11/7 Sunday We have decided to give Eugene an allowance of 50¢ a week. He may buy only one comic book a week. Yesterday Eugene drew "Orpheus With His Lute" by W. L.M. [sic] Hutchinson, "Panther Magic" by Olaf Baker, "Garibaldi" by N. B. Baker also "Great Northern" by A. Ransome [this last inserted at the bottom], and for Sylvia "Who Goes There" by D. P. Lathrop, "Baby Bears" by E. Charushin, "The Umbrella Man" by E L Brack.
Could not confirm the name/author of the last book.
11/8 An unprecedented UN plea stayed the execution of 10 Greek trade union leaders. In French elections using a new and complicated system of voting DeGaullists made great gains and the C.P. lost heavily in the upper house. Rank and file beer strikers finally won over their international officers in their fight against speed-up.
11/9 Sylvia waits for Eugene every afternoon, but apparently cries in the interim. Eugene got 100% in his spelling pre-test and is happy he will have no spelling home-work. Parnell Thomas was indicted for defrauding the gov't.
11/10 Open school week and Lillian attended Sylvia's class. Mrs. Hilzer said she has has [sic] improved. She used to burst into tears when frustrated but doesn't any longer. She volunteers pretty often. Yesterday however Sylvia wouldn't go to play with any of the children at their homes. At night Lillian went to a P.T.A. meeting where she met Eugene's teacher Miss O'Rourke who had nice things to say about him. Acting mediator Dr R C Bunche prepared an armistice in Israel with creation of a demilitarized zone and withdrawal of armed forces before the Security Council. These proposals are aimed at helping the Arabs. Food riots and strikes broke out in China as currency became worthless. Genevieve Taggard is dead at 53.
Silvia discovered that the teacher's name was surely Hilser, not Hilzer.
11/11 Armistice Day We went to the Windsor seeing four cartoons, a "Three Stooges" comedy, "Bowery Bombshell" with Leo Gorcey - a horrible picture and "The Last of the Red Men" from "The Last of the Mohicans". Sylvia annoyed as usual. 10,000 longshoremen rebelled against Joe Ryan's contract with employers and struck the City of N.Y. Hogan was suspended by Local 100 for not exhausting all union procedures before taking court action against Quill and Faber in the embezzlement case. Greek premier Sophoulis resigned.
11/12 Lillian went to Eugene's class for Open School Week. Eugene has a commendation for being well behaved. He also have some of his excellent exam papers hanging on the walls. Tojo and 24 others were found guilty of war crimes. The beer strike ended with the speed-up relaxed and other points to be arbitrated. Police clashed with Communists in Armistice Day celebrations.
11/13 Lillian went down for a fitting for her fur coat. It will be ready Tuesday. The UN adopted Bunche's proposal for Israel. Russia abstained. Evatt and Lie asked the "Big Four" to end the danger to peace. A general strike of 24 hours in Paris found the tying up of transportation and newspapers most successful.
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