Thursday, December 29, 2011


2/9 Sunday Read "The Red and the Black" by de Stendahl. Played chess with Eugene and he advised Sylvia in between on how to play with the captured pieces. Lillian's cold has resurged again. The kids played casino and cut out alphabet letters. Eugene also played some records. The portal-to-portal test case of the Mt. Clemens pottery workers was dismissed by Judge Picard on the basis that the time involved was de "minimus".

2/10 Lillian got Eugene a winter jacket $6.00, shoes $6.29 Size 2 1/2EE and boots $3.00 all at Alexanders. Also slacks for Sylvia $2.00. Over 100 were burned to death in a German night club fire in the British zone. The CMU will be dissolved because Curran's resignation has made it ineffective. Eugene asked me tonight whether there really are any witches, fairies and giants. He suspected there weren't. In school, Eugene was beaten for the presidency by Judy K 6-5 but won the V.P. getting 17 votes after a triple tie of 5 each between him and two other boys. At night saw "The Jolson Story" with Danny [sic] Parks playing a great role as Jolson whose singing voice is dubbed in. Evelyn Keyes is Ruby Keeler.

2/11 Told that tomorrow was Lincoln's Birthday Sylvia pleaded with us to go to the birthday. Eugene hasn't been eating quite as well lately. He complained his belly hurt and didn't eat his liver at lunch. The coal shortage has blacked out a large part of England. Final peace treaties were signed with Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria & Finland with Allied occupation troops to leave within 90 days. Board of Estimate hearings on the 5¢ subway started at City Hall with real estate and landlord interests versus peoples organizations represented. At Supper Eugene vomited profusely. Lillian then gave him an enema.

2/12 Eugene's temperature was normal today but he was washed out and fell asleep after lunch. Susan also had a spell of vomiting lately. It seems to be a contagion. Sylvia is learning to tell time. Hearings on the 5¢ fare ended with O'Dwyer to announce his decision. Anti-red moves urging secession on the U.E.R.M.W. [?] and M M & Smelter. C.I.O. unions are winning scant success. 

2/13 Eugene was very tired all day yesterday. He stayed home from school today with 100° temp. Sylvia hasn't the restraint Eugene used to have. She is all over the house examining everything she comes across whether she is supposed to or not. England is fighting a severe winter bringing a shortage of coal. Another Judge has ruled in favor of Talmadge. U.S. & Canada have pooled their arctic military resources. The Board of Estimate voted 15-1 against a fare increase.

2/14 Read "The F.B.I. in Peace and War" by F. L. Collins. Lillian read "The Left Hand is the Dreamer" by Nancy Wilson Ross. Sidney Toler is dead. Our neighbor Mrs. Kreisler finally got Sylvia to visit her alone by calling her a baby. Sylvia returned as usual with hands full of candy. Eugene back to school. He gets 100 in all his tests. Visited Al at the Vets hospital where he is getting a pension checkup. Danny "goes to sleep" no matter where he sees a blanket.

2/15 The kids played hide and seek in the house this morning having a lot of fun. Sylvia looks through the Book of Knowledge now.

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