to the park after lunch with Lillian.

Oct 13 Yugoslavs continued to demonstrate and beat a U.S. Aide and others who sought to get U.S. news bulletins in protest against the projected ceding of Trieste Zone A to Italy. Longshoremen fought with police as the rivalry between Ryan and A.F.L. men continued. British Guiana unionists struck in protest against the suspension of their government. Delbert Clark is dead at 53. Lillian read Pearl Buck's "Kinfolk" & Fritz Peters "The World Next Door".

Oct 14 Eugene played football with Larry. Sylvia went shopping to Alexanders for a scarf for Carol Schinkler's birthday.

Oct 15 Ten Army radar aides have been suspended as "security risks". McCarthy claims they are members of a spy ring linked to the "Rosenbergs". Communist lecturers succeeded in persuading  only 10 of 500 Chinese POW's to change their minds and decide to be repatriated. The others showed great hostility to the "explainers". Sylvia played miniature golf with her girl friends after school at a new Jerome Ave course.

Oct 16 Eugene left on an overnight camping trip to Alpine this afternoon. He will return Sunday afternoon. Sylvia went to a supper party at Carol Schinkler's house for her birthday. Some of the boys wanted to play "spin the bottle" but Mrs Schinkler did not permit it. Churchill won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Chuck Dressen Manager of the pennant winning Dodgers for the last two years has quit them when refused a 2- year contract.

Oct 17 Mom and pop took us to Lil & Harry's. Peggy, whom we bought a toy walking and talking dog complained that Susan's painting set was better. Sylvia and Susan rode the bicycles and played together. An explosion on the aircraft carrier Leyte off Boston cost over 30 lives and injured over forty.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Oct 4 Florence Sabin is dead at 81  and Sir Arnold Box at 69. Lil and the kids went over to Sam & Molly where Eugene & Sam watched the World Series, Sylvia read and Lil & Molly chatted.

Oct 5 At the movies Saturday, the kids got into a scuffle as usual forcing Lil to take Eugene and change their seats. Sylvia bore the brunt of the bawling out which came later.

Oct 6  The Yankees became the first team to win five successive World Series. Second year man Billy Martin's hit in the ninth inning won. He broke the record for hits in a six game series with 12 and hit .500. Friedrich Wolf is dead at 65.

Oct 7 Sylvia bought stars to give to the good children on the lines she monitors. Mom and pop came over to have supper with us. Then Lil and I went to the P.A. meeting at "Science" where we saw how two classes are conducted. One was on the Techniques of Public Discussion where the pupils gave thier views on the Admission of Communist China to the UN. The other was Physics where the steam engine was discussed.

Oct 8 Six year old Bobby Greenlease, kidnapped and ransomed for $600,000 was found dead in a grave. Two of his three abductors have been caught. 

Oct 9 Sylvia birthday James Paul Mitchell, business man was appointed Sec'y of Labor to replace Martin Durkin, resigned. Nigel Bruce is dead at 58 and Lord Strabalgi at 67.

Oct 10 Sylvia went downtown with her troop to see "Little Boy Lost" at the Rivoli. However, she and a friend found the rest of the troop had left when they got to the subway so they went roller skating. British troops were sent to British Guiana where a left wing government was stripped of its powers. This regime had been led by Dr Cheddi Jagan and his American born wife. Yugoslavs stoned British American & French embassies in protest against an announced decision to give over Zone A of the Free territory of Trieste to Italy. I read Dr Overstreets "The Mature Man [sic]".

Dad clearly wrote "The Mature Man", but the book was "The Mature Mind". 

Monday, February 10, 2020


Sept 27 Sunday Eugene watched and listened to football games. He has been complaining of a sore throat. Lil, Sylvia and I went out to Krums where we had hot fudge sundaes and bought cashew nuts. Syl remained in the play ground for knock-hockey. The U.S. and Spain signed an agreement giving the use of her military air and naval bases. We will provide military and economic aid to her.

Sept 28 Sylvia is delirious as she has been named a monitor over the second year children. She will not report any of them, she says, as she wants them to like her.

Sept 29 Eugene has used his new money to subscribe to an Astronomy magazine.

I'm pretty sure that was when I first subscribed to Sky & Telescope.

Sept 30 The St Louis Browns transferred to Baltimore for a price of $2,475,000. Lee Cobb admitted he was a former C.P. member and named other fellow members. Ernst Reuter is dead at 64 and Lefty Tyler at 63.

Oct 1 The I.L.A. ordered a strike in a move against the A.F.L. which had ousted it. Earl Warren  was named Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to replace Vinson.

Oct 2 Sylvia drew "Swimming Fever" M. Renick, "A Place for Herself" A. DeLeeuw, "The Davenports are at Dinner" A. Dalgliesh, "Afke 's Ten" N. Van Hichtum. Eugene drew "Astronomy" Skilling and Richardson, "The Stars are Yours" JS Pickering, "Away and Beyond" Van Vogt, "Southpaw Fly Hawk" A. Rand, "The Boston Red Sox" F.G. Lieb. Eisenhower invoked the Taft Act to halt the dock strike. John Marin is dead at 80 and Frank Munn at 58.

Oct 3 We went to the Lido to see Kirk Douglas in "The Juggler", refugees in Israel. Also "Pickup on South Street" with Richard Widmark. Erskine struck out 14 Yankees to set a new World Series record. George Creel is dead at 76.

World Series box scores were taped in on the next page, with other commentary, and individual player awards; that page is scanned in below. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Sept 20 Sunday Lillian went down to Bellevue Hospital with the kids to see Frieda after her eye operation. Percival Wilde is dead at 66.

Sept 21 Eugene went out to play tennis with Larry while Sylvia went to the playground to go on the monkey bars.

Sept 22 A North Korean flier who surrendered to us with his plane will receive the promised $100,000 reward.

Sept 23 Mom and pop came over this afternoon as pop is out of work. They brought some clothes that pop has outgrown. Lil had the Brownies' mothers here for a meeting before the season starts. Ryan's dock union was expelled from the A.F.L. and Dewey closed the Yonkers raceway, both because of racketeering.

Sept 24 Home from work. Sylvia is wastebasket and lines monitor. 23 GI's have refused to be repatriated from Korea. We both read S.H. Adams "autobiography Biography of Alexander Woolcott" and Tallulah Bankhead's Autobiography.

Sept 25 Lil and the kids went to the Grand to see Martin and Lewis in "Scared Stiff". Also "Pony Express". Rocky Marciano retained his Heavyweight title by a T.K.O. in the 11th round over Roland La Starza. The State Board of Regents ruled the C.P. subversive, barring members from any position in the educational system.

Sept 26 The City's biggest civil defense drill at 9:30 AM yesterday was called the best to date.

Friday, January 24, 2020


Sept 13 Sunday Lillian went to the cemetery this morning. Sylvia played at St James. Eugene went to the Yankee Stadium with Larry to see the Yankees come nearer to clinching the pennant on Gerry Coleman day. I went downtown for ties. Lewis Stone is dead at 73 and Reinald Werrenrath at 70.

Sept 14 Eugene went to High School of Science the first time. He goes to the Annex at Marion Ave & 184 st. Sylvia entered the 6th year at P.S. 86.

Sept 15 Theron Bamberger is dead at 85.

Sept 16 In the first Democratic primary for mayor in many years R.F. Wagner Jr defeated the unpopular Mayor Impelliteri by 2-1. The UN Gen'l Assembly opened with Mme Pandit elected President. A vote to postpone a decision on the admission of Red China was passed 44-10.

Sept 17 Eugene spent almost two hours on his homework. Sylvia drew "Dot for Short" F. Friedman, "Across the Bridge" J Beim, "A Circus of our Own" I. Eberle, "Susan's Year" S. J. Johnson. Lewis Corey is dead at 61.

Sept 18 Two hundred newly appointed school teachers failed to report for work in N.Y.C., causing an emergency exam to be held here.

Sept 19 Yom Kippur Sylvia spilt another glass of water at the table. We went to the Fordham to see Frederick March and Gloria Grahame in "Man on a Tightrope" story of a Czech circus which escapes into the West. Also Susan Hayward and Charlton Heston in "The President's Lady" about Andrew Jackson and his wife. The A.F.L. announced a plan to set up a new dock union in order to get rid ot the crime infested I.L.A. The newly appointed first alternate member of the Polish UN delegation Dr Korowicz, asked asylum here. Morgan Belmont is dead at 61.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Sept 6 Sunday Molly and Sam came over and we had Chow Mein and Egg Foo Young then watched television.

Sept 7 Labor Day Mom and pop, coming home from the country, stopped off here as usual and had lunch with us. They had a wonderful trip the first week through New England then stayed at the Gradus Hotel for a month. We watched Tony Trabert beat V Seixas in a a great upset 6-3, 6-2, 6-3. Maureen Connally d. D. Hart 6-2, 6-4 Miss Hart & Seixas d Rex Hartwig & Julia Sampson 6-2, 4-6, 6-4. Seniors W O Maxwell d. H. Hopman. In the morning I played tennis with Eugene. After the National Singles we saw "Moulin Rouge", the story of Toulouse Lautrec with Jose Ferrer at the Kingsbridge. West German elections saw Chancellor Adenauer's Christian Democratic Union win a decisive victory.

Sept 8 We went to Warner Theatre today to see Cinerama. It was quite enjoyable being one of the new varieties of three dimensional films composed of technicolor shorts.

I remember seeing Cinerama; one of the shorts was a ride on a roller coaster. It was very realistic; I remember quickly closing my eyes. 

Sept 9 I beat Berman this morning while Eugene played football with Larry, Sylvia played in the playground with Norma and Lil went over to Molly's to help with the supper. In the evening we went to Molly's seeing Mike Evelyn & Isabel amd Milton & Shirley & Seth also. The kids horsed around a little. Seth thawed out near the end of the evening. Chief Justice Vinson is dead at 63.

Sept 10 Rosh Hashanah All we did today was take walks on Fordham. Sylvia exasperates us continually by refusing to be even normally amenable.

Sept 11 We went to mom's for lunch. Lil Harry and the kids also there. The kids got souvenirs of their grandparents trip to New England. The Carpenters Union returned to the A.F.L. Durkin quit his post as Sec'y of Labor in protest against the Adminstrations reneging on its agreement to seek Taft Hartley law changes. 

Sept 12 We got Sylvia a raincoat at Alexander's $5. and oxfords size 6B $5. and boots - red $4 at Miles. Lillian read "The Scandalous Mrs. Blackford" Kane & LeClerc and "The Build-up" Wm. Carlos Williams.