Tuesday, December 30, 2014


2/6 Sunday To Mother's for dinner. Rachel & Mayer dropped in later. Won a chess game from Pop. Peggy showed signs of following in Susan's steps as a 'nosher'. The three children amused themselves by dressing up in the adult's clothes, as usual. Marcantonio testified on discrimination in federal jury panels at the trial of the '12'. Newspapers are beginning to make economy dismissals. We both read Sol Hurok's "Impresario" and "Thirteen against the Odds" by Embree. 

2/7 We went to the University Theatre after school to see "Kit Carson" with Jon Hall, Dana Andrews and Lynn Bari and "Without Reservations" with John Wayne and Claudette Colbert. Sylvia doesn't nag as much. Cardinal Spellman denounced "Satan and Stalin" in a 30 minute diatribe against Mindszenty's accusers, despite the latters confession. Unions intervened in the trial of the '12' attacking the jury rigging. Norway assured Russia it would not allow war bases on its soil as East and West fenced for Norway's allegiance. A number of Clergymen called for a Truman Stalin meeting.

2/8 Secret testimony bearing on jury rigging was barred from the trial of the '12' by Judge Medina.

2/9 Mindszenty received a sentence of life imprisonment. Anti-Communists everywhere are in a furor. Nine members of the Hungarian consulate resigned here. Two liberal AMG employees have been suspended by Army authorities for combatting our reactionary policy. Their cases are being fought. Sylvia has us take her across Kingsbridge Road sometimes, then wait til she waves when we can go back.

2/10 Eugene is often found rolling on the ground with Bobby when they're in the street. Sylvia still looks doubtful when she is invited in to a neighbor alone. Kravchenko is suing "Les Lettres Francais" for libel for stating he is too ignorant to write a book. His former wife testified against him. Truman called the trial of Cardinal Mindszenty "infamous". MacArthur revealed a Soviet spy ring in Tokyo during the war ferreted out vital secrets. Gunther Stern and Agnes Smedley were called two of the members of the ring. They both denied the charge vehemently.

2/11 Eugene stayed in bed today with a sore throat no temp. Sylvia went to Norma G.'s house with Lil. Lil came upstairs later. When Sylvia discovered this she made no disturbance. William Remington, denounced by Eliz. Bentley as a courier for a spy ring was cleared by a loyalty board. Hungary expelled two American officials for espionage. A Soviet disarmament move was voted down at the UN. Bulgaria arrested 15 U.S. Evangelical ministers for spying for the U.S. Sadie who is in town came over with the kids.

2/12 Lincoln's Birthday Eugene's temp. began going up today. At night his nose had given him much trouble. Lillian called Dr. Holzman who was on vacation. Dr. Satozky [?] came in his place. Eugene had an acute sinusitis, his first attack in a couple of years. The doctor gave him a penicillin shot prescribed penicillin dispolators, plenty of liquids. Eugene went into our bed and read comics all day. He received a Tom Mix whistle from the mail which he tested continuously. Sylvia read to me quite fluently at bed-time. A general transport strike hit Philly. At an "Assembly and Rally to end Discrimination" in Washington, Wallace assailed the cold war against Negroes. 1200 delegates attended. Other speakers were J Finley Wilson, Judge H P Reynolds, Peary Howard, Sen. Langer, Rep. Powell. Willie Pep who lost his featherweight title to Sandy Saddler last fall regained his title last night by a decision. Battling Levinsky is dead at 59. 

Never heard of a "dispolator", but it was apparently an old method of dispensing penicillin.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


1/30 Sylvia is learning to read rapidly. Played chess with Eugene and he sadly out of practice. England finally recognized Israel (de facto). We went to the Kingsbridge to see a good western "Red River" with Montgomery Clift, John Wayne also Henry Morgan in "[So] This Is New York".

1/31 Sylvia is in group 2 in reading and only she and Judy got stars for reading this morning. Eugene told her when she gets to 3A she won't be drawing suns any more. Stalin offered to meet Truman in a no-war pact. An Unemployment Council was formed in St Joseph Mich, perhaps the first of the coming depression.

2/1 Sylvia stayed home from school and in bed with a stuffed nose. She is driving us crazy as she reads and wants to know what 'THEN' spells etc. Eugene came home out of breath and excited with the news that only he and another girl will start 5A arithmetic although they are entering 4B. He is the only one to get all A's on his new report card. Kuomintang refused to arrest Chiang. We are making more destructive A-bombs than ever. We have given de jure recognition to Israel and Trans Jordan. Wallace asked Truman to accept Stalin's peace bid as Sec'y Gen'l Lie offered UN headquarters for a meeting.

2/2 Eugene got 96 in spelling, 90 in Arith. and A's and S's in all other subjects. Lillian found him shoveling snow and ice in front of the [?] yesterday with Bobby R and Richard Monka. He was very excited as they were being paid for it. He even refused to go for his weekly comic book at first. We understand Rich. got a quarter and gave the two smaller kids a nickel each. Sylvia is out of school still but walking around. Police Comm. Wallander resigned as of March 1. He will be replaced by Wm. P O'Brien. Western Germany C.P. leader Max Reimann was sentenced to three months in jail for threatening German leaders who collaborated with the authorities. A people's regime was set up in Peiping.

2/3 Sylvia went back to school with a slight sniffle. Eugene and the girl pres. are the only two in the class who never had to be "demons" for misbehaving. Stalin invited Truman to meet him somewheres in Europe. The left wing dept store Union Local 1-S won at Macy's 5-1. The A.C.W. chosen by the C.I.O. to take over withdrew.

2/4 Sylvia got a star for cutting out clothes made of wool from a magazine. She forgot her "rich watch" (10¢) this morning. She also wants to know what a "soup case" is. New officers were elected in Eugene's class. He is out of office but will try to retain his office monitorship, by writing the best letter. Textile arbitrators rejected a 10¢ hourly increase for Amer. Woolen employees on the grounds of poor business prospects. Truman solved the battle of injunctions in the new labor law being debated by saying he has authority now to block strikes now by court injunction. Truman stated peace parleys must be made within UN channels. Mindszenty pleaded guilty to charges of treason espionage and black marketing at the opening of his trial in Hungary. William Rust died at 45. Chile freed many imprisoned Communists proving the inefficacy of duress against the Party.

2/5 Eugene went off to the television studio with his class. Lillian went over to the school where the class met. Eugene immediately started romping with his classmates oblivious to Lil's presence. Sylvia sets the anagrams standing up. They're supposed to be playing games like "Farmer in the Dell", etc.

Friday, December 26, 2014


1/23 Sunday We had a party in honor of Eugene's birthday. Present were Mom, Pop, the Thaws, Beckers, Edelsteins, Modelsons, Milton & Shirley, Lil Altschuler, Harold & Thelma, Evelyn & Isabel, Mike had to work. We had roast beef and tongue with trimmings and a lovely birthday cake. While the kids were reciting, Susan was digging into the cake, oblivious to all our giggles. We had a card game later. Eugene got pyjamas (2), white shirt, pants, socks, polo shirt, games, records, paint sets. Sylvia got [a] slip, doll cutouts, paint set. Lil got a house dress, apron and tablecloth. Eugene also got a book and $5. Eugene said "Jest For [sic] Christmas" and "Our Heroes". Isabel gave "The Landing of the Pilgrims",

The last punctuation definitely appears to be a comma, as if he expected to add something else, but did not. 

1/24 We went to the Kingsbridge to see a revival of the Marx Bros and Allan Jones and Kitty Carlisle in "A Night at the Opera". Also "Luxury Liner" in technicolor with George Brent and Jane Powell. Chinese Communists captured Peiping. Conservatives won in Japanese elections but Communists doubled their vote to 3,250,000. The kids stayed home from school today after yesterday's hectic party.

1/25 The German nationalist pianist Walter Gieseking will be deported from the U.S. after widespread protest. We both read Isadora Duncan's remarkable life. 

1/26 Called for the kids in sleety weather and they both "ice skated" home. Eugene's first story in the 'China' unit is "Alladin [sic] and the Wonderful Lamp". Sylvia has a new work book and reading book. A battle has begun to ban Senate filibusters. Detroit police moved to force reporters to sign non-communist oaths. USSR, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia launched an economic aid council - E.C.M.A. The treason trial of 'Axix Sally' opened.

Did not realize the character Aladdin was Chinese, until I looked it up.

1/27 Eugene doesn't care for the St. Nicholas Anthology as yet. Joyce G. after playing with him finally admitted has was a smart boy. Truman met with a group of top advisors and announced he favored straight repeal of the T-H. law and return of the Wagner Act. The left wing independent dept. store union signed up its fourth store. Premier Ben-Gurion's socialist Mapai party won the first Israel election. Three left wing profs were fired at Wash. U. and another resigned because of it. Von Papen was freed by a German de-nazification court. Molly came over. Her apartment has just been painted.

I never did get into the St. Nicholas Anthology. 

1/28 Last night Lillian had her first rummy gathering Sarah R, Madeline G, Mildred W, joined Lil & Molly. After school a bevy of kids played here. Joyce and Norma G, Betty Ann L. Lewis W, Bobby R, Arline D. frolicked with Sylvia and Eugene. Eugene refused to admit he was beaten with one checker left against Joyce's four. Sylvia this morning, as leader of her table marked work books. Only she and one other child get checks. Judge Medina halted the stream of jurors being quizzed by defense attornies [sic], to prove discrimination in choosing panels. Sam Carr, former Canadian C.P. leader was arrested here as a leading Russian spy organizer. Truman denounced the high price of steel and landlords' strikes spreading in Western cities against rent control. Landlords are attempting to evict tenants and close up dwellings. Nanking sent its second peace envoy to the communists who insist that Chiang be surrendered as a war criminal. Some prices have fallen a little, notably meat. Bevin won his smallest vote of confidence when he was backed by 283-193 on Israel. 100 laborites were absent or abstained. The "Star"s last issue appeared today.

1/29 Sylvia drew "Good Times with our Friends" by Baruch & Montgomery, "Timid Timothy" by G. Williams, "We Live on a Farm" by Horn Wickey & Horn and "Johnny Crow's Party" by L. L. Brooke. Eugene drew "Dr. Doolittle's Circus" by Lofting, "Pecos Bill" by JC Bowman, "A Club of Small Men" - a story of Balinese children with photographs by Colin McPhee and "Frederic Chopin - Early Years" by Opal Wheeler. Doxey Wilkinson [sic] gave expert testimony on the discrimination in choosing juries for federal trials. Nationalist China dropped live bombs on liberated territory mixed with peace pamphlets. Royalist Greece accepted peace proposals by the guerrillas but called for an election on the question of foreign troops in Greece and for a UN sponsored general election.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


1/16 Sunday We took a walk to Fordham where we saw six stores gutted by fire. In the morning I had taken the kids downtown for ties. Sylvia plays with the anagrams a lot. Eugene is a lot of help in solving cross word puzzles with Lillian. Chinese Communists capture Tientsin. Three unions are warring for control of the Dep't store field. Thousands are heading for Wash D.C. to protest the trial of the 12 C.P. leaders starting in N.Y. Monday. Mao Tse Tung laid down eight conditions for peace - Punishment of war criminals, abolition of the constitution, abolition of the present form of gov't, reorg. of the army, confiscation of bureaucratic capital, land reform, cancellation of traitorous treaties, org. of a dem. conference to form a new gov't.

1/17 Sylvia told us a cute story that the teacher had told her class this morning. 400 police guarded Foley Sq against outbreaks at the opening of the C.P. trial. Race riots are spreading in South Africa with hundreds killed. The Greek and Turkish gov'ts fell - the latter because of the H.cL [?].

That last looks like three letters, with a period only after the first, and the second appears to be either a lower case "c" or "e". Regardless, I don't know what it is, even though I can find why the Turkish government fell at that time.

1/18 Sylvia was looking over pictures and said "grandpa looks just like daddy when daddy was a little boy". Eugene forgets something from school every so often. An ex aviator, M.J. Monti admitted treason to the U.S. by broadcasting for the Nazis, and was sentenced to 25 years. The Western States formed a joint board to keep Germany dis-armed. The W.F.T.U. executive board session opened with C.I.O. and T.U.A.C. delegates out to dissolve the organization. Presidents received a pay raise from $75000 to $100,000 per year.

1/19 Sylvia was crying in the morning because Eugene wouldn't read the diary to her. The Senate OK'd Acheson 83-6. Bevin is ready to release the interned Jews in Cyprus and recognize Israel due to the Jewish military victories.

1/20 Eugene got 100% on his report on Switzerland. China is next. We have finally granted Israel the $100,000,000 loan. The Chinese gov't asked for a cease fire agreement.

1/21 Eugene's birthday We gave Eugene the St. Nicholas Anthology and Sylvia gave him a pencil box. Mrs. Gallins gave him a fine 'Fun and Riddles' book. Togliatti and Cachin asked for peaceful collaboration between the powers. Defense attorneys at the C.P. trial have unceasingly attacked the blue ribbon jury which omits poor industrial and Negro members. The Chiang gov't fled to Canton. Carey, Deakin and the Dutch Kupfers Kupers walked out of the W.F.T.U. DiVittorio was named temp. pres. to replace Deakin. The Board of Ed. voted to bar I.W.O. classes in the public schools. Truman was inaugurated before 130,000 with millions watching on television. The four major points of his speech were, support of the UN, economic aid to other countries, military pact with Western Europe and American technical aid and capital to help peace loving nations.

I remember the book they gave me; I still have it, although it obviously didn't mean to me what it meant to them. I've scanned in below what they wrote on the first (blank) page of the book, even though it's not actually in the diary: 

1/22 Eugene was the first to get an 'A' for reciting the boy's poem in school - "Our Heroes" by Phoebe Cary. Sylvia made a clock in school and is learning to tell time. Sam modernized our drapes and hung them this morning. We have recognized the new Venezuelan and El Salvador dictatorships. The Greek guerillas captured its third town in a month. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


1/9 Sunday Went to see Aunt Rose in the Menorah Home in Brooklyn. Mom and Pop, Abe & Blume and Faith there. Rose is aging and rather infirm. Eugene does the chess problems on Sunday then turns to the puzzle page. He heard "Moonstone" by Wallace Collins on "Tell It Again". Sylvia was cranky and whiney all day. Sec'y of State Marshall resigned due to illness and Dean Acheson replaced him. James Webb replaced Undersec'y Lovett. Israel downed 5 R.A.F. planes over Palestine. England claimed they were merely scouting.The kids took their third fluorine treatment. The fee for the series was $18. Lillian read "Norma Ashe" by Susan Glaspell and "The Leaning Tower" - short stories by K. A. Porter.

1/10 Sylvia is catching on in reading. Eugene loves detective mysteries. He listens to Nick Carter, Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery Theater on the radio. China has asked the major powers to mediate. A crisis is gripping Greece, unable to defeat the courageous guerrillas.

1/11 Sylvia brought home a school reading book and read to Lillian. She did very well. Truman sent a 42 billion dollar budget to Congress, the largest peacetime. Four suspected basketball fixers were indicted. U.S. warned England to ease its protests to Israel against the downing of its planes. Communist troops smashed the Nationalists north of Nanking.

1/12 Sylvia was proud that she came home early for lunch as she walked back quickly with classmate Bobby. Eugene goes to school with Bobby. It is hoped this will help to soothe Bobby's nervousness about going. Israel asked a UN probe of Englands military movements near Palestine. China's top council asked an end to fighting. A jury freed two white men in the murder of Negro Robert Mallard. Two jur[y]men testified for the defense.

1/13 Lillian saw Dr. Holzman yesterday. He told her she had a tumor in the uterus which should be operated on. He told her to see a gynecologist. Eugene has been practicing his report on Switzerland. Sylvia is studying the Book of Knowledge work book. Hogan, Maclachlan and Gahagan were expelled by Local 100 by a standing vote. Milk went down one cent but Borden's raised A&P's wholesale price in retaliation. Humphrey succeeded Henderson as A.D.A. head.

1/14 Sylvia saw some television (Howdy-Doody and Small Fry) next door but will not go in alone. She took her doll to school. The "Star" has exposed a big gambling syndicate in N.J. where N.Y. bettors place $1000,000 worth of bets daily. A tugboat strike was settled when owners agreed to pay special overtime rates. The 'Nation' charged Egypt has recruited 6000 Nazi PWs. Willy Howard is dead at 62.

1/15 Lillian went to see Dr. Goodfriend under the Fed Plan. He verified Dr. Holzman's diagnosis and told her to seem him in three months. Eugene's composition on favorite winter pastimes was praised by Mrs. O'Rourke. Sylvia's doll did not win the class contest although her teacher admired the sweater and hat. The winner had a pink ensemble.

Friday, November 28, 2014


1/2 Sunday We went to Lilly's meeting Rochel, Mayer & David, Ida and Max, Sandra, the Beckers and A. Edelstein. The kids had a small party for Barbara's recent birthday. We saw several television programs the poor reception being attributed to the lack of an outdoor aerial. Peggy is adorable and there is never a peep out of her. Israel threatened retaliation for any future Egyptian attacks. We have given full recognition to the South Korean gov't as against the left-wing No. Korean gov't.

1/3 Sylvia learned 'red' 'yellow' and 'blue' and guessed two out of three on the blackboard. Jerusalem was twice bombed from the air. Chinese Communists are mapping a coalition gov't in all China under C.P. control.

1/4 In the early morning Sylvia complained her belly hurt her. A little later she vomited. At 8 o'clock she had 101°. Dr. Holzman came at 5 P.M. He said she had tonsilitis [sic] and called her an actress again as her stomach appeared normal. Sylvia answered all his questions - spelling her name, giving her address, what she wanted to be (a moth-er) etc. although her temp had shot up to 104. She got the usual sulfa medicine, lavoris, ... etc. State bans on the closed shop were upheld by the Supreme Court. 11 Yale students were killed in a plane crack-up. Chinese nationalist peace activities reached a new peak. Chiang offered to resign if it would help negotiations. 

1/5 Sylvia was normal this morning. Bobby R. came up to play with Eugene. Bobby wanted to play with the blocks but Eugene was tired of playing with them so he read comic books which he had just traded with Vivian S. Sylvia is an expert gargler. We have denied our marines will leave China. We have warned Israel not to invade Egypt. England will send combat troops back to the Palestine area with the purpose of forcing Israel to relinquish the Negev. Hungary published letters purporting to involve Sec'y of War Royall and Cardinal Spellman in Mindszenty's plot against the gov't. A wave of attacks against Puerto Ricans has hit the city. An Arkansas tornado has killed 59 with hundreds injured. Left wingers have been defeated in the painters union and are even losing in many electrical plants as part of the nation's anti-Communist hysteria. When we told Eugene it was not proper to read his comic books while a friend was here, he made a big scene. The result was we banned comic books. Bobby, obliviously continued to build his block house until time for him to go. 

1/6 Sylvia's highest temp yesterday was 100.5 at bed time. Today she is normal. Truman outlines his "Fair Deal' before the 81st. Congress. It included - Higher taxes, especially on Corporations, greater gov't controls to combat recessions, repeal of the Taft Hartley law, higher minimum wages, stronger anti-trust laws, a farm program to aid the farmers, greater aid to Education, housing, social security and passage of the civil rights program, universal military training. Israeli troops made a deep raid into Egypt territory capturing much war material and creating general havoc. A new plot to fix basketball games was uncovered. George Washington co-captain David Shapiro worked with the police to expose the plot after being approached by gamblers. 

1/7 Sylvia out of bed and in good shape. Egypt agreed to negotiate directly with Israel for a truce. An Army investigating board asked mercy for 29 Nazi killers. Die hard Bullitt asked 600 U.S. officers to direct Nationalist China's Army against the 'reds'. Many bills were introduced to carry out Truman's program. 

1/8 Sylvia drew "The ABC Bunny" by Wanda Gag which is her favorite, "The Brave Bantam" by Louise Seaman, "Rain Drop Splash" by Alvin Tresselt and "Ola" by I & E D'Aulaire. Eugene drew "Giants on the Earth" by D. Pessin (stories of great Jewish people) "Old Peter's Russian Tales" by A. Ransome, "Dr. Dolittle's Zoo by H. Lofting and "The Animals Own Story Book" by E.C. Babbitt. Mom and Pop came over and stayed for supper.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Dad pasted in the anniversary card I made here (see 12/5/48); I've scanned in first the cover, then the body of the card.

12/26 Sunday Eugene heard "Hans Brinker" on "Tell It Again". Sylvia and Carol are inseparable. The Dutch ignored a UN cease fire order. A school teacher, questioned about Communist activities, committed suicide. Chinese Communists captured Kalgan. 4 hrs. O.T.

12/27 The kids took their first fluorine treatment, a discovery expected to prevent caries. Sumner Welles was in serious condition after being stricken and lying in a field near his estate in freezing weather all night. A Senate sub-comm. decried the clemency granted Ilsa Koch and urged a re-trial. Lillian took the kids to the "University" to see "Bambi", "Killer McCoy" and other cartoons.

Don't remember seeing "Killer McCoy". Definitely remember seeing "Bambi"!

 12/28 I took the kids to the park where they went sleigh riding. Truman accused Russia of breaking accords. He also claimed certain Soviet leaders want to reach an agreement with us. Mediator Bunche denied he had blamed Israel for violation of the truce which has resulted in renewed fighting in the Negev. Faye Emerson cut her wrist. The Sheriff claimed it was deliberate. Cardinal Mindszenty, leading opponent of the Hungarian regime, was arrested for treason. The UN council rejected a resolution by Russia to order Dutch troops to halt fire within 24 hours. Abstentions were responsible for the defeat. Stack was expelled from the N.M.U. in a vote called fraudulent. Rocco Franceschini is dead at 50.

"Sleigh riding" = riding our sleds

12/29 I AM IN IA. I AM LEARNING TO READ. "UnAmerican" Committeemen Mundt and Nixon proposed several changes in procedure for their committee. Witnesses should have counsil [sic], right to cross examine, reports not to be made public till majority approval. Also proposed were stiffer penalties for contempt of Congress. A Ruhr Authority was set up by the Western nations. Egypt Premier Nokrashy Pasha was assassinated by a student. The UN ordered the Dutch to release leading Indonesian officials still held. NY film critics picked their annual 'bests'. Best movie - "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre". Best actress - Olivia De Haviland. Best actor - Laurence Olivier. Best foreign film - "Paisan".  Best director - John Huston.

Obviously, that's Silvia's writing at the top; see scanned in page below. 


12/30 Gloria S. was down here all day. In the morning the kids built houses of blocks with which she likes to play. After lunch they all played more exciting games on the floor, under beds etc. The UN ordered the Negev war to cease at once with Israel again ordered out of the territory in a British resolution. Eugene finally completed his 300 piece jig-saw bought several weeks ago. Ten pieces were missing at the end.  Lillian read Stefan Heym's great novel of the war "The Crusaders".

12/31 The kids had their second fluorine treatment. Lillian worked two evenings to make Carol a two-tone sweater. We will give no aid to China until Chiang resigns. Chambers claimed he stole a secret a week for transmission to Russian agents while he was a "spy". All Catholics implicated in Midszenty's [sic] arrest were excommunicated. 

Jan. 1, 1949 The new year started with a lecture on unselfishness to the kids when they bickered over the blocks ending in my taking away the entire box. Lillian made a hat to match Carol's sweater. Read Alan Paton's compassionate and universally proclaimed [sic] novel of South Africa "Cry, The Beloved Country". Sylvia 54 lbs 3 ft 11 1/4 Eugene              4 ft. 6 1/2. 

He left space for my weight, but I apparently didn't get to the scale.                         

Friday, November 7, 2014


12/19 Sunday Eugene in playing with Bobby R was running after him. He pushed him and Bobby fell against a baby carriage, breaking two of his teeth. Eugene ran upstairs without saying anything to anyone. We discovered what happened when Mrs. Rosenberg chided Eugene for not coming to her. We have also discovered that when a kid broke Eugene's glasses a few days ago he broke his in return. Sylvia has developed a cough as an aftermath to her cold. The Dutch resumed police action against 'undisciplined Indonesian Republicans'. The "UnAmerican Comm." released to the public the last of the "safe" documents found in Chambers' pumpkin, retelling much history of the last ten years. Israel's application for UN membership failed although U.S. and Russia supported it. Lester Cole, one of the Hollywood 'ten' won back his job with back pay in a decision by a federal jury.    5 hours O.T.

12/20 A 20 inch snowfall blanketed the city. Eugene got a D for forgetting a composition assignment. The Dutch seized the Indonesian capitol of Jogjakarta interning Republican officials including Pres. Soekarno. The secret documents Alger Hiss was supposed to have stolen were termed not so vital and accessible to dozens of persons. 3 hours O.T.

12/21 Sylvia is leader of her table and wants me to write it in the diary. Eugene is on the entertainment comm. Lawrence Duggan, former state dept. aide committed suicide by leaping from a 16th floor window. The UnAmerican Comm. claims he was one of the six men who passed documents to Chambers. The Supreme Court reviewing death sentences of Tojo and other Jap. war criminals refused to commute the sentences. Wolchok has taken an indefinite leave from office. He is believed to be through. Irving Simon is acting president. C. Aubrey Smith is dead at 80. 4 hours O.T.

12/22 Eugene got some pencils to donate to the class grab bag. Sylvia had two relapses, the only ones we can recall, apparently due to some nervousness about the work in school. 4 hours O.T.

12/23 Sylvia woke up with a 24 inch doll staring her in the face. It is beautifully dressed with rubber arms and legs. She has named her Carol and is in seventh heaven. She had ordered a big doll. I got it in the place for $6 (worth $14). Eugene asked for a note today saying Lillian knew he had been late six times. This is the first we heard of it. Duggan has now been cleared of any suspicion of espionage and is revealed as an anti-communist. Tojo and six hung. Sayre testified for 1 1/2 hours. He denied there were only four persons who had access to the secret documents. Marshall Plan funds were cut off to Netherland East Indies because of the Dutch attack in Indonesia. 5 hours O.T.

When Dad says "the place", he is surely referring to where he worked; the Canal St. Post Office.

 12/24 We saw "She" and "The Last Days of Pompeii" at the Marble Hill. Eugene enjoyed them and Sylvia suffered. 17 Jap. war leaders were given a Christmas amnesty by MacArthur. Fighting resumed in Israel. Lil and the kids took their second anti-flu injections. 

12/25 Christmas Mom and Pop, Molly and Sam were over for dinner. Eugene got a polo shirt. Sylvia pyjamas and a set of dishes. I split chess games with Pop while Lil won in open poker with Molly Sam and Mama. Eugene keeps telling untruths denying everything he does which is forbidden or for which he feels he will be punished, even though it is obvious he is guilty. He says he doesn't know why he 'lies' but he can't help it.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


12/12 Sunday Played Eugene a chess game, he being out of practice as we don't play very often now. Then played anagrams with the kids, Sylvia looking for the few words she has learned - look, jump, Jane, Dick etc. Eugene heard "Gulliver's Travels" on "Tell It Again". The apartment looks beautiful after the painting. Sylvia's nose was stuffed today. At night she had 100.6. She got milk of magnesia, neo synephrin, privine and the vaporizer. Also sniffing in salt water and Vicks. The UnAmerican Comm. made public 12 State Dept. documents which Chambers claims that Alger Hiss and two other aides made available to him for transmission to Russia, ten years ago. Romania ousted English and American diplomats for spying, with reprisals in similar vein by us. Costa Rican Prov. Pres. Figueres, who reigns due to a recent revolution announced forces invaded his country from Nicaragua. Churchill asked for recognition of Israel and Spain. The National Comm. on Segregation in the Nation's Capitol released a report on shocking discrimination against Negroes. Ezzard Charles Ko'd Joe Baksi in the 11th to win a place as a leading contender for Louis' title.

12/13 Sylvia didn't go to school but stayed in bed all day. 14 Leftists were arbitrarily suspended by Curran in the N.M.U. "UnAmerican" Committeeman Nixon asked for tighter laws to cope with a "fifth column" as liberal Congressmen renewed efforts to reform or abolish the Committee. Hiss again denied giving away secrets, resigning from his leadership of the Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace. The UN endorsed the South Korean gov't of Dr. Rhee. Mother and Molly dropped over this P.M.

12/14 Sylvia is better today and walking around but didn't go to school. Eugene had a 3A Arithmetic test. The Supreme Court ruled that criminal suspects must get greater protection of their civil rights in several decisions. Robert Briffault is dead at 74.

12/15 Eugene will be in a play in his class. But he must learn to whistle. Sylvia still out of school. She is playing with the anagrams. Spy probers charged Russia got military secrets ten years ago. Chinese Communists are storming Peiping. Grace Hutchins denied she had questioned Chambers' lawyers in 1938 in a plot to kill him. New witnesses in the probe were a. Pigman, Phil Reno[,] Berle and and Isaac Don Levine.

12/16 Sylvia keeps coming in and asking what letters words start with. Eugene is part of a group which will recite Eugene Fields' "Jest Fer [sic] Christmas". Alger Hiss was indicted on two perjury counts for denying he ever gave Chambers documents for transmission to Russia. The C.I.O. ordered the Retail Wholesale and Dept Stores Union to transfer to the A.C.W. for lack of organizing. A filled "Garden" heard Wallace, Robeson, Dean of Canterbury, Gailmor, Hester, Sondergaard and a message from Ambassador Panyushkin on peace with Russia. Yesterday we had our first snowfall. Lillian read Shellabarger's "Prince of Foxes".

12/17 Eugene came home from school yesterday without his brief-case and didn't even know it. He had been playing with some kids. Lillian went out with him to look for it. They found the brief case near the corner opposite the school. It was open and the books outside. Missing were the pencil box and homework note book. A little girls helped them look for the things then said there was no use looking any further upon which the pencil box fell down from under her coat. The note book was not found. Sylvia returned to school today. She was delighted with a pair of mittens Lillian bought for her. The French blew up the Russian radio in Berlin but did not silence it. We have declared a coalition govt in China will continue to receive aid but not Chiang or the Communists. Pay check $157.45. 4 hours O.T.

I remember the story about the little girl, but I don't think I actually remember the incident.

12/18 Eugene drew "Peter Duck" by A. Ransome, "Stories of Norse Heroes" retold by Wilmot-Buxton, "Magyar Fairy Tales" by the Poganys and "The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle" by Hugh Lofting, a series in the tradition of L. A. Carrol. Sylvia drew "The Gay ABC" by Francoise "Farmers Boy" by L. Caldecott, "Wee Willow Whistle" by Kay Avery and "Children of the North Lights" by the D'Aulaires. 8hrs. O.T.

Regarding "Dr. Doolittle", I suppose "Lewis Carroll" is meant, but I'm not sure, because of the misspelling, and I see no reference to a middle initial. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


12/5 Sunday Anniversary Sylvia has been making Santa Clauses galore and asking questions about the authenticity. Eugene has written a beautiful poem for our anniversary which will appear in the diary soon. Lillian got me a 'Jacques Kreisler' gold plated key chain. I will give her perfume. The painter did not come this week-end. Lillian read Langley's "A Lion is in the Streets" another Huey Long story. We both read Abraham Bernstein's "Home is the Hunted".

Dad didn't paste in my card immediately; I suppose they both wanted to enjoy it before it would disappear into the diary. He put it in at Christmastime, so I will scan it in where it appears. 

12/6 Eugene's favorite happening on the trip to the museum was the 'race' among the three buses. Sylvia can recognize several words which gives her a thrill. Western Berliners snubbed Communist pleas not to take up vote in municipal elections, 85% voting with a majority for the Social Dems. UnAmerican Comm. members were rounded up all over the country to meet in a new spy scare.

12/7 Eugene got his report card. He got only B in Literature 96 in spelling 90 in Arithmetic. His memory needs improvement. Sylvia still eats and tears everything she gets her hands on. Whit Chambers again attacked Alger Hiss, this time accusing him of giving him confidential documents for transmission to Russia. Manhattan bartenders struck. Truman attacked the Greek Army for failure to defeat the guerrillas. Quill and his right-wingers defeated the MacMahon-Hogan left wing slate in T.W.U. elections. The I.E.B. will now be controlled by the right wing.

12/8 Sylvia comes home from school by herself! Eugene's report card was one of the two best in the class. Israel's application for UN membership was referred back to the Council without recommendation.

12/9 Lillian cooked some delicious corned beef but Sylvia wouldn't eat it. The painter finished Tuesday doing the closets and apparently using good paint, both unusual these days. Lillian painted the kids toy shelves, grocery closet etc. Reforms in the tubercular ward at Bellevue will follow the "Star" exposure of intolerable conditions coupled with 28 nurses threat to resign if nothing was done. Sumner Welles, Isaac Don Levine, a sec'y to former Ass't Sec'y of State Sayre, both Hiss brothers were among the witnesses heard in the new spy trial. A stormy meeting of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture was held on the scandalous milk prices. The UN gave Israel 48 hours to free 2500 besieged Egyptians. Russian zone of Berlin cut off mail to the Western zone.

12/10 Eugene didn't want to get up for school this morning. He was all tired out from pulling the heavy quilt up over his head. He got up anyway. Got Griegs piano concerto Bruch's violin concerto and "Pancho goes to a Fiesta" as Mom and Pop's anniversary present. Man. bus lines won the 7¢ fare. A combined ride is 12¢. The Justice Dep't is warring with the "UnAmerican Comm" over the latters [sic] sensational methods in the spy scare. The T.W.U. with leftists purged voted to bar Communists from office. Former State Dep't official H.J. Wadleigh refused to talk on the witness stand in the Hiss-Chambers case. The UN voted 55-0 to outlaw genocide. Bevin declared Germany must ultimately join the Western Union as an equal partner.

12/11 Sylvia calls the "Norwegian Dance" on her record the "Human Dance". Eugene grumbled so much while drying the dishes because he wanted to play records that he earned a good scolding. L. Dinnyes, Hungarian Premier was removed after a castigation by his own Small Landholder Party. Worked 8 hours - all O.T.

The extra blank space below appears to be a result of my having done this in two sittings; the blank space does not appear in the draft area.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


11/28 Sunday Played a chess game with Eugene after which he joined Sylvia in playing with the jeep, boat and pieces. Sylvia has the sniffles.

11/29 Sylvia didn't go to school today. I took Eugene to the Grand after school where we saw "In Old Los Angeles" and "A Date With Judy" with Robert Stack, Jane Powell, Eliz. Taylor and Wallace Beery. Then Lillian went to the Valentine to see "Johnny Belinda" with Jane Wyman & Lew Ayres and "Embraceable You". Bus fares went up to seven cents with a combined ride still 12¢. Chinese Communists encircled Suchow. Executives of Phi Kappa Psi upheld the suspension of the Amherst chapter for pledging a Negro.

11/30 Eugene was among those chosen to take an intelligence test. Sylvia returned to school. She intends to bring her wish-bone there. The pier and truck strikes ended. Russia accepted the UN plan for solution of the Berlin crisis. This entails mediation by a neutral commission.

12/1 Sylvia is delighted with her first brief case. Eugene is doing his 300 piece jig saw day by day. Several lawyers were arrested in a divorce racket raid. Communists set up their own Berlin regime to rival the Western supported one. England conceded the Negev to Israel. The opening operat opera at the "Met", "Otello" was televised on Monday for the first time. 

12/2 The gov't is desperately preparing to defend Nanking from the oncoming 'Reds'. Mme Chiang arrived in Wash. on her unofficial mission to ask aid. Left wingers heckled Berlin meetings in the U.S. sector resulting in violence.

12/3 We got an O.P.A. order reducing our rent 15% which finally brought the painter to our house this morning after three years, the legal limit now. Sylvia thought the kitchen was beautiful when she came home for lunch. She also "snitched" on Eugene, against his protests, that boys threw his hat across the street and another time a boy hit him and knocked his glasses off. The Bernadotte Plan was finally killed by the UN's
Polit Comm. A milk war temporarily brought prices down to 12 1/2¢ in B'klyn. Chinese Communists took Suchow. Stan Musial won the N.L. M.V.P. award.

12/4 The spy scare starts again with microfilm found concealed in a pumpkin on Whittaker Chambers farm containing secret material from State Dept. files. Three thousand Chinese refugees were feared dead in an explosion on ship [sic] outside Shanghai.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


11/21 Sunday Israel's airmen downed an Iraq bomber. France protested the return of the Ruhr to Germany. A recent O.K. of hotel rent rises of 12% was rescinded after an investigation. Talk of repeal of the Taft Hartley law is prevalent. Max Bedacht was expelled from the C.P. for sectarianism. Molly came home from Hot Springs this morning. She and Sam were over for dinner. Also Milton & Shirley. We had a delicious pot roast and one of Lillian's wonderful chocolate cakes. Beat Milton a chess game.

11/22 Lillian got Eugene a winter jacket with a fur collar $7.88 and a pair of pants $4. at Alexanders. Sylvia was jealous because she didn't get anything. She prints her letters very nicely. Chiang insists he will fight to the end as Mme. Chiang appealed to the U.S. for help. The first election in Spain since '36 saw Franco's candidates saw the Felange party, the only legal one, win.
The A.F.L. demanded a boycott of Russia as long as its "barbarous blockade" continues. The N.Y.C. C.I.O. lost the charter for Communist activities at the C.I.O. convention.

The crossing out and new paragraph seems unusual.

11/23 Sylvia's teacher put her drawing of a Pilgrim man and lady on the blackboard. Eugene is worried about his test on the Congo. The N.Y.C. Rent Advisory Board turned down a request for a blanket 15% rent raise. The U.S. announced seizure of a Czech spy ring in Germany operating since 1946. Murray denounced the "left" at the C.I.O. convention for not following C.I.O. policy and not organizing.

11/24 Eugene drew "Dr. Dolittle's Post Office" by Hugh Lofting "Young Hickory" (Andy Jackson) by Stanley Young, "A Bakers Dozen" by M.G. Davis - selected Fairy Tales and "Missee Lee" by A. Ransome. Sylvia drew "Noodle" by Leaf and Bemelmans "Johnny Cake" by E.L. Brock, "Chin Ling The Chinese Cricket" by A. Stilwell  and "Gramp's Desert Chick" by Rita Kissin. Hogan's suspension was rescinded by Local 100. Truckers are on strike. Read Ann Petry's gripping novel of the sordidness of Harlem life - "The Street". Hack Wilson is dead at 48. We saw at the Oxford "A Love Foreign Affair" with Deitrich [sic], John Lund and Jean Arthur rather lenient with the Germans and "Lulubelle" [sic] with George Montgomery, Lamour and Krueger [sic]. Levi Jackson is first Negro football captain at Yale.

11/25 Thanksgiving Day Took the kids to see Macy's parade with the usual giant balloons. Home to a delicious dinner of roast chicken, stuffing cranberry sauce. Then to Mother's to see Lilly's new apartment. Susan was full of life and fun and Peggy good as gold. Eugene lately loses control of himself and screams and shouts at the slightest difficulty. A military coup in Venezuela ousted Gallegos. Justice Douglas made an important speech calling for labor representation in international affairs to "resist totalitarianism" New units were chartered at the C.I.O. convention to organize in fields where left wingers control unions.

11/26 The kids played downstairs in a gang of gun-toters. France will get a voice in the control of the Ruhr.

11/27 66 of 71 I.L.A. locals voted to accept a 13¢ increase retro-active to Aug 21, better vacations, and a four hour guarantee on call to work. Progressive N.Y. locals have not yet accepted. Sun Fo, appointed Chinese Premier asked for a U.S. military adviser. The A.V.C. barred 13 N.Y. locals in the drive to oust Communists at the third national convention. F.E. was ordered to merge with the U.A.W. by the C.I.O. Exec. Board. The Board also called for abolition of the "UnAmerican Comm. and re-examination of the govt loyalty program. The 81st Congress will dismiss 60 contempt citations incurred by the 80th Congress. Jack Delaney is dead at 48. Lou Boudreau won the A.L. M.V.P. award.

Monday, September 15, 2014


11/14 Sunday We went to the Valentine to see "They Drive by Night" with Bogart, Raft, Lupino and Sheridan. Also "Angels With Dirty Faces" with Cagney, O'Brien, Bogart, Sheridan. Sylvia was in misery throughout. After the movies we took home delicatessen. Sylvia ate only the baked beans. No franks, potato salad, pastrami or salami.

11/15 Lillian bought bed-room slippers for Eugene $1.69. Eugene came home for lunch very hungry. Both kids clean their platters. Princess Elizabeth gave birth to a royal heir. Nobel prize winner Blackett agreed with Russia that the atom bomb would not decide a war. Nobel winner in Literature was T.S. Eliot.

11/16 Lillian picked up her mouton coat today. It is beautiful. Sylvia learned some of the music on her little golden records, She says 'Jekovzy' for Tchaikovsky. Eugene got the magic ring for which he had sent away. The T.W.U. voted to nullify the recent referendum on grounds of fraud and condemned Hogan's suspension.

I believe that was a "glow in the dark" ring, and I immediately went into the dark (a closet), with Silvia, I think, to see it glow).

11/17 Truman refused to agree to four power talks as long as long as the Soviet blockade continues. The dock strike caused truck and rail lay-offs. Minister Moch accused the Cominform of fomenting and financing strikes in France. The UN Security Council ordered Jews and Arabs to negotiate an armistice. Sophoulis formed a new gov't. More arrests continued in the drive against rent gougers in these days of housing shortages. Bobby R. came up to trade comics followed by Richard M.

11/18 Eugene appeared in a Thanksgiving play at school. Sylvia wants a turkey for thanksgiving. US Marines left for China and civilians were advised to leave as the situation grew more critical. The A.F.L. in convention set up on a permanent basis its "Labor League for Political Education". Residents of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper village voted 2-1 against a ban on Negroes, now in existence.

11/19 Sylvia complained to Lil that I took her across the narrow street but not across the wide, dangerous street. Israel will defy the UN and stay in the Negev. The Big Four agreed to cooperate with the UN to try find [sic] a solution to the Berlin crisis through a currency agreement. Green branded the WFTU a fifth column as Max Eastman said we were appeasing Russia and Huey Long's son spoke at the A.F.L. convention.

11/20 Lillian took the kids downtown. She got them shoes at Macy's. Sylvia - brown, size 13 1/2D $3.49 Eugene - brown size 3 1/2EE $6.44. She had measured my head size and got me a hat size 6 7/8 - $4. worth about $7. Eugene charged I always complain of his excessive reading of comics when he does something wrong, which is true. Lillian read Art Young's book. We both read Burton Rascoe's "Before I Forget". Kuomintang claimed a great victory at Suchow with 130,000 Communist casualties. Negro Robert Mallard was killed in Georgia by masked men.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


11/7 Sunday We have decided to give Eugene an allowance of 50¢ a week. He may buy only one comic book a week. Yesterday Eugene drew "Orpheus With His Lute" by W. L.M. [sic] Hutchinson, "Panther Magic" by Olaf Baker, "Garibaldi" by N. B. Baker also "Great Northern" by A. Ransome [this last inserted at the bottom], and for Sylvia "Who Goes There" by D. P. Lathrop, "Baby Bears" by E. Charushin, "The Umbrella Man" by E L Brack.

Could not confirm the name/author of the last book. 

11/8 An unprecedented UN plea stayed the execution of 10 Greek trade union leaders. In French elections using a new and complicated system of voting DeGaullists made great gains and the C.P. lost heavily in the upper house. Rank and file beer strikers finally won over their international officers in their fight against speed-up.

11/9 Sylvia waits for Eugene every afternoon, but apparently cries in the interim. Eugene got 100% in his spelling pre-test and is happy he will have no spelling home-work. Parnell Thomas was indicted for defrauding the gov't.

11/10 Open school week and Lillian attended Sylvia's class. Mrs. Hilzer said she has has [sic] improved. She used to burst into tears when frustrated but doesn't any longer. She volunteers pretty often. Yesterday however Sylvia wouldn't go to play with any of the children at their homes. At night Lillian went to a P.T.A. meeting where she met Eugene's teacher Miss O'Rourke who had nice things to say about him. Acting mediator Dr R C Bunche prepared an armistice in Israel with creation of a demilitarized zone and withdrawal of armed forces before the Security Council. These proposals are aimed at helping the Arabs. Food riots and strikes broke out in China as currency became worthless. Genevieve Taggard is dead at 53.

Silvia discovered that the teacher's name was surely Hilser, not Hilzer. 

11/11 Armistice Day We went to the Windsor seeing four cartoons, a "Three Stooges" comedy, "Bowery Bombshell" with Leo Gorcey - a horrible picture and "The Last of the Red Men" from "The Last of the Mohicans". Sylvia annoyed as usual. 10,000 longshoremen rebelled against Joe Ryan's contract with employers and struck the City of N.Y. Hogan was suspended by Local 100 for not exhausting all union procedures before taking court action against Quill and Faber in the embezzlement case. Greek premier Sophoulis resigned.

11/12 Lillian went to Eugene's class for Open School Week. Eugene has a commendation for being well behaved. He also have some of his excellent exam papers hanging on the walls. Tojo and 24 others were found guilty of war crimes. The beer strike ended with the speed-up relaxed and other points to be arbitrated. Police clashed with Communists in Armistice Day celebrations.

11/13 Lillian went down for a fitting for her fur coat. It will be ready Tuesday. The UN adopted Bunche's proposal for Israel. Russia abstained. Evatt and Lie asked the "Big Four" to end the danger to peace. A general strike of 24 hours in Paris found the tying up of transportation and newspapers most successful.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


10/31 Sunday Eugene is Joseph Arnold the cowboy and champion lasso thrower. On Sundays his programs are "Tell It Again" at 1:30 and Oscar Brand's Folk Song Festival, Nick Carter and Sherlock Holmes on successive programs starting at 6 P.M. On a really mild day we went to the Botanical Gardens seeing the last of the roses for the first time this season. Played a little chess with Eugene Sylvia. Chinese Communist victories in Manchuria have startled the world putting Chiang's gov't in jeopardy. Russia announced a gigantic 15 year plan to reclaim Siberia. Sandy Saddler knocked out featherweight champ Willy Pep in four rounds to win the title.

Don't remember Joseph Arnold, nor could I find a reference, but the name seems clear in the text. I do remember the others well, and Oscar Brand's Folk Song Festival continues to this day on WNYC (literally, I just listened to a bit of it).  Interesting that Dad apparently was so used to writing that he played chess with me that he apparently automatically wrote my name, and then crossed it out.

11/1 Sylvia is supposed to wait for Eugene at lunch time and come home with him. Although she has done this once or twice, she came home alone crying today. A lady had taken her across. No reason. We were asking riddles. After my asking several along the same lines, Eugene got this one. "What's the difference between a sailor and a window shopper?" Ans. One sails the seas, the other sees the sales. An American E.C.A. employee in Vienna was murdered by men in Russian uniforms. Israel took Galilee. A fog caused by industrial poison fumes killed 17 in Russia.

11/2 Election Day We voted a straight A.L.P. ticket today. In the middle of a chess game with Eugene, he began to moan and groan. He wanted to listen to his four programs: Adventure Parade, Superman, Captain Midnight and Tom Mix. As soon as food is allotted to Sylvia, she automatically says "It's too little". The trial of the C.P. leaders was set for Nov. 15. Further time for preparation was refused. 1500 picketed the courthouse today. The N.Y. Barbers local seceded from the C.I.O. charging a "pattern of autocracy" in the National unit and the C.I.O. Wallace toured Brooklyn and the Bronx yesterday and today with hundreds of thousands turning out. We went to the Ogden at night to see two good revivals "Guadalcanal Diary" with Bendix, Conte                 "Purple Heart" with Dana Andrews.

I don't remember "Adventure Parade" at all; the others, very well. But I found this in a Wikipedia article: "An hour of entertainment for the kids: Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island is air adapted on the Adventure Parade this week. Also there is Superman, Captain Midnight and Tom Mix." In that last line, he apparently left space for another star, but didn't fill it in.

11/3 Sylvia was a baby goat in a puppet show in class. Chinese Communists are racing southward trapping Kuomintang divisions and demoralizing the gov't. The UN for the first time failed to bar Franco Spain from an intern'l convention. The Klan burned crosses in the South to deter Negro voting. A Peruvian right wing revolt of Army troops ousted Bustamente. The progressive wing of the Israel army, the Palmach was dissolved. Lillian read "Dulcimer Street" by Norman Collins and "Homeland" by G. Surdez. We both read Art Young's "Life and Times".

Transcribing this at the time of the U.S. Open, I initially read the last book name as "Life and Tennis". 

11/4 In an upsurge of middle of the road liberalism Pres Truman defeated Gov. Tom Dewey by 2000,000 [sic] votes in a startling upset compared to projection predictions. The Dem. party regained control of the "House" and Senate and many labor haters were defeated. Wallace rolled up a little over one million votes in a disappointing showing. Only left-winger elected was Marcantonio. Over 90% of the AFL and C.I.O. supported Truman and his fellow candidates, only left wing labor supported Wallace. A Eugene school song "This old man, he played one, he played knick knack on my thumb, knick knack paddy whack give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. Two - shoe, three, knee, four, door, etc. Sylvia One A song: "Here's a cup, here's a cup, here's a glass, here's a glass, there's a pitcher of milk I see, pour some in this glass, pour some in this glass, won't you have some milk with me". Motions are very important in both songs. Lillian went to a tea of class mothers and teachers. All had a nice time.

11/5 The UN council adopted a resolution threatening Israel with possible military action if it did not give up Negev territory it had won. U.S. voted for it. Russia abstained. The Ukraine opposed. The Gen'l Assembly rejected Soviet proposals for destruction of atom bomb and simultaneous setting up of a control system. The U.S. plan was adopted where we would reduce our bombs step by step as stages of a control plan would be reached. A T.W.U. Local 100 meeting resulted in violence and disorder between Quill and Hogan supporters. An I.E.B. meeting voted 22-2 to censure Quill. Parnell Thomas refused to testify before a Federal Grand Jury on charges he padded Gov't pay-rolls and received kickbacks.

11/6 Lillian went downtown to Mac Becker's uncle and ordered a mouton coat - $125. Played Eugene a chess game. The block box has definitely been outgrown. It hasn't been used by the kids for many months. Sylvia finally has a job to do in class. TS Eliot won the Nobel literature prize. Japan and its army were found guilty of aggressive was. Former Premier Tojo is one of the defendants. 750,000 acclaimed Truman in Washington.

I'm sure I remember that coat, which Mom had for many years.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


10/24 Sunday To Mother's where Peggy was the cynosure of all eyes. She rarely cries and gets up around 8 A.M. The kids as usual enjoyed themselves by dressing up in adults jackets and coats.

We always did that at our grandparents' apartment.

10/25 Lillian took Eugene down to Columbia U. to see about his eyes. He needed new lenses although there was no radical change. Sylvia was whiney all day apparently due to a slight cold. A citizen's Board of Inquiry into Germany heard Sol Surowitz, prosecutor of Ilse Koch, J S Martin, former decartelization chief in Germany, Richard Sasuly and others criticize American policy in Germany. The N.L.R.B. banned mass picketing. Franz Lehar is dead at 78. 

10/26 We went down to "Fed's" Optical Service "Eye Service Inc." At 149 E. 60 st. getting a whole new pair of glasses for Eugene and Lil. Cost was about $15. We hadn't played chess for about a month. Eugene agreed to miss his 5-6 programs to play a game which was hard fought. Sylvia made babies of the captured pieces on the floor. Lillian made jelly apples and delicious cookies. Bus drivers struck for one day to force companies to raise fares so they could get increases! Russia and the Western powers rejected each others plans on the Berlin crisis. 30,000 troops seized French mines. Fighting broke out again in Israel.

10/27 The kids skated after school, then Eugene went to the Singers for television. Quill tried to call of the bus strike which he suddenly decided had been planned as a 4-hour stoppage. At a meeting he claimed a majority for return to work in a 'hands' vote, disputed by most observers. Thousands then moved to Transport Hall to listen to Hogan. Supreme Court Justice Rutledge gave bail to three Denver Communists who had been in jail. Ten were jailed in a [sic] L.A. witchhunt. 22000 in and outside of Madison Square Garden heard Wallace promise the new 'party' was here to stay. Other speakers were Fitzgerald, Isacson, Rogge, Ada Jackson. Lillian went to a parents meeting as I stayed home from work with a sore throat.

10/28 J L Lewis asked Truman to deny funds to a French gov't which is shooting down hungry mine strikers. He repeated his anti-communist beliefs. More top Nazi Generals were freed by an American war crimes court. Israel refused to give up territory it had captured in the Negev. Bus drivers finally voted to return to work, many denouncing Quill for selling them out.

10/29 Sylvia had a Halloween party in school for which Lillian made some cookies. The kids were playing house. For food Eugene told Sylvia to get some animal which would hit itself in the head and so be dead. Millions saw Truman and Wallace invade N.Y. Truman's spectators were more numerous but Wallace's more enthusiastic. Several bus [?] firms broke the front by capitulating on the basic speed-up issue to the strikers. Stalin in an interview with Pravda put the finger on the Western Powers as seeking a new war and unwilling to make a peaceful agreement in the Berlin crisis.

10/30 We visited the zoo for a while as the warm weather returned. We had pop-corn, peanuts and hot dogs. At home played Eugene two chess games, Sylvia bringing in the canoe and jeep in which to put the captured pieces. Two dept store union pickets were fined and sentenced to jail for violating a court order limiting picketing. Marshal [sic] law was declared in Greece.

Monday, August 4, 2014


10/17 Sunday We went downtown getting ties wool and delicatessen for supper at home. Sylvia got a drawing book and both kids sat down in adjoining seats to color when we got home. Sylvia charged we were 'noshers' because we didn't give her enough delicatessen although she doesn't eat frankfurters.

10/18 A nasty day and both kids rather cranky, especially Sylvia. She complains she needs a new crayon box for school as some of her colors are missing. Rogge linked up Manhattan Borough Pres. Rogers with racketeer Costello. The Greek Royalist gov't made a fantastic charge that Polk was murdered by Communists. Four "guilty" were named. Fighting broke out in Palestine as Israel forces threatened to split an Egyptian force. The N.L.R.B. ruled in an important decision that scabs could replace strikers permanently. Mass picketing was also attacked.

10/19 Lillian saw Irving Rosenberg about her leg pain. He said it was a common ailment of women who wear high heels. He strapped her leg and gave her some exercises. Both kids are playing the new childrens records which they both love. Wallace attacked the NLRB ruling giving scabs preferences and the mass picketing ban before 5000 Westinghouse workers. Cuban maritime and C.P. leader A. I. Dias [?] was assassinated presiding at a union meeting. A witchhunt was launched in Cleveland. Beer drivers launched a wildcat strike against speedup.

10/20 Eugene drew another 'Ransome' book "We Didn't Mean to go to Sea" Kingsley's "The Heroes" - Greek fairy tales. "Brownies and Prince Florimel" by Palmer Cox and Howard Fast's "Haym Solomon". Sylvia chose "Boppet, Please Stop It" by Ida Binney, "Jerry and the Pony Express" by S. Tousey "Angleworms on Toast" by MacK. Kantor and "Peg-a-Leg" by Lin Cutler. Rep Celler charged the U.S. forced Count Bernadotte to offer the Negev to the Arabs. The Chinese Red Army won a great victory in Manchuria, also capturing the Kuomintang commander. Greek guerrillas claimed two of the four accused in the Polk murder are dead, one dying before the murder was committed. More teachers appeared before the "House Labor Comm." inquisition without weakening. We went to the Fordham at night to see William Powell Irene Dunne and Elizabeth Taylor in a delightful "Life With Father". Also Abbott and Costello in "The Noose Hangs High".

10/21 When Sylvia left some of her cereal and was told "no candies or cookies today" she said "then I won't have any cavities". 4000 Koreans revolted against the American-sponsored South Korea gov't. The UN voted to postpone debate on Palestine 34-11. U.S. voted to postpone Russia against. Forgery by Quill and Faber was charged in the T.W.U. poll. Elissa Landi is dead at 43.

10/22 Eugene came in with a million things to tell that would take an hour. The boys lined up better than the girls at school and he was office monitor as well as vice-pres. Sylvia agreed voluntarily to meet Lil at the drug store rather than at the school. The Supreme Court refused to order Illinois to put Wallace on the ballot. A Gerson worker was beaten by detectives.

10/23 Lil and the kids have colds of varied intensity. The kids love to wrestle and roll about. Ilse Koch was hanged in effigy. Israel and Egypt accepted a truce. French strikers and guards were killed in mine strike clashes. Cardinal Hlond is dead at 67.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


10/10 Sunday We had the family over for dinner. Mom and Pop Lil Harry and the kids, Blume & Abe, Anne & Mac, Molly & Sam. Peggy was adorable and didn't cry at all. Eugene played with Susan, holding her up with a gun. Sylvia and Barbara played together. We had spaghetti and meat balls which Lil made deliciously. Sylvia got a plastic set of glasses from Molly, plaid skirt from Mom, pyjamas and socks from Lil, dress from Anne & Blouse from Blume. We played some cards after eating.

10/11 Sylvia got two stars on her paper where she wrote cat beautifully. Eugene saw the whole process of getting milk to the consumer in a technicolor picture in school. After school we went to the Lido seeing Walt Disney's "Melody Time" and "The Return of the Bad Men" with Randolph Scott. Sylvia showed some interest but reverted to nagging later. When Randolph Scott was dropped as if shot in one scene, she asked if he was making believe, something that fooled the rest of us. Lillian went to see Sadie in the evening. She had come in from Syracuse with the kids. Truman gave up a reported move to send Chief Justice Vinson to Moscow for direct negotiations. 1500 violations in Harlem houses were found by a group of 50 volunteer investigators sponsored by the A.L.P. and tenants organizations. The greatest baseball crowd ever 86,288 saw the Boston Braves win their 2nd game out of five with the Indians. Lillian read Pearl Buck's "Pavilion of Women".

10/12 Columbus Day Came home early as it was Yom Kippur eve. We went window shopping in Fordham where Sylvia asked if there were any holidays after "Young skipper". The kids romped noisily annoying Lil. Wallace charged the new Western powers Axis to be worse than the last one. Two liberal Democrats were ousted from the Arizona State Legislature in a frame-up. The Indians beat the Braves 4-2 to win the World Series. Gene Bearden was the pitching star. Sadie dropped in with the three children. Robert crawled all over the floor. Arline played with Sylvia while Eugene and Fredi paired off.

10/13 This is Eugene. I am in the 4th grade. I am making a sewing box as a surprise for mother. U.S. delegate Austin lashed Russia in the bitterest attack yet while Vyshinsky promised to submit info. on Russia's military strength simultaneously with an agreement to abolish the atom bomb and reduce armaments by one third within a year. Santo was ordered deported but will appeal. Lillian took the kids to the Windsor to see Sabu in "Elephant Boy" and "The Mark of Zorro".

10/14 Sylvia told me about the baby elephant squirting water on the mother. In Denver C.P. leaders are being jailed without trial or bail until they inform on their comrades. 

10/15 Sadie over with Fredi and Arline before going home. Later Lil took the kids to Molly to say goodbye as she is leaving for Hot Springs Sunday. Wallace asked the people to demand US - USSR negotiations. City C.I.O. officials were probed in Wash. D.C. by a C.I.O. investigating comm. on the charges of disloyalty and disruption. Fist fights broke out during the probe. Probers were Pat McGrath, Quill, Wolchok, Faber, Thomas Naughton Froesch, Buckmaster, Wagner. City C.I.O. reps were Schweidin, Guinier, Young, Mills, Durkin Burt. [not sure of every name]. The Arab League of Nat'l Liberation merged with the Israel C.P. Lillian went to a meeting called by the dentist's wife and became class mother.

10/16 The kids went to the dentist. Eugene had xrays of two teeth but Sylvia wouldn't take one. They didn't need any work. The bill was $8.for two cleanings and the xray. They were supposed to start fluorin [sic] treatments this morning but the schools announced they will do it soon. 3500 picketed the C.P. leaders trial. It was postponed to Nov. 1. Lillian read Howard Fast's "Conceived In Liberty".

Saturday, July 26, 2014


10/3 Sunday Rosh Hashonah We walked to Mother's house, having lunch there. On the way we passed a leashed goat near Clinton H.S. When we mentioned that goats will eat anything Eugene remarked that Sylvia was looking back as if afraid that the goat was following her. She admitted it was true. Lilly and the kids there, Peggy looking more grown up. She sleeps through the night! Played chess with Pop. Eugene played downstairs. We gave Mom an apron and Pop a tie. Lilly got some stockings as a belated birthday gift, while we gave Lil $10. as a belated gift for Peggy. We stopped in at Sam & Molly's on the way home. Read Dr. Dunbar's Psychosomatic Medicine. Lillian read Barbara Giles "Gentle Bush".

I definitely remember the goat; we didn't usually encounter goats in the Bronx, even back then.

10/4 We had lunch at Molly's. then movies at the Windsor - two old pictures. "The Fighting 69th" with Cagney, O'brien and Brent and "Valley of the Giants" with Charles Bickford, Claire Trevor  [spaces left]                 Eugene loved them but Sylvia nagged after a while. Russia offered to resume foreign minister meetings and also agreed to have intern'l inspection simultaneously with destruction of atom bombs. A naval revolt was put down in Peru. Farley and Sen Gurney in Spain started a campaign for re-establishment of all relationships with Franco.

Apparently he wanted to put another name of the stars of "Valley of the Giants", but didn't. 

10/5 At lunch Sylvia complained to Lil "You always give me the less, you're like a gypper to me". Eugene at the same meal lost the tooth which had been bothering him so. The Western powers rejected a Big Four parley and went ahead with plans to bring the Berlin crisis up before the UN. 300,000 French coal miners struck. Shipbuilders Local I seceded from the Intern'l Union on grounds that the union had become a catch-all raiding so many other unions that shipbuilders had become a minority. The first play off game in A.L. history follows. 

The box score was actually pasted in in the middle of the next entry; here it is:

10/6 Sylvia learned I's and O's in school and got a star for writing them nicely. Eugene got the materials for the class aquarium in school. City workers struck in France. Russia announced it will not participate in the 'UN' discussion of the Berlin crisis. Teachers Union leader Wallach was discharged for refusing to answer questions before a Congressional Comm. C.C.N.Y. students won the right to transfer from Knickerbocker's class.

10/7 Each kid in Sylvia's class has her own coloring book. Eugene drew "The Blue Junk" by P. Holton "The Picts and the Martyrs" by A. Ransome. Baldwin's "Sampo" (Kalevala). Also a book on the Congo for school. Sylvia drew "Karl's Wooden Horse" by Lois Donaldson, "Quito Express" by L. Bemelmans, "Honk the Moose" by Phil Stong and "Pierre Pidgeon" by Lee Kingman.

Army Sec'y Royall's aides asked clemency for 17 more Nazis. Savannah cops broke up a C.I.O. meeting where members refused to be segregated.

Not sure why he left a line blank. 

10/8 Today Sylvia had her birthday party in school in conjunction with little "Sherry" whose birthday was yesterday. Lillian went to school for a meeting of 1st year children's mothers. The Nat'l Lawyers Guild and A.C.L.U. appeared in court to blast the constitutionality of the indictments against C.P. leaders. Former U.A.W. leader Carl Bolton was arrested in the Reuther shooting. 42 Seamen of the S.I.U. were arrested while picketing for the I.L.G.W.U. in the racketeering probe.

10/9 Sylvia's Birthday THIS IS SYLVIA. I HAD A BIRTHDAY PARTY IN SCHOOL.[Silvia's printing, see scanned-in page]. We gave Sylvia a set of unbreakable Little Golden records and ball bearing skates on which she skated very well this morning. We also got her a birthday cake which we started at lunch with Sylvia blowing out the candles. Oppenheim Collins strikers were fined $20000 for picketing in spite of an injunction.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


9/26 Sunday Lost to Ornstein. Sylvia still in bed. Lillian went to the cemetery. Mom and Pop came over followed by Sam & Molly.

9/27 Sylvia went out today but Eugene came home with what looked like the mumps. Temp. 101.5. Wallace workers were mauled in Georgia. Robert News' [?] murderer received only three years in jail. His plea was Anti-Communism. The Western powers broke off talks on Berlin and prepared to bring the crisis up before the Security Council. 

9/28 The Un American Comm. asked treason indictments against Steve Nelson and atomic scientists. U.P.W. members refused to rat against their colleagues at a "House" hearing. Murray appointed three rightists to probe the City C.I.O. Bevin charged any possible atomic war would be Russia's responsibility. Dr. Holzman came and said Eugene had a red throat. He prescribed the liquid Sulfa, argyrol swab, camphorated oil, etc. 

9/29 Eugene's temp returned to normal. He complained his throat still hurt. Sylvia returned to school with no difficulty. U.E. leaders attacked "House" labor Comm. inquisitors during hearings. U.E. Att'y Scribner was ejected. Leading Board of Ed. officials and right wing teachers union leaders joined in attacking Communism in the school system. In Paris, Spaak and Schuman denounced Russia as the enemy. N.M.U. left wing leaders were cleared at a membership meeting of disruption. Hundreds picketed City Hall on the coming milk rise. Seceding Dept store unions formed a Distribution [sic] Trades Council which will affiliate soon. Split two good chess games with Eugene. Lillian read Jean Stafford's "Mountain Lion". 

9/30 Eugene can discontinue the Sulfa and get out of bed tomorrow if his temp. remains down. He has been amusing himself by coloring pictures in the baby book. 1000 City College students staged a sit-down against the white washing of Prof Knickerbocker. The Atomic Energy Comm and the House Labor Comm. barred the U.E. and U.P.W.  from G.E.'s atomic lab. Att'y Gen'l Clark stated there was no evidence to indict Steve Nelson and the Atomic Scientists. 20000 dressmakers rallied against a revival of racketeering in the industry. 

10/1 Eugene is up and around. Sylvia now crosses the last street to school by herself and runs off. Several thousand City College students rallied against Prof Knickerbocker and W. C. Davis. Speakers included Darr & Connolly. Canadian Gen'l McNaughton told the UN we had an atom bomb ten times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. The French C.P. declared France will never war against Russia, following the English Party's similar statement. Angelo Herndon refused to stool-pigeon at Claudia Jones hearing. "House" probers made little headway in Schenectady in the UE quiz. 

10/2 Beat Waldman at Woodlawn, Sylvia putting up a big kick about going there "because Eugene stops to watch chess games". (an excuse, Lillian didn't go) Lillian's leg hurt her a great deal again yesterday but is better today.  

Sunday, July 6, 2014


9/19 Sunday Sylvia was slightly affected by the injection as she was last year. Eugene heard Verne's "The Mysterious Island" on "Tell It Again" today. He also made his first attempt at constructing a crossword puzzle. Played him a game of chess. Gates was ousted from the A.V.C. for incompatibility. Emil Ludwig is dead at 67. Lillian read "The Axe of Wandsbek" by A. Zweig and I read Gunther's "Inside U.S.A."

9/20 Sylvia walked right into her line this morning. Her regular teacher Miss Hilzer was there today. Sylvia learned this song "Knock, knock, Peek in, Lift up the Latch and walk in". The motions are knock on the forehead, touch the eye, push up tip of nose, put finger in mouth. Soviet troops will leave Korea Jan 1. Quill backers slugged an anti-Quill I.E.B. member in Omaha. Pancho Gonzales 20 year old sensation won the Nat'l Singles over South African Eric Sturgess 6-2,6-3,14-12 in a tournament packed with upsets. Semi finalists were Flam & Drobny. Eliminated were Parker, Talbert, Mulloy. Margaret Osborne Dupont upset champion Louise Brough in the Womens' Singles 4-6,6-4,15-13.

9/21 Sylvia was very hot during the night. She didn't sleep for several hours. She has a loose cough. Lillian gave her aspirin and an alcohol sponge. This morning she had 100.2. Lillian called Dr. Holzman who told her to give Sylvia neo-synephrin drops and use the vaporizer. He also wanted to know Sylvia's temp at 12 and 3 o'clock. Eugene saw films about bread making and asked us questions. The Army used scabs to move a West Coast ship into Brooklyn. Israel outlawed the Stern Gang. Indonesian Republic set up a dictatorship to fight the Communists who had set up a people's republic in Madiun. Louise Bransten accused of being a spy, refused to talk to the UnAmerican Comm. City College students walked on on accused Anti Semitic Prof. Knickerbocker.

9/22 Sylvia's temp was 101° at noon, 100.5° at 3 PM and 100° at night. This morning she was normal but still in bed. Eugene didn't want to go down yesterday. But when he did and found the kids skating, Lil had to call him at 6 PM. He was elected Vice Pres. of the class but prefers office monitor. The City Council again rejected Gerson with Davis almost coming to blows with Hart. Scab dress shops brought gangsterism back to ILGWW [surely, ILGWU] when business agents and pickets were slugged. The City Council voted the Cunningham Bill requiring a $5. fee to use a sound truck with power to the police commissioner to deny a permit. Marshall & Bevin proposed Israel accept reduced territory in exchange for recognition at the opening of the UN Gen'l Assembly. Evatt was elected President. Eastern European powers were disregarded in the election of six standing committees. The Dean of Canterbury will come here under the sponsorship of 93 liberals after the Nat'l Council of Soviet Amer Friendship failed to get a visa for him.

9/23 Sylvia is out of bed today but her cough is worse. Bob Thompson was waylayed and beaten and stabbed in Queens by three thugs. 1100 Union leaders criticized the indictment of C.P. leaders in a petition to Truman. Marcel Cerdan Ko'd Tony Zale in the 12th round to gain the world's middleweight title.

9/24 Sylvia's ankles swelled up yesterday and her temp rose to 101°. She returned to bed where she likes to play with her peg set. Israel and Zionists here rejected the Bernadotte proposals on Palestine which Sec'y of State Marshall endorsed. O'Dwyer refused to accept protests or act on the Thompson stabbling! Read Duranty's "I Write As I Please". Lillian read Priestley's "Bright Day". Dr. Holzman came and ordered a urinalysis for Sylvia. It turned out negative so he decided the swelling which has now subsided was due to an allergy. 

9/25  Eugene drew "Romance of a People" by Howard Fast, - Jewish Biblical history. "On the Dark of the Moon" by Don Lang. "The Master Wizard" translated by JD [JB] Bernhard - Polish Fairy Tales. "Swallows & Amazons" by Arthur Ransome. We drew for Sylvia "Hercules" by H. Gramatky "Andy and the School Bus" by J Beim. "Through the Year" A children's science book "Jerry Goes to the Circus" by F. Battle. A delegation finally pressured the police into accepting protests on the Thompson stabbing although O'Dwyer refused to see them. 500,0000 [sic] struck in France for two hours in protest against rising prices. McMahon exposed Quill as a former C.P. member.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


9/12 Sunday To Woodlawn where I split with Waldman. Also played some with Hymee [?] Axelbank and met his wife. Pop beat Eugene one chess game.

9/13 Sylvia's first day in school opened inauspiciously but ended in a blaze of glory. She cried when she left the house. In the classroom she wouldn't sit down or play anything although Lillian was there. Finally Lillian left her about ten o'clock although she cried out. Lillian cried herself when she got home. However at lunchtime we found that she had adjusted herself very well. She was a monster hiding children's faces when they played the dog and the bone [?]. She also told about her summer vacation. Her teacher is Miss Helzer [?] although a sub. Mrs. Bowne [?] was in charge today. Her class is 1-5. Room 2112. Eugene has Mrs. O'Rourke Class 4-3 Room 412. Beat Ed Wolfe. 200,000 demonstrated in the Berlin Soviet zone in answer to the Western Zone demonstration last week. The Congress of Intern'l Dem. Lawyers met at Prague and will send a delegation to attend the trial of C.P. leaders here. Rene Cassin was re-elected president. Bob Kenny is a V.P. Harry Sacher was fired by musicians local 802 following the T.W.U. dismissal. Arabs shelled Jerusalem in the biggest attack during the truce.

A picture of us (Silvia and me) was pasted in here, and scanned in below. I've scanned in most of the page, since some of the names above are unclear. 

9/14 Yesterday afternoon Sylvia pulled a surprise by acting up worse than in the morning. Lillian stayed until 2 o'clock. This morning Sylvia had to be pushed into the school yard. She is O.K. after Lillian leaves. The only voter in Montgomery Co. Ga. was killed by J. A. Johnson a farmer. Wallace spoke before 5000 in Baltimore. A "Worker" correspondent was barred from the I.A.M. convention. N.Y. delegates have had their credentials held up. India invaded the independent province of Hyderabad. Bloomingdale local followed Macy's in disaffiliating from the right wing parent outfit. Canadian delegates to the Mine mill & smelter workers convention were detained as were U.E. delegates before them. Atomic scientists continued to attack the UnAmerican Comm. for hounding them and jeopardizing American's defence [sic] program. Truman joined in the criticism. Lillian read Green Dolphin Street by Elizabeth Goudge. Russians imposed 20 year sentences much reduced later on several German youths arrested at the Anti-Communist demonstrations.

9/15 Sylvia is improving a little. Eugene is interested in how Sylvia is "taking" school. 500 oil strikers were tear-gassed by the police. Illinois barred Wallace from the ballot when the State Supreme Court refused to review. Other Dept. store locals disaffiliated being followed by Local 65. Dr. DuBois was discharged by the NAACP for criticizing Walter White's acceptance of a position as consultant to the UN delegation.

9/16 Sylvia now walks to her line in school but you have to wait at the door to wave to her whenever she turns around. Paris police attacked 2000 strikers, 200 being injured. Wallace attacked Truman's condonement of proposed scabbing by troops before 23000 in Chicago. Stayed home from work due to upset stomach.

9/17 Sylvia has had two fire drills. She is very communicative whereas news has to extricated from Eugene. Thyssen has been released with a fine. French auto workers struck. Dean Alfange has come out for Dewey. Quill has become a major flip-flopper.

9/18 In the morning Lil and the kids had their first flu injections. In the afternoon I took the kids to Van C. Park lake while Lil washed and ironed. The kids sailed their boats, hunted ice cream box covers and wandered round the field. Nazi torturess Ilse Koch had her life sentence commuted to four years by U.S. Authorities. N.M.U. officers decided to sign T.H. law affidavits only Lawrinson opposing. Hyderabad surrendered to India after five days fighting. UN Mediator in Palestine Count Bernadotte was assassinated by the Stern gang. Dr. Ruth Benedict is dead at 61. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


9/5 Sunday At the farm Sylvia was all right all day but made a fuss at bed time. She wanted Lilly to be there and say good night a dozen times. Even now she hasn't gotten over it. We met Molly & Sam at Woodlawn today. I beat Loeb there. Then played a game of chess with Eugene. Sylvia insisted on batting only when playing ball with a paddle otherwise she wouldn't play. Lillian read "Psycho-somatic Medicine" by Dr. F. Dunbar. 

9/6 Labor Day To Woodlawn where I beat Hotz. We played chess and baseball with the Dranows. Their kids Ralph and Carol and Linda Berman played with our kids.We won the Davis Cup again. Parker and Schroeder winning their singles over Quist and Sidwell and Talbert and Mulloy winning the doubles over Sidwell and Long 4 sets. Parker beat Sidwell 6-4,6-4,6-4, Schroeder won 6-3,4-6,6-0,6-0. N.J. truck drivers joined the strike. The T.W.U. I.E.B. rejected Truman 19-5 repudiating Quill's endorsement. A rump group aided by Reuther and Murray is trying to split the progressive Wayne Co. C.I.O. Wallace ended his seven day, 28 city Southern tour marked by heckling and unsegregated audiences. The christian general Marshall Feng died in a fire aboard a Russian ship sailing from N.Y. to Russia. Read "The Brothers Karamazov".

Did not remember the Dranows; googled the name, found his (Ralph Dranow) website and had a brief email conversation which he didn't seem interested in continuing. He didn't remember us, either. 

9/7 Eugene borrowed "Swallowdale" by A. Ransome (one of a series he loves), "The Last of the Mohicans", "Tales of Laughter" edited by Kate D. Wiggin and Nora Smith and "Heroes of the Kalevala" by Babette Deutsch. Sylvia borrowed "The Horse that Lived Upstairs by P. McGinley, "Lief the Lucky" by I&E Parin D'Aulaire, "Augustus" by C. H. Bishop and The Sorcerer's Apprentice by R. Ristron [?]. The kids went to the playground on the bars, big swings, then slid down together on the sliding pond. Truman addressed 50,000 unionists in Detroit many of whom waved Wallace banners. Wallace addressed (the U.E. Nat'l convention. In Berlin, leftists drove opponents out of the City Hall. Western Zone policemen were seized. The demonstration was for relief and a hunt for criminal elements being concealed by the Western powers.

There's definitely an "open paren" there, but no "close paren". 

9/8 Lost to Lavender. Sylvia cried at home and in the park although she was with Eugene. Eugene built an airplane from his erector set. O'Dwyer's administration will battle to prevent the referendum on the 5¢ fare which the A.L.P. has made possible with 100000 petitions. C.P. leaders under indictment have been barred from traveling privileges. Schuman failed to get a vote of confidence by six votes. The gov'ts recent bonus is considered inadequate. Truckers bosses rejected teamsters minimum demands in the week old strike. Polish C.P. leader Gomulka was ousted in favor of President Bierut on charges of supported Tito and of laxness in the fight against Capitalism. The U.O.P.W.A. voted against non-compliance with the non-comm. affidavits of the Taft Hartley law. The U.E. convention voted to allow the membership to support any candidate they prefer. It also asked for a cessation of Union raiding. Canadian delegates to the convention were quizzed at LaGuardia Field with some barred and one jailed in Ellis Island.

9/9 Went to the "Fed" meeting tonight where I got a $2.50 check for enrolling ten members. At the U.E. convention, Carey was censured for stooging for the employers and gov't inquisitors. Left wing officers were re-elected by 5-1. Tito was again attacked by Moscow. Minor disturbances featured Benes' funeral. The Macy local seceded from the R.W. & D.S.E. union but voted to comply with the "T.H." law in order to retain the union shop. Local 100 E.B. fo the T.W.U. ousted lawyer Harry Packer.

9/10 The kids played records today acting out the nursery rhymes. When Eugene meets Bobby R. in the street they always scuffle about. Soviet troops fired at 200,000 Berlin anti-Communists killing one. At the "House" labor hearing in the fur industry, bosses admitted the workers support their left wing leaders and also work for Wallace. H. Queuille formed a new French gov't without the C.P. The travel ban on the ten indicted C.P. leaders was rescinded. In Southern primaries Rankin and H. Talmadge won by larger margins than ever. Lillian took the kids to Dr. Holzman. Sylvia gained but Eugene lost two pounds. He was given penicillin drops for his sinus. They both got vitamins (vitafort).

9/11 We went to Forest Hills today with Sylvia who wouldn't stay with Mom & Pop. Eugene did, splitting chess games with Pop. He got an Album as a souvenir from Loch Sheldrake and Sylvia got a pocket book. We saw Earl Cochell look classy in beating Ed Moylan. We also saw Tom Brown beat Jim Brink. 50,000 heard Wallace and others in a record breaking political rally at the Yankee Stadium. Other speakers were Marcantonio, Robeson, Fitzgerald, Isacson, Rogge, Ada Jackson, Irma Lindheim and Lee Pressman. The British T.U.C. voted to criticize fascist Greece but refused to back the W.F.T.U. of which it is a member and refused to recommend that suspected gov't employees be represented by counsel. U.E. voted against the E.R.P. Many truckers signed for 17 1/2 per hour. Wayne County C.I.O. officers were ousted and the Council was taken over by right wingers. Jinnah is dead at 71.

The following box score was pasted in here without explanation; it's pretty clear why.