9/26 Sunday Lost to Ornstein. Sylvia still in bed. Lillian went to the cemetery. Mom and Pop came over followed by Sam & Molly.
9/27 Sylvia went out today but Eugene came home with what looked like the mumps. Temp. 101.5. Wallace workers were mauled in Georgia. Robert News' [?] murderer received only three years in jail. His plea was Anti-Communism. The Western powers broke off talks on Berlin and prepared to bring the crisis up before the Security Council.
9/28 The Un American Comm. asked treason indictments against Steve Nelson and atomic scientists. U.P.W. members refused to rat against their colleagues at a "House" hearing. Murray appointed three rightists to probe the City C.I.O. Bevin charged any possible atomic war would be Russia's responsibility. Dr. Holzman came and said Eugene had a red throat. He prescribed the liquid Sulfa, argyrol swab, camphorated oil, etc.
9/29 Eugene's temp returned to normal. He complained his throat still hurt. Sylvia returned to school with no difficulty. U.E. leaders attacked "House" labor Comm. inquisitors during hearings. U.E. Att'y Scribner was ejected. Leading Board of Ed. officials and right wing teachers union leaders joined in attacking Communism in the school system. In Paris, Spaak and Schuman denounced Russia as the enemy. N.M.U. left wing leaders were cleared at a membership meeting of disruption. Hundreds picketed City Hall on the coming milk rise. Seceding Dept store unions formed a Distribution [sic] Trades Council which will affiliate soon. Split two good chess games with Eugene. Lillian read Jean Stafford's "Mountain Lion".
9/30 Eugene can discontinue the Sulfa and get out of bed tomorrow if his temp. remains down. He has been amusing himself by coloring pictures in the baby book. 1000 City College students staged a sit-down against the white washing of Prof Knickerbocker. The Atomic Energy Comm and the House Labor Comm. barred the U.E. and U.P.W. from G.E.'s atomic lab. Att'y Gen'l Clark stated there was no evidence to indict Steve Nelson and the Atomic Scientists. 20000 dressmakers rallied against a revival of racketeering in the industry.
10/1 Eugene is up and around. Sylvia now crosses the last street to school by herself and runs off. Several thousand City College students rallied against Prof Knickerbocker and W. C. Davis. Speakers included Darr & Connolly. Canadian Gen'l McNaughton told the UN we had an atom bomb ten times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. The French C.P. declared France will never war against Russia, following the English Party's similar statement. Angelo Herndon refused to stool-pigeon at Claudia Jones hearing. "House" probers made little headway in Schenectady in the UE quiz.
10/2 Beat Waldman at Woodlawn, Sylvia putting up a big kick about going there "because Eugene stops to watch chess games". (an excuse, Lillian didn't go) Lillian's leg hurt her a great deal again yesterday but is better today.
Just a decade or so before our time (and a decade after), City College is hopping with activism! Interesting to read about the Knickerbocker case re antisemitism at CCNY in the forties.