Saturday, September 6, 2014


10/31 Sunday Eugene is Joseph Arnold the cowboy and champion lasso thrower. On Sundays his programs are "Tell It Again" at 1:30 and Oscar Brand's Folk Song Festival, Nick Carter and Sherlock Holmes on successive programs starting at 6 P.M. On a really mild day we went to the Botanical Gardens seeing the last of the roses for the first time this season. Played a little chess with Eugene Sylvia. Chinese Communist victories in Manchuria have startled the world putting Chiang's gov't in jeopardy. Russia announced a gigantic 15 year plan to reclaim Siberia. Sandy Saddler knocked out featherweight champ Willy Pep in four rounds to win the title.

Don't remember Joseph Arnold, nor could I find a reference, but the name seems clear in the text. I do remember the others well, and Oscar Brand's Folk Song Festival continues to this day on WNYC (literally, I just listened to a bit of it).  Interesting that Dad apparently was so used to writing that he played chess with me that he apparently automatically wrote my name, and then crossed it out.

11/1 Sylvia is supposed to wait for Eugene at lunch time and come home with him. Although she has done this once or twice, she came home alone crying today. A lady had taken her across. No reason. We were asking riddles. After my asking several along the same lines, Eugene got this one. "What's the difference between a sailor and a window shopper?" Ans. One sails the seas, the other sees the sales. An American E.C.A. employee in Vienna was murdered by men in Russian uniforms. Israel took Galilee. A fog caused by industrial poison fumes killed 17 in Russia.

11/2 Election Day We voted a straight A.L.P. ticket today. In the middle of a chess game with Eugene, he began to moan and groan. He wanted to listen to his four programs: Adventure Parade, Superman, Captain Midnight and Tom Mix. As soon as food is allotted to Sylvia, she automatically says "It's too little". The trial of the C.P. leaders was set for Nov. 15. Further time for preparation was refused. 1500 picketed the courthouse today. The N.Y. Barbers local seceded from the C.I.O. charging a "pattern of autocracy" in the National unit and the C.I.O. Wallace toured Brooklyn and the Bronx yesterday and today with hundreds of thousands turning out. We went to the Ogden at night to see two good revivals "Guadalcanal Diary" with Bendix, Conte                 "Purple Heart" with Dana Andrews.

I don't remember "Adventure Parade" at all; the others, very well. But I found this in a Wikipedia article: "An hour of entertainment for the kids: Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island is air adapted on the Adventure Parade this week. Also there is Superman, Captain Midnight and Tom Mix." In that last line, he apparently left space for another star, but didn't fill it in.

11/3 Sylvia was a baby goat in a puppet show in class. Chinese Communists are racing southward trapping Kuomintang divisions and demoralizing the gov't. The UN for the first time failed to bar Franco Spain from an intern'l convention. The Klan burned crosses in the South to deter Negro voting. A Peruvian right wing revolt of Army troops ousted Bustamente. The progressive wing of the Israel army, the Palmach was dissolved. Lillian read "Dulcimer Street" by Norman Collins and "Homeland" by G. Surdez. We both read Art Young's "Life and Times".

Transcribing this at the time of the U.S. Open, I initially read the last book name as "Life and Tennis". 

11/4 In an upsurge of middle of the road liberalism Pres Truman defeated Gov. Tom Dewey by 2000,000 [sic] votes in a startling upset compared to projection predictions. The Dem. party regained control of the "House" and Senate and many labor haters were defeated. Wallace rolled up a little over one million votes in a disappointing showing. Only left-winger elected was Marcantonio. Over 90% of the AFL and C.I.O. supported Truman and his fellow candidates, only left wing labor supported Wallace. A Eugene school song "This old man, he played one, he played knick knack on my thumb, knick knack paddy whack give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home. Two - shoe, three, knee, four, door, etc. Sylvia One A song: "Here's a cup, here's a cup, here's a glass, here's a glass, there's a pitcher of milk I see, pour some in this glass, pour some in this glass, won't you have some milk with me". Motions are very important in both songs. Lillian went to a tea of class mothers and teachers. All had a nice time.

11/5 The UN council adopted a resolution threatening Israel with possible military action if it did not give up Negev territory it had won. U.S. voted for it. Russia abstained. The Ukraine opposed. The Gen'l Assembly rejected Soviet proposals for destruction of atom bomb and simultaneous setting up of a control system. The U.S. plan was adopted where we would reduce our bombs step by step as stages of a control plan would be reached. A T.W.U. Local 100 meeting resulted in violence and disorder between Quill and Hogan supporters. An I.E.B. meeting voted 22-2 to censure Quill. Parnell Thomas refused to testify before a Federal Grand Jury on charges he padded Gov't pay-rolls and received kickbacks.

11/6 Lillian went downtown to Mac Becker's uncle and ordered a mouton coat - $125. Played Eugene a chess game. The block box has definitely been outgrown. It hasn't been used by the kids for many months. Sylvia finally has a job to do in class. TS Eliot won the Nobel literature prize. Japan and its army were found guilty of aggressive was. Former Premier Tojo is one of the defendants. 750,000 acclaimed Truman in Washington.

I'm sure I remember that coat, which Mom had for many years.


  1. Thanks, Dad, for teaching me chess even though it didn't appeal to me!

    Does this mean they voted for Henry Wallace? It makes sense, but for some reason, I thought they had voted for Truman. He says ALP (Liberal Party?), but Wallace's party seems to have been called the Progressive Party.

  2. ALP = American Labor Party:
    According to that site, they did support Wallace that year and, although I never really thought about it, I would have assumed (and the diary seems to indicate) that Dad would have supported Wallace.
