1/12 Sunday In the park with the kids after lunch and we played what Eugene calls "stairway fun". We went up and down all the steps in the park in different ways ordered by Eugene. Pop over later as Mom went to a funeral and was delayed too much to get here. Lillian read "All Thy Conquests" by Alfred Hayes, of post war Italy. Eva Tanguay is dead.
1/13 Lillian bought some clothes for all of us but Sylvia so she said that wasn't fair. Eugene went back to school today. Deaths caused by bombings continue in Palestine.
1/14 Eugene developed a cough so Lillian kept him from school and asked me to take him to Dr. Holzman when I go. His weight there was 59 lbs height 4 ft 2 in. Dr. Holzman said he had a virus infection of the chest. He was to stay home but not in bed, get inhalations, mustard plaster, and a medicine he prescribed. I have an anal fissure, the doctor said which is not serious but could become so if not checked, as it leads to an ulcer. I am to take mineral oil to prevent constipation, sitz baths every other day and a suppository every night for twelve nights. A truck strike in England is being broken by troops. G. Saragat has led a faction out of the Italian Socialist Party in protest against cooperation with the C.P. He has also resigned his Presidency of the Constituent Assembly. Sylvia is writing letters, Eugene and I are making an automatic coder (Eugene pronounced the first syllable as one says the fish. He also said the Grolier Sockety) and Lillian is knitting a sweater for Isabel. Six Antarctic flyers of nine in a plane crash have been found alive. Ann Biden [?] over. She is now an insurance agent.
The Grolier Society was the publisher of the Book of Knowledge. Not sure if the name was actually "Biden", and don't know who she was.
1/15 Both kids took turns sitting on a toy chair belonging in the doll house. Sylvia loves to go through the Sears catalogue commenting on all the things she sees. London dockers are supporting the truckers strike. The three Polish spies have been sentenced to death. Dewey has proposed $300 temporary raises for teachers. Localities where teachers have already had raises may use the money for additional raises or reimburse themselves for raises given. Teachers unions find Dewey's plan entirely unsatisfactory. The Supreme Court "heard" the gov'ts case against Lewis but postponed decision.
1/16 Eugene tried to make a parachute and a violin out of a cigar box but failed. He played cards and lotto with Sylvia and romped with her inbetween. The Georgia legislature selected Herman Talmadge to succeed his father because he had received 675 write-in votes in the election but liberal Gov. Arnall held his office in a brawl between supporters of both and the case will go to the state Supreme Court. Dictator Morinigo has outlawed the Paraguayan C.P. O'Dwyer is leading a Tammany faction's revolt against the leadership. William Jansen was elected Superintendent to replace retiring Dr Wade. Went to A&B Venetian Blind Co. at 59 Walker St and bought 7 yds blue ladder tape and 7 yds off white at 25¢ per yard. 20 yds each blue and off white cord at 4¢ per yard. 4 slats - gratis.
1/17 This morning we repaired the first venetian blind. Mom over this afternoon. Eugene has to be reminded continually to help his food along with his bread instead of his fingers. Sylvia has to be reminded to eat but does much better than she used to. She still has a lot of dislikes. Eugene dislikes only eggs. Talmadge's gang seized the Georgia Capitol. Raids were made on the India C.P. districts ostensibly to find certain documents. The US Army and Navy have agreed on a Unification plan. London strikers have won the 8 hour day. Churchill has launched his 'United Europe' plan. Vincent Auriol - S.P. has been elected President of the French Republic supported by the C.P. 15 were killed in a Penna [Pennsylvania] mine explosion after the mine had been declared gassy. Bill Tilden has been sentenced to nine months hard labor for contributing to juvenile delinquency. Morinigo has jailed C.P. leaders.
I was and am OK with hard boiled egss (but only really the yolk) but couldn't ever stand coddled eggs.
1/18 Sylvia wants to know if I ever saw a fairy push a witch or vice versa. She is also obsessed with giants which she mentions often. She broke her second milk glass this week by biting it. Eugene dried all the dishes after lunch. 10,000 teachers rallied at a B. of Ed. public hearing for wage rises.
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