Mar 14 Sunday Lillian went up to the temple yesterday. The dance was a failure although previous ones had been successful. A great many boys came who just milled around and would not dance. Eugene danced a few of the group dances but was quiet otherwise. Eugene drew ":Mr Midshipman Hornblower" C J Forester, "David Starr Space Ranger" Paul French, "Gridiron Grenadiers" Tim Cohane (West Point Football) "The Twisted Trail" Paul Evan [Lehman] "Men Against the Stars" M. Greenberg (Anthology). The Tenth Inter American Conference adopted today a U.S. sponsored Anti-Communist resolution 17-1, Guatemala opposed. A pier strike involving the two rival unions reached its ninth day.
Mar 15 Lil and the kids visited mom and pop yesterday. They all went to Ida Guzman's afterwards.
Mar 16 The Vietminh in a big drive are gaining in French Indo China although losing thousands of men.
Mar 17 Eugene's class won runner up in the volley ball tournament. He was on the team.
Volley ball was my best sport. That year, when choosing up sides, I remember someone saying to one of the captains "Pick Edelstein, he's pretty good". Never said in any other sport.
Mar 18 Sylvia went to the library with Gail and drew "Everybody's Island " A. M. Lillie, "Linda Kent Student Nurse" D. Deming, "Future for Sale" J A de Leeuw "Joan Foster, Sophomore" A R Colver. Eugene went out to play ball with Larry and came home soon after as a quarrel had occurred. After hearing the Nats beat the Knicks in a play-off game I went out with Eugene for a snappy 15 minute catch. 11 Israelis were slain on a bus in an ambush on a Negev road. Violence broke out in the pier strike. George Grantham is dead at 53.
Mar 19 Lillian went to A&S to exchange the dishes which had come damaged. She also got the bath room set for Anne and a gift for Joyce. I played some scrabble with Sylvia who gave a good account of herself. Charles Yale Harrison is dead at 55.
Mar 20 Eugene went out to the park with Bobby and Danny and they picked up Jackie, William and others of last year's punchball crowd, resuming the season again. Sylvia went to Fordham with some friends and came back with a comic book and a drawing book. We went to Anne and Mac's. We found they had a beautiful house, furnished in lovely taste. Lil & Harry, Mary and Hy and Lester & Ruth Wald were also there. We had a nice bite and pleasant evening. Lester and Ruth took us home.
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