2/9 Sunday Read "The Red and the Black" by de Stendahl. Played chess with Eugene and he advised Sylvia in between on how to play with the captured pieces. Lillian's cold has resurged again. The kids played casino and cut out alphabet letters. Eugene also played some records. The portal-to-portal test case of the Mt. Clemens pottery workers was dismissed by Judge Picard on the basis that the time involved was de "minimus".
2/10 Lillian got Eugene a winter jacket $6.00, shoes $6.29 Size 2 1/2EE and boots $3.00 all at Alexanders. Also slacks for Sylvia $2.00. Over 100 were burned to death in a German night club fire in the British zone. The CMU will be dissolved because Curran's resignation has made it ineffective. Eugene asked me tonight whether there really are any witches, fairies and giants. He suspected there weren't. In school, Eugene was beaten for the presidency by Judy K 6-5 but won the V.P. getting 17 votes after a triple tie of 5 each between him and two other boys. At night saw "The Jolson Story" with Danny [sic] Parks playing a great role as Jolson whose singing voice is dubbed in. Evelyn Keyes is Ruby Keeler.
2/11 Told that tomorrow was Lincoln's Birthday Sylvia pleaded with us to go to the birthday. Eugene hasn't been eating quite as well lately. He complained his belly hurt and didn't eat his liver at lunch. The coal shortage has blacked out a large part of England. Final peace treaties were signed with Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria & Finland with Allied occupation troops to leave within 90 days. Board of Estimate hearings on the 5¢ subway started at City Hall with real estate and landlord interests versus peoples organizations represented. At Supper Eugene vomited profusely. Lillian then gave him an enema.
2/12 Eugene's temperature was normal today but he was washed out and fell asleep after lunch. Susan also had a spell of vomiting lately. It seems to be a contagion. Sylvia is learning to tell time. Hearings on the 5¢ fare ended with O'Dwyer to announce his decision. Anti-red moves urging secession on the U.E.R.M.W. [?] and M M & Smelter. C.I.O. unions are winning scant success.
2/13 Eugene was very tired all day yesterday. He stayed home from school today with 100° temp. Sylvia hasn't the restraint Eugene used to have. She is all over the house examining everything she comes across whether she is supposed to or not. England is fighting a severe winter bringing a shortage of coal. Another Judge has ruled in favor of Talmadge. U.S. & Canada have pooled their arctic military resources. The Board of Estimate voted 15-1 against a fare increase.
2/14 Read "The F.B.I. in Peace and War" by F. L. Collins. Lillian read "The Left Hand is the Dreamer" by Nancy Wilson Ross. Sidney Toler is dead. Our neighbor Mrs. Kreisler finally got Sylvia to visit her alone by calling her a baby. Sylvia returned as usual with hands full of candy. Eugene back to school. He gets 100 in all his tests. Visited Al at the Vets hospital where he is getting a pension checkup. Danny "goes to sleep" no matter where he sees a blanket.
2/15 The kids played hide and seek in the house this morning having a lot of fun. Sylvia looks through the Book of Knowledge now.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
2/2 Sunday We both read Mrs. Palmer's Honey by Fanny Cook. Interesting story of the C.I.O.'s answer to the Negro question. We all went down to the R.C.A. building intending to visit the Museum of Science and Industry but it being closed we shopped the lovely things in the corridors of the bldg. Then to watch a little ice skating outside and home on the bus. At home Eugene got the 1 to 10 card trick in about 10 minutes with some help. At supper he said the egg was good and then gagged. Sylvia set the table. Lillian's cold still bothers her. The campaign against labor and liberals continues. Virginia has put through a ban on the closed shop. Five War dep't workers, Jewish union officials have been discharged on the charge of being Communists.
2/3 When Eugene was small he used to say "The best way to say pyjamas is circular pyjamas, pop-pop pyjamas". Sylvia recently asked Lillian to "pray, give me a towel". She got the word from "The Lilac tree" which the kids like so much. All English citizens have been evacuated from Tel Aviv as part of the general evacuation of Palestine. Meanwhile, Jewish conservatives and extremists are battling. President DeNicola swore in a new Italian cabinet. DeGasperi remains Premier.
I think I was aping some commercial; the line sounds familiar.
2/4 Eugene played with Richard M. last night and enjoyed it as Richard is a year older than Eugene. Sylvia still builds big picnics with barns. The giant kiddy car brings the kids to the picnic. Sir Cunningham has issued an ultimatum to the Jewish Agency to cooperate in capturing all terrorists. Lillian played school with Sylvia this morning, Sylvia enjoying the drawing and reading exercises.
2/5 Eugene didn't go to school today because of the sudden cold wave. Yesterday he entered Class 2B - the class is still called 2-6 Room 304 Teacher - new - Mrs. Dwyer. This is a version Eugene made up of the Lilac Tree "A little girl and a little boy, Said the little boy to the little girl "Please give me just one kiss, Said the L.G. to the L.B. "Please give me just one siss. The boy went to find a siss and the girl went to find a kiss. The boy found the siss, The girl found the kiss. The boy gave the girl the siss and the girl gave the boy a kiss. The siss fell out of the girl and the kiss fell out of the boy". Eugene drew "Copper-Toed Boots" by M. DeAngeli "Wakaima and the Clay Man" African Folk Tales by Kalibala and Davis and "Pinocchio in America" by Angelo Patri which he loved. Sylvia is full of mischief. Tonight she dunked her cookie in her milk. Incidentally she doesn't like prunes. Lillian took Eugene to Dr. Rosenberg - Chirop. downstairs when he complained his leg hurt. Irving said his shoes should be wedged and gave him some foot exercises to do. Gerhart Eisler has been arrested as an enemy alien. Admiral Mitscher is dead.
2/6 Palestine Jews have rejected the ultimatum. "Citizen Tom Paine" is to be banned by the Board of Ed.! Sylvia doesn't like bread pudding or bread. She said the 'O' & 'C' were brother and sister. Eugene devoured "Pinocchio in America". Ellen Wilkinson is dead at 56 Hans Fallada at 53.
2/7 Sylvia vomited twice this morning before breakfast. She said her 'belly' hurt her. No temperature. Eugene is monitor of his line and helper to children who are behind in their work. They play "The King's Keys" where a child hides his eyes and guesses who has the keys. Eisler is charged with a plot to overthrow the American gov't and with being chief Moscow agent in America. A package came from Evelyn with two home made blouses for Sylvia, two shirts for Eugene and crayons, connect the dot book, doll cut out book etc. for the kids. Max Gardner, appointed ambassador to England is dead.
2/8 Sylvia got an enema last night. Today she is all better. Eugene got his first books in school. Elson's 2nd reader and The New Required Spelling by Boylan and Taylor. Rocky Graziano's license has been revoked in NY. Superior Court Judge Porter has ruled M.E. Thompson the rightful Governor of Georgia and Talmadge an usurper.
2/3 When Eugene was small he used to say "The best way to say pyjamas is circular pyjamas, pop-pop pyjamas". Sylvia recently asked Lillian to "pray, give me a towel". She got the word from "The Lilac tree" which the kids like so much. All English citizens have been evacuated from Tel Aviv as part of the general evacuation of Palestine. Meanwhile, Jewish conservatives and extremists are battling. President DeNicola swore in a new Italian cabinet. DeGasperi remains Premier.
I think I was aping some commercial; the line sounds familiar.
2/4 Eugene played with Richard M. last night and enjoyed it as Richard is a year older than Eugene. Sylvia still builds big picnics with barns. The giant kiddy car brings the kids to the picnic. Sir Cunningham has issued an ultimatum to the Jewish Agency to cooperate in capturing all terrorists. Lillian played school with Sylvia this morning, Sylvia enjoying the drawing and reading exercises.
2/5 Eugene didn't go to school today because of the sudden cold wave. Yesterday he entered Class 2B - the class is still called 2-6 Room 304 Teacher - new - Mrs. Dwyer. This is a version Eugene made up of the Lilac Tree "A little girl and a little boy, Said the little boy to the little girl "Please give me just one kiss, Said the L.G. to the L.B. "Please give me just one siss. The boy went to find a siss and the girl went to find a kiss. The boy found the siss, The girl found the kiss. The boy gave the girl the siss and the girl gave the boy a kiss. The siss fell out of the girl and the kiss fell out of the boy". Eugene drew "Copper-Toed Boots" by M. DeAngeli "Wakaima and the Clay Man" African Folk Tales by Kalibala and Davis and "Pinocchio in America" by Angelo Patri which he loved. Sylvia is full of mischief. Tonight she dunked her cookie in her milk. Incidentally she doesn't like prunes. Lillian took Eugene to Dr. Rosenberg - Chirop. downstairs when he complained his leg hurt. Irving said his shoes should be wedged and gave him some foot exercises to do. Gerhart Eisler has been arrested as an enemy alien. Admiral Mitscher is dead.
2/6 Palestine Jews have rejected the ultimatum. "Citizen Tom Paine" is to be banned by the Board of Ed.! Sylvia doesn't like bread pudding or bread. She said the 'O' & 'C' were brother and sister. Eugene devoured "Pinocchio in America". Ellen Wilkinson is dead at 56 Hans Fallada at 53.
2/7 Sylvia vomited twice this morning before breakfast. She said her 'belly' hurt her. No temperature. Eugene is monitor of his line and helper to children who are behind in their work. They play "The King's Keys" where a child hides his eyes and guesses who has the keys. Eisler is charged with a plot to overthrow the American gov't and with being chief Moscow agent in America. A package came from Evelyn with two home made blouses for Sylvia, two shirts for Eugene and crayons, connect the dot book, doll cut out book etc. for the kids. Max Gardner, appointed ambassador to England is dead.
2/8 Sylvia got an enema last night. Today she is all better. Eugene got his first books in school. Elson's 2nd reader and The New Required Spelling by Boylan and Taylor. Rocky Graziano's license has been revoked in NY. Superior Court Judge Porter has ruled M.E. Thompson the rightful Governor of Georgia and Talmadge an usurper.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
1/26 Sunday Sylvia sang this morning "See-saw Marjorie Daw, Dolly shall have a new mother-in-law". Sylvia rode the bike today and Eugene skated without being assisted. Lil Harry and Susan over later. Susan eating without stop, calls herself 'Noony', is good as gold. Eugene & Harry typed notes to each other on the toy typewriter. Lillan E. had a cold affecting her neck glands today. We both read "Where's Sammy" by Sammy Schulman photographer, of his experiences in the world of news. US Steel workers won $30,000,000 in back pay. A gang of bandits robbed Silvers baths in Coney Island of $50,000. Grace Moore and Prince Gustaf Adolph of Sweden were among 22 killed in a plane crash.
1/27 The kids have a "red father" a red lock block, not broken as Sylvia says. Eugene has 12 compliments and no charges. The Brazilian C.P. has polled about 1000,000 out of 6000,000 votes in Sunday's election. Al Capone is dead.
1/28 Sylvia wanted me to be a giant and swallow her people. Then she asked me to vomit them back. She says "ding dong babies go to sleep, Ding dong midnight daddies and mommies go to sleep". She made a birthday cake out of clay with toothpicks for candles for her dolly's birthday. Eugene told me "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" when I couldn't do a cryptogram. The Jewish underground kidnapped a British Judge and businessman as hostages. The C.I.O. defeated a company union 4122-4014 at the Allis Chalmers plant, strike bound for ten months. Rocky Graziano confessed to D.A. Hogan to $100,000 offer to throw his fight with Cowboy Shank. He told the man to see him later, but decided to cancel the fight on a pretext.
1/29 The kids do the dishes sometimes Eugene drying and Sylvia putting them away. The Jewish underground released its two hostages after an ultimatum. Hundreds of thousands are demonstrating against the anti-democratic Japanese government. U.S. Steel has proposed an open shop. Over to Moms where Eugene brushed an urn with his arm and broke it. Gave Robert K. a scarf on his P.S. graduation. We saw "Night & Day" with Cary Grant as Cole Porter supported by Alexis Smith. Enjoyable musicale.
1/30 Eugene in trouble for eating sloppily, getting food all over him. He dawdles too much in the morning also. Sylvia helped as we did the fourth and last venetian blind today. Sec'y of State Marshall has proclaimed the end of our mediation in China. Mrs. Roosevelt is head of the UN Human Rights Commission.
2/1 When I got home last night I found the attached note on the table. Lillian had bought two ice cream tarts and Eugene suggested she cut them both in half so I would have some [see pasted in note on the scanned page below]. Sylvia was chastised today for persisting in calling Eugene a dope. MacArthur broke the projected Jap. general strike of gov't workers. A 10% rent rise was ordered by Controls Director Fleming but cancelled by Truman at the last minute. The A.F.L. hedged on the C.I.O.'s unity action plea. Johnny Kling is dead.
1/27 The kids have a "red father" a red lock block, not broken as Sylvia says. Eugene has 12 compliments and no charges. The Brazilian C.P. has polled about 1000,000 out of 6000,000 votes in Sunday's election. Al Capone is dead.
1/28 Sylvia wanted me to be a giant and swallow her people. Then she asked me to vomit them back. She says "ding dong babies go to sleep, Ding dong midnight daddies and mommies go to sleep". She made a birthday cake out of clay with toothpicks for candles for her dolly's birthday. Eugene told me "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" when I couldn't do a cryptogram. The Jewish underground kidnapped a British Judge and businessman as hostages. The C.I.O. defeated a company union 4122-4014 at the Allis Chalmers plant, strike bound for ten months. Rocky Graziano confessed to D.A. Hogan to $100,000 offer to throw his fight with Cowboy Shank. He told the man to see him later, but decided to cancel the fight on a pretext.
1/29 The kids do the dishes sometimes Eugene drying and Sylvia putting them away. The Jewish underground released its two hostages after an ultimatum. Hundreds of thousands are demonstrating against the anti-democratic Japanese government. U.S. Steel has proposed an open shop. Over to Moms where Eugene brushed an urn with his arm and broke it. Gave Robert K. a scarf on his P.S. graduation. We saw "Night & Day" with Cary Grant as Cole Porter supported by Alexis Smith. Enjoyable musicale.
1/30 Eugene in trouble for eating sloppily, getting food all over him. He dawdles too much in the morning also. Sylvia helped as we did the fourth and last venetian blind today. Sec'y of State Marshall has proclaimed the end of our mediation in China. Mrs. Roosevelt is head of the UN Human Rights Commission.
2/1 When I got home last night I found the attached note on the table. Lillian had bought two ice cream tarts and Eugene suggested she cut them both in half so I would have some [see pasted in note on the scanned page below]. Sylvia was chastised today for persisting in calling Eugene a dope. MacArthur broke the projected Jap. general strike of gov't workers. A 10% rent rise was ordered by Controls Director Fleming but cancelled by Truman at the last minute. The A.F.L. hedged on the C.I.O.'s unity action plea. Johnny Kling is dead.
Friday, December 9, 2011
1/19 Sunday We all went out this afternoon for a walk, a rarity these days. Met the Rosenbergs and walked with them then stopped in their apt. for half an hour. Eugene surprised us by biting Bobby. During the walk, Sylvia romped with the two boys taking plenty of punishment. In their play the kids continually talk about 'death'. Arnall resigned as M E Thompson was sworn in as Lt. Gov. of Georgia and claimed the governorship due to Gene Talmadge's death. The latter's son Herman says he will submit if the courts rule against him. We saw "Claudia and David" with Dot Maguire [sic] and Robert Young, a story of the typical life of a young married couple and "Home Sweet Homicide" with Lynn Bari & Randolph Scott. Three children provide much amusement in a murder mystery. We had much trouble with Sylvia's eating at supper. We had a chopped salad of which she doesn't like several ingredients like radish and celery. Finally when Lillian threatened not to make further meals for her, she tearfully flustered "You'd better make them, or you'll see"
1/20 Eugene was all set to return to school but rainy weather kept him out again. When the kids disagree about a game to play, as this morning when Eugene wanted to play make-believe lotto and Sylvia real lotto, they "call up" their respective friends who always confirm them in their own desires. Then they usually compromise. Lillian got Eugene a toy typewriter we had seen last night in Fordham. A Greek ship went down with about 300 lost including 40 chained antifascists sailing to exile M.P.'s enroute to Athens for the opening session and members of Prince Paul's retinue. 12,000,000 Poles voted for members of the Sejm, with 23 killed in a much discussed election observed by many foreign correspondents. Dr. Velloso, Brazilian UN delegate, is dead.
I remember that typewriter!
1/21 Chas Krumbein is dead at 58. Italian Premier DeGasperi resigned attacking the C.P. Socialist Foreign Minister Nenni resigned recently. We have secured postponement of disarmament talks until Feb. 4. Bloc of gov't parties won a big victory over opposition groups especially the Polish Peasant Party. Eugene returned to school today. His "News of the day" was his seventh birthday today. In the afternoon he brought lollys and cookies to school, reciting a poem there and the children writing verses about his birthday. At home Mother, Lilly & Susan over. Molly couldn't come. Bobby R came up with pops and Richard M to wish Eugene a happy birthday. The kids stayed having ice cream and cookies & milk and the birthday cake was lit & extinguished. Sylvia and Eugene later recited duets. Frieda's check came. Mother gave Eugene a bathrobe and Sylvia a skirt. Lillian brought socks for Eugene and a blouse for Sylvia. Bobby R sent a telegraph set. Gloria & Vivian came over later and brought a pencil bag. Eugene said he had a great day. We gave Mother a beautiful picture frame which was cracked when it got home. At night Herb P. up with Arnold's present, polo shirt and plaid shirt. Stayed home from work. Susan is always noshing something. When asked where mommy & daddy are going, she says 'Califoona'. Hank Greenberg was sold to the Pirates. His salary is $52,000.
1/22 Josh Gibson is dead at 35. Georgia students hung H. Talmadge in effigy. So. African C.P. leaders are on trial for sedition arising from the strike of miners for union recognition and raises from 50¢ to $2. per day. Lillian took Sylvia to Dr. Holzman who said she had a mild case of thrush not trench mouth or anemia. She is to cut out the copperin B and keep things out of her mouth. She is to use gentian violet and rinse her mouth once a day with a solution.
1/23 Eugene had an intelligence test in school. Gloria came up after school. Eugene broke her house when she asked him to but when he wouldn't rebuild it upon request, she stalked out. Drew for Eugene "Humphrey" by Marjorie Flack. 100 years of a turtle's life. "Shirley Visits the Zoo" by Belle J Benchley with photographs of the San Diego Zoo and "The Story of Your Coat" by Clara Hollos. Illus. by Herb Kruckman. Truman is sending Hoover to Europe on a food mission. Socialist Premier Ramadier has formed a cabinet with 9 Socialists 5 Communists 5 MRP members and others. Talmadge's White primary bill was stalled in the State legislature. 20,000 heard Haldane, AE Kohn and Foster at the Garden Lenin Memorial. Andy Volstead is dead at 87.
1/24 Trouble with Eugene about his disagreeableness after school. Finally he claimed it was because he was tired. Sylvia again wouldn't go down with callers Betty Ann & Joyce. Teachers have voted to postpone a strike vote. Molly over with Eugene's presents, shirt and pyjamas.
1/25 Sylvia persists in putting things in her mouth. Eugene enjoyed playing with his jeep car and lock-blocks down stairs. D. Maximos succeeded Tsaldaris as Greek Premier. 4 men robbed the Bklyn Eagle 20,000 [sic] payroll.
1/20 Eugene was all set to return to school but rainy weather kept him out again. When the kids disagree about a game to play, as this morning when Eugene wanted to play make-believe lotto and Sylvia real lotto, they "call up" their respective friends who always confirm them in their own desires. Then they usually compromise. Lillian got Eugene a toy typewriter we had seen last night in Fordham. A Greek ship went down with about 300 lost including 40 chained antifascists sailing to exile M.P.'s enroute to Athens for the opening session and members of Prince Paul's retinue. 12,000,000 Poles voted for members of the Sejm, with 23 killed in a much discussed election observed by many foreign correspondents. Dr. Velloso, Brazilian UN delegate, is dead.
I remember that typewriter!
1/21 Chas Krumbein is dead at 58. Italian Premier DeGasperi resigned attacking the C.P. Socialist Foreign Minister Nenni resigned recently. We have secured postponement of disarmament talks until Feb. 4. Bloc of gov't parties won a big victory over opposition groups especially the Polish Peasant Party. Eugene returned to school today. His "News of the day" was his seventh birthday today. In the afternoon he brought lollys and cookies to school, reciting a poem there and the children writing verses about his birthday. At home Mother, Lilly & Susan over. Molly couldn't come. Bobby R came up with pops and Richard M to wish Eugene a happy birthday. The kids stayed having ice cream and cookies & milk and the birthday cake was lit & extinguished. Sylvia and Eugene later recited duets. Frieda's check came. Mother gave Eugene a bathrobe and Sylvia a skirt. Lillian brought socks for Eugene and a blouse for Sylvia. Bobby R sent a telegraph set. Gloria & Vivian came over later and brought a pencil bag. Eugene said he had a great day. We gave Mother a beautiful picture frame which was cracked when it got home. At night Herb P. up with Arnold's present, polo shirt and plaid shirt. Stayed home from work. Susan is always noshing something. When asked where mommy & daddy are going, she says 'Califoona'. Hank Greenberg was sold to the Pirates. His salary is $52,000.
1/22 Josh Gibson is dead at 35. Georgia students hung H. Talmadge in effigy. So. African C.P. leaders are on trial for sedition arising from the strike of miners for union recognition and raises from 50¢ to $2. per day. Lillian took Sylvia to Dr. Holzman who said she had a mild case of thrush not trench mouth or anemia. She is to cut out the copperin B and keep things out of her mouth. She is to use gentian violet and rinse her mouth once a day with a solution.
1/23 Eugene had an intelligence test in school. Gloria came up after school. Eugene broke her house when she asked him to but when he wouldn't rebuild it upon request, she stalked out. Drew for Eugene "Humphrey" by Marjorie Flack. 100 years of a turtle's life. "Shirley Visits the Zoo" by Belle J Benchley with photographs of the San Diego Zoo and "The Story of Your Coat" by Clara Hollos. Illus. by Herb Kruckman. Truman is sending Hoover to Europe on a food mission. Socialist Premier Ramadier has formed a cabinet with 9 Socialists 5 Communists 5 MRP members and others. Talmadge's White primary bill was stalled in the State legislature. 20,000 heard Haldane, AE Kohn and Foster at the Garden Lenin Memorial. Andy Volstead is dead at 87.
1/24 Trouble with Eugene about his disagreeableness after school. Finally he claimed it was because he was tired. Sylvia again wouldn't go down with callers Betty Ann & Joyce. Teachers have voted to postpone a strike vote. Molly over with Eugene's presents, shirt and pyjamas.
1/25 Sylvia persists in putting things in her mouth. Eugene enjoyed playing with his jeep car and lock-blocks down stairs. D. Maximos succeeded Tsaldaris as Greek Premier. 4 men robbed the Bklyn Eagle 20,000 [sic] payroll.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
1/12 Sunday In the park with the kids after lunch and we played what Eugene calls "stairway fun". We went up and down all the steps in the park in different ways ordered by Eugene. Pop over later as Mom went to a funeral and was delayed too much to get here. Lillian read "All Thy Conquests" by Alfred Hayes, of post war Italy. Eva Tanguay is dead.
1/13 Lillian bought some clothes for all of us but Sylvia so she said that wasn't fair. Eugene went back to school today. Deaths caused by bombings continue in Palestine.
1/14 Eugene developed a cough so Lillian kept him from school and asked me to take him to Dr. Holzman when I go. His weight there was 59 lbs height 4 ft 2 in. Dr. Holzman said he had a virus infection of the chest. He was to stay home but not in bed, get inhalations, mustard plaster, and a medicine he prescribed. I have an anal fissure, the doctor said which is not serious but could become so if not checked, as it leads to an ulcer. I am to take mineral oil to prevent constipation, sitz baths every other day and a suppository every night for twelve nights. A truck strike in England is being broken by troops. G. Saragat has led a faction out of the Italian Socialist Party in protest against cooperation with the C.P. He has also resigned his Presidency of the Constituent Assembly. Sylvia is writing letters, Eugene and I are making an automatic coder (Eugene pronounced the first syllable as one says the fish. He also said the Grolier Sockety) and Lillian is knitting a sweater for Isabel. Six Antarctic flyers of nine in a plane crash have been found alive. Ann Biden [?] over. She is now an insurance agent.
The Grolier Society was the publisher of the Book of Knowledge. Not sure if the name was actually "Biden", and don't know who she was.
1/15 Both kids took turns sitting on a toy chair belonging in the doll house. Sylvia loves to go through the Sears catalogue commenting on all the things she sees. London dockers are supporting the truckers strike. The three Polish spies have been sentenced to death. Dewey has proposed $300 temporary raises for teachers. Localities where teachers have already had raises may use the money for additional raises or reimburse themselves for raises given. Teachers unions find Dewey's plan entirely unsatisfactory. The Supreme Court "heard" the gov'ts case against Lewis but postponed decision.
1/16 Eugene tried to make a parachute and a violin out of a cigar box but failed. He played cards and lotto with Sylvia and romped with her inbetween. The Georgia legislature selected Herman Talmadge to succeed his father because he had received 675 write-in votes in the election but liberal Gov. Arnall held his office in a brawl between supporters of both and the case will go to the state Supreme Court. Dictator Morinigo has outlawed the Paraguayan C.P. O'Dwyer is leading a Tammany faction's revolt against the leadership. William Jansen was elected Superintendent to replace retiring Dr Wade. Went to A&B Venetian Blind Co. at 59 Walker St and bought 7 yds blue ladder tape and 7 yds off white at 25¢ per yard. 20 yds each blue and off white cord at 4¢ per yard. 4 slats - gratis.
1/17 This morning we repaired the first venetian blind. Mom over this afternoon. Eugene has to be reminded continually to help his food along with his bread instead of his fingers. Sylvia has to be reminded to eat but does much better than she used to. She still has a lot of dislikes. Eugene dislikes only eggs. Talmadge's gang seized the Georgia Capitol. Raids were made on the India C.P. districts ostensibly to find certain documents. The US Army and Navy have agreed on a Unification plan. London strikers have won the 8 hour day. Churchill has launched his 'United Europe' plan. Vincent Auriol - S.P. has been elected President of the French Republic supported by the C.P. 15 were killed in a Penna [Pennsylvania] mine explosion after the mine had been declared gassy. Bill Tilden has been sentenced to nine months hard labor for contributing to juvenile delinquency. Morinigo has jailed C.P. leaders.
I was and am OK with hard boiled egss (but only really the yolk) but couldn't ever stand coddled eggs.
1/18 Sylvia wants to know if I ever saw a fairy push a witch or vice versa. She is also obsessed with giants which she mentions often. She broke her second milk glass this week by biting it. Eugene dried all the dishes after lunch. 10,000 teachers rallied at a B. of Ed. public hearing for wage rises.
1/13 Lillian bought some clothes for all of us but Sylvia so she said that wasn't fair. Eugene went back to school today. Deaths caused by bombings continue in Palestine.
1/14 Eugene developed a cough so Lillian kept him from school and asked me to take him to Dr. Holzman when I go. His weight there was 59 lbs height 4 ft 2 in. Dr. Holzman said he had a virus infection of the chest. He was to stay home but not in bed, get inhalations, mustard plaster, and a medicine he prescribed. I have an anal fissure, the doctor said which is not serious but could become so if not checked, as it leads to an ulcer. I am to take mineral oil to prevent constipation, sitz baths every other day and a suppository every night for twelve nights. A truck strike in England is being broken by troops. G. Saragat has led a faction out of the Italian Socialist Party in protest against cooperation with the C.P. He has also resigned his Presidency of the Constituent Assembly. Sylvia is writing letters, Eugene and I are making an automatic coder (Eugene pronounced the first syllable as one says the fish. He also said the Grolier Sockety) and Lillian is knitting a sweater for Isabel. Six Antarctic flyers of nine in a plane crash have been found alive. Ann Biden [?] over. She is now an insurance agent.
The Grolier Society was the publisher of the Book of Knowledge. Not sure if the name was actually "Biden", and don't know who she was.
1/15 Both kids took turns sitting on a toy chair belonging in the doll house. Sylvia loves to go through the Sears catalogue commenting on all the things she sees. London dockers are supporting the truckers strike. The three Polish spies have been sentenced to death. Dewey has proposed $300 temporary raises for teachers. Localities where teachers have already had raises may use the money for additional raises or reimburse themselves for raises given. Teachers unions find Dewey's plan entirely unsatisfactory. The Supreme Court "heard" the gov'ts case against Lewis but postponed decision.
1/16 Eugene tried to make a parachute and a violin out of a cigar box but failed. He played cards and lotto with Sylvia and romped with her inbetween. The Georgia legislature selected Herman Talmadge to succeed his father because he had received 675 write-in votes in the election but liberal Gov. Arnall held his office in a brawl between supporters of both and the case will go to the state Supreme Court. Dictator Morinigo has outlawed the Paraguayan C.P. O'Dwyer is leading a Tammany faction's revolt against the leadership. William Jansen was elected Superintendent to replace retiring Dr Wade. Went to A&B Venetian Blind Co. at 59 Walker St and bought 7 yds blue ladder tape and 7 yds off white at 25¢ per yard. 20 yds each blue and off white cord at 4¢ per yard. 4 slats - gratis.
1/17 This morning we repaired the first venetian blind. Mom over this afternoon. Eugene has to be reminded continually to help his food along with his bread instead of his fingers. Sylvia has to be reminded to eat but does much better than she used to. She still has a lot of dislikes. Eugene dislikes only eggs. Talmadge's gang seized the Georgia Capitol. Raids were made on the India C.P. districts ostensibly to find certain documents. The US Army and Navy have agreed on a Unification plan. London strikers have won the 8 hour day. Churchill has launched his 'United Europe' plan. Vincent Auriol - S.P. has been elected President of the French Republic supported by the C.P. 15 were killed in a Penna [Pennsylvania] mine explosion after the mine had been declared gassy. Bill Tilden has been sentenced to nine months hard labor for contributing to juvenile delinquency. Morinigo has jailed C.P. leaders.
I was and am OK with hard boiled egss (but only really the yolk) but couldn't ever stand coddled eggs.
1/18 Sylvia wants to know if I ever saw a fairy push a witch or vice versa. She is also obsessed with giants which she mentions often. She broke her second milk glass this week by biting it. Eugene dried all the dishes after lunch. 10,000 teachers rallied at a B. of Ed. public hearing for wage rises.
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