2/2 Sunday We both read Mrs. Palmer's Honey by Fanny Cook. Interesting story of the C.I.O.'s answer to the Negro question. We all went down to the R.C.A. building intending to visit the Museum of Science and Industry but it being closed we shopped the lovely things in the corridors of the bldg. Then to watch a little ice skating outside and home on the bus. At home Eugene got the 1 to 10 card trick in about 10 minutes with some help. At supper he said the egg was good and then gagged. Sylvia set the table. Lillian's cold still bothers her. The campaign against labor and liberals continues. Virginia has put through a ban on the closed shop. Five War dep't workers, Jewish union officials have been discharged on the charge of being Communists.
2/3 When Eugene was small he used to say "The best way to say pyjamas is circular pyjamas, pop-pop pyjamas". Sylvia recently asked Lillian to "pray, give me a towel". She got the word from "The Lilac tree" which the kids like so much. All English citizens have been evacuated from Tel Aviv as part of the general evacuation of Palestine. Meanwhile, Jewish conservatives and extremists are battling. President DeNicola swore in a new Italian cabinet. DeGasperi remains Premier.
I think I was aping some commercial; the line sounds familiar.
2/4 Eugene played with Richard M. last night and enjoyed it as Richard is a year older than Eugene. Sylvia still builds big picnics with barns. The giant kiddy car brings the kids to the picnic. Sir Cunningham has issued an ultimatum to the Jewish Agency to cooperate in capturing all terrorists. Lillian played school with Sylvia this morning, Sylvia enjoying the drawing and reading exercises.
2/5 Eugene didn't go to school today because of the sudden cold wave. Yesterday he entered Class 2B - the class is still called 2-6 Room 304 Teacher - new - Mrs. Dwyer. This is a version Eugene made up of the Lilac Tree "A little girl and a little boy, Said the little boy to the little girl "Please give me just one kiss, Said the L.G. to the L.B. "Please give me just one siss. The boy went to find a siss and the girl went to find a kiss. The boy found the siss, The girl found the kiss. The boy gave the girl the siss and the girl gave the boy a kiss. The siss fell out of the girl and the kiss fell out of the boy". Eugene drew "Copper-Toed Boots" by M. DeAngeli "Wakaima and the Clay Man" African Folk Tales by Kalibala and Davis and "Pinocchio in America" by Angelo Patri which he loved. Sylvia is full of mischief. Tonight she dunked her cookie in her milk. Incidentally she doesn't like prunes. Lillian took Eugene to Dr. Rosenberg - Chirop. downstairs when he complained his leg hurt. Irving said his shoes should be wedged and gave him some foot exercises to do. Gerhart Eisler has been arrested as an enemy alien. Admiral Mitscher is dead.
2/6 Palestine Jews have rejected the ultimatum. "Citizen Tom Paine" is to be banned by the Board of Ed.! Sylvia doesn't like bread pudding or bread. She said the 'O' & 'C' were brother and sister. Eugene devoured "Pinocchio in America". Ellen Wilkinson is dead at 56 Hans Fallada at 53.
2/7 Sylvia vomited twice this morning before breakfast. She said her 'belly' hurt her. No temperature. Eugene is monitor of his line and helper to children who are behind in their work. They play "The King's Keys" where a child hides his eyes and guesses who has the keys. Eisler is charged with a plot to overthrow the American gov't and with being chief Moscow agent in America. A package came from Evelyn with two home made blouses for Sylvia, two shirts for Eugene and crayons, connect the dot book, doll cut out book etc. for the kids. Max Gardner, appointed ambassador to England is dead.
2/8 Sylvia got an enema last night. Today she is all better. Eugene got his first books in school. Elson's 2nd reader and The New Required Spelling by Boylan and Taylor. Rocky Graziano's license has been revoked in NY. Superior Court Judge Porter has ruled M.E. Thompson the rightful Governor of Georgia and Talmadge an usurper.
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