Monday, February 10, 2020


Sept 27 Sunday Eugene watched and listened to football games. He has been complaining of a sore throat. Lil, Sylvia and I went out to Krums where we had hot fudge sundaes and bought cashew nuts. Syl remained in the play ground for knock-hockey. The U.S. and Spain signed an agreement giving the use of her military air and naval bases. We will provide military and economic aid to her.

Sept 28 Sylvia is delirious as she has been named a monitor over the second year children. She will not report any of them, she says, as she wants them to like her.

Sept 29 Eugene has used his new money to subscribe to an Astronomy magazine.

I'm pretty sure that was when I first subscribed to Sky & Telescope.

Sept 30 The St Louis Browns transferred to Baltimore for a price of $2,475,000. Lee Cobb admitted he was a former C.P. member and named other fellow members. Ernst Reuter is dead at 64 and Lefty Tyler at 63.

Oct 1 The I.L.A. ordered a strike in a move against the A.F.L. which had ousted it. Earl Warren  was named Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to replace Vinson.

Oct 2 Sylvia drew "Swimming Fever" M. Renick, "A Place for Herself" A. DeLeeuw, "The Davenports are at Dinner" A. Dalgliesh, "Afke 's Ten" N. Van Hichtum. Eugene drew "Astronomy" Skilling and Richardson, "The Stars are Yours" JS Pickering, "Away and Beyond" Van Vogt, "Southpaw Fly Hawk" A. Rand, "The Boston Red Sox" F.G. Lieb. Eisenhower invoked the Taft Act to halt the dock strike. John Marin is dead at 80 and Frank Munn at 58.

Oct 3 We went to the Lido to see Kirk Douglas in "The Juggler", refugees in Israel. Also "Pickup on South Street" with Richard Widmark. Erskine struck out 14 Yankees to set a new World Series record. George Creel is dead at 76.

World Series box scores were taped in on the next page, with other commentary, and individual player awards; that page is scanned in below. 

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