Nov 1 (Sunday, although Dad didn't write it) We went to the Kingsbridge where we saw John Wayne in "Island in the Sky" - of a plane lost in the ice and snow and Glenn Ford in "man from Alamo".[sic] The six day milk strike ended with workers getting $7. weekly raise and $1.50 in fringe benefits. Batista's Cuba outlawed Communism as a conspiracy.
Nov 2 Indian guards shot and killed one of 445 North Korean POW's scheduled to listen to Communist explainers trying to induce them to accept repatriation. This prisoner had ignored orders and attacked the Indian guards.
Nov 3 Election We voted for Halley and his ticket on the Independent Party line. Sylvia left early this morning with her "Intermediates" for a hike to the Palisades. Eugene went to play Miniature Golf with Larry. Lil went to the Jewish Theological Seminary with her Brownies. I had to work.
Nov 4 Robert F Wagner Jr was elected Mayor of N.Y. City with 997,000 votes. Riegleman R. 645,000 Halley Lib 455,000 McAvoy ALP 54,000
Nov 5 Marcantonio resigned as State Chairman of the A.L.P. The Athletics removed Jimmy Dykes and named Eddie Joost manager. Dykes was not notified.
Nov 6 Ten men have been killed in riots in the disputed Trieste territory. Walter Koppisch is dead at 53. Lillian read "Come Back [sic] Spinner" - Cusack & James. We both read "Fathers and Sons" - Turgenev. I read "Incredible New York" - Lloyd Morris and "The Southpaw" - Mark Harris.
The book appears to be "Come In Spinner".
Nov 7 We went to mom's for lunch. Lil and the kids also there. The three girls would not eat "gefilte fish". After I went to work the girls went up to Taubie to see the new baby for whom Lil had a gift. Eugene went to the library last week and drew "The Time Masters" Wilson Tucker, "The Rolling Stones" R. Heinlein "A Gnome There Was" L. Padgett (all Science Fiction) and "The Captain from Connecticut" C.S. Forester. Sylvia went Thursday and drew "The Davenports and Cherry Pie" A. Dalgliesh "Up Goes the Curtain" J. Lambert "Seatmates" M. K. Reely, "Bright Days" M.L. Chastain.
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