Sunday, February 24, 2019


Mar  8 The family met me at Al & Edith's. Eugene got his portable radio and Sylvia some scatter pins. We got Danny a basketball game and Debby a stuffed animal. She is adorable, crawling into everything, understands a lot and speaks many words in her own way. Al beat us both in chess. 23 more "Red" prisoners were killed in Koje prison riots.

Alan Pope was a childhood friend of Dad's; we often visited the family. 

Mar 9 Sylvia stayed home with an irritated throat and I with indigestion. Malenkov, Beria and Molotov gave the eulogies fo at Stalin's funeral. 25000 were in Red Square and another 10000 in the stands. Sergei Prokofieff is dead at 61.

Mar 10 Sylvia's ideal meal is meat loaf, beets and potato pancakdes. Anything made of potatoes is heaven. Both kids love pancakes, blintzes, etc. Eugene has Chopin's "Polonaise" now. Sylvia was still home. She gargles often and is champion of the family. Lil counts her gargling time. Her record is 100. She was dressed today.

Mar 11 Sylvia was still home although better. Eugene lost his second temporary mouthpiece. Dr Robbins will arrange to work on him without the need of any more. Two Czech Migs shot down an American jet fighter plane in the U.S. German Zone. Bella Dodd asserted that Communists had infiltrated high national posts including advisers to the President. A policeman charged with brutality was indicted by a grand jury. N.Y.U. "dropped" football.

Mar 12 Sylvia still home with her cold coming out now. She is writing a new story. Fred Toney is dead at 64.

Mar 13 Russian jets shot down a British bomber killing five airmen. England called it murder while Russia claimed the plane was violating its border. We both read "Lena Horne - In Person" - Moss &

Dad presumably intended to add the other writer of the book - Arstein. 

Mar 14 We went to the library where Eugene drew "Flashing Spikes" F. O'Rourke, "O'Henry" J.C. Nolan, "Space Cadet" RA Heinlein, "Mike Maroney Raider" D. Lavender "Story Magazine" Whit & Hallie Burnett. Sylvia drew "The Peterkin Papers" L.P Hale, "Danny's Country Store" HF Orton, "Petar's Treasure" C.I. Judson, "Jimmy's Own Basketball" M Renick. Then we got sodas and sundries and went to the Lido to Charlie Chaplin in "Limelight" and Charlton Heston and Jennifer Jones in "Ruby Gentry". Sylvia and Lil went to the Temple's bazaar at night while Eugene and I saw the N.I.T. final.

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